T149 MICH1I6AN DAILY t CANDIES Huyler's Lowney's Aliegreti's FRESSH (1001DS will arrive just before the 21st in all sires of boxes, up to Five pounds. We deliver or pack for ship- ment without extra charge E. E. CALKINS ALARM CLOC K SHACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE li- thsi i cnts foi each pa-senger to and Chapman's Jewelry Store, r Ii al hnd ito p ii., and fromhto p. m ' 2oa SUTHMAIN ST. it,,5ra. r., 50 cents, Fer eacit trunk 2,5 ' f,,at nd if taken above tite second I in lr iv attitli epatriln teeade,. teoetcents. For each couple to and j tAltrir ailrioeiItpil. iiCsu i iietn arties the price will he $t.5o, A~ieeCiteeitaft(er t a. us. $2.00 per couple. FOIANCII 10OREAT see oA .WLII 204 South State Street W. 11. STARK. ,fi E i 1 l , 1 i ris set t igtsgratde stritngs isill 'rcC'it iprovec te ttto elf soueman- U NIVERkSITY NOTICES. couortrti at 'll at tRoot's intl get Manoliicuireharsi tnihtst 7 :sI;.All t tirit rs are urted to teut. , tstahllted t858. The college jew- oti~iliii itseSt tdayat s5tcp. i.inelere. H aller's Jewelry Store, Main trophycroomli, to sleet a tellpos rary lits-treetteod keitbalItmtnager. SWatkins, Irey.- :Meeritig if all lll4epe'trets swito hase Stats pressed 25c; trousers, toe. intletions oe f ettt'tding; the Jtiosr lhop, Fulter & O'Connor. tf R o t, til Iiei. t I mpit rt ntlti--- - sI'h 161 n xctv oiite thei 'o8 ii hcisill uhtl a jinti Seir cout woi (ri speicialty.Etls- iii tig at - ,in, it Room111 C, Unliivcr- leosiltnd plin tl atotnery at stutiet ite I sll 'l' c iettltrs noftiersocitalprices ShAbove Co-op1. Jisliffe &diNtz- iointe re' requtleto tomislie Mi3:311miiller eod lp iii. A . it). 'earie. --..._._ :illtack cadatiiieiitre agin uitrgri T'icket for four stiampeos $z.oo. Rain- tr wthu intile Itropthysroiiom t i ee-watleued. t~aett ticket good for sham- iiic. tr111111 'reepec illy illv it tico,smanilcure, fariat or scalp treatment. i r A New Fad. in the Latest Cravat] A Scarf Made From Wood It takes one miilion yards to make otne pouind (If Art Fibre Silk. There are twenty filiments co each thread. No wonder they wear like iron. '[he only house that has them in (lie city. Lindenschmtt, Apfel& Co.'s I I tkii I st ( 'tin sal'lt'ls is ate i1.1 * Druggist tI tetIac i ne (II l ull Illel,111 hirt talk, 3 2 4 S . S T A T E S T R E E T i i i '' I rsi rsl k '11111'La rd a n SI S( huN 51" th t' i tlNl( l D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY ' [ Sit) IN .S)t "'.ttt. N it Sit.) tw hursui 111>i (to liii L'i I 1'il IIti ii U il Ian vey l ol,' M c on l, l. gn twoS hourtheu iit -Iw l,.aiu itof ei I irtt G lobcut' i 11will c to 11:15 111, p. (1m.' i Mcillan 1111al pt usllth e s Mb et.''T 5e FINE U NrCHES { l ncii >1' 1111 ma11,thiert are fewins t helt Ve earre th slit til'. iftI'Rt l;ft l 'nitcd St111 "Iaci" IrC tllatil t ilt'' rc,.11 i at 1ES 16 &ii t IteI(: ir eitt 5 a Ittte ~torntce & h ll., 11, i a1 tll 01,1an tt oit tiorii 1111 istC Wlll nownu R1 . E. >rLLY:,t, . ct AN ARBOl 1111 F1:R RA't irOaD n flt 1II S ti lt tt adf-er tilitll itan tinehoclate ONn!1,. 'Ileharen -eel litg s nit e lue of CngRth E.tJiLL. Sa t s at. Cllntnt tila tt3,a111cdsctc S~' rl S Ni' IISSinI-, 'tS arP o 3. J, KititlY ii ' . 4t, ,teS'li't' t)N 11 'lf orito, ToledARO R AlILRADtu Tlli 1111 IStietonIsi f tie Sllhst Ntaes ,roy (l rwtpho e L-oes ((As ia lrbor 0 ;t hat il Ii ectrig ruofth e e etr Ge'lPas.Agntagaa alsRu e n ltte~lSstte ltil tii Te hoegh .5-r HomEst 5tt e pon. 98,iltillh poat, hihthy a li~ppas'ponid lrtmtSllurdtyii (lillilli Sit L Ica H .I ta a'a' Mllslt' iaM ]I1 1Is ' tlownt Tak iosalS vig p. It.Idea- Through Trais Ealst il.1Sa . 40l.51a t it trlti S'i 4(.55 . 9'i30 psim. 15.5 p. 15. i. t'lt I. Ie it' Locals Wst--- lO3a05 a.m , "1 0 a. ., t.05 p I nISib I t 'tlDe 'i, ilS ire cl t 9 . m,23 .W 0': . A md .. ro Siiss rlryirr 11(il i Local Wes -°' a, n., *S. 9 . Il. ti*t40 ipD It:S i 'lt i I. tha~lt thil. ie F aISaCt n tIONAeL. BN tilti ruie15>55yitn Of Ann Arbor, Slach. I liithe illlitti Ifooutball littlnitll', NIItici end TyewtiritIig anti minleograping I 1(insiris hires.,acerShseeihan's heal store,Sate:srcet.State plioe l ts>81 ettd * It iwouldt5srprisc youI 5 knw io i imucih candyivwi isell to he sitdeit t rade. Ouries a re fresh Ill I ii i pstnrs Lt k a ,e e. d f rih BRIGHT'ON VLAV-CIOASP GAtRTERS j- alo ng beeni t e s tiiandia 1eitidl2 SS t.Isi rlelticn~iilt a tspi' ' Ipreen t-fngs -, i canti i,:ii. V> 'teS a -ii, hetirtit on e i caite co ft t~tandil litil C Ma,,Iu;lailtC skilesticivein'siig. Aul meal ps o a l e sciiis tiy i eh t tiltlpa, till dl e slfacba Wl~hite they'treequickltyoa iasil-Seacihed, y'~et av firmestgri oflall card garters. T llilletrsuc'iiatuul grill with a blltdug teacity'. No it etit ritt Seatir ftS SI k Cat'tspigloog nseo becoe acacidetally1,ililei edl Si lo finlest quttlity webbing;t all Imetal (salt-lievily niciskitplate PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Marhet St., Phiadelphia. Mllkiis of iot u .e e C -i , FOR TH E JUNIOR HOP AMERICAN BEAUTIES Roses of All Kinds. Vio- lets, Carnations, and all leading Cut Flowers. Are always first=class. wkrmI FOR PRICES i FREYLING & MENDELS Florists GIRANT) RAPIDS, MIICHIGAN I. Dt. (Chine, les.,lhirinSousie, V S. W. Cetiarksl i, Cashier t 'aplaat, $100.00lll. SurUicsancd Proaits, 170,00 BAILEY & EDMUNDS sportino _CGoobe 121 Eat Lberty Street. wAl KINGI LO Chinese Chiop-Suey Restaurant, ((cargo Yee ow oer InProprietors. O'tsiil'er (anuy I1.ie, Alicinet'Lunheis sit urdnit 'rt itil'lt ('hihiesa ste,td 3ap)Lstrie-a-brnai. (ime 'hahn e,212. :'4Si tPane Srnet. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Fifth Ave. Ne Phaont457 (nit= hitona 45-L All Students' Supplies. Station- ery, Fountain Pens, Ui. of M. Pins and Banners. Cigars and Tobacco, Save a Walk and Give Us a Call. Students' Supply Store (i f 15. Unversity Ate. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES itai ulitiiissiiit\ isieitit becali'suser if ICurt; ite ins 5iured. SHOES SOLED BY MACHINERY No Delaky BETITER THAN HAND WORK. Uses HOT WAX and LOCKED STITCHES. We now have the two best :shoemakers in this State. WM* P. PUROFIELD 119 S. Main St. Ube Vp-to-Date Shoemans I r 1 I i _ . . __ Freshmen! Sophomores!. Juniors! Seniors!i Professors! The bestis noeatootgooI for ou s in t ilr ust waste your time tand.Ipatiena wih te l-sy c fu i sc Buy a Sell-Pillar, anld tei/ s rll1n, ratca i ccc> l Self-I'illig IFoulntain Pe~n. Iti 1CO1NK11IN'('Self- "The pen wsith the Crst .ilrth _iethtmd seif-filling pents poss5iblhpratca1n 1 rec. Dont be hedeceived. Accept nahigbu th e iz: Conklin. All other self-fillersar inte xp im tl rg/f stage. The Conliis pernfect-b eontemrt for years. Used asd recostsendedI pb e ou aso1,1' t students and callege proafeseos.PassesssalltsI - for advantages of the haut foustainpAs 155enete by the follawing distinct andsda lfatre fills and cleans itself. No dropper. oik fnesso ohr No joints to leak. No clogging. I Nothing to take apart.a A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to write. 'I Why take asy chances? Order a CONKLIN z SEL.F-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Gusaan- teed satisfactory. Book Fren upon reqsnt, Sitelig about this wondeoful pen. Mantufactsured aonly hry 7" The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. r Sold Ia Aaa Arbor by / " GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. TO LEARN TO DANCE Join the Tuesday Eivening Class at Ge-araer's Academy. Lesson 7 to 8. Practice S to 1(0 o'clock, 12 Evseamngs $3.00. I "I l MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING