t tCIA BA? - Fallcy Vestinig aild Trousering Window Display The largest and most cor- plet line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will also find our prices right. We guar- antee perfect satisfaction. G. h. WILD) CO. 311 S. State St. Your Fountain Pen udoes' t wocrk to iit you maybO-but if yon kew that we'cr sllingour wxith 'a larg ink capcity and a No 4 golipn (just twice thc Sie of thc ordinary $i I en)for $1.50 yontmighlt Ibeittcrestd. oine SHLEEIIAN & CO3' The Sttidents' Bookstore BUNDLE SALE at DARLING & MALLEAUX 1 BUNDLE, 15c 2 FOR - - 25e These Bundles Contain Pillows, Banners, Pipe Racks, Ltc. Canne d Try Yoraa-Lua~k TIHE MICII.AN DAILY. L; tofrgeie meeting. ast s meotxd clas matter at the Ann 1111tl.. Br)trhnser'elii f. dress MUSIC AND DRAMA Arbor Poatoffice. Janil-. i opC. -D. Williams, annual Published daily (Mondays encepted) during atrr<.nest hrtanA-- the coliege year, at 7t East Washington 111111 C Uiviersity 11,ii, 8 p. in. *Aw othirtitinity will be-given at the street. Belt phane 892. Itomephone 76h JatilI5--F liHpkinisonti Stl onS. L. 1Fsciiiy ceiri this ci-ettiti in Frieze h. Colirse.hl(tninriai l l~il lt eC a -onta fior tVtataging FEditor-Arthur C. Poand - ___p___ iisatanideoliin comptosed blieAdo~lphl Btusiness Manager-C. E. Winstead. A heIpleset Itime' tiere iscetisid- ttsicitel. lie father of Ilb sri ten T 'his l~e ig~'i iiiilinighsit(li cotur iiil'-tiott ithitch is lit presell ini EarTOns. conlceriiintie iteschinig(If young mn tmainuscritnform, has icier before ibeeii Nes'..............David F. Stevenson toicecoin good munseni. Rifle cliubsIplayed ini AnniArtor. Itis lierltded Athletics.......Robert H. Claney lhove been11estiblishein itmany of tillas especilly plessipgsuid enteraiinguc. Exchange......Itentry A. Montgomery -il"ilill tel silhools andl silntutni ilt.IEtins fattieriwas aswell knownt .1titeic and Drama..,Pant S. Mowrer bsrIofthlar ligee cltlege-s, swhiee itiWa enwiss lmuisicansitd composlcer, mtiant of Womien's Editor,..Louise Van'Vorhts ieithiiiiast icallyicarriedlout. Iteirentl- is workes hainitg teeti receivediiblithe rentRAL STAFF. ltliiiiilliiil rl' t ciint I'll(,lprogeiTram firtoniiiglit is its il George A. Osborn J. Earl Ogle. Jr.tilt. \ot ioiliy liles tractice nit the luwe Htarold C. Smith ranisuefIfec'ilie minuihrplesedittsreit otaenifur ilini anldlPianti.. Ix'eiliel ASSOCIATE Ziti'i'0S. wichiiiis tol iieiiar( etenfor hecottittg hllegro5 tiiiieratoi allegretto . silt Htetnry F. Schalte Glenn D. BradleyI illff icintlllilC s illd upon it int gio ice. Wiltiam A. Mulhern Floyd 1-1. Jonesi"f iwar, lull Co-(ie contsiderableipe-t Heii tr OnotlitMCs.tGehorgse 11. Rheaid. 1111111111111ea. Iliilihe(pist thiire lies 1loint's atfNews Editor. lt:.util 12:10 essori ils piltcedfur theiplaci'lip tit' Dail, at011ae il 11011 O, rliierstyiladin 11n11111e oInii''maettie FClime tnoday-GLENN D. BRADLEY. 'li 15 A.JANUARY'to. i (). ip CALENDAR. ;m,1 lo----Feculty cottcert, at Sesitooliif Miuisic, .I.i tiectire inl Frenchl, l R Ioimantieti tranice avati'ctosr IHugo," Prnf. l0-ra de Bonrdes, Tapipan Itall lee- liut' roocml. 4 P. m. )a.1 I[i Xcingofth hu Il ii igouruilg lTai. 12 -Juniior' girls "'eciilent's party,"' 111111' g-m natt~siiiitt. 8 P. i. cdtro ootls Glb', at liteil- lilis Rth tl '.ueegm ttiinttntiiotaltecc 1:aC'i'Y. XX C'. AX, at Neiibercy Jiin. 16--istorical recital. "Schtitmantnt" lip hlbert Louckwo odt, Schiniitof 1lutsic. Jan1. 1 p tectiire in Fretich, "L~es tPre- mider IRomtans de Victnr Iltigo," hy 'rst. tBeziat de Bordes, 'Tappan tall1 lecture ronim, 4 P. Ill. Jain. i8--Michiigan-Chuicagit tebate, in Un'ivsersity H-all. 1am11s lMurfint, if Dtroit, fa'tmed fetr 'idtide iiiii stitg XMic'higanimei'ias e t if thee'loyal and consisltetetlrt nners for Miiihligain,.is I be ingugiedtoin be'omeia cniaefitrione of I the' place''s ott the boad if regensthat1111 becomei'acat nex sriiig. litr. lttrit's ilectin iiigs titi i' miieihut1 afamliliiar figutre' festd abut h'tl tsin the leture itIthih . '.11Randll will gixei'nttthe muem ietueom' %day't niii'iigtittit- Isnm alee'ue'iisi'l luso.rate with. aoui, l iews, delitn ix ithteit'ob IIons that inviblymaestthem-i i u'iuuuuuumin a lag i'.11 ttis;ot'eocaue Am. n olui ofm'iiise pribems.ce ioriSwuea ii ti'orsieand teemeitih.oute v"letoifl(tindiviusa'ceilduettoit volvedutoiigeltliii. Randalilier', a smalli adiii lee "iill lie'charigedt. lrcital if Secoch iongs uwes gienci uu'stu'Culsy afte'inoon in iii t-i-'Mem torial 'lim1 e ureeiuss 1lie fil A.Ctilui - ll (at )X'ithin ,itli Ii o' I'iimii 'iTown11 (c) tush ltauttiat. (a) I' Wca X''erint'aNia Jean. (lit balst liaey a IranXX'ooer. fe- IT L'Iairdl i' C'ock'pen'. (at liii Fouir Nlitries (c) T'liAuhili l 1e fat Wh~ta's. for Scotlaimil andiiCharlie. let SkyectBoat Siting- full hAul sitg S~ ii. Nliitt'lii N. Davis, seuisutpii t IThe 'Thtomtis orchelstra, utderi the leadiershuipiof FIredterickStiuchkseillainsst aatiisr as afeaure upionitheu'MayFPts- tiv atliprogratml.'Thueprogramui till as imucludeue' e nitabetltue siniges is (tmi panri Ame.ScummiIteinuk, liW Ah lioitand, VditardiJohnmsoni.I le'rtemt WXihuerspoonti.Miss Januet Slume, n Mlei. t euler Idelse)'. Me. Sit, if lie Uniuxer'.it)- Sch'l o f Miuisie.anone days, feet8,ioiosmuansdtjutiiumtelute threeis'as t'. enlllthle' 0151 lii Satisfactory tailorinog at satifactory prices. tFuller & O'Connor, 6tg E. Will- ant sireet. t.' Banners of all kinds made to order at Miii t,ovell's, 332 S. State St. end S( t7: 5 E e( SE Track & Gymf Supplies The openimg of the itndoor track sxc.,cut lees itsxw ittia wxelI selected lineO of all te triggers ian I tsct tecessitisrepresenoh tug sandtardl itukes Prices Always the Lowest WAIIR'S Ca Ea BARIHELL La~w Medicali Dentas.l BOOKS Text-Books Dictionaries Statutes Quiz . Con-pends Etc. CASH or EXCHANGE For Old Books C. E. BARTHELL Tel 761. 326 S. State St. Spaldig's Official Fat - Ball Gue Cntaiig the N t ~ e Rlesit u li i!i ncr'. a a pPcI~i& i r n s .. I: ull Nuur ll. turt ici'lu ay'tt s i' , . ' -il i -o'.~ uitlFooult. 51'11)'ui itil'ouhul 11its iItiI'iltill 1 u lticisi ofNit Ii ' hll ilu"V it'. scheduills ill 'I tils e' cordsti ilium s , il ii t 's m st utitln t atunc ilu i ntit ii. lln JANVARY SALE At the Co-O~p. A Lot of Good Things 'lust Go. We flust flake Room For Our Spring Goods. Utiderwear, regitlar plric'e $i .oo atid 50c, now---65c and 30c Negligee Shirts, regular price $1.25 and $ i.oo, now $1.00 and 85c Cravats. regither price 75c atnd 5octtowx'---.35c, three for $1.00 (Xunttet Glov-es, regular iprice $s.oo antd $i.5o, non ----------------------------------- $1.65 and $1.25 University Pilloxv Covers-------------- Discounted 25 per cent University andi Fraternity Seala, regttlar lrice $4.50, now -------------------------------------------- $3.75 Moore Non-.Leakable Foutain Pensi.--_Discounted 25 per cent Piuritan Linetn lPound Paper, regular price 35ctows'----- 20c NOW IS YOUR TIME At THE cV#4CO-wOP The Store of the Studenits, &yg the Students, fore the Students JAs IMacDonald ED)ITOR OF THE TORONTO GLOBE SPEAKS AT McMILLAN HALL January 13, 1907 STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIATION Booker T. Washington F. Hiopkinson Smith A. B. Cummings Leland T. Powers Creatore Oratorical Number W. J. Bryan S5. W. Gonmpers Senator La Follette January 25 February 20 February 25 March 6 March '15 March 22 April 2 IIL m IllI'JI CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 'zWTH STATE ST.