R tC A v AAILL_ Fancy Vesting and Trousering Window Display The largest and mst com- plete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will also find our prices right. We guar- antee perfect satisfaction. G. iH. WIL[) CO. 3 11 S. State St. Superb Gift Books ThaE Will benaODlight to , Giv~.ead aPesunrifo Yur rieds eceive A FEW OF THEEGOOD ONES "law ta Co l y I i tin lu The Cou try'h use.i Iat ifui i.t - tate ltliar Chateuso i ri ne Lllit ''ii Natture Studies it Berkire. Atlas , (]sldeneDIts ofthIe l ettinein Certai e lle tghti f ttEglttish "[ow s. evcyteae't Libre e}° o te Ca .si. Christy, Harrison Fisher and U. of M. Calendars U.. sftM. Sass eirs ndolege Jewery SHEEHAN & CO.'S Te Students Bookstore Money Loaned o itier' p es al t p iy Watches and Jewelry repired. Bargains in Watches &IDianonds offce at residencee331 E. Liberty St As Atter. Houns; 6to it'35. tm., Itoet3&) and i tt JOSEPH1 C. WATTS THE MiCHI JAN DAILY. F~i-e %sc ls mateatthe Anns Arbr'ostoffce Pubisleddatilytip(Monday xeted)odt 0 a the coltege year, at 117 Oat Washington streetttelipionte t9z. titame phoee76.; vanaet ditter--Artloilr C. Pound tttiis Managr---C. E. Winstead. Ktttrnet. Netu..s .... t..avid F. Stevenson Afitl ctitso... Pn...... toert tI. Classy 1 Etchange...tenry A. Montgnomery addr ette'e tetti , i tutelet At ftittiric N'O't'tCE. I t ii :];I)tti t. Evear 'tteeot'tl4,x- 'it twltuu trama. -Pant IXX" tiens. .te ..Loiuise 'si)TOItoAt.STAFrF. George A. Osborn J. Ea Hasrnld C. Smith Iteitry F. Schutlte Glenn XWiliam A. Mulhern Fltoy Chiauncrey Bouchter George A. F. Ritcei 13. John J. WV. McCandltess G tlirtiti. C(ody Wittiatn I C'eel R. Motore BtUSINESS STSAFF RATE~tS:s$.50pee yesr, sr $s. adsance. AddrtersstClAS. it. WIN STEtA Manger~e, 220S5. 12th St. Ph( OfftieHous:st2-30toSi1t:30 and P. M Daly. Add~resst ARTHURt~ C. POUiND Ediltor, 715Mone. Office Hous; 2 Es 3 P. 11.1 ExoepE Sunday. S. Mtowrer PItt I rt it' . .c i la wl VanVorhis 'ii c t t ii rito l1vii dllI 1 cclhui itti1 c . . 11(i t . I ldi e lv a e t rI Ogle. Jr itr h " h "olcrf1tac f I 'tnttoI l ii lw li llterc ilit. g t 'it IT. Jones lcI tot l i tt I-I . lisar t aiiiiciicliiia.' , tiait Ow ia i io F. Gradolph ,'iii , itt ii 11.0 iyrtct atiotti t oi ix rutsl, iny ititiietatitti". ettitet t ,w.tti',tiat oince ani 'ii t iitiand " it tt ii fetii'i. t i iniverstity 'i e an i it thist i itti, ii iflt it itt' in i a'ttit i itlt ,tt it aci timt t or i lt~iea ios t 3 fttie t isntssi n th it Iit' tiitititi te i tet ure-i ll th lico ligh pr Mci " n st t t i ciii tiltteM ltIi ti tit i i t iiittverytt ullitti ei t all i i to (4,t hiltNo, it iitdtyaC i'll as tep iitegef ve ittnfrntth it" i t helak ow 1) ivi ithi tl i z I I 4 f . I f .o it paidt it I), Eusitness oneE 707 L.. 1 53to 7 i;30t Managing IS IC j Ant at i tie i . ofiiiI ii t i theItt ii ga ci i ha ii cvc titit l i i'- ; t - I l'ti . iba t y a i lt - c i toi. n '111 Wa I Oi t t o hlittl ae l the i i tu I -.tu e Ii Ii itt i Ilettt'i ,.T rack & Gyff Supplies Ttie openinig of the indoor track sea on ses uts with at well selctetd ine tf all tietoggery' tin I track ueessitesrepresent- itig; stanidard maukes Prices Always the Lowest WAIIR'S LYNDON PHOTOGRAPHER $2.75 tr FOR A MICHIGAN SEAL 'ate i ral.(ie tup't oo 'tee so htitstebtvau.oe SOME NEW POSTAL CARDS Leather Ones, Too Not tinrme funitt iii ittttatking Call 1096-J, Night or Day tnoa fu-tedays t I twittsake por- tir day--ini tsneat. stwotpi'iatintg LYNIDON 719 NORTEEUNI. todakslant id Supplit e The Ann Arbor Savings Bank tapital tostit :.1000. "ii pis, $titus. tesores, IfeieS00 A Geestl Bnking EBusies rsiated Urttei'6.it la. E i. iie. leres.; W. tP tllai t.i!e rtee.; i. J-. rtztCaller ,.~ Spaldgs Official fst . Ball GuisdieContaining the Ne Rlues titittt... 3 U a w lii my it t 'il Ftl oott r,'iis' tt } 1St allit 'iiiiee 'trlat itise -Stt tiie i eaut itt roi"al mortte' iis tul ie ; tot itt ; freat Dit yat. ~ lc nRo ,11jost -icrI . i i titliittt'tl i5. all tha 5 a k d itlci~ all.' iii .tttictei ii itti, l~t t r PP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~i t'.t'uFPcXX 3rNImpXs 'there' ' itiiistil tio i'.utttirli'h _i itti' l lciigtii't uitli hailtliie liket'oitj' t ittiu ''h'tretust'u'lt'c1 itie.'' 'hattt'eitrou'htutu.tu'It ititauurcitoithe ultil'ittp .1.c of reeiinta mi stelsh w hi I .t'. Nt ii ,,:Airc'riuatuuiuuc 11x5 i('1tfou' t eartit 11 utitiwti'theheat}utppo'ia liii to ie bret uf i e Iocifelio m:eet .'ettottn'ii'e~rne ndii 'lstc upottf h sudn fa . tt F c ly cn et tSchooltt if 4Ji theat it i rti y . hctaiio'. ite 'ci. litf ho i lds itrc t1iaupr'.ecith tut lie i fter72sX Ziii c 8 u'p'.t'te, ''In. In, uurt ih15tt tuecinitu'I toni'titttiiitt tutur i'. 'avanto t. X'i t'r Ittut," ti' . e ls th e. ittit ii ofti i t'tinstudeti utSF l U tt A I'. I .1 i i a t eX otr d eTagpt adeltallc, -ii li the lnt rci iii ttu5ou esitte t altuti e' iit it i X'.ebraion, '' e tr a l tit -t JANUARY SALE A t etA Lot of (ood Ihings 'lust G ot. W e lust lak, Room For Our Spring Goods. Undtietrwear. regutlar puice $t ot antd 5oc, now---65c antd 30c Nigligee Shtirts, regular price $1.25 and $ too.,ttow $1.00 atttt 85c Cravats. reguttar price 75c aitd 5oe, ttotv---.35c, thtree for $1.00 (stititlet Gloves, regularir ice $2.oo atid ;41.5o, ttokN------------------------------------ $1.65 antd $1.25 University' Iillow Covers ---------- iscounted 25 per cent Utivertiits' and Fraternity Seual::;, regitlar tprice $4.50, no------_-------------------- $3.75 Moore Nott-I,eakaltle foutntaint fetns.--Discounted 25 per cent Putritatnt tinetntPtittd Pttper, regttlar price jc, tnow'-------20c NOW IS YOUR TIMIE At THE; CO-OOP Tile Store of the Studentts, by the Students, fot' the Stutdets J.A. LMacDonald EDSITOR OF THE TORONTO GLOBE SPEAKS AT McMILLAN HALL January 13, 1907 STUDENT'S' LECTURE ASSOCIATION Booker T. Washington F. Hiopkinson Smith January 25 A. B. Cummings February 20 Leland T. Powers February 25 Creatore 'March 6 Oratorical Number March 15 W. J. Bryan March 22 S. W. Gonmpers April 2 Senator La Follette t J!1! UjL ' CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 ~'UTl STATE ST,