3 14E MiCHMAM DAILY CANDIES Huyler's Lowney's Altegretti's FRfESH GiOO[DS will arrive just before the 21st in all sizes of boxes, up to Five ounds We deliver or pack for ship ment without extra charg E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. STATE STREET D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY tpciat Cars to P ,tttc3 I .and e y twoc hor util ti iii ii twooursl tnt, stast', tt it ti.m., then 11:15 to 1115 pm WAITIN OOtM, UtoSTtxi. a T Or IN- FINE LUNCGHES w 'nTary t theea t A Ili.l; of lt 1 IttatI) t I t 41I ttlliI igaetts a t xc tialdIrqq,1it' is A coplete tieuof al taottltaril !tiita, t'aaaana for (}MACT 1'O1,& i ,u i aac . 11. $ I'S NIF 9 alo fCi IA V ill).Ja tla t a clrr)) :. Ask 1o si. outia tllleathelra ire t $65-76 P~o~ .l lttu Ii iilitt tntl/toit >(itl. Vug ittii IIstloecgroltltuic A New Fad Ill the Latest Cravat A ScarfMd From Wood It takes tone million yards to make oine pound of Art Fibre Silk. There are twenty filiments co each thread. No wsonder they wear like iron. The only house that has thesm in the city. Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s ;e r ri it ittlt na('tilt'icl ttti-t til fiirth i- ta ii ittiti 11itt "Jt~ln l? e." " is htT'i ~ litudg t vie (ate lti Iti S i 'tiil tet ala oSlit' ti ill tir a ciualt, b as ae o tkn iily wti il tt Iivci cc f the liiisiiliesa t hti t"Itam << tascoil aarat coali iavance. lItrt.tit 'Ira oca ctpecou rdte isr ,ii-c d t ke orles ba teity liv,;le " ad s actils.;'sttf~ S~i t taed 1114al-wtroansteraroE. l1,,dlllr Oonor I Gt'iat ca repiei.cya,"cr~ealtlte it at isa at woappian efo i.rain% "11 (1 "cii sad thetckertgooforaiaot- .it gt' olafci alr sc alptereatl iet Gepa i orge aler, ainSbet. cheapit lttt a in age or smalal jobs, at ,katl- lBros., iover Sheeani's took slMor, StaIeslteet. State phone i258L,. cod Gltytour election ticketc, dance pro- gratms, ala., at ToE Aco ARBnORi PRESS, 117 I;. Washinogtonisireet A printerc of 'Tae Michtigani Daily, tIlanider, Alum-I Pius, Techniic, Unoiversity Newt-Letter. S. C. A. Ilandbooik,.nbok Yost's Great Book tot Footbuall, I tigh School Omlega, etc. WXe do motitre prinititg 'for lice student todythanalol other shops combined soo ittocr owii buildiing, Maynard alreet,aoppoitel Granlgers Acatdecmy and list noithl of School of Music. tf p Whe itI tlit tthit'ac t. ty: X t tis t'1 it sw tal iCaftc, .,stt"Inden t wllattic,', FIAT CLASP (51ARTEFRS r prt r oat- atannal lly cix 4,ii00,000tleI;--th i t. 1 1 1 uiar datters fir me'swart. 'li Theatntediflit alapibtingscoottait-t- tsecret is in jl, its non-biintg, toi tatting hoilid. It's asflat as a st factii per-tanid ho~ aldsthesoasoha as'the0skin. li-ofpure silk elastic awitbing. All al at fhav klpatedbras. 25catsaair, all dalers a.o b ail prapaid o hs vopee a cord g~tctcr, we citea BRIGHTON tGARTIERS The neatesteaiest andlmtt I ta oodgrtrmde.lTxe a ruate itmtonidihtld i thac-it a 0 t a ilne lp.VWill lnot ittjurettfiet s e. i T hemllt. sm ohet a' a; ri ee tsetonacord gaer. II etq lt «bi ea aity icktel plated1basas. 25candtti a ir ll detaeoiby atil iprepa~id. ~ , PIONEER SUSPENDER CO.. 710 Market lit., Philadlia. .taitii of Pionfiira .5cuica, r FOR THE JUNIOR HOP AMERICAN BEAUTIES Roses of All Kinds. Vio- lets, Carnations, and all leading Cut Flowers. Are always first-class. WRflIITtFORPRICES FREYLING & MENDELS Florists GIRAND) RAPIDS, MICHIGAN i TO LEARN TO DANCE Join the Tuesday Evening Class at Granger's Acadermy. Lesson 7 to ii. Practice 8 to 1t0 o'clock. 12 Evsenings $3.00. I SHOES SOLED BY MACHINERY No Delah.y BETTER THAN HAND WORK. Uses HOT WAX and LOCKED STITCHES. We now have the twvo best shoemakers in this State. WM. P. PURFIELD 119 S. MaIrv St. Gbe Vp-to-Date Shoemara Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors ! Professors! "lhe best i toooli cigisodI foiyiti 'X iianit'Ttafod as, ' waste your ttandciiiatitce wsithltheal(tl1-sOIctiutain itti Buiy a Self-ilher, atidohera is olyticepraucticatland successfu Self-Filling Iouantain Pen. It isj CONKLIN'S Filh t'iThe pen v-ibh the (t-craet IFille'r"-thevcet.taottmattde self-filmieins pissttle pactical antd per fect." Boa't badeat-ived. Accplt nthtttingbt ithe ni nelaf Canklin. All other selit-illters ct-c intteitexitrtimnal stage. fTheUCnklicas perftect-at- n ciIltthmart- foe years. Used acd recomimended liy thcusan,totf students and callege Iprofessors. Pitseat-salthes1plb - ior advantages of the best fountaiin penssupiplecented . by the followilog distiact and desirabileteatuitrasI : ~ Fills and cleans itself. No dropper. i No inky fingers. No bother. No joints to leak. No clogging. Nothing to take apart. 1. A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to nickel crescent filler and pen is full, ready to write. Why take anty chanices? Ot-de- a CONKLIN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guaian.- teed satisfactory. BockFrt-eaipoit request,,tel iag ' about this wotnderful pt-c. Mattutactred ontyiby The Cokin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. ' // Sold In Ana Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S / - 4 TWO BOOK STORES. ALWAYS AHEAD IN gryLES MIL WARID, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING