H MI HIGAR fbAtt0Y__ ..... ---- -- --- .. . . ...... soilvelir Postals le Each An Entirely New Series ust Received at liag's. Fifteen Beautiful Views of Ann Arbor and the University Birds Eye View of Campus Uiversty Hail Law Building Library Gymnasiunms M'oedial Buildings University Hlopita Mmuse i New Engineering Building The lPretty Corner Thue Squirrel NewvHilgh Sco ol St. Thomas '11holic(Cliirch Views'(f Main Stre They are All Right and Only lc Each a H OAG'S Cor. Main an Washngon Occidental Hotel We Cater to Banquet Etc. Hixson Lunch= Ypsilanti D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY special GrsWItt (itoin.,oandievery two houros tillS)). In SIt(Oil Crs to.,il'ion t :30O. mo.., nd evetr two hours u ti 30pto.1 9:151). the 1:5 to111 p.ti m. WAIsTING O, HtRiON 50. W SO oMAIt. FINE LUNCHES tO~t carry thelargstt iof iPlt]tit.t jpotoete& I IttitliCigars. A compleitet ttttotaslo riuig ati'it. We arSe iigt,oa ttar DsITt (to.& 0LI NA& t0. ai i3 PIPSasoforSAYS& SCHtAPEIttS fine chcoa. tt INBtONS. R. E. JOLLY. Stt St. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Te-.lis.Ls.'e.Aear Arbr Going North 0:I5 a.i. and 4a:35 p. GotingSouth 7:20ia tn.,I 35a.in. atd T33p. t .. J. KIRBY, W. T WILLS, Onl Pas. Agntt Agent, Toedo ,Ohio Astn Aror Mihi Bleu phone 13-l tHote 0phoeit698S . ICHJ6AN CNTnA "The Niagara Fals eal " Chicao Buffalo Boston New York Trugb Trains lEast -8.1a.tm., 2.0IIt. ,alsBt ..--MY, a.., to.10 lia. In., -4.)ip. ItI T rogh Trainsi Wt-2.07 .tol7.5it. t., S ot t.., 2.3 p. I 0.r o p. i. Locls Ws2214 a ..'I) atam., *'ti p. -(Except stinolt .) (osner ttttat Chicgo o StLouis i'.isas'ity aidth'iWest. W. W. CAS, Agent, An Arbor FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0f An Arbor Slo. E: t). cinne Prs. tHarris(onoSole, V S. W. Clarson, Cashier C'apitai,100i,0.0. Srplis and Proits. 100I,00 BAILY &EMUNDS j 6portfn43 (Boos 12 atLiberty Stre..J WA KNiLOt) Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Gerorge Ye low & Jo Proprietor. C) ulotot lacyDishs. A ntaosLotnthe o Ctitseatd .tpoto'o i3t''-a-ra'e.' Hole lione 212. :i S. Stte steet. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Filth Avt. Nws Plotte 457 tiellPhoto457-IL All Students' Supplies. Station- ery, Ftuntain Pens, U. of M. Pins and Banners. Cigars and Tobacco. Save a Walk and Clive Us a Call. Students' Supply Store 11i ii5. Univesity Ate. P Af4VT ROASTED DAILY We htiy otir Peanmts its carltiadtl S11Of 2 x,()0 Pountd,;.eatcht.direct fromi Virgt (til. . 'h lave mir lroastviti g l~lafli tnd give the 1hOST aod BEST fot the Metney. One Pound Packages, 10 cents. Blanched Salted Peanuts, 1.5c per lb.; 2 lbs for 25lc. Hickory Nuts 10c per Quart. 3 Quarts for 25c. D EAN ft. CO., Ltd.. 214 S. Main St. 1 t l I A SPECIAL, SHIPMENT OF Ho]liday Neck wear W~ill be opened up for you Tiuestday.-.S re ow effects atnd patternis in the latest shapes. A spincial ohoowing of Blacks, Whiite., Graslattd evenuing ohade s is a distinc- tive featttre. Pries forn 25C to $1.00. Suit CaseS-ever- nian ti saitone. We oltow a sledeid litie at all ptrices, from $1.00 to $10.00. Umbrellas. All styles of hanidles. Of course, "I11t' wants one. Prices ratige fromt $1.00 to $5.00. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Reule, Conlin & Fiegel 200-202 Souath Malm St. 1) I)S F'112 NoA' tR ("''l7 T7(till II t 1 a1111 lilt Ilnt1ll 11 I: 111 II tI 1 " .111tltttltl . t' l i <1It l t111 i t aIl tt lldentt' in t h ttt it sh ( 1 1)1re t() ttttrtit l'IT )c(r knoN11 reputation 1 ) f t till'- N titt' ; (1111 (cItitl i i 111 t 'I I . 1of1 )).1 It llt, _ tll . . NI It lrkIt 1 t el i) 'IT , tat tht ltite= t'll II )f pai cit. tilllttttttti Itt tan y ( t r 111111)a 1i 11C], 1.1 111111 ' itt'e, t p v icll I It ilil ,4,illcr1 .1 . '1111les1than 727 tttien tt t '1(dithe i i 111 i lt ldclartn it tOf II I , I t tca ii 1 h1 ere .11To) trllsft tis I()Ict t oil)t tt i ther111 III Iti ItOi I lt t) tOch0(1to inglI intttitt itt i)- It . I bu tlig ,tti e il. do t r ' hIll 111111 ; I t all~t tttttc. tt' lt Tlccs V: Itt 'Il," V of i ch 11_;111' (ltai c t 1o1e112i X)1b11 s It'lit ' 11101fill () I 1121' li t ll' n a ItiinII'1 1111an 11lmos t l s Iwally pintstt '1t-1t 1mcd\ t ( 1)1 lt irthee111 1111111 I ()ntsld,. 1 hce 0t 111111go to prop c ta 111h 111 a ili ',ti ofth''e ' teah , a d IIct) . ,I 1 1111 is 1, t ed is' what1 suppl1es1 th 1s0111'o111s111 )AktOhe 00 1111)allession 1thcv 11101,icsi$tll 211'),til'01til't, 1111 010111 1lde Iv ain "l (15-7 UNIVERSITY NOTICES. ii1' It tGill ])( ;I 1.1i 1 ' III i t t111 c1 eit {>i 1i 3 tttii i the1,1 tttti Arb11r111Itt I.0 ' it{. 1t t e Ittiant ti 111 11t 1 1 tti ' the 1'01111111 pot ,'t 'c I It t al'r<> tl' 11,tti' ll "111 ( 1; t11 II'.. ti . \\t't~citoltIy, 1 I 1111 :y 111 11 i111 cItnllel l al t e11 ti 1 11 111 . ), 1 7.71 C1011 -,11 11 I of102Chritas1)nofelte il Itala,,1 'ttttt to1, aecadit n-b 0tt12 tva,i,'Zo) latt Li1.110y7St, if Saislfac tory tiiloring at satisfactory prce. 1utler & O'Connor, 6E9gIE. Will- ia t 111'e 111 itN tit' I llia I ae I i I l i t Ithe Avenue a raw11epi It It BrIakisttlatla21cart31 721.111. It 2 It 011111 It I 12 1 :30t~~ Banners otf 1111 kintds madleto ortder t ,is Mtov1. 0111, 332 S. State St. rod I111 tw blck fromi't . 11 lt the itnils I l-II (.ot youlr ttlecton tikets, dance pro'- 0z'aa, 01tc. at1itt ANN AnnORPoRES, 117 hE. WaIshtingtn street. printers of Te Michiganti aly, Iltlander, Alum- nus 1Tehni, 1UnIiversity News-Letter, S. C'. A I latitbook, Yost's Great Book onI Fotbatill, High School Omerga, etc. We o mtanre Irininmg for the student itd ithalln all oilier shops combined Soo it ouriItitown buidinhg, Maynard tret, oppsi)tel~ Granger's Academy and 111s1 tttult of School of Music. tf Ilot'hr ti otinig miore enjoy- able1tha a 1gameIf billiards. Youlneed slve111crelion;wlhs nttis' ie try to please and litcr 17very1accom oation. HIusion Broo. 312 S. State Sm. HNRY (Q CO. TAIL RS rHigh Class FURNISHERS 1'dl Merchandise HATTERS ToIU Popular Prices Diretly North of Law Btuidrx 709-7I1 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE ,. . t " ' ( '' I I i ' 7i NOTICE===FRATERN ITI ES Inter-Fraternity Bowling League now being organized. All wishing to enter please call on S. ROTTENSTEIN for full information. 707 N. University Ave. ..___1 __J4 Here are thie Reasonsy ff'y Thle Fox7j pewvrz'zer is a Better Ty3pewriter T/ian Alny Ot/her raj3/ewriter a It HasPerfectVisible Writng.The eitrertng line itondirtilinesof evisoof heoperaoand all theomatter wriuttoeanas o-detnsotsot of sigtlunder a.ny part ofthe machine. It Hlas an Atnemblingd Surface for the Type Bar;' of 1lbS'2'lInhcs. (Otmb vitible typetoriters 4J-2).Thisadmiibtsoeueto tlypebar r s of at nh wide- tinadseIolb/e bar-givesthie Faax'Vihiblhedurablitty aad permanence oat aignmenn oh the "blind'' machines,ahithertimapossiletbin.ga intconstuto oftviihe typswitr. S It HIno tetntteale Carreiades. Thistocans ifyas awn'a Foxtbat -" you donohavetobuy anew typewreiteweayu ned a/lone- csrre for your nmachine, Sinz/ly y tooef/ll' ittao,, .It is instantly 0int changeable with the one alrsady an the typewriter. It Ho, A Tabulator. Every mtoohine is supplied with a tahulatnr, "whieh for billing, nasleing and tabultiagfbgut'es it ptactically indispensable. It is furnised free wi/k each ;nac nine. It Has an Autoatic Ttwo-Dolor Ribbon M~oeent. Theribon reqaires not tha slightestlattention lernmthe opetaa toom the imitis pat anthrenmahiar t until it is worn sut. It oscillates no that it enlire sur/ace to ooed/, and by simply touching a hattio in tke key board you print a second co/or as deired. Itlhas a"Speed" Ecapement solhat by imply moving alever the nacehine accotmmodates itself to the speed af a f atmat'slaoe operator, (this ptevents a fastopseaatr" piling " letters on a lawtmachiae.) You ought to have these features in your Typewriter to secure the beat and moat economical results- they are all found only in-the NEW FOX VISIBLE. They plaae the Fnx away in lbs lead of all comeiors. Let as pratt ibis te you in yoat awn aosce Catalagut on application. 1 - SHOES SOLED BY MACH INER~Y 1 No Dela .y BETTER THAN HAcND WORK. Uses HOT WAX and LOCKED STITCHES. We now have the two best shoemakers in this State. WM* P. PUJ[RIELD 1195S. Malty St. Cho Vp-to-Date Shoemnan I i I LFOX TYPEWRITER COMPANY Fartor and Eeautivt Office J Font Street, Grand Rapidn, Mich. Brancestnnd Representatine in alnities. r ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORINQ~