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December 21, 1906 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1906-12-21

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Falley Vestillg aild
Window Display
The largest and most com-
plet, line in the city in both
Scotch and Worsted trous-
erings. You will also find
our prices right. We guar-
antee perfec't satisfaction.
t^ rri i ^

ArboriPostt , it
ihe cllege yer, at 117 1EastX, stot
tret., Bell phione 81)2.IlIneTolio,,nei.r7
'1Xl icg ditor-Arthur C. Pound
Itiie Manager--C. C. XWistead.
x,.........David F. Stevensni
Ith1 t t....... Robert II. Claticy
fExcha:nge. Il,.. entry A. 'Montgomery
Mu sic and D~rama. , .. Paul S. Mowrer
X,',e1,Editor. . , Louise Va nVorhis
George A, Osborn J. Carl Ogle. Jr.
Harold C. Smith
Heniry F. Schulte Glera D. Bradley
William A. Mulhern Floyd 11. Jones
Cliattice y IBocaler George 11. Hobiart
A. F. Rittchie 1I. John Watmbold
J. W. Mcandiless Guy P.lBliss
I lives S. Cody William F. Gradolph
Carl1R. Moore


a i< . 11 ' 1 1 rc i liic dot u t ta
thi fIr1t :i l iii t ciit-, decd lthe ri-st
<11] illiat] i I t h ti th
al l __ L61 p 1 cl i fold ct
: 11 .. i :"_ i tsiii li
WX I .t i i lt 71I . iter tiht Ii lilttis
]c t tc t; t oi r")(I rt hatlii Micitigant
ice 111 t l t!. i i -tit uu -t' ieg
O lli) c. W.e haveitturdahi
t l ' 1]t pr), t ei lute havl come
t t-tl i
01" i ll. -ii ' .i l d(y-, ils aent
it' k i i ,i)1 iia i l -t itht wh-ichl
r)iiAi- 11iltii li 1 i 11 i,, ct e tii
f rli i .l t iiit 5 -ik C r; ft i - i
c 0 a,]"iiil w Itltti i ofi thi "attic;
]flit ii tI mvi bacing
tle I ii ithicitit gutro

tiue anythintg fromti AtStudlets' Lectutre
'assoaciatitontor ChtoradlItnion altactioti
tnjitiy iof colleges itisl the rule lto
,cueall tidvertC-iltmets omtrlthe
"tllpils atnI it -seett- a ily itat Allch-
ian ,hldtlsee fi itt clilaieti her baul-
ttir 4 ttitti hgs iit gaudtya'd'ittlgar-
114; fsistir'. Aretitst -.ilt tutetesteil in
tudent activitiesxthtliol it l 14 it
tilt' announcemenitt.)110li titritig 1t1110(ItI
ittiilan' Iti s a trilt' ittcitgt'ilit
t saythe least, t{) Slurgf taeneii l
Jitt shIrinets, tir move ille pulse'itil
list riliititt,;ofiitotr lt i et-ilIhtlls tilt
hitrcbec(,on ti to ltstrill 1,11 feel
dazzled w iloth all ttiitttettthlat
SaulI lotss tt- itill lectueon Tiltle
:Mantgle" iniUnivris-nt I hall, or that
Mlichuigaint0' ioinnitier tickets tireseli-
lng liki' hottia'es, "'stepl11tillnd till
wh ilte teeis still a chtantce." WX\e hate

The Michigaa Calendar
The iiewo calendar for 190-
shiouldl cotte first ottyuour list.
Belier itati es-er atiolcrists
ottly huilf istutchi as huorimerly.
Price 25 Cents
By Richard R. Kirk, Rhletra-
ric 11ep1., U if B. jiuttre-
Price 50 Ceats
Michigan Souveair Books
25 aad 50 Ceats
All thie special hiolitday gift
tooks, calenitiars atndlstilt-en-

_______________________________________Curel 11. Adattt
RATES: $2.50 per year, o 2.
Superb avne
G ift tilenager, 226 S. 12th lSt. IOlin
Affice Hits 1A 0to c.30liand
ThtttWill hreia Delight to Address: ARTH 71RC iiPOiND,
otii'eus itt Ni-ts Ciiillt'it

I artyHi ll
oo it paid in
), Busness
ine 7017 1.
-x Manatging
:30 util}it.:1

A )FEW 1)1' 1H11'GOOD1)ONES
tliaewtthti. 1Christy I I--i- 1i .
TilieConttry ttior. 6iii fully -it t
tied Itcyii-optr
Chtteneautof tuuiraite r. atti
Nature Stuis in Betrkshlire. Ati'it
((ldtireen as xoft the Resrtioll in '
Rollite. (,tu'tli
EvriausLibritary itf thir Ciassics.
Bound1 ir, Ii 11,i ; it i i i ea '.'(
line acf ii ti nituiiithe Clasict.,o 'i
Christy, Harrison Fisher
and U. of M. Calendars
U.o . ttSouvnitri andI ' II gi Ji dry
T he Studethts'lBookstore
Money Loaned
lii l at lx u, lrorzi, ayBo ls
Wattches and Jewvelry repaired.
tBargaianit Watches n&t Diamonds
Office at reiec l3tE. Libtrty lit
Aliin Arbitu.
9 x. In.

Datily. at 11111-Sill RItetutu I ilt ityi
it allI
Eitor Today-IR~AM S. CODY.
1010111 XX , II iltI ,:II111710at. tied,
Dcc ,)l-V1hiliiurtlytloseinx te eer
ing fur Christmas hotlidlavs.
Jl.i";iExsttt'is ' evttiedillit tll di,-
la It ll- 1-.iu'tllt tutit-cit. at Silt d I
Music, 81).it-li.
Ietrcilltllt'lih, ''Ixt' ltiitt ot
i~i t ti XHordies, utTl alItt.-
ltur Sl , .I p=iitI il t~i
itll tit I~tuit iin11111'1 'tlt-i"1111 ' I

) i ,t " t lmlill aci i lt t i ta t s 1111 )lily isi gladtil iii 1111111111 t h1't
}ie fleit i it e 1 h ighly force'Dr uight ut a11 itru sati-iatorliiev utuht'
w iii shIall btuirriii'-il l inits uinflu-ioftaspirats foriplacesiththtuis itigiut W A llR ~S
w i 1~, o it hei het i itut 1111certu cirteis. iatlitn Thet,' chili tilt's -f ihuit o tilt
betttii t lii l tie 1r10 bei:'.Mich-t o si istioninuuuu lti'-riuy liii, atd ti ho hbe
ant \Ii gii Clubouittse' of tlt' uuunuumered tinttutg itsi-, ttettiu tuis
111 crits of l irhig t 'ni r tutuoI or notil t elie lghtlyc lt eutut
Ie iperformanuices ofte ulnultlast F
lttal 1n jti titwe it ealy ouyar ii ll blie' 'uuu,'uu uu,'l a-, 111114 1 1 1 y or h is m
i-ri' 1 hitt I he tIilythyaso lltlute It.atist a imouiltar - tIes ctuteul Ithis iyetre NEWIIVPOST CARD ALBUMIS
1 -,)1110 t in ht;11 lilt Its amle grundtel lletehis usltrge a usriis shli n- i NEW VPHOTO ALBUM S
I I - tlistt it1 nd hat lie mtitetwas ieiudetnosma 11ll amitttio ftaletllit NEW tSCRAP -- ALBUMS
to1 lu te lc t t i itt ' t h ly u a t u . l tut t it i lie a thr e Ciniec dy11 l ub Iis EA S TM A N ' S
- tit ii iiin lldlve ofd ut1 i oeste i ch th ailnt' itfIll,'tuentutd Ntl h ing More Accept le
f) or )>f1flithllction f 1111 111tfhtis ca hapeares ito be i itshu'uuuuuuuo 111 EAT M AN 'S
I i i 1 c. u 0 ilone oI mareit th e als lyitto ill1ti hu elftael(If still iuu, s -it i tt ie
1;!1. i 1) n -fe th t th ya tryo ts illbe a aitd wth nttl ;Just the Thing for
1(:m )1o itilnothIwiest etnilOfiithe - --_ -A SISTER or SMALL IBROTHER
l'1vr-I Y doI I tuu> s h ltul etut' XII7IhlIC .XI. 1 X1 A 'II l ht
I ii hV a eia -acwa rgate. I11XS .'tiXI? SIFCIyIFNS Kodaks from $1 tup ho $35.00
iol 5hia'tulet - beenrifeadvo-_
tilla-I c ll he tt iof thue :\I) inteestig collectuioniif 011001 A FINE LINE OF. NOVELTIES
w1j ,of1 till to) e er ill, It ut--is huts heenu placoedul l the hunlatmical IN MOUNTS, FOLDERS, SOU-
benI'glthtcastr ucture muuseum room oif uthue nl edticasll buill- VENIR GIFT ALBUMS, ETC.
d1 1 1 1,m ad h.n1 - Ioth gilt 1Mg. 'Ilty ey resnt'u5'thetskuillsOfiiitheu e a
1ra 11111 l~c f h '.1t'csty' 11111lowrte , us thet' 1th uluhluuuilln I la t-, N V Po t aid
et uu it ut ttu1 111 ey Iteutriutu uutIa hll e EVERY FEW DAYS
clsi Ociii Ireu t eir tutnritiltutors. LYNDON Photographer.
Itnd 1 I ii l ltt s f thi rujth vol leat-u uttlh xi d ste inuhalehr haso heerci Tel. 1096-J alit N. lit. Ave.
:in that a cri nai to e ior'fitt- u'e'e 'd at thle Uivesoty houspitlu,an
antest, u euti it i husec'u1rin of ntis usedl for thes-firs ttiatthlesit' ______________________________
u i a ._ iic : II hnul b tilcedihuhtisthit gsry eliicla st Saturday tuturltiltg. T'e
odl'i s, I u ithe tit u holItnadetite appi~aratuis is qite e laboteit' soi - Thie Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Spw- Ihl It in o uf~ t it t thus phut, it Ithng etitrely it- it h is linet antut lut' Ciutual t aV tok iti000 ihS taxus, fi00,00
miit Ie' 1-gn10 ht lilt-prse-it aert s ulsh~ret'os-sr thut' tlder metlth s i tuof ii O10
A OeealtBantkingBsinessTr'tansacted
uic th tI, lici 'll~n ne sisvry anaeisthesstuia ty gtis. It usill bhu ed Inh te i-tn io . is v - v I
h)lla il.hh tand tha t gradtttitug mtitutr opsetionils. 115 Is use thus pa - tetlar iti. Situ liesx.:t)i1. . rItz. Casiuer
rli' e might111' folow th eamletti ltl miay hue kept i uutudouu ouus fur a _____________________________
of ii u~ui itt lo)me n dNo e er re-' ltug Itie. lThegas is udiluthedluithstile Spaldint's Ottitial reot
ji 1 1 iii'c t the cuhos. I h -i aditls pleastanit ttakr. After recoiler- Ball Guide Cotaititg the
luNcr th 110 thu isI of hit0huOpiiontat Iutu 114 reot its iifuience, ithe tii p ti ten tucs- - -New Rules
Ih I lila t utu cuhti thut'disos sioni, an tiu exp i~ erienti uuhsdepressioniuanth suchk - a twuits) ullpz xlu-u tuiuy
-isl ureo ..E'itiibt ltui l-i
(a te ''c ci t tuwoiild1be gludt1oiipubt)lt i -txc si huichi gseerally Ifollowuti e ul 11111Caml Tiltei l ar n-gil lFoot
i a lnt ' iptu) t t rtutag itu c11hi a plan.t tiontuoflchulorofourm andtitilsheir. Fuilliof toti hafi' t ililouit-
j tim rerielsl foriceast;
'hr sttltuh its tf11111iitt wthu Neiw Michuigan i pns, fobs and spoons.Hdl- iitotier 4ii ttiteoPie1Ctt.A0
SPAL LitNO i& BROS,, Ne or.Ciuthic-anti.
te>lsl bwouhi a\ rC la t)s11" itist er's Jewelry Store, Mainstreet. nod i-t. Loauistiii i'raniit'sco,11tietiiixr
tti iett -ity it homits there t he striolls ____________os_______ hito att.y or), t-t ii is irtui tIatiiutt.
arsil cliuill ttunyuudirectio. The Suits pressed 25c, trousers, toa .patieuFaturitlottedtuutiei ISlures'titou e. tt
, i - 1 ehiatitilig i u res1111 d prie sunf altituew
fai g tug la o poshu iilterst wih tell tulsci Fuller & O'Connor. tf seasuonab ah etics nrovaii tels. i l it r

r r r in r l r i r r F o r C h r i ' s t m w a s
No gift will be mor, acceptable; nothing could
be more appropriate than a
lFraternify Seal
OUR Fornmerls
PRICE 4. 5O 6
The Store of the Students, by the Students, for the Students

J. A
January 13, 1907

S1.A. Announcement

W. J. Bryan
Chas. A. Tow-ne
Robert M. Lafollette
F. lHopkinson Smith
Booker Washington

Samuel W. Gompers
Leland T . Powers
Albert B. Cummings
Oratorical Contest
Creatore's Band

ilII $2.00 GET TICKETS NOW $2.0




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