1'1.1F . MICoHIGAN DAILY ALARM CLOCKS JIALK.A' LI{HAEHR 1. - ,.. ..... .. CANDIES Huyler's Lowney's Allegretti's F RE:SHI(001)5 Will arrive just before the 21st in all sies of boxes, up to Five pounds We deliver or pak for ship ment without etra charge E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. STATE STREET ID. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY ""ANnAIII I' I l 1. 11 tw or nit . Ln7. i two h os ntl ,1100 I" 31tn.1 (11lur Ill A 110+11 o l l I oil . Al; 130xis, 11 L1o -i 11 i. 1 <.e. 1 .t1 so so .. 11 M. 11 A M N1.O NO I, M I'o , T . IN ,& 011 .11.O~ V11 llO~llIN 111150. E Ve rry E. JOl:-LY. li t o t St. f ol~or l57l:01 & 11."111 1111 1I. am! j l tieflhoc o. AoIt, \AgBON, AND STAMSI LINES "rThie em- aAFaon Arbo Gon orthh 9:65 a. iiand 4:.5. m1.11. on liSout7:12 0 .11:.". m'. and471:3:3'1. m4 ,I. 11 K ilSy,411111 V e I L S W. W 'as&ASent, Aoe AentW Too, Ace'Arbo Aror5Mic Cel hnee1Chop-Sney estaurne6t ThmagroweiPRopretor Loca1 s mas-_6.651 a.nt., l11.0 a.lno 4 37- :1 AlltudWets':;Supplies*'. Statil, 1.on-. ery, Fountain Pens, U. of M. Pins and Banners. Cigars and Tobacco. Save a Walk and live Us a Call. Students' Supply Store ill 5 . LUiversity Ave. Chapman's Jewelry Store 2110 3 W tt111 10 . ,.rt. Is r1t111 1 11010( I 1 1 1) 11t1 3 BRIANCHI St 11101.A 204 outh State Street +1 o 001d 1o 310 Pt.l. SO .t T, 7110 to and A,111 be $i4.~o UNIVERSITY NOTICES. 1 77. 1111 7 1 1 1 :1 i 3 It x} Sit i,),0 p1: 5 A New Fad ill the Latest Cravat A Scarf Made Itakes one million yards to make one hound(1 of Art Fibre Silk. 'There are twenty filini-its coI ea1c1 thread. No wonder they ei r ll=i,1ron. The only house that has themn in (lie city. Lindenschmitt, Afel &Co.'s 77.,TI777l 77:1 1771, 1 ,7i its10for 4'72 111 1 121 1v to 7:1111 SHOES SOLED BY MACHINERY No De1- .y BIEl"I~ TH IAN IHAND)WORK.t sliHOT WAX and LOCKED SITICHIE17S. We now have the txsii best soteniaksers. in this State. WM. P. PU~RFIELD 119 S. Main~ St. the Up-to-Date Shoemars GOING OUT O USINE SS $5 Knox Hats - - $3.50 $4 Varsity Hats - - $2.85 $2.50 and $2 Dents and Fownes *1 Ii hielo0n~lg been1 the 11t .O7 1777 l a ft 0111asp ci1 a11 11te 117c 11 17 1 -1 1 1 :1 1 . 17 e1 1i 1 11 mf11111111of17her,,- 1 1 1 . '1 l..71 r lbly 1111nail 1 11 1 11o1t1111 7111 100l(ed LOCK-GR e. X. g1111s with a bull dog tellolt1 . No N1 11car 1 or 1t finest quality Webbing1; al I ,1 pa1177h1:tii 7 77 brs. 25c and15110c pair, al 11 : !c 7 1 1 by ia.o1 PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 7101 Market it., P0ii'l1idephia. 310110110Piw-r01 5r01113 1 e',1 i 1 1 TO LEARN TO DANCE Join the Tuesday Evening Class at Ga-%iager's Academy. Lesson 7 to 1S. Practice 8 to if0o'c.lock1. 12 1oilno$3110. I Gloves -_ $7 Opera Hats - $1.50 Shirts - - Sc Neckwear 35c ---3 fri $1.00 and..Z5c Neckwc-,ir Varsity Collars 10c 3 f~r Freshmen Caps - $1.0 $5.00 $1.10 $1.00 - 60c - 25c 35c '! I r a 7 Freshmen! Sophomores! Ju ios! Seniors ! Pro _e o ! The hest i1non0oll. 11117., 1101 Y, 1 7 7 ill 70t wst if ur tli me and110 pa 110 tenewt h2ods l The Conklin Fen Co., Toledo, 0. Sold In Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. Suits Made to Order $17.50 and Up Everything New and Up-to-Date. Quantity Lim- ited. First Come, First Served. GOODiSPEED & SON TAILORS HATTERS HABERDASHERS ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING