* THE MICHIGAN DAILY t f IL ~ a~~e D ROP ini at some high priced mterchxant tailr lhop wh(-re x ott k xx xv the swaggerest' dressexrs in towni are inithe ltatbit of going, n look at the patterns andt the sty-les. Ask what hie xvaols toxtailor a suit to measure out of lie cloth von fances T'hen conic hack herec and see if we'vE not pr ecisely the sam1e soxtsxoiflabrxicsanal jost 'a extrexme styles in CO[[[GE BRAND CLOINES Made in New York City THEIF CLOTHEI~S THAT KEEP MEN YOUJN( FTe xonly differexice xwould he that oxn thelie handlxixxiex'lli waxit oxnly ahout Ixalf of whxat lic asks atxd ott the other haxidxxwe'lt save xyxii all tlxe hotter of repeated try-onxs, thle delay xofxwaxiixng anid xnoikxoxv- ing how the fitnisixed sxxit will look. College Braxxd Clothes are thelxixty clothes in the xw-xrlud, crc- atedl just for chxaps ix thteir big teenxs anxd little twietitix, andxxiiior Ixii who~ are younxg ettoutghxixx spirit to watx ntixrg m--nx's cltolies. 'Iliex're swvagger, smuart anxd snappy -thxeyre IT. STiAEBLER ( WUERTH Walk=Over Shoes $3.50-$4.00 FOR MEN AND WOMEN $3.50-$4.00 Telax gst stiack of ineitSlixiesxillxthxe College Shoes for College Men and Women Ow0ixig ito he iidvaxceprice in thx leathxex ixarket anxdlthe large demtattd fur lietter shtoes, wxve xx-addedi ixto uh o- ulaxpice goodxis a fixe andxlsix doillar lite wh-iich is sipecially mxadie for ecollege wear. If" youi are liarid toxfit or lxardxlto lplease, give its a trial. a J r r r NCt.iS iGRCO Walk-over Shoe Co., 111 S. Main FINE: kfiI"IRINGi FINE LIGHIT RUBBERS University School of t'Music Faculty Concerts First Number, Thursday Evening, Oct. 4 PTis series of concerts, five eacix semxester, giveixhy xi e heads of (departmtents, are of the highxest artistic statndard, andx htave becotne a pirotminet featutre in the muxxsical life oif thxe Uxiversity. They are oipenx to all loiiera of muxtsic. Course Tickets $1.00 Single Admission 25c Reliable stutdenxts x isxixug tox sell Chxoral Uiontxantd May Festival tickets, please call at the ofile of Schlxi of Music. Liberaxl commxxxissionx allowxed. CHAS. A. SINK, Secretary Rcntschlcr, Photographer M,'oe's Barber ShopU . O 705 North Univ ersity Avenue ---i n i xxi I m i-I :i I \u m I s, :1 ,~lcn e li xxtiket, headed xiby Jill] yea , h s ii I xi i n thi- i h tm ii cii iiii f ix- l i, i i x iii i o n If x xii iixix iixticketii -iis , f lm -n w c t e r tc a k i ll- President--iJame, il.xixixix ix ix hen-finishediitheix xxxix xxix 'li Viiixic st lit- h-i- I ix Blxxx i xi li xx xii in.11 r,i xxThei lanI i xiecretaryxJesseiRxxiiigr . O heacm~)lix xin xiic I iianu x-irgxilI ? J ri - iixii ii ixii x x xxii' l 0ixliii ii6,1 I'xI)aIN;mae .IxxI.IAIger mii %vell nndcrx ixixixixi lxheiii xi c xii xi i= i Ii you hiave trouble ixxtixsoap? The hydxrxntxwtr-sxinexrxalaxnd ieids aipeil anel xximxixadsap. D ERMAL CREAM SOAP 10i Cents; 3 for 25 Cents sc l ant-t l'lr - )anlixix1xixi i . ()rato ici xix xxi l xi- - lowri I~ ii c al managerxii hii i Ill I? Thei ilcio -ilh he linextxiiatuiii day afterxnoon i lii i inxxx ', Ciii i i i.I tall.xi lxii xx in th l u ioriit cla s i Wii* Rumorlxx Sv iti that1 thS Sixi cSi di- for xth xclasxlastyear. As a xxiiio xi11aev i vel. th lss o w i ll liii lxxxThyi i i i't Ii iii xii -lil txxx ii - xxxoi thlxx t Iii iiix l ii xliii- Itix iii 11 ii i xl % l ,lxi ii i es iii l l i i -i l -i i I sulmm el l -xxi xxxm 1 xiiiiixiv iA dc ui;u c ig lxiii rc-ri 1,i'i -i I xxii f~cxx athiiiip cavcl as xxlc i 4i i ixixx "A. 1'rxii -- lr rn r 1 0 , I'lxx xx iii i lak.xoi xxh)O ii ly fic xxx xxi ix Ilixvxx - - l.i Alway i~xghti---as are all Drugs and Sundries ARROW COLLARS Ill- is looimxi fo r. Bingx adexxxx ii ixpi-ix shiviixnk xlabicsx, ltxeis xucxlxxars surexrvx ctix-iQuxxxter izaes. Qixxrier Sizin xsurex, onxitleithxer hxanxd, ixerfect 15c each; 2 for 25c anyi of you.ixoo xxilshxops Cluett, Peabody ft, Co. x1111xi i ri ll the Wii orld.iii AT Quarry's Drug Store CxxxS.Stteniixixii n Cliv.Avxx Gas Study Lamps xxii xxxi xx hnWITHxi Genuine Welsbach Incan- descant Gas Lights ietler andi cheaper titan oail xxr electricity. Lxrge Vxariety at Low Prices. Ann Arbor Gas Co. il* LAW BOOKS 35th Tear in DICTIONARIES 35t Year in Ann Arbor QUIZ BOOKS AnAro LEGAL MISCELLANY AnAro Callag'han ea Companty ANN ARBOR BRAN CH. Sto,,tat.,Opp. Loawc xx ldirncg OUTFITTERS FROM1 WAUNE~R & CO. R1ID Tailor TO° Hatters 303=305 South State Street JFOOT ~ Meisterscha Shoes YTHREE SIMPLE MOTIONS TO FILL -ma==y',-y-- Hu le TiuiRIGI NALaxdONLY GENUxIE, x - JsI.I F reess xN IL 1'IF "', SiA ARTE.RS Can1diesSELF-FILLING PEN e the , t ltttx ) tI hl,.i xl fluxtxllasp ,oxxx xxixxxxxixxxxxxiiixxxxxixxiuvx ~ x~ odi i u h y mxrti I .xhexBiI orfththexerhxumb oof i the. i ax i o- ixi i o i-xxxxiixaxxiix i I ii xxi xxi)ullY e I pre-[ inktfxrx txixxnerid\iexxtlxireLr.Kvi. xi ch 1,n x e fr . ilk exxl as e ufex ted Al a xer}- compte lim xxe such Really Fills Itself.' , Fn ' t ke hi lxrcedixuk avi hi. xt a exx l 1 xxexxxstIxef)xxxixixxxixixxxxi'q; _ yy fiexj xxxi slxitxxix ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ee xxo xunaxuxx x xi x mlx .1 ~sxxvxxxxxii xxxx ithx-xxxxxaix 514 .1 I(N 4,% Ili easyyxxaxxxxaxli,xx -ximak x-xxxing xMe xCtxxxxxxxsPEN a ia ii t l tl )t; .),[ i .e It Ii lbr xxi~ii. xi E . E . C A LK IN S letxusiakexyouiur xxxixxxxx Ixto Punt i nCIiit r lx r 1 ) ,icI rcci~t )1~ I X i 4 aeo Dr~gs ixxxxx,sext xpxxxxxxuxxxx-ae x x i~ v l! ')r) 1If i::lpad Sad by Dxieaixxi. xcrxxhcr.21 n 0 i tl t rI~il l pi 324 Souxthc Stat. Stru.t THE CONKLII}i PEN CO, '/ uPONEER SUSPEND R C0 7i3 1 r ixieSi,, Pildipi. _______________________________ itb14.6l59ieffexrson Ae., Toledo. Oho. Ii ii Suits and4 0or 0Coat s um r l $10t oIUM~ lthing offipany Buy Direct and Save Money. 11i8420 E. Liberty.