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December 19, 1906 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1906-12-19

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nc>i h ri H IA:RN )hl~L.'I

raiy Votinlg and
Window Display
The largest and most com-
plete line in the city in both
Scotch and Worsted trous-
erings. You will also find
our prices right. We guar-
antee perfect .satisfaction.
G1. H. Willr) Co.
311 S. State St.
'htill eiV)t Delight to
(Give.anda Pleasurefor
Yor inds . otto Re cv
A FE1W O01 'iliiF.OOD ONS
Cht aux '' rir. Ini ..
Ntnre Studies n Berkhr'.'. 4m.1
(oiden D ays of the Res'tratin .i.
Rome. Lu~ii
Cetin DeilitflEgihT ws
Oze' Calf iti-of Ithe Classic',il
Christy, Hlarrson Fisher
aad U. of M. Clendars
t.ofthl. onrs adtollege J, ir
The ticSlielts IfBooktor
Leatlhr Sal Pillows
or Banners
They hay.e a. lii line of X as Noc..'
atL- Prc..

.rite-red as :.d'clssrna0 a te n
Pu lih d dinli 1..i ecptd) d 1 n
the college ,em.ar, t17 East Washington
sre. Bllphoneq. Home.1 ph, le 76.
Xloiiniig di e r't vC. Pouind
l3tiine Mi'1nagcr-6'. F. XWinstead. t
Nonws.......David F. Stevensonr
Atln..'ii .....Robert 11. Clancy
FYitiong41'....l.heiry A. Mrontgomery,
'tsie 1 1 Dramia..Paul S. Itoweer
\iji '1111 ?]ditor ...tou toe VanVorisjot'
1.610011101. STAFFI.
George A.DOborn J. Earl Ogle. Jr.
Hlarold C. Smith[{
ASoOCru'r.TI'au'i FtS.I{
IHenvy 1F. Schiilte Glen D Bradttey wl
Willmam A. Muther.. FHoyd It. Jones
Claine 0111101 ltier George14. Hobtitia
A. I'Ritchie I. Jolin Wanibolitd
J. XX. 111.' iiiilc Guy P. lisso .
11 vri S.('oily William FP Gi etottii
tO i'~t15 illTlt '
(',tit-] 1.Adt'itii
RATES: $2i5u per year, o01$2aul if paid ini Xi
advne. iOfrl

Ii l 4 121 li "" ___-

f1t't1 ., '1'1'
Xti tc 0 firs
it q11601 it

1 iiirrl eI r cl i t6111 ii ii' . 1 .11 a
111 io slt i >iii)the 11011 1 0 hc"I)II

1. thrsyur skilt NOTICE.
ILot, for rent, etc., ails are tabon only
j1J at tie office of the buioiisvs mana1gev
fro tifr durIhiing hiours, anid are casti in adeanice.
1 it l)-1011 ; Rites are oiie cceit per word per inser-
1e11, 1.11 'tion; no ad takeni for leso than 110 "iil-
,1 61110 1111 tfiverceols. tf
r iirt >1 e 11 in" le l 111 , 1, 11 '1111111 t ic1> il
o l}it ee 11 0 isia (V'dnsai 20111)1111111 1
11 ii a h t ei 11' II 1 YXI' 11611gi, :0 Ii 1 2I P. 11i
;idIat 1.111S1 1,'GN
111 cII 1e
be111111111 1 Geatiisp11laly of Christmas1novelties1111
Ill Italian.,I'.iglisti, Japanese nd it n-1
deaiit .1 1rush 1ese01warv, and a artieolcctiol (fthe
f'.%v c' 11111111", in 110 If' ihammer2111 ralist ,11a111 "The.

The Michigan Calendar
'I' tie w00' 1 lmlar for 19)
loll come611110 t o m11 i 'ir>list.
11110 i tl't 1>mm11111a10 formierly.
Price 25 Cents
Ill '(had R11, 1 I. Kirk, Plleto-
rio' 11e111, I t o Xl. Jtst Ii.-
Price 50 Cents
Michigan Souvenir Books
25 and 50 Cents
is i lxN i i 111 1 it 1561
Holiday Books
Lawyers, Doictrs andt Sudents
'Il I l 1 itia(, ist 11>111it>

Addrrss: CHAS. it.WINSTEtAD), Businessj
Mainger, 220 S. 12t0. St. t'horne77 1.
OhfteeHoures: 12-3(1 tio11:3oad 6:3(0 to 7;301
P. .Dilly.
Adhdress: AR~ TURC. POUND5, Manao~gin.g
Eiltor, 710Monoe.
OfficetHour; 2to 3IP.it. tDaily.
Excerpt Snday.
t 1111lot 11howl 'si iews E itorl1 '. 11:1 nti t.:1
[Jil. -t Ofiein ItA rlC,1> t~rst
1 111111 6' Xt? F I I. ",R 0, II
17e. 2 N~011s > f 1 1i,1> .i~iI l o
(-I v l~om 1;, I'll 1 111/11fal1, ia
j(} lt.Its Ioi1
I 11'i1- I Ii >111111111t'tCI l~il~lt't
111 1 ' t ll ]" L,';}" 1 1 i <1116 15ill
!11 111111110 ppl al lctr
I c. 2 1/ mcstcloesin 1101111,cn-
in1 fr116itim Xholiday". 11
Tal. 8 11rics rs1 ld l l e
here11s1a111111 f11 : 11de1 (
maeXi ,cffalal ~e-11 t rt

SlnsrA TeAily I XXilI1Iendorse111
011 ,refit I I Idi ig t at t e1 de ire
lw\ ales %% 111iad mr. 1. 11 and111 1111
1 1in .utue 1 r1 cat1111 111 : d ub
XX m. "A1 lac aide1to MCA1the1nag.for
h1 1 Innin 'li IlT l Ill i 1 1111made11to
also > lt11 Ian- 1. 'it 11 loll m il at1.1111
1rsf1 ,v is u>111 in "A1111111 iof
1i L uoe 1 1 IIand1 all'10111 111111
miI 11 ' ir t i cl oser anal harder1
I1-ans 1fo s Iricy1tan1 evr is
I 'I coi ni 61 t' Kati1(]oil(, its1v1.1111
111.1is played 1>a1har ', 1,1116. Xliotgat

kdwarts ftiros., over Sheehtatn'sboo
store,11Mtestreet. State ltiote 12,81,.
l statllisted 1858. 'The college tess
elers. I tatter's Jewoelry Store, Maitt
treet. cod
Satisfaictory tailtorinig at satisfactory
11r1c6s.Itlter & OConnur, 61q E. XWil
i111 street. I:

]tc l ipntcnt caf ly ;t 5 1,
riE c(1- tt'c can 511{ ott
I)r tell Of tllf' bc t pattc°r111; 11'
c1as f "oo ds. Your iwspc°(
Iicitcd. 'Martin Ilallc°r'- Furl
jcct and I)rapcr} ?tore, t t:
16 1 ',ast I'11m.t - street.

11(11 1u c
"11 11 t :
1 , I I

151 tI "I ' > I 'l


l' t,,,}d are

Slt' 'XSEIS!SI IT 6'St.)i!
XXote.11 oAsk1114tolse11011>lll1at6e
Get your electioni tickects, dlance pro>
g1111110etc.,at'lot ANN ARBOR PaESo,
117 r. XWashiington street; priniters of
'1h1e Michigan Daily, Inlantder, Alumo-
tiS,>Techic, University News-Letter,
S. C. A. tlandboiok, Yost's Great Boo111
oil Foottll, Ilighi School Omtega, etc.
XXec 1o1 more pritinig for the stuidet
tbodiy thtan all other sthops cotmbinted
Sooin in oar own huilditng, Maytiard
street, opposite Granger's Acadenmy and
just northu of School of Music. If
ANlarmo clochs at Ilaller's, Main strcet,

Law and .'M1edialIBoksellc
Tel 761. 326 S. Stale SI.
0.1 Spaling's Ofiil root
B' ' Iall Guide' Containing the
y New 101u.1si
t1 , ta lsale
1/ EIIl 1, '1 11 .1 al"( ' looi
l (;mill( 1t 11 lplt li edi
1 l (fLf o tsll A (rna-
SPLON Is RO.,( Cioao
'"I .U1 . a 1t:"t1 st. in l'I )111 i , !, '~'


I scasor<<<i lt al'id( ti

FFor Christmwas
No gift will be mtore acceptable; nothing could
be more appropriate than a
VIversiy or
lFraterrdify Seal
UjR ~Formrterly
PRICE P$ 4J '7 $6, oo~
The Store of the Students, by the Stucdents, for1'thte Sttdents

Thursday Evening
Thursday, D)ec. 20
6.3o p. m.
McMiI1an Hall

S.L A. Announcement

W. J. Bryan
Chas. A. Towne
Robert M. Lafollette
F. Hopkinson Smith
Booker Washington

Samuel W. Gompers
Leland TI. Powers
Albert B. Cummings
Oratorical Contest
Creatore's Band

$2.00 GET TICKETS NOW $2.001



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