The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, M1ICiHIC iAN, 8l I.i Y,)IiC 1I'* .,l oo().i , VOL. XVII. BASEBALL COACH NOT YET SELECTED Pillhigan Should Have Successful Baseball Team-Ten I'M" Men Eligible This Year. With tie s it ti iaStreUe tfootlallSa son sinte rite-adlvettof 'tost andehis iesadallo e conli qunt post mtorcems irrevocably buried--the- ebb- iss are looking forward It uc(s eell season in baseball and track as part con solationt for the fobl iso \Witlh Garrels and other fer-ear meen taeed lithetrack t em itzpttiatricks branch of athletics will be werl carel fete, and if tier temewhiehthsler ter last twit 5sesonst5 wot thle bsbl champttiosieeof te ethe eSo bbeetor' Ieagute" eitt lee dittli te, elieiig'tt till haesa versy satesfaterve- lei rerto tecord, t lee the lslo e clliste th ee baebalell i it 5eamSth s its iteaedest leHew. as i is iiteentiialey ttes eceeeehig tate credit feet tieselaioteeesl its of ter test tewoi yeas is ieee Terahei ttaeethalis inot s yet maeeeeeaeny te-tiite aere'eeege'mtit'e rerediiegaeewe'e ca heelttie choeeece wilioblesfl ont sete lleee w i ofci 1n plaer. ee' 'ie iliser is prtaticlecsrti BffloEalei'sterne legeerteameseehlee is n tee s iee ilite eef les retur .Te e lies t leec" eaeev le\tee oftesleieeee ileem-the te I bb ledteg sthlee i teorganizaetieen. fthe r les e r lght eeeeeeino eet! teereelsocnie' tofnlcin utuifeeeChiestmaes Of last yeaitrsslehaeeieees Sentegre~-, i Ncffc andei O'Br ieee re te- eeheeis ineleigibeelets ear bbiels'Bilrie eee thired ce-s a srit letstes ewil noet ee felt s kestnly s cciiltat o eeltiewoee twirersci eew eitiem eittm eret e lim hoe aailatee ree alptainee Taft, ex-Caltaineee ndsteleliKelle, Ulhei ii, leesli Sllitvatee Wheerer, ii)tete1te antdl Petterson, bessdess eterii-s, tlee fest little eutfiieler tf ties etee} etntl190;e teettms.Tiles teeakes aeteel ofieelli"eW, mestiteethwillteeakeiiteeossbles-t e tee ldlversity'pleyer itt eveerelesi tin it'llptetird bse oeer, iee stroetg heb ittendlooteks likie a fieteeli-e ether itfeldeeer f high clss is eel 'rit y whoiwa ice ulii atI esn 'Tleereceivc-itg eted ef ties lett e eewili causelhetlsetreoeelei s Cisin ieaIft Leoel atePeltrete iiarseli betogv a geoodelacceetete elf etesee eseide tih- ett I oeltill teleeutellidleethe hlk eel tie backestoptetwerkandTftl wei e l ceeer tierititieal sack eandelact s tiithe inielder. Keley leeoeks lies a fextuets at seceeteeIbut Ni agerit nmey gieesPaltest sonetea erdelighte ler a lsce-as Kele's eriner eet shoeertstoep. I iddeientesete i is deadly wcitit, tuauessgeed atethitere, lee infieldl ireebleemetwit-lilbesled.eel t ettutiel Seullievean. is tes n Weeleir tetekee eestreegk iar((-ilettigy endtfse t eeeeese-runninteg rioeav -eig Aier- etetenlnd Weneilto cw-trk tei tierslale Tlo alternate' cithe ter teoeercnee lheere-ere eerael ireemisigeeeaeiieaete- ini sight, al l elwhomthoeeer, haee yet tee irovete ir aiility. bkesieeeeei the eleLafaetste teirer 'ettWl iple.i aseuthpatwece lett, are- teteef eelle'les knoee spelirentees. D irecteriLeireIhbes noet yt arrenge the heaseal seleteandieeIties-prejec eel takinitg tierteameeseeute durig sinrge vacaeticen, as aas a- ieg censidered. Ilinetees adel('hicge cwiii doubitless save pilces enetee sche- theratsn-ill Oberlin, Ohieo Steete ieee Possibliycotter eastern team. RAILROAD COMPANIES 1 REFUSE STUDENT RATES Reduced Holiday Rate Hlood Only Until January 2- Agent Case of Michigan Central Explains. Th ieeeetboyisieeeontsidlereblyi ti-i-eee'dit 1tie oer tie-aeetieeneof tie- hunt- gat enettrae el bdeeine.sbereeailreeeads lt re-leesiteg tiem-itt pe cllel rete for ee Chrieis tmeeeshieieees. It hees leasee esn ltehe tetee l eteeeompaiesteseteen th esprivlege'totee i'studtele eels r--efsl oeethle Ieeho ptt les e yleh s leen tierlt critiecize ele'b t e endergrad-i uts in al eutt erse It is trea pai al raee a be grne ,b tee esteeteitas icte tie s en le e- Ja-eee reee 2. eI e7 t itt t le reatitle seenthatie hlees tc feeloieee tiua ee et tee lie stue t s. eels te rm te rits aet l e es- i lebe seeld e r aet llileth eei ia ieee-sinte e leetntrfte a fre am ( c hle-ifor eetiee ieeei ; u h 11, date ,t for Icavig e( etse 1 ties 111, b n tlt e tee e e ethat~c} _ It it hi la l use th t eela-- te is salfell iee eeltel lsletitledle tin e chool edu s t eel ee' e e unstl t e e ettttteft111c n ew lte ette t ee i 11e1ritt w ih a es eatlee ratee i - i : ta aet '-l'teeltheeote t tett stealed e ca'o urinets asifoetite "Illette t.teitteti VCe 't'ieei-r- yC ' ieeeil eleha it fe tees ngtwotee slee ie for te teem itnIt ui c'it 1(ii fee t it t feitr bbe ite t s he is tem teefithe form li betel tee enete the stle ntsi'ee rtestie ben alwe o , iuniliecollege c'- itc teeo ttteees lee ts steeete e tee- MEMIBER IS DEAD el ite t ttitit' e leeadtill1c' tt I tete ti t tier" leese iee\ sceer s l rimteille-tcen ts tee Dr. Herdman Succumbs to Operation NO "FUSSERS" AT I FRESHMAN SPREAD i(Gris' Dlress Party In Barbour Ovin, - )aI )n"h l ents 1le ie ~ teake, lhe exerne tee e etee o ly itta, tie., bc teeau te ittilti lbe tter t testierinig g-ranted.l Nr . Cise ad t es l tely ,ot ti the le tite he ne i ter'- tt ea ele tee m iew cite lt~ e sentint eetiehettttttt sste'itles - e iee e e e i -tick e et i teein the e as- I\ e' tt tetttitei' i-ill ItNe- ce j tit ieee ii- b iktt m lta tee ~thei eti tmae ittet into teatee -'eels itell )eel tee tie tel Awin tliloIycolbe he iien aiterm te te ho e b teiiu itesth tM inecas ca tehst i T hettitt r of I etielltell-)lfr",a ~'t torms t(of teepbau e li n te' l )r R le le e t e -Wle erm t ,) )lrch, ()()<, P rtel: e t i" t r lic~ e, 1 . l>r--os,:c tee titiet' bliW bee k I bulls in 'iN s A ri n ak ithr empi te lilt fi the 's atho ic iee ltotie Iiei eecerintaddr ss Onet e P eeal e te t ie ntee ieresitye [fell ")ihti tleeas itt ente eegrom te t_' I i5 in Baltimore Hospital -'Was a Tonight- Event Characterized Leader in His Profess'ion, by Amusing Fteatures. Wbb' I lerehite tee , N ie hel ii sst, eel eeefeeeeeieegy and cuth tretilee ete nt he -Ui site' ee N itie tt liei testeitet eeemeteiteg at tee 'lee( , n oh s 1t knsI )lltl e1li titoeet e 1Ni .I et the e ey fi sixty ttet years. I'rofss~r le tel tee hdtee suf eering ifrothetsieteetom ch teelle feet'seetite tecescti;111(1ti t w ' ih) s; t tte e-teeatioti n1;t(c nccs'ar by tis i e-~lre\t-es 10 (ired c;(rnc )f hs (Ich. INt- a ieee butte belt-in ieee O som ti tt,-ca t -eu"town icesiti t l}( crto'it isit I i ti it ettete' illtt ete'stille' )Ii).It r t tie -l te-c h e u c t on e 't( lsiieeset ). it . ,- titiiih In, \ ic, ca iii hiw t --e lceetgi t to w th c l ilintee tieet citty 'eltdI tee o lielcd t~ t- c g , .i c iritee tee >ara h i Jetiis 1i i llies heee' tee le~rw ni t t et a die wt t itt rente it"itit ecelis tetetp W hi , ictees 'eute iitiec etend they e' t e i -t a c t ee " tette't' bb 1it i- lied i , h c Tlieretteeiheesieeetee 'stl d tettis tonieght il tee hee l eee g tetuteestet t teet Irtteatll i i it Itt 5theern n c; Ic Itr ct l i i t tes ~ ,I Ic clt 'ge' ie us heetat fil l~r llte ii ; ti el eu-a itt--til rIi - - -tit ftlr itt teitett e bi t 1hcl m i \ , I "et I tiet~rti t - I~ ,I; ll tia i l, ,i ' (,aititcrtee-- e t i tr h t l teed tee, it thee ld il ll ;, teeii tte l ~ c tl d il,. \ t itt i tt I te tl tell ."teethe ~ai dn",11 d, tee te I ll te ree heeetee I.tee t e ate sleet . t i e , r c it il itl eel tati i et i ette t d rt t it e iiel lu icettee \ -h ir In I Itt a ll i -,il( ~ h, y;I , , t l. t ee tt I ctethe tie I e Fhelwmteiet:Iieee ft~, tuu tlg.aireeI tee lth tee--',I I- tilr~~t,, ,i sI tei i-tee-- I~ i~ l~tIi~ it ~llt i~ tr~allt iII b s ~t teim a Tt iltee ll ttertttiett~,,i ,Tt I lI it'r tale t ie-e l tet t le- kitticte i - Ll hi 1 ,, t th ee l I tfute t r",Ii , '- i-i tr a t I , c l,( 1 lt, " I R IW I tt 1111 t i tileiIJ l 1A ( tee cf lI cie elee s113,e it ~ tat~ As .' cte e ' lil .i~ tetItiteit t te;tie it m t ee 'site elw 1it t tu t it ; l iti t litl~tll and ixt IT,u ietuti she'Tee usie ihuht.rcec il li te fii~lt: sute itt~tia l s l } ,'-g ~ lit ofe te h ledi u t oftseihga I ire recxrc W heetd yat? ta . ee g lees teh 'ete e e ? rthe I et'lo kes O trra il Iw ,w tricttinitt iecse for itttermteethdteeoittalc tee Is ceetee tee- \,eel o teit t i i t e a it nt ;l imel nd id erra n is a twi sitilyce l tee lrit ttttttwlldu l- Itttineeinin tt tet t thee e' ut-u-tu e i ue i o ei %ies teuIdtestetet , T orett ' u tr'nttitinheth m i le I te itt t bbet etustehas ciet t blrt 'eeint'eethe h'a rd al i e'in ie-rfc stu y otfi t etutleeanla vi t iur le Iees f in te isebu camte erbneeofetie e cog havng;Wthonins Satucoeln te th d ia ,theetit ie' tts' ra-l'.'eita lraec n h clin tWa igtn hc ucie-iltiofthe- b eeericeuu beIT(- ciaioleeno nn i t t i as ete e x cthieee' r ie e, ucusatuttite' Ii wilher cha'rgtedi orthheictreiCntineon ntPage t 'hee.)e ,, ' , °b . wd , Nr 'The Coolhey Paroperty-sRecently Acquirfed bye the Miclti-uet U iuee as ile rr .t heilueeees'c'