{ MICHIGAN AL lc Each An Entirety Nesw Series Ju.st Recived at bag's. Fifteenteatifttt Viewss of Ann Arbor and tie University I s it (ars ie of Campo Ic- ibm uit g >tis Inn iiicvsil lliiilhg Ciioiin iivHoIispitlI iTt arInv Sqii tilt St. lli i asIit lHosi(htal Tie 1 ine-itCore They are All Right and Only te Each at 170A'S Cr. Main and Washitgtn O)ccidental Hotel We Cter taquets, Etc. Hixson Luinch= Ypsilanti D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY I sr -,. I 1) +tii I 8:1vis1. im., Lo FINriF LUNCGHES It tic li . la-1 st lt neo oI11[c & %ir l l:t Cigrete aas 5a~in l lee'tCT < ^r. A compiet li i-it 11i1 sO 11I, i'iiii Wiae aItti 11-5. ci alofor "A YS& 51itAtl tI5 l e I, lcthe, \BiN ti s R. F;. JOLLY. St.t. St. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES 117-1.a .~Leie, A~nn Abor (,II g iiNorictil9:05 . m, ad 4:&,p. II i1.1liigalt Y, n iSis. &liihtiiL tt, Gei'In-u. Agnt. Agent, Lb IX p ci 1e 31r i hioAm e ic01t0 119 XWHWGAN CENTLM~J "T'he Nigara Fals Rute " Chicago Bufao Boston New York Throug11lTra n Est-3.1 a 11.'_.7 m 1.:"a p 111., i.30 p, 111 . i . rThroughlcrans West- ,-;.,.ii, SSa Loiials Wet ccl a.e.,i..2e, a .. -nL . - , 1( ~1,(15 1I, W W CAlE, Aget, Ann Abr FIRSTf NATIONAL BANK Of AntAtier, Mih. 11 iiuIs i Yves. It i i cudl,, V W. C i -o, iCashie ii ii tl,_ยข il0.00e ir le n till l'viiliti 1,,110 BALEY & EDMUNDS 21 mEs.Lilbety Street. WAI KING 1.00I Chinese Chp-Suey Restaurant ierge t .c Bow&te Propcerietsc. Rowe's Laundry' Thomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N,Fifh AvA. Nvi PI Ii ii-457 Itch 'lwie 45h7-IL All Studetnts' Supplies, Station- ery, Foturntain Pens, U. of M. lins and Banners. Cigars and Totbacco. Save a Walk and (live Us a Call. Students' Supply Store f 5 . UieichtyAve. i i N I pill I mmwmmmwm FRESHi PEANUT- S ROASTED We Itthi~y(r Pclttltt, ii i-nto1 i hits Of s28,000l poudtiss-ti tih, iectfrom \ivginit, Wi- tave liir owntroasting plcttt and give the 71051 andi BEST for the Money. One Pound Packages. 10 cents. Blanched Saled Peanuts, 15c per lb.; 2 lbs. lor 25e. iclkory Nuts 10c per Quarl. 3 Quarts lor 25ce. DEAN ea. CO., Lt '1., 214 S. Main St. i I i I I I i s i r t Xttttt,S TcAi,ORINtth UNI VIIRSI lv NOTICES. Ltest sylesfell iilinte uiths alit I cksmadetiiovocieri atioiice at reason- 1. 1 ~ s c i, he I - i ca 1 1 1 t -itiale pri-es. 5 e tive the ltest desigiis ill at P:/il f~rit SI 1id H i,>ini li i I JohnJ. Schlanz, evoi I, h. iliamn St. ,.ll 'ilit ietl ct ii iii .f11I {1i itzci I i is t I - l ,.t i l c i c I -io I i e, J I\ c i - i if S. iii i i iI tw. uh aso forty- ltwo campusl~l it Ntiss I ol tts, 332 S. State street. 16-g giiirplice i5c 53, S9, (65 IS1 -Wall \etti conitaiininig ab1o111$20 inI billsc-hleck fur $iii, S.IL. A. ticket, and tohcr a tics Iinlticptease returnl '1i hi ii huh 327-Whtite. tf Wei a I-c hti ii g this tso thu-alt. A k t e It ,1o , Icli si-i.e wcc tlage )IIIll ilether- cltier , Plin 6.,-716 ft W'ould~ yoit like to lelrtra ilarso o l ti toi imiprose 5-nile treseti gitme? Vii tswitt give yot vareu f c oachtinlg wtheinldIl sired. lustoit Bros. Suits prested 25c ; trousers, iec. ittiller & O'Connor. tf GOING OUT OF BUSINESS $5 Knox Hats - - $3.50 $4 Varsity Hats - - $2.85 $2.50 and $2 Dents and Fownes i 0 Ir it u pox 1 t ;. R Gloves - $7 Opera Hats $1.50 Shirts - Sc Neckwear 35c- - $1.60 - $5.00 - $1.10 3 fur $1.00 f r : f ,: i' ', . wa i All L f Here are t/he Reasons JVhy T'1 e Fox 77 rpe'writer is a Better Ty~pewriter Than any Other 7I pewriter Made: I It HasPerefect Viesitle Writing. The enire writing line is ie direct line of viston of tihe oetorteend all the nmntter written temcatne so-daes lid pain cat o tight under any pateof thentachine. It Han an Astemeihtt Surface foe the Type liars, of 16!/ Incheen. (Other vsibie typewaiters 41 ) This adite ef the csecaf a type bar 1 , cfn inch wide- tan adjusftaile bat-gives the Fun Visible the durability acd permanence o alilgnentof the " hlied "wnohins, a hitheroimpessihle tiling in the cntuto nf visible typewrtiterse It Han Interchangfeablte Cneeige'. This meansi pan ewe a Fonthat yucnot h1v1 oabuy a new typewriter weniiyoitneed u a n5carriage far yor eltmachine, si;.nplyy Ike- /carrn iege. It isitntantly inlet changeahle with lie one already on the typeweiter. It lias A Tabulatoir. Every miachine i scppliedwtb a taulator,,wcsh inr illing, cevocilgancd tahulating hiueusnis practienlly indicpentahle. It is inrniehed fri e wi/h each mnachine. It Hasc an AutnmticTnwi-Ctotae Ribibon IMovemnent. The ihbonrenquirest net the lightect atentian ifctc the operator inric the time it in pnt en the mnachine utlit it worc cat. It oscillates cc that its en/te alec/ace tastused, and hy simply tounehing a hattcn ic the' keyboatrd yea print a second ce/er as It has a"Speed"lEscpemntn soctht byimplymovingnaieverethe machinenatc dateitef tthe peedeofaifastorcsleow operato, (thispevents afat operntor "piling" letterseonna slaw tmachine) You ought to have these features in your Typewriter to securo the host and most economical results-they are all found only in the NEW FOX VISIBLE. They pi .-eth.li-cx a .;yiyu.to ci lad ofatllco:etItors1 Letnesproe thitayeunyaurtnwn che. Catalagueoccappliieatioe. FOX TYPEWRITER COMPANY - Fnctorycand Exeeutive Office_ Front Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. Bramchs ad Repeseentativsin alities $1.00 and. Z5c Neckwear - 60c Varsity Collars 10c 3 for - 25+ Freshmen Caps - - 35c Suits Made to Order $17.59 and Up Everything New and Up-to-Date. Quantity Lim- ited. First Come, First Served. GOODSPEED & SON TAILORS HATTERS HABERDASHERS = ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING