i MtC I GA~4 15AILY Trouseriug Window Display The largest and mst com- plete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erngs You will also find our prices right We guar- antee perfect satisfaction G. H. WILD) CO. 311 S.Stte St Three Excellent Christmas Gifts Uof 1.Calendar (1uixu nix alixtitiandifile- ix n. Pic 75 Michigan State Calendar A ewrll t i-u re In C ln tutu . Pic $1.00 A IU. of M. Souvenir xu-irt x xx i Itett -. Papcrondi, .S5c oze- Cafi bound, $1.00 SEEHAN&CO.' The i-itideits Boktor Money Loaned Watches and Jeeiry repaired. Bargains in iWathes &Diliaimond o fie at refd nec 331 I. Librty iSt JOSEPH0I C. WATTS THE MICHIGAN DAILY. t it curll- p perout ltoti1-xn- In i hi ntil y ill the three ni~tr cd a scod class aterat the A ni iiti ha in ncharg, .1nd(1while Arbornc 1nfixc. i t itti tiiiig tiimake xa cadiecal tde- iiibised daiinly(Mondays ecetetd) dncing tcx ii ciciiii thec tinlcit yearat 117 iEasti Vashington iit i l tiii ii uuiii lt Stt, Bell tphonni892. linnicphone 76. (ldir :'al RCill 1 RT lxci e2 i Gcicx i- n i xilivcit "in iotl XX ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'cli bXxxI-nhituxiXl theit ml AxiaITr Pnucoi I lnxx Ii-aE lidlie ii 1 1 tul ie i iii h"ittitbi rniiii 111iiiit c II 1...... /.. -/nx Vatl Voor i a i hi i l t ir ind ht ig ilw ti ?;t Ii iitr I lix'ltta e ce lul xlii Itxiiiiii ii i Ii tin 1~n f l xxxix ll]etint (~~i£rIC. iii k-In e reI Xliii jliii iii ca "l iti n y ls. R u d II. S~npr. Sea thati $ana it paidtitas tli ili t ina adnaaipactce-. s iy ii~iac ely Adii-nex il S . aS TAF)ihcBaniccat f -ffir il hedeta johntta.t-, 2i. Harry iSt.('Once 7lne7 i iii ltepde tsi tir advance.itactax -o,3Ott in acit)theOtal;3it i that 1". SM. ially. ' c h llto f s iit iii XX.odaI IHIl/ElRllSI CAIaEND'AR. lxii ii h tw no tighl ilipt ci cork ;. xs iignd o the , th(Ar ii de cr tnsxito rah -r;ih "' and that ait l x- i iii ofIi col- (OHM i, -hu igor mitsxi iiccilum c of that INDOOSPR MIE'T XWAS 'MtERILY SLUW/1x/,STIt'IN)TOPENSY A ceptuthainnliten circuenitii hati MIiicigtni xskecilPens -ylvatnia toiioec toi XiiniArborx for antlinoor tck meet anil liat Pennsylviiiaiiriexfiuscithinoffnec oni the gcountd iiiaitit xxas tnt iiitspoicy toi ieniouagie mm iind ntx 1Thetruth of tihicmaeter, innccringlxiolMxinger It~rd ic-, tta to suchinvmitation wasa deitii iitux iimlxiii b i thatiininilociciieet xi xx infocrmally- ii dicusedxithlxTrinter de pia for lthe footbal igaimi. It is undertoodtox be liisxilii luxixitchati next t prili . Ni-ila(ixit hoselixiseriousiillinesxsntau cciixitxd-in iii -cr cilxy lyti, hI liiihtliy imiiriiidi i nil iisspeeidciy cc- coveri-y i iii iii a tiitite-d. Iliii mothe arr c ived iiIte X(-iiiicdayceveiniig from cr hiciiin iKansasxixtiy, /ilo., nii vincaeheroi itt-ttheraislisoIin shii cit xffciit -,tand itifuniistped thaxth Clark ii xe ft el ta thin JU/NIORl IIRIS PLAxNNING iliO 11111 S I(iK1IiISS S:'IIKI-ilS Thlirls oixfiitiemjunIiiircclasxill meeti thiii fti-riixxiiiat 4-lxio'loxck in Sarahi Caixwei-lXAnge-ll ]ali, litimdiscusspixiii fir thieic fnltuii-cgizaxtionu. It hix lben cxliiised tht asocicety lie fiiriii- wxhich iwillun-i-iatisttue-d int-rn-axlxiio correspnid i in si-itdoiiie men's lsxeiiili i-tx. Thre ha lxn b n-it i nhg tut isiiiniict ofi orgxanizioisxi ndesiralei ad neceicay amniiig thei-gumirstogin-n nd ih onii eiiii noiihieircand in croxoix cassiict.liihenoectuinill naxodi- lgicls ii lintit he. mrngvn SOH l INiSyTRAIII/ dUINCT ilihe '0t hIlldmtta clxiis Iieetiig in RooxminC yeixieriday afternoonxiin nwtich illh eiepict of lie executive commiiiie xppcovingi a ill of $12 for foittlnl inatr cxwr tansxacceptedx. (Gcaxtrccxii- mecitilclosluing a coitriact forc'Nichlsi Hllifir ei-ry- ixther lFridxayeentinig thrughiiiithe- wiintcr anida mitiotoii x tut n-ft-ct mxiasxiadoptend.IBacr's notioit Iohodn ciiila anx liici-soniii ter/inca-c tion xas curried.Time class ilanntexdto hlxxiii iseries if smoikxrs in Nichiiis ! )ei t X.Xl C. xA. Itthi axxtnual lban- qu tMcil lan i l Ili. Seiorli lit dince, Bachour gytm. lic8 me8ngn ineenmoeNiols NiHall, Inieixi g cipsociety receptioiiitI f-cually xandi membiers, inisocit- roomsI8 p. ii. T. A.IF;.XWcadck, axddress. 1Uni- nc ity Illxi. Under auipices of CathixliieStudntassanocixtion. Suibx ext:-ILa IPecc Marqtite." Dec 10 --WX iliami S.Spraguecletcure. lci. li n 11111 ft6 lxi I. itt. Iec n-Lctxiriexy Ra ymiioid IC. IDaxisi, oil ove-."xLcuretom, ~ap- I-cet-ilantittiait xmxken, 7:30 it.itt by Aliiirci Ioinkannum1 ini riec .Metutuiali ll.i e 20n- Lectxurc Ixy Prof.t Bcixxt dc len I, "e ''hxxtre tin- Victorc I ltipn,uu i 'xiiTtut Hlle xctre 1-00111, 4 p. tn. lic. zt -Uiivitcilosceuxien ithie eveni- tug for Chitmnaxsinhliys. Jan. 8--I-/nt rciixxi x nnin alx te- XX utit the- pirxxc ii t inumber Svct- the srb"irtheixjourntisiticj arenaxxibgitnit I uli. he crpguxlarnstf f ofiiheDaily has tured its xiii xgix-iitu i vexrii tolx us foritsxxxix itixxxiii tion hie inxurhnds.i .\ jounits we leave cetttauuin ieals :dm)s as t deadly ltothi n-pierxalwci- far i te Uivrsity xisix-eisucrepti- xitxsraing xo/ fetin thelxgpe-tccxi hbiarx-thin practice xxwhih xxxiino rxxix dnoncdh y tc thettxxxI x reiicguilxarstaff ofi TheDily axx-ik xr sx ago. Itisi us to xc iiixth i uten ts m- iitixxeee xxi endevorto iscntiue hexmstix tth cNiotumclar irixditi ,thi- is isid xnittheo xxin i ' iionxorely- laily.xx Wexn havin tixxc tisadeiraxble xstteofxfxairs. Om ihe t-ielxhaid. xxx iarex-conserxxative enoughpi to rxeiier i-itheimjiti iportinit- suneigoroupusxpxrtesixt oil the pirt if the womenition xiii tailff, inhitiren- porters o liccxixrowesslixit they-alneti btroughtlin enotughii mateinrixil to fill Thei Dailxfo xxhethretdys of /our inicumt- liiiDalyicixtigratxites tine (ercic I t xicii xiuponixihitsleid-itlsuntccss of its siree Fron iyertoyeaxr tlie cerccc li-t itrugpgledi tox ilixiltithinproudxiii tni- xxre ilxachintld listntigiht. Such necic- -tutu I -cecl a d ein-nit lixive a iii utimt!lxixeformIII iU iveit~y life and their prtuperity mtix-sitti atetr-ial pa toiii 5tudxi iactiities. NOW READY: MICHIGAN C ALENDAR FOR 1907 A branid nec- souvenir cl endar -- presents repreenta tine coriptusimnd city views, supleen~et~eed waitl alloig inal drawinlg for each month specially executed for this publication.- Price Only 25c iN SALT AT WAIIR'S For Christmas NEW POST CARD ALBUMS NEW PHOTO ALBUMS NEW SCRAP ALBUMS ENLARGEMENTS Nothing Mrc Accpabe. EASTMAN'S Christmas Kodak Box jus the Thing for A SISTER or SMALL BROTHER Kodaks from $1 up to $35.00 A FINE LINE OF NOVELTIES IN MOUNTS, FOLDERS, SOU- VENIR GIFT ALBUMS, ETC. New Post Cards EVERY FEW DAYS LYNDON Phoographer Tel 1090-J 719 N. UniA. Ave. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Cptlaistck, $5,000. tSurpius, $00,000 Resoucesir, 32.00,00i A Geeral BkingiBasinecscTasated OrrcainuClansIdE.ineck. Pes; W. I Hairriman. Vic erns .;3..1. x it athrt Spaling's Official oot - Ball Gaide Ctainling the Camp.in ciii-large-un tant mlluxi.itid e ei-ritulisheiiud Iu xllxffottlx ltittiux- to ; ricit-nix ect;tie sehedniese Otintecrds;xci oresix iec etrs of tx-i-c411111plaxcirs.Price toCets.A. . SPALMSNG & tBROS. NwrkxYe. Chiueao, s. Loui, iii Ftancio iau nIuexuxiiDnir Btuffalo,. Sracuusei, IPitburgne, htad xx Bosxton,iWa-uingxxtnti - iuxeu -i, Bli reituui. en-tdyoiur tnae andxgeitafrericopiy oatheiu Splding FalliaidiWinter cixrti (Catalogue rotiiiutpitreatdpicesicoftIallithe tewu icaionxlie atleitic goxoidsi Recad the Detroit JournaulMichigannsIbeenx uthtxcthxexi xtoieretnexpxuens greatest nexwspapec. cod-tf Trackx 'anagexpr Futllerxtn annunuiicxii ax xetigt uf xclass tracuxt:tamx cxuii- dattes xiii r thexhlidahysi. Alarmt clocks at Ilatter's, Main etreet. UNDERWEAR REDUCED! Tro move More Rapidly Our Large Stock of FLEECE LINED UNDEARWEAR We base decided to offer for two weeks our entire 50C Stock aAt 45 Cents XWe ace 1101tinaitinggunl~tilte season is over, bttt we will dive yout the beniefit of thte redutiottwhile the mlarket is good. 'st-tt ciii fitndl here alsxo a big linle of the latest Shirts atud Ties, Jecsey and Siweater Vests, Gauntlet Gloves, Etc. At THES CO-0P Them Stoce iof the Students, by the Students, for the Students W.W i 7 I a. Tonight TENTH ANNUAL BANQIIET Young Men's Christian Association "SEE PROSPECTUS" S.1 . Announcement NOW OUT W. 1. Bryan Chas. A. Towne Robert M. Lafollette F. Hopkinson Smith Booker Washington Samuel W. Gompers Leland T. Powers Albert B. Cummings Oratorical Contest Creatore's Band $2.00 GET TICKETS NOW $2.00 I____________________________________Bi'll± CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST