The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. ANN ARBOR, lii> I)A , 01"Cl"M 1 ',]-" 1\' I t, 11)()(). CHICAGO MEETS MICHIGAN Ni l IsOCib:IIcYIS IN TWO INDOOR CONTESTS c Arouses as tluch interest in Trackthe lI c c iiic c i ci scicccit will gt Events as in Football-flih. i, firste crtiiict I il es Igan's Chances (woord. I hsa llcN nic f a Ictr ciii cr0 iiicc iii -cii t: licik"i"tci mhitihial eri I fi lii cagec will met icim n alico r rlto nIlt.clyr~i_ Tgt beci airranged, on iii C ieg n te d in lu:ill irii ii iiiiliiiiia ote a i ncicn rboi. NMo ititnic- l- tend i ll, mee ing T iai , p - ibothui ivili itiliinl) Ic liluctiii l hrI catl tc cl a , o Ie~m dou tlyci bi in r i sc i ii ga s i 1h rc f tc es i teiylv goodchaptimiccmicicilciiciwiihi a ,i et. ndft, iilc iliiedtiiri althiighiii is too earlyiiiiiii I ian W ichtt' ofc ti c ketii n th t eihe1ch iiintel ieh ,I I to imnci chel it~ me ibrhl iin iii i What its chanceii i ll h,.iocti e cau Ii aditiiii t~i ti re t pireseintclk iit San iiiha iiMich i lr ii o ct: 1W) k ttcdt ,cpi, ii well iiiih i iiiiiiaciiii hei pae a611iiiiiiii i ii chlii i nI fault un1 s a d tare -i le i llnimi1c il hs i iltie c t l~ problahkic o tcc hi cao ihgn t t nit tac l lliii i ichcimamcr[. oln, Iua I I 1 ist i . i iiaon; iiirs ic iiiic cc1ri iiii this gricii ofi stars ir cll hive iiii syii-ii cutd iitiit iii purcase iof lic Ligihiiciiiiy i liai iheittle ofi I ii ii- -'rtf itiitn cii iiwill heiciimciiliilii.soiithat life iii atiteimiptin ito gini cea " i f ii this i r cc iii - l [Iiu i ccu I (' ( li r 'i leii(-' i cI Il i i( o . '~hc c()i~r c iitai li - ii C rlil cIi cc i iii Ih )'li t i t ii liiii ii ct e cii iii- ciii - + Ii I ic i ii( i i i t 11 i i -(Ic fliit l -cc :I icc - i C~ ~l I ' ccc l il i cc cII i ilII IIciit i--1( t . tic~iic Uic ccdc ccii ci ii t4' :tciii. c ccc l~" w~ tit ,i 1l c iii cci~ tip iiitt i cciii N.i hl, d li cii i--s f c III' ', 1 .i7 rt) C1, cc-ri ciii-), di cciii c iii-( iiiiii -ii 12,rt , 1 ii iia1 the "cl i, ({ ciii, ii- i icluiici-i I ciii liii ciii cliiiyiwilciarrange-if. (I~ti <'t 0) he C;"qc th Thu Yic N I icc-cpu c ," ver the tolii ,lid fiiu ch imctii t.i 11Ici I " t e r~l iI l ti ii i l-c--c - ;tii~l ~..cciiii ii cciii li-iear liiWood ciiihe cv IM t- he ha cisiihand- ii iculchictaloni ,i - clof M A \llP M A 'i '_1in ic--llini io ii, ) I. -i N (:id am y io f l ya IV I IyNMNi(_H WAiiN Al ti 1 -', I~ici ili lic ucci -ilciuichisc ic ccc I c -i-ic- ac cti hi c~t III v ii wilt I (1 11s lightily htccsscc f-itciii yc l ')f u. i ,11ci ii A l iicisa "i d ccu s ;111,cc cii ti,,- --c III c for St ic-i-Icc ccI~ictiii - icc-dl asithIAcc us, wilc Iniilac Chicagoin cdoocr rick schedleis li winitier cwilicc tieheicc stccin years. Nineimctscicii ibeiicdinci ls of tlhceN caroccncicwioill citacieoNMich-c gain for te ircsccit tice i c~e1clans.i Tiirejienj ated feaiti uisexctedi cctic ccciiiccci oicr ito theindooricccieasoni acid iproically cmark a revocluioinmci the ii ciecus ccf the eucninmg iccl ichiigac, iscconiic ani ccciiis iiicci conic to (hicagoi fouaiccifcirsccithcii the Niaroocs cicie hcl ttcc inctucrn ciii ircic-ci iccAnc n .a r Niacdisonccitnc Cribana inc memet thnirchnief ivlsi. Iii addition tn tune ic xtiures, uwhiichmhavie not yet bheniset iowninicc atcicnbook, hut cneerthilesciassuredi CaiiiRusselii acid hit menc wiii appenar icc tim First Rlegimcent opnie et Jac. 3i, itie annuai Coinued on Fage Four.) J siciciccig c i cicuitciii sentti v eilu cciccccdicDeall, N ilc- d c t-cc getc c a ciii cii ' 1 c wNners, cith teirici oratcions ar icniccicc aui icelciliic nIc i yci IllinI isug iiciiiii cicc i dcc I cofth iiithes, Nlert II. C()IeIi iciiiici, aniucci uiriignc icc iliu em emmmc i llcii particcipatc ini tiii ati Stucccicckcr Hll, Chuiccigc, ccni the evnng of January cc. hei ca im ccci ci h Icc dic cic i ci of u-c cccdIII Will t ., yI :c ui liiij -IN-c ccr it i-c Ilia: t'- W wiiimcii + Ilk oc iii NNNCI~II(INIi ; I IhiC- .lc)I AI 1wiii- cdiicili("m Ir i- f: 4)1cc t tlti .i l ") c iii l c1t i c ddit(: _cii ci cccriiyillmumcmmpacluiy with them gonui