THE MICHIGAN DAILY Souvenir Postals lc Each j An IEntirely 'NewSessries Just c cised at llo's. iteen Beaut iut Viess s of Ann Arbor and tie. Uni ersity ac 4 1 11 ild.11 44~i11 1~ o I I A1 iln Src l b thuy sarir '411 Hoji" Et :andttOnly lCr. Man and Wasiin 'on O)ccidentail Hotel We Cater to Banuets, Etc.. -IIixwoti unch Y- psilanti 0. Y. A. A. . RAILWAY .I~ .4.4 t, rIIES =.ey , 1 :' a . il tO. tO. JOLL . A~. t ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMS ltD.INE. 17::3: a1. 44. 7s p.i Il ,; a.. Agent, _ 1- - 1r ki~m ~ii S~ IiII( AN CLN4AL Cicago Butalo Boton New York 144 44441 4 11 . 41444 4. I t. il4,4 44 l444. 1In. 4I . .441 ...i. W W.C~A. Arent. Ann 4Abor FIRST N"ATIO NAL BANK 0f Ann Arbor.51i14. F. I IV~e e. l 4 '4 , 1 1(i414 V BAIL EY & EDMUNDS %porting t 00 S 24 4.4444 4iberty4Stret. 4liu in « -;l- i -y estaurant 4 44 4 t4 4 1 I Rowe's Laundry I 44'a4RsN, .Proprietor All Studtiits' Supplies. Station- ery, ilDuntiti~lnsU. of M. Pais a.n I tanners. 4:tg ars antd Tobacc. Save a Walk and G i e lUs a al. Students' Supply Store 4411 4. t4414 4- i 144 A ve, PEANUVTS ROASTED We lmom 11e1 C141I111car load lots of 25,000 poi)111111 414411, dire~ct fromt Virginia. \Ve have 1)lr 0own11roastin~g llant14141 give the !"LST and BESTl for the Money. One Pound Packages, 10 cents. Blanched Salted Peanuts, 15c per lb.; 2 lbs for 25c. Hickory Nuts 10c per Quart. 3 {Quarts for 25tc. DEAN (tt. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. i i (Cn tinued from precedinlg page.) i 1al,41144.t444141'1, JapJ4411444 411n1 (hill- 4 t.444444, and11 a4la414)' ( -14'( 14 411 1144th fires 011 When1yo hase tried all makes of 'i41,4414 cirty41f4444t4h1i1r('4r1- 144m4144up9to $7.0n per pair and cannfot 44 144441444444' '.441 1' organ-1be4fitted ihcome144to 44.1 and we will 4 4 4 144 4 4444 1444 14 414 roeoy ou0t0ha1101v01'have the best pump4 e444444444 'L44 III eis i the Unit~ed Sta4tes4. Patent or dull, A 14.411 , 1444 4o414' 144;441441414' p0r14cr ir.14 uPfield's, 119 S. Mail st.r14e4141144t4.41444 1444 an 44444 ook44 4441 4144o41 14 the4 (4144444heroes ~4I~"4'41444 4441144 444444 441141 4444,o4414414441 have ANNO UNCEMENT Autumn4twitlh 1iCe 'QIgolde pies an11d 1mellow1 colorings fromthe aint pa11411s14 (f Naltre, i 44it111us. again.\\e'l11exte1441 to lour friendls the seaslo's greetin~g 04111withit itn14ea4rnes't II inv1iion1to call .11141see4the elabo~rate14'vis i041 we4haveme 1 to(1 4fuirnishlortoy ns4(144ith the very best 1of Clothes, Hats and Toggery We 4selected 4wi4111great Care the chcllIest pro- ductionso of the 4111441 1(4t41dImanulfacturers in their respective lines. It is our d(etermlinationl to sell tioth igthtat is1104tlhoroutghly good. Outr prcieOsswill alIswiss114 fond satisfactory 1141 as 1low54a44o0444higih slaal 41of 1dua.lity swill allosw. Reule, Conlin & Hiegel 200-202 Soutfh Malre St. i I 44Ic 1;.114414 144 .5i141114 o44o44 I 411,11'':4441 (Alay oyr14 Ill4s a"41 ci a-41 .4,1 of1 th 1114,4144411th o 4' cfo is' 44441 41444441(1414 .44141 441 o Pattegill for1 44 14i-.1 . Ic4144, 1)et4oit4 419, 75, 0 Call atIHenriy &.CI. and receive A Souvenir Picture of the 1906 Football Team FREE HENRY ft CO'S TCaillers an1"1'uriiishlers to Mena. 4J t141414"11 ot441l44444144 0141hem.we1ow1! 4'..11 4.4 4 14444eas 44 .44 It 3,4 1111114 1114444lie mot 1. ADIES4' TAi4OR'iNG. ill toc w(i th14441 a1 l at11 44444 L1t4141 414les fall1 and41w44111r4suits and N1e peronlly lb 1h i p l oak4s1.'made11cto orider a I t 044 1re'ason- 44 11c4possessed all1t1e 41414 prices. We 114144 theclatest designis of4a(good4eac41r andi 1414441n at 14041'.d. JohlnlJ. Schlanz, 1111444od 1eutie. 4le colt 6o. Ii.'.111i.liam St. 444 441 si1 , 4ii, t10 ;td ('414i ;I1 an T t it ct.1 '55.41t~ LL III 14 411444 414' 441414 -er i4t 4of 1si 4 14.44444' 44skill iilli(4144t- 0Readlthe Detroi 4141114441144s, 441) 4414111411 4 14cin1greiatest espaper1 p4 a pi.a Universit'.141 ecause141 ii '14titn 1chractrlitis itti14144;4T41P5I\\ ITi 1441 til l ili 11.rs0444 (f iclia 14441414441rtlac it Jonial, Michigan's r. cod-tf or'I' '4 ci'll)v.4I 10'4- st olcd I s 1.441- NOTICE==FRATERN ITI ES Inter= Fraternity Yowling League now being organized. All wishing to enter please call on S. IROTTENSTEIN for full informationi. 707 N. Unliversity Ave. =1 _ V r 1 Y -- I I IcIll, m 1r 14444 41 41144114 I'ur4lave 1'.n'd1our.I'l41.cod. I a 44z111 4445 .41 1.4 t,414114' 111.44 Glasses rcpairedl. Eyes care- .44141114444 411.1 placc4il144h 1 4ear1 of1 fully fitedlIanld tested. Id 4145114444 of us." George Ifaller, Mailn SC. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS $5 Knox Hats - - $3.50 $4 Varsity Hats - $2.85 $2.50 and $2 Dents and Fownes Gloves - - $1.60 $7 Opera Hats - - $5.00 $1.50 Shirts - - $1.10 Sc Neckwear 35c-3 for $1.00 $1.00 and 15c Neckwear - 60c Varsity Collars 10c 3 for J 25c Freshmen Caps - 35c Suits Made to Order $17.50 and Up Everything New and Up-to-Date. Quantity Lim- ited. First Come, First Served. GOODiSP-EED & SON' TAILORS HATTERS HABERDASHERS it ' Jf"'/j g I /ie F1% 'U/yp e Tcrt /3 I's a Better 7jpewrlter T/an illy )OJtheri7Ce? 1,i/er vi4i4444 e 1,. a 5 andil te aterwitenran s so- does4011asscutnof It11Has an AssemlnshlSurface for th144' 1' 114Barsof l1~ Inches. (011144 viiblc typewritcers44:). 1his admits of the4use4of1a1type14bar4o144an ih wde-- (1740 t.ll/ leo/4 ha; 44' Ivste I'Fox. 414 ibll hedurshil lv and perm~anenco of visible1ypewriters. It tHas Iterch1444aneableCarri. 110 . 1404man4i yu wnaFunx41444 foryo 044414 44441//41 4 Ih zriczc. 1t 'is4.stan1ly in44" changeable111withtee sa lready 0n1144e5typewritr It [Ias . A Tabulatorn. [1444447m4chine1,iso441414411 44114 a4tabuator, w014141 for billing, 4in44oic14g)and t1bulating figura 1s94ra144411lyindispesabnle. It i furnished freexaeaih ;n/4141 iutc It tHas an Auitomatic Two-ColoruBRib 'Itvmet.The 4ribn requires not4t1e4slilghtest attection frm hel peat fomt he 014004144inc it is44'putl on thelc ahir until i414s5worn out. It4os.ill/1410 so1that it'1111 4 14/44144 4/i'4 s 44sed, and by smply tocing14a bluton Ikeloc /34 4)4 / 5144 4prin44a4second441/04' 44s ales cell. It has a "Spee'd" Ecemernt 40o114441by sily 4moving4a leser the a4 fast4 494r44t444" plng "leters.on0a4slo10machi.1)4 You ought to have these features in your Typewriter to secure the boot and most economical results -they are all found only in the NEW FOXf. ViSIBLE. Theyplacethe Foxawys n the1444 d 1 fll co044911104.. Letu rove444h1141to)you inyour own o14440.g Cata144gue4 1491pltos. zy FOX TYPEWRITERCM UA Y ' Fitor4y44and Execut444Of4ce00414 j Front Street, Grand RU1)lo4 Mlt. r' '4 Branchesand4Repesentat'44441041 Ci110.144. _ = . ; , _ T -Y -- ----- H. I ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING