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December 08, 1906 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1906-12-08

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F you've tnevertrie~d College .Brand Clothe:,do so now - scit 11nev er It F an thoer kind tter Wltk =-O vtb rJS htes
you've onice tiedioutr suits overcoats iravenets All the latest shades, i plain blues andII aV I
blacks--prces i 5 to$2j. C hristuas Giftfs for mieni imoderately picted. In out Hae rdzsh- _____________________________________________
ry Departmient yo'fnitdtiin uunerablesggestions for us'eful and serviesbie holiday glob for
all tastes--gifts priced withinu every body's reachI waho luas a husband, a sn, a brotheri a fater ora
friend to renmember. Excluzalve Desiims for Dress Wear-
For M~en we are slosin; some
very pretty Dull Pumps aid Pat.
Bath Robes - $2.50 $10.00 White lDress Shirts $1.00 $2.50 / r Kid Sailor Ties, witills /0/s I/es.
Smoking Jackets $4.00 $8.00 Silk Mufflers - 50c $2.50 ' For Women wu hve a beae -
Sweaters - $1.00 $6.00 Cravats - - 50C $1.00 tiftil dislihy o French heel aimd
Cuban helI slpers u/liteit itt iiinl
Pajamas - $1.00 $2.50 Hose - - 25e 50C large ill les, tn all dull ad ptenti
Scarf Pins and uff Buttons kdlahr
Prices $3.50 and $4.00
Ev rtlitg else that men and young len wear, at specil hoi iday prices
A full line of Underwvear front 50C to $2.00r
r. r - . Alt if C, /5 t I: Ct . / NVS1? N/r c Is/r's S/bjet fr te Siday
t I I lt N/ I\ Il /\1/ Y/''fKllI)Win n R l etles, Iccrehe qr s "'I he Risel
Uiersit6y k-eands/INlCCI//l1/,ks/seBanquet Tcket Sale
i tfnnnt;r cta Is lrtisLay e afterno t "c~s l cc ivTheRe igo siEdnwitg tim tielituti ednm b ttter, ick-
S c o ls /rus c f , l u u i n /i a s e ll /s~ i l a l c t o o c ii d e t l e h a e l t ho I e I iion i a tq u e t, I ec e i
School ofaMus c lob i/so te msu s/c t C/ellat I/e lieIsn(luitldlsinilI A. D MUST BE PROCURED AT ONCE.
s/i/ s/ai/s'fol.al aff ir ele gisnt-I l I SsthsSttee-Itret, anidiare itenided' CItA
5/ili,-a c a d hetl"1 i/sIs spcl- for t s/I /I es5q-t 'They c ii ise it mi uunly sll tle
I\ te "ik risa /ld es tati l t i l fo/ow ng coiitee
P I A N O h men li tstintststil/sstl e I 'I/s e n's/us 'ol liege (Cae/dar tfr atry Ilill, Chairmtati;IRoyWi lte-
/1m, T e /ora cul it /./ of s/sae-/107 i //iow on/ilesit. /IMiss Lovell's, I ulca, Vette Au/lirso//t P. A. ales,
~~~~~~~~~d"V~IE p s//s/r~ns asic/ , eeia/sss/o 5/a Ssss IiSpte st ree, triceci'D. Nini 'tnletCCCir s V
- L -.k I s's s//s /(sse k ggles famtills. ser' iisitces/ tieaerly Mail srsers t .' .e t Parry, Eng. IDepmt.; ,. F. IHoyt,
/p/ie s//s/Is / r omptIslsisi/l Ild Ipsst//i' prpidii. Medic; IR.I C hluurch i, (G A. Os-
Vioi iwithN s/e s/s 5/ Is/I/es/s 1 / a 7o5 t5l, / io, 2 lb/rne, BeleuIlarris, G . Mittrisonu,
io e~e s 's e"15//i I/k aclss tsss/si//. . . - - F. . Lucius, litrutry IDepsartumentu.
(If sssi C s/sh/t1a /irs / '15 . . C etutier mu the acity l/m' /cit
NN'smli, ewelry a/i eye lass repair- Ky m ysc r
ORGANr.le:/sssoisIs hlood, / g by skilest wokeno aler's Jew i ~5o SceaY Sis i i
/515/lumni SlssiatioA
And All Other Branches of Q'sUsARRY 5//I s//t
MutLsic ws//s cf t e ssts AN tss mIles.I It is oe Iss i/Isu /cess thatsIwes-hasvi
" pd r ( e i te lesers, / sss/ w5 /ith te tn t - -alssr/.ssll IsTh ss e spt lsitieg
It imteresied itt su i lteol ' tnsssIs-s Ni Nlay/// oi/ ssssty salct hat t we s ha5 I,em svirs-se it sI/she ie of Photographer
Miasc~ilSt tsly it vill he i t ci to0 "s/ St/s/r" Cc sasid ledI Or/enstlsrgse- ('siIa tll d /telm. 'i/sr I ( \ 1Es M it I/ MI1 ''
you imlre/lcalftt/i' s/ise' N//s/ss S' wtlt gi a / 5 5 / I ''n I (al s lo i/I/r, C'sr/et 4\ I)dI I II I)V
your nterst c ll a theofl' e /. sce/l is//s rn/ic a/t I/s/er .a s ' s St-se. ss'i t 1,ota t d 21 st/s I/atli/s - I 11, 'C W ~ ,
atnd Isarni setsifsse's ssls atsnMiss Ni' sssoos, iss ei v 12. I/ I ,t//o-ai'llr''IlIIV (Xs l
a -lese'slsss/ss s/ ~oe I/elIswere t lisnt. t "'I YCA" 3:Electricity
CHARLES A. INK, Sely .lJ 'c/Ck/t/s//s/s~rct i , Is- e s andr T/ 'ypes/riting andssslnItIle/grapiilg
L C '''s/s fmhrt1 an tuiess -hsI as//s do/nI/st/' larg's' sr smsall o/s, at
h/ e s s/s/ ywhs/s s chIs e s i sss isI tlsEwrds,/ r's -os//r S/sse'/asmm- ookme
th cta/ na -clclwtsu/I s t/ stir tablslslls '4185. The college jew- S p le
h/ I I/s/CC/este k a eimly elers. /Halm/Ir's Jewilry Sore, Main to College Men
Beginning next week /or / 'Ic Isil ls hisms Ca ol-' ll sitsree. oia d W ne
we C agwitue h/t i /h\is eotl isIr, kntIces, and BAR I
\l/s -S/st ees sme Sarah/StndssI. Ti/c kliett fsr our sampisos $m o Raui , for
Tuesnday,Thurs dayN iW-/tt-ii silNseCe ilr as wmeretused. 1al iicke god for samo
st KaarSaturay c rem-/sIaraly ls r. 'i/rli's/i isuimiiiesre, asal or tap treatment. All Purposes.
re:,t of th/se 1 tl isso isirise e /i-si MiscVsmugi, 717 N t/Un ivrsiy avene
JOE GILLARD, Proprietor. ~,"Ie.,so
'O Lit. '07 Laws ~~//Ce//l sIlm/e// si -
iif et t ite/se 1 /I1thetvnaint ae paig cWnnoa1ashtenaw Light &
Moe'sI Shopi hc lts/st /I/eptts/ilic sel a sr /iels/as l i /ien-C L U P E C O SHRUN KPoeC.
Cp 3. Iverrm i/ei yeu iln't eiii QUARTER /SIZĀ£ COLLAR
Til__ /e way if yoIsieosItandiii L E= it till lie00 E. Washington St.
. A. MOE - - -. - _ - ~ r ec s~ein~ nb;i~t
705 North University Avenue -Alarii clocks at H-ale's, Main street. rp Hs/ti. onscsB rs
COURT PUMP= ceither
$ r C f " in patent or dull finish # t rs l aft(
#1Erer HlA ft I srb n~
SHOES leather==hand turned. e SHOES
Made for us by the best pump maker in the country, and

strictly upto-date in every particular. $3.00.I
Every Pair Master=Macte WAGNER & CO STATE Every Pair Master-Made
~A L~d.~ H~.a rath Cty111)New Barber
MONE LOAED arti Madolis ad Gutarsf h L~a Hd,.. n odeSitop
MOtY LONID arif Mndlis ndGntasEnbalmerand Funeral Director ppieteiuurituue. IAlt }tner~
Amablace o ali Imprvei'mnits. THtE 1)EAt
SCtIAEBERLE & SON 0200 $.50 03.00
k/t WalichemOsimns.l.eeliry I1/ aub hAve sit.IItsense smemi We Cater to and fr all Cl lreg Pmtiptr JOHN TROJANOWSKI, Proprietor
acd Collateral security. (Poe44AAnAbr A.CeRKQ o t N rh U ieriyA eu
W. J. OV / , of M. BARBER SHOP Learn to Dance Correctly STATE SAVINGS BANK F. J. SCHUH
Vibrassage, 25 Cents At Scott's Academy, WJ. Buooth Jen. V. teicSAIARaLUBN
orrtc HOU ; 8:0 w 1:30;Cents; _Wm Arcs/ad IDr. V. C. Vaga and Electric Students' Supplies
Onsinai uuus Shower Baths, - 5Cns7t 15. 336 South State St. Ja. I. Wade E. N IsJhnaAMtEIAT
Shn,5 Cents N. .Kf reJhn are ASECAT
Buinss tWctlyni detil io.c h Protteif. I. -. Carb-art
0,tae CJtdett . K . Trja.eawaki. 32 S. States Jotn any Tuesday or Saturday. tece I. Dougi las Christianatmrtii
Nx s i ibsrat's Botioksioie. Assembly Saturday Evening. Dan F. imern J. F SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St.
Suits and Overcoats (Pfl Clo~ ~1thindg~ mnn Buy Direct and Save
To Meare n O t 20.00 oUUu k)1U1s UVLI1IF mUU anyRLI1 Money. 118-120 E. Lierty.

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