rnmi mrrrr aryrrfr. 'irr fr~ir~rrMlc ttttjAP.I PA LV 110 AllVJ1 flh P taIls + (''t i it t t I< Sitt J t.'( ii ce o ~ i £ t P Er-ANU VTSROASTED t> to~,- ,c dirt it fri ii 'i' n t air TI 1roa-tili One Pound Packages, 10 cents. Btlanchied Salted Peanuts, 15c per lb.; 2 lbs for 25c. Hickory Nuts 10c per Quart. 3 Quarts for 25c. DEFAN tom, CO.. Ltd., 214 S. Mairi St 11 'I lic~i art XII Ifiqttt and Only ft I tacIt at IIOAG'S lii I ii ,ii V I ligtsti Occidental lintel 0. Y. A. A .1 IIAILWAY ii ii } T i 'i ' Sill ;mot }i -i Si T,)- i Ow W cl't 1 "i t j' 1 i}3 r a I } ll eitn i o i i 1'- II i i 17 nor iiiil e nei1 ii i 1x,}+it l, i . _iiiiiii } l i }ii , \ t rid al \ e i '-(ftVli K. z, ri1 iii - Ii iliti te rrit and 01 i ut- I'li !' il, f l i ~n t 'ftzH fiii nt . W tei-ri 11i-i iiit 51 ii i 4 H-u i 1ii C1I I tin oif Ilic YeWll-wy , , otorn-tti~ caz~pif A NNOI .NCEMENT Atotinio with her golden hoes and mellow colorings from the paint pots of Natture, is wsithi ti again. We'll extend to onr friends the season's greeting and with it an earnest inivitattion to call andi see the elaborate provis- ion we havec nade tuo furnish otir patrons with the se-tv best of Clothes, Hats and Toggery We sele('tedl with great care the choicest pro- ductions of the most tinted maniufacturers in their respective lines. It is ouir determination to sell tiothting that is tnt thtoroughily good. Otur prieis will alway s be foundi satisfactory atnd as lowt as our bigh standard of qtuality will allow. Reule, Conlin & Rieget 200-202 sousth Mahm~ St. Call at Htenry .- Co. anil receive A Souvenir Picture ot the 1906 Football Team FREE HENRY %,4NCO* Taitlors anil Furndshers to Men. i'w;7-iIa 1'i iiitii- i'. i NOTICE=-=oFRATEIRNITI ES Inter-Fraternity Bowling League now being organized. All wishing to enter please call on S. ROTTENSTEBIN for full information. 707 N. University Ave. ANN A 0O AlIIOAD Ami i - I i .1: gt tite ia iI ilV- t iT ti PIicot Ivt ;wi zctiii lis-'i- I ii atliii - '-r i Ci s t rs A~ur Ml Il1t it i N iii-' A v SI, )r'.s i ,tt t ii t r t~l OC iuk ntt aldtested GereHller, Sal t i. ;,i;'.4 i a tM alleit's, uhilut rei-t. GOING OUT O fi S; ALE e- Here are the Reasonis 71 J lew Fo vlj ypet/i/e/;is aBetter f/a xli)'Other 7)pozt-es It Has Perfecto vyt'ii o ru ciiaonfteoprator and allthe n ;s-- oesnt issict o sighi ener aiiy patofthetmachine. ?= It lHas antAssembhing Surface for the Type lMarc, : tt's,(Cne vitibletspewriiers 4.2). Thitadmits oteueotatype r ' aaidttslifle fec-givs the Fox Vt isil the dubility andl perme 1I~ alignmet of the blind "machines a hiteto tapesiible thing in the constructionti ofvle tvpcewner- $5 Knox Hats - $.50 and $2_Dents Gloves - $'T Opera Hats - $3.50 and Foxxtns $6 Spalding Sweaters $5 Spalding Sweaters Varsity Collars 10c 3f - $1.60 X 5.00 - $4.50 - $3.50 for - 25c Freshmen Caps - - 35c I[Sults! Made to Oirder $17.50 and Up I i i i It Has Interchangeable Carriages. This meas if yen own a Fox that yea do net have to hey a new typewriter thee you need a long carriage for yorrmfachinle, simply buy //ie carriage. It is intfantly inle' changenhle with the one already en the typewrier. IctlHat A Tabulator. Eery machine it tupplied wsith a tahulator, which for hilling, invoicing and tahulaiing figares is practically indicpensahle. f it furnihed free wit/i eac/i iachine. It Hit an Antomaiac Two-Celoer Rihbben Moeentrt. The rihhon requires not ihe =tightest attention frorn the operator from the ime iis pet en the machine ui itis 2 "an eat. It oscillates to that itt en/ire secf/ace is used, and hy sieplyy itcting n hutton ion//ie key board yea print a second color as desiredi. It has a " SperoI" Escapeet to that hy simply moving a lever the machine anccomodae t.-?f to bhe speed of a fast or slow operator, (thin prevets a feet operaator 'pilinog" leticia on a slew machine,) You ought to hav3 these features in your Typewriter to secure the best and most economical results - they are all found only in the NEW FOX VISIBLE. Everything New and Up-to-Date. Quantity Lm Li-ited. First Come, First Served. GOOBSPEED & SON jTAILORS HATTERS HABERDASHERS They placethe Foxatoy inethe lead oteall compntitort. j LIt osprvesvtioiyoueineyoiur tooice j Catalogue oxppictiono FOX TYPEWRITER COMPANY Fxrtoryvand Extcalive Offire Front Street, Grand Rap de, Mich. Banchesand Repreetiesein all Cives --,:. _- l .. .. .. .. .. .. _ .. .. R i..,..rw,.. J ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYL0ES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING