THE MICHIGAN DAILY AL ARM CLOCKS HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE $1 For You For C hristnias Fens ve will dive0one 1o- lar tto iyb oy dy\it) our1 Pert att the r ir j prce lTev rel neo nd a- All Or Dohlla r louitlti Pfens 'at 7: (ent Iacts EE.CA LKINS Irstqji 1i /324 S.STTE.SR T 0. V. A. A J. R AILWAY t a11 F 1 ' a R U. 301,1Y. St 0 St ANN ARBOR RAILROA ANt)otAllDltNS To.i s 1.' vN 1R0n101i3 zba Chicago Btiatlo tBoso Ne York L tols Iotoo oo 1" ,gt, rai ns oo '1Wc 't:l ii_ :,:t 1 WN' VtA, C~'AgnttAtn Athoo FIRST NATIONAL BANK 00 An Alo, Mic. I 3k1 3'~r , I 'ra 31 " I~z c Y % B~AILY &EDMUNDS Chinese chop-Suey R staurant U(1or l r'0 lo (00 1 '~ 'c1re r Rowe's Laundry' Thomas o RacProprietor 32o N !ifth At All1 Studetitot'Sulo plic -,-Station Pin-,ountiti ox 1, ofVt Cigars atnd I odac10t. Savoe a Wtalk and (ix e a all, Student:'r Supply Store (11t 01,toS. 'ot, 0001, Ch apman's Jeweir / S;.tore 204 South State Street 1' ' oo pe toand 1110 1101 7 ' till i t, UNI V ERSITY NoTICES. ? # F', t ls~r 11 l ;;t'#}tt 11 ,1,ir i I\ ' t , 1 1; 11I 1ti 71t " I "ll; X i 1 #r-1; 4111c ' 11111 il 0E;+! 1 , t 11 1 1 i lII _I I 1 ] 1l j 3,3 i f 1"i I 13,r1 1 11131 1 t l 11 _,: [ T3!1' t t}', .14 tI Ji' 1t1 is thi111 1S ~ l l ' lo 101T 311,111j7tll fThe Stoin-Bloch Famious a Clothing ONLY AT Lindenschmitt, Aptel & Co.'s Our B~usiness Sacks ready for immed- iate service and tailored with the skill of Stein-Bloch's best workmen. We have searched the market high and low, and these are the best that money can buy. High grade Woolen Fabrics, skillfully and h o n es t l y wrought, with a fit and style that sometimes makes us wonder how it's done. Alwoays Look for Nigh (Grade (Goods at Our Store. Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s ;i 1 t 1 i'cl os at Ila lr 'I, loM ot 11' i 0 nI i 1 111 ]1 0 1110(11 t I1 al(1 t I r (r Iltl o 4 1 i 1 188 loThe 111 '' t ii 1 1111111 1 toon l, 1311 I r' t 1 1 .0311r.1e tf iFf BRIGHTO ,c j4 -/ av o1(be1testndrI2 c l1g ier01'' ,:, ' t H rr'.presnts atiio"ot , t01'io0 and11a(c0r1111 III0the, 13111111 1 ;l O ititO 10 31301 1001(1xle ('k lat ltpGt(0( lIs <0t flat 10 as 3your 3ha1nd. Iion '' I ho 013 a l1, 0113 oLOCK-GRIP \ ;,'2S. W ile thy arequiclyodkasly dtceytthyhv1l grips10 oith a bull d11 o enacit. No, 1,11110tea( It' hesoks (C011t 31(1(1300001(oose o ec 101omeaccde nllI detache.131 de 1 ,. il brass. 25c'and 50c:a a r, all d alrso f b> ma00 1 0 il, 300 id tf PIONEER SUSPENDER CO.. 710 MartrooSo., Philadelphia I-h,(,1, of o nee1' 10101 0 1 1 31 i 1 1(1111f s $ 1oo. F il h 111111011 ar ol boll ,i p1 i (1 neal l y dotl o rc1p'l'ooo L 10'koo 1 ('0111.0 33 l lrr, M:-,- So U rager' School For Ground dloor, Maynard St. one Block W. of state St. Stores GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE war $5 Knox Hats - - $ .50 and $2 Dents and f Gloves - - $Z Opera Hats - $b Spalding Sweaters $5 Spalding Sweaters Varsity Collars 10c 3 for * $3.50 Fownecs $1.60 - $5.00 - $4.50 - $3.50 - 25c - 35c Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors ! Professors Theoohest 0i1 0no00e1tooo d o o u. 0 can3 t 1 0 0 o141 ,w st your1 time01 ando 00 atien0ce000 with'ot100,old-1style 000,nu~l1t1 Buy a 'Solf-F ileroand 1t tt O ! gnv , practic1al and ol 00000101 Self-F illing oun1000000Pen.lIo CONKLIN'SON "T Ihe pen 0 wih ohe C t so tt Tollr-Oloo l device othor made sebf-fihloo lng ens ossble, pra00tica1003d1perfeo t." Dontb diedo. Acept1noth0ing170t th3gn7ne/ Conklin. Alotl Iher selofller reio eepr imental (1 03 011(1 to stage. rihe Conkiis p 30 fect-le 100o0the01marjket r for years. t od drecooooooooo b y h ousbands of I students aod coleo fso rs.0110(111 Pa ossesall ohe 0301e'- 7J/, < 1 3 folr advontages of the1best 1fooontai0n3pens 0upplemetd boy thefollowingoldistnctand deuirableofeture,11 Fills and cleans itself. No dropper. No inky fingers. No bother. No joints to leak. No clogging. Nothing to take apart. A dip in any ink, a touch of thumb to nickel crescent filler and pen is full,' u ready to write. Why take any chances? Order a CONKLIN- 3 SELF-FILLZING FOUNTAIN PEN. Iloorot n-I1 teed satisfoctory. Book Feeunre0000000 01t3l0ing 101310 ahout this oonderfuli petn. M nnofacture d olby The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. Sold in Ann Arbor by GEO. WAHR'S TWO BOOK STORES. Freshmen Caps Suits Made to Order $17.50 and Up Everything New and Up-to-Date. Quantity Lim- ited. First Come, First Served. GOOIISPEBD & SON TAILORS HATTERS HABERDASHERS Ai } ALWAYS AHEAD IN 2)YLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING