114t MIC14IGAN IDAILY Sani Barchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade M ACK'S TEA ROO M F i ' i~ I i~ ' r t t I . s i zt i i stx ic iilt th e i n sto f t' kti n dl i nt Xlix fit, il e r iii THE CUISINE SAM BURCH FIELD & cpltth o'frluitgt' s ilt reasonatble.'ok Ih 106 EAST HURON STREET IMack Cft Co. ME12 FARMERAS AND) MMlANICS 1BANK1 MAIN AND) ii lkON 5"i'ItEiiiS Capital, $50,000, Surplus and Profits, $65,001 Doesa ii iiiti'il Itainx ixx t ~x,. ,i xI i';y Ilitlt. Safty Deposit ltii t i attJV2t000a01 upwards P. 1.tet r I '.a W L . I L IA Mu S A'-. 0. M. Martin DIECr'. Oltic'e201 S t h ;1 ix l . 'fieti '.IS. IW ie ce32S. 51',rlv. I'hxlik' Il AMBULANCE 0$ CALL Brtown', IS Drug Store l xiw r~ r 120 [EASTI' 1.RlY STRititi-' Come and See Us 1 A New, Assortment of Razor Strops Just receivtied Call and See Them MUEHLIG & SCHMID'S Phtntx574 205 St ain Sire I I i i k 1 3 i i WE are Showing this week extra good values in Buckskin Gauntletts, made up swell, especially for College MVen. ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER, MAIN ST. i I 'i 'ia I II I' t ~lS 1i~I I WKi'l i University II School of Music PIANO VOICE VIOLIN ORG AN And All Other Bfranches of Music If- iitherxestedill ayiiisl he of Musical St till,'it will ibe to your iitctrest call at theolix cellxi antd leairntiato ils. I 'll, 1wlx A li la t: oftI OF (01! {tt t xi n lxxiiatra tiiei 't i- tha a vr heltrll d a le > tior ca i l x i ilix iiiret c()tliln, = ech iiixxx)f tiiitge ndi Txxi intting, it i iii xxxix '\St I liii' i xi 'ill,. xlii Sl,;l~ iii Ii itt1 i' lil ili wi lxxxllxxxi'Ic c'xix xiant i ~cl r l t)xiii I11ttcri iii tmligaii i wki\\it, i ii i ix has iit, tx xxx. tryi lxxx i xxx' lxx i ix li it , i Ii s t ' ii i 11glii t IxV I' dark III d Iii iii ii, xlf. ilxx iiii l Iia IlcrIoi I ihigii x ii 10i1i W t xlt~~l'l Ir<.- lrl h t tw lct IJ lx i ixdixti :1111 i iioth ' 1tar ",iit xxi' x ix ii xx''ix x lili' fm- ('lxx xin ixO tixi(xin anx ;Ctnnx' nsyll lIi Jll)ST xxiimk, xxilxxim xx c iy,,ak i lxxix li lici xxxixh) xxx[Sixxlx ilixt', I, )T It in lxxx' ix itII I III I I" ti iI I;I tcIi iit liiiiiwL 'xxxlili >I. 'W illiamx t.x i :cfietid ne if ilir iiiaiii W'h'n u xxhaxve iriedl all maties of MICHIGAN SOUVENIRS un lxsupto$7.xiii terle ipa iirx noi PINS, SPOONS, FOBS c itextrigt, comeoitsi ianitwe wtll SEALS, ETC. roxie tol ontht r havexi xxi theii i h esut(puip Iiih Unitued l.hfate. I'atieniior dill, WiM. ARNOLD, JEWVELER xxiio ie ir. ir l'x el's, tii S.Min r 220 'S. Main Straei reel. if I ____________________ f I 1' 1 i i k i i { 3Banquet Ticket Sale. MUST BE PROC'UREM AT ONO%2. 'They xxiilxi xiii lii ix xxilly'tit I the llixixiing C'xiiixiitleo' Hariry h ill, 1 lii l;I i lxx ' ltix lix xii, Vernlx'Aiide'rsoIx.x,,\. 2 llt,, Pate%', I-4,11g. f)el , I,. 1 I x.I f )t XMeiic; R. E12 hurch, thIA V Fxxt, l I i irt , (I yIi lviii Iliii Membersit xoiiithe taixilt I'1iiia xxxii tciet of .XSxiret11i Shwii ti Rcntsch icr , Photographer Elelctricity Sulpi id to College Mell an1'd Women for All PurIposes Washtcnaw Li i & Fewer Co. 200 E. WrlShingatOn St. i Hocking Valley Ry. You will find Four "Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toli'io and Co- Iambus E2. CLARK, 32, Campus Martius etroit, Mich. CALL AT WADHAMS ft CO. and inspect the largest and choicest variety of New Styles, New Weaves, and New Effects in SUITS, OVERCOATS, and CRAVENETTES. A full line of Underwear, including the Oneta, the Lewis Grand Prize, and Dr. Deimel Linen Mesh. Sweaters, Bath Robes, House Jackets, Flannel .Shirts, Stiff Bosom and Negligee Shirts. Fancy Vests and all theI newest in ties. WADHAMS (Q Co.; FASHION STORE 121-1235S Malt Street BILLIARDS, POOL, BOWLING ALLEYS UPJ-f0-tAtEl 0S0I fit Ittlf BULLETINS ON ALL SPORTS SeThem PayI role . tisti, Pl e aureaIfe' e Most (iintxirtaie tRominthf it Students' BowlingJJLeaque Schedule Begin: tlaxc'a'nr t'r 5,Sant. urday Aiternon. hand ittii urra nttilttb tioeit i, tiootal tttenftythtepttrt lDttit tnxw. 5eonu. E~nltresNtt'n'Opetn. tilo Mn'le ans. 'The nBenst o'.) rytttin~g Fiot itt Cigars, Tobaccio. (Ciuarette, C(an- dies. Santi Drinks, NewSwet ('ider 224) tuft"Get ThaeBHabit" 222 "ItllB. L. Reynolds Co. 121 Washington c RANDAsLLto [H Phone 591JIJE Phone 598