______________ t ~M ~t 146A V f)A tL V [ .all Tailoringq XWho mak -ouif 'loths? rMather it p rinent and pontu question, to i 'sur, but nor oh- ject in askiLt~ it i- to intre-t you in our Stipeeot' 'sotf Taiorin. If you are not alread a patron of ours, we wt. uld like thepla re of makingrryour Fall 'Suit, ats a tet of tiur' uility to fit ati please you. There's Nothing Beyond Us 'in Garment Making. Our neu Wotlets are a e'oiee eetioni fromt the et of Fore ign and fDomestic' lootttsi. W'shtow many hantdstite antiexluive patterns confind t us fr tfts locality. lu'eprelysfinpag your expectatittnscvery high, ir, wen yotuileace antiorse with us, for you wilfntetrimeet with any disalpointmtetnt. Yttu'lfintl or prce tidet- at, and fpleasing- nevr fany. If we take ytur iftitie this season, youricfuture fat rttnag xi i takie cart of tslf. (G. H. WILD) CO. 311 S. State St. 1'a ke Home a Ne w U. of M. Calendar wxi t youxxhentytn5tt itoft fi titksgig vctifon andto'l f 1nottfretgre theout-f la. TeIlt ndatrl ic rpllete with tnewxphtotxgrtphslof thte camps, atnd liilittgs atd is the hiantslstitottf tekitit eve r isinc l. Asktistt ote Air SHEEHIAN & CO3' 1Tle Stitlt tslokstorer Money Loaned OniiSW itic , Dbi titti..Lawi ftxe. orotherttierontial prttt'i. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches &,lDiamond ttffle at residence 31i E. Lifbrt St Ace Arbor. Hours:x9ftu 11:3 a. i., to 3:3 anex;t ol 9 p. c. JOSEPH . WATTS JTHE MICIG3AN DAILY. j -rixltlatithe f,, txtlc'txts arcic r-cccxxiii a t ,-t-itstilt iof tic sfat. Cttx lsrxt' sintrxriias 'seitondcasai teausit teAce 111"i t. Theritt'Son stic ftasttryindeedI I Arbor Postoffice. at te sanetr rsgxatittxx'_ it sawslit ito Puibiiished daity (Mondascaepted) iduring ak h talf sxiict raiicpxx.ensill xl sir xi Ethe retiree year, at tt3 Fast Washingioe afc .u (I h.tnpuzwl bwi street. Bell pihone qa.aHomeephoce 761. t'betexxtrexmely xrxlscatc'. Nlanaginxg Editocr--.-Arthuxr C. Pound. Jx'x xclywtixi ffCc '' Buxsiniess. Manager-C. e. Winstead. h"xiihiganxn-xxi fiatve iii xof their fexi otisnes. sfifts rixiities to miet iniilar'gseinumblers. Athletics........Robert H. Clancy antd thxrouxghxl sthectagionsxicentfhusiastm N eics........David F. Stevenson xxi xi stirriig xx i'tiig. i tioixii# tirt Exchange.I-..Henry A. Montgomery selvets itt spiit atixf purfptse. TIhie'pcia XNlusic atndlDrama..Paul S. Mowrer jstx xxf1effectinig alx neaiiiimt XWomiein's Edlitor..Louise XVanVorhis t lix.oxiixrune,iswhereeal tufntsx ti axiffacuty t h is i'greatCUtilts'rsity tixORiAt STAFF. exixif ifgaiter xas iorerforfit'the sixigle Georgr A. Osborn J. Earl Ogle. Jr. piisoixot' xii itcitxxxxiiii eitrxgfhtikindx -I amod C. Smith oxxieiftgx' spirit, waxs grandlyffconcredx xx'xrxx xoldceI aI I 'dxtl .. tilyt' l e' i itr knowlct edfgx' xxifithe xxxtia'it ex~lis, ;lxxxt iti ll< lijs knix ledgt hat ' hcf ell ale is acting. 'Thelris x saidlthat thfin iicc .tfft')c p ixr.tpex'i lafix r, bu' t t here x if i' xl xtxxxi;Ire eaxgx'i felrxi . sxxxix. ;1(1t ee xxix. I i ss lfispiii'li I-aiter the \'xry N cgaeSaxturdayx' tef ue-ix kr xic ls lxxt'ifxrthe 'lchaxge,' lI .I h ie lher cx asx axxix tixig iof thxmidl ltalxxiii xxiti li i'xxixxiiti's'at texi iii r xii -Six iii xx hl, af xxt wich ei xx x presnt ssix x iixits xxii s, \\ xlix'Cxxxiii. IProifessoi flieTtils. J lix (. Bfell, ('arl Wilas ' -If xxix urt.issi ' uli flisfil, j ..V , flxxfxlxiii. Ixil Pith, alldl W .i' 1I O w'x il, l lxxartxxix ii'xii nix i., Offic'ils. \Alxixxxg lix tg ct~n ;Akp i' WicxI w iixxi x'bsntt tegxxx- et'xal 'xf rul s t iiiilii'x xrx Iiii'lxllxxxiiii' 'flux .a I;;-yar1dxxxpe filtybesx' ttn forifthfxxs'.ixilt'lexballixhx' forai fix'the gt'xxxxxx X xljixxxx'ix iiiiilxxii lxx xxh'x'xl lxi I ~ each 9Books That Were $1.50 The Lightning Conductor The Sea- Wolf The Virginian The Crisis The Mon on the Box The Celebrity The Common Lot The Helmet of Navarre The Red Keggera The Hon. Peter Stirling The Choir Invisible ' and many other titles. axcocias t TnS. H entry F. Schlte Glenn D. Bradley William A. Malhern Floyd H. Jonea ChIauntcey Boucheler George H. Hobart A. F. Ilitcfic H F. John Wambold J. WX. XIMcCandfless Guy P. Bliss If iraixi S. ('iody William F. Gradolpht BUSINESS STAF" Jabs F. Ware RATESx: se oper year, or $a.na it paid ic aitevane. Addt'eagx CHAS. E.. WINSTEIADfBusnss Manar, 226 S. 12th St. Phane 707 L.. Oftfic"orsx 12-.30(to 1:3xan cd 6:3toti3x0 P. M. Daifly. Adidrecsx ARITfHUR C. POUND, Managing Editotr, 713 Macrae. Office "eers; 2 tc 3 P. rl. Oafly. ExncptcSnday. OittixtetHxoxis oatNesax Editor. i11:i3l titil "12iii tally. ut (fle"s'ixk Ixoxtix C'.1 t'iiit't it. Editorc txday GEORGE H. HOBART. CALENDAR. D~ee. $it-MieftigxxtiUnioni fatiquet, Wat- e'r'anxxt gx xxxxixixxn, iS f. 111. Dec'. 14-X-Y lAt '. xA. itt tenthanial xaix- newr'glaxixxi'. x~ct'e.'ii ofithe fsrce (4l> fi pii Ixr x xxt tnt or' IxIt tdoesa ntt nxxii sixiti x. 'fl ''11 een' tx i on htlx st l mi t wx ih s(tixi ap' rovali atx' east.if itaI a o. thei fa'mousxx A n.Xxxx'fi iitixrt'uie six1 idt'x'ix'iiixxa'. versexc'riticismt bot ati "xx xgsi xlxxtxxi xxtandthexstutdet i's,; xxIxII x 'he i' x wihe fiose amonxtg tiri' 'xxxii tad auixixsit0cliidixthei xxx'ci- xxilofatle'icx'spoxrts mtixxd xeeply xat xeartno 'xil isxiti tiinreuted. Ai tha tme t eedd uta spaxn: "xiidi a breh fxix'toisestiup such'faxxbtaxe'of (aesan ,t'x iii oppfition aut s miighti lxaxixsurp isdi' manyx.ti' 'lx facliiithatx xticsind igntixcxion xskept itxiixiboundtst so lxxuxx th~tgll is itiedt''evciiee thtt theistudents a xefcaial ft' xxisidxeitig xxxx x c igx oixi lttxs lthat 'xxi'crn xh'em six ciisi ft. ;somexx'nxxwx c ccliiis lxxi've ll s-i mid its fxarlxhas bixxxen ixcomendablfiy cairrie'xfoxc. Judtginig lby te iprlxarx- lxcctt t is yt'aru, tte 'ffilr iwill lie rweix im( '(: SitreeSSif xxxii lielaxirate' in .all deitails. Mfxichxian ixiux is igoi~ing itoittenti id attend ittxx~xxtt', Ibecxiuse it is 's- scnil telxxves fxast of isxix. i.'xcec- S y an tilt lxch xhasxacValuitexlWhhis unaffeci sxititedyl'ko rfcsono IIIxconntion xiwithi ifhe' dinnert'. oxix I wordiloxxi x'til x uxy' lex xdvisabfle'. 'fili t lx oi the fix. e-yardxx ifl r m cn hall ill be dex''cix'ed wilthx bannuers.andxini the forwxxdiiait' pe xxxiisiand thi;italei's lxbese'iceid Iatir xflxxxwix'' xtwoxfm-ward ixif x withilve ofx xxinox douxtulx iquiality.' lx The ii xxin n ei gif thelxxxirs idxlnot genxer'xl t'omxmiteex'' xxfo x'hetbanquei t'sr s ' heilis ne ofx xx i s''xxxxx'x resposiblefori' ht' afe rexi'uxrn oxifiil fffibth ti(sidto iiirinx thi e indeiixlr of fix'sthey iihav tutudx'etmse'lvssrexsixxxxdolxxxinxxxiii yard Bibe, ith ll eixihiitioxnx of ixfit lix x inxsir xi at lxix ttu ite g i i l the fpivlilx'gi' lxxxi chaxxra'ier'wichltis 'somew'chait 11_o xchangxxx ig cx tilthexx xxxcls, lxi - usiuaxl. ft tmiglht bexargxedgthatl ilixit ott thtug iii xi a shift hx l not lirill(xxxii old ixoighi isattendis Ux.tntiv'e'sity areimiss. ftass. ohf entiitgli ito apprcitei :-x'thix'sce'dxne''s. Aboilxiion fxo i l'f ithe xxlixx i iins tack. of atilsI whsxsicht xix nit lbxlonig t ittu hulinblo' xlix kneii B itixxiiti tixci'natu eixip lsive'andil ., I'v'm itt' x tn'iixg lthe xtiie lofplaic ix tett lxxxtxxox taiturex' i x oeu tiltanit i- gxxitixx ix' lxixx's, xandI ixtat xiiim e a ixlsix x. andi teicaze fori c'mllecting xxiii for distanciie' exitii'x 'xxxtii'iit'iiti ixu tivxand ll xocc'asixos is h tthex litiiisuie i txxii'ilt, li's lx xid li xxxlm st a xma ia.x Soxlitxnoxii eless ,sit-1hiepttilis c tixis lix 1it e ifix' rtr tet xallxowx is loxii' of hx'xiuty tfintter-- xxFavor labolishfinxg Ithe se''iiiii upi re. fee xith his senstot' xx ii'he int's. xof i Fav liior ' lx l iii,' iii lx't' iiia tinlgs t iii e]u) xian 't'xtnttuat heis onitio ns i a 11'.,i11 coudii hfi'x'x'iix'h' for-I mxov'e'xtoiappoprxcitex either hall tic withdIait" txble e' mbetl'lishmtuen ts .XA orci toi thts' liii xiii dii teixilx' li'.xixx'tic xtit ea ccise' is pinfutllbutii is 'also nxec'ssxary-, iica tcig a in_ andii letItxs hopexx, sufiienit.tdthxiix aiitinlx ftilxix le'gi'.lxationx ihe uhf IX hLax 'I1 lI. BV iNO lxxix xandiprqx 5'. ofi lie till xxl lil( C'fIl'CAiGO 'GxXMIE NEXAT FbIJi xtxx cithe plxaye'rs. Thelie rn is'ixi'x I 'iiliiiiixi IeldxiIts IX'sptxxuxhi).-- 'he senaiitethelx'cxitug bd lxxxix etig Icna- fenon ofi this'IU'ive'rsity' xf C'iceago, fxxi xxheld iiixxxii ia i bldinxxxg. IThi' iliy lxiddrx'xss ofxi lt, Sessioni yestrato consxuider t he ux'ge xi 'txxi x cli ilxhi.I.X' afternoon agix s gieenigatDr Rix.ttil tio o a hiag-.Mchgan fotbll onxil i ni c Outs' II ct's'x'x lix's gamei Itoriio. Theixiaugust lxxxiii ias xiii'lfx',iil. x i'lxslx(its inliedtosit xxpiiithinepopositiontx. byxthelix' fiiid lsiatesfGeoloficalxxiSurx Duxrinig ft'esiessioniit lexakexioxxiiiatliii 'y thex.xoppoxxsitison io itresumtionx oi ath-~ eCeia olouu et vr lxtiii rel axtios betweenriothe.ctwo eollege's twxci ieeks 'xxid txiulbxxr s 'axxtixg its im tiasth reulIo a flueeenltheed i hets thisfacutxix ftli'iilie schooil ofxxi tiftitibyi Coachli Stagg "and cx tchexi ltateltst'iiiit.xlx ii xiilxi X. Il.I. txtieugiff. 'Ihes' repiort xis tht sinii eat e t: fte nvri beoxihelst gxaies befteetn the icc x xiuxersiissPrfsxxsorc Pattenugill 5iig f Gloves toil slippxers cleanedsaxxilx~iss i~s'xit'I xx uxgg ha li 5i~li~C t'aiiI sirell's. (32 S. .Sxite street. ,t, s/ ,3 shold ilx xxxxulxthis'lser''that xx no_______more_________ gasht ix' cxx liibel xayed. Prifissortt- xi FIOR RENT-Two0 suites cifcastms, titug*11ietuu befxre the agreemttx'couldxixsiatireasonabxile prces. 203 5, fngalls. tf 0 ET THEM AT WAH R'S THERE is tiothitigthai of- f ens more real enjoymtuent thati a picture-tuotintg that fells a stony so well -t-othxing thaI is cuetrishedh motrs ill after yTears. rl IJ/xixxx,',whietiever any- tllilug haippetns, lon't fail ft call tue for xa picture. I wvant 'ictuites oi exerything-lt'e gotmtihemtofitmost everything ixoWct -C ill all]ii .1see thiemt. Baesides Pituresi, Radaks, Phaca Supplies,. Photo Albumseaery. thing fur an amateur pfhotogra- pher. Buy a Michaigans Scrap Beak NOW- LYNDON Photoegrapher Tel. nas6-J 719 N. UnifA. Avia. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank taitc' Istockh.$5aso00. Ilrus, $xx)e,000o hResourcis.$2,200,00 A tinrcacifBaking Busncas Transacted Orrrimox timas.x. IihiscesteitPres.;x W. II Ilxiriwnxxix. e x''res.:x IN. V1 ixit,Cashier er} Spalding's Official Faot Ball unide Containing the a~, . New Rules Owithfl aeslnt a t 'ul f oot1111 ift a- oi ti re 'xx4 i.00 ix'es. Price 10CmCent, A. CU. SPALDIINi& fBROS., Newxm orkCit(hiexucux. tit. Louils. SalluFrai'tx's'o. 1Sit tiitifixlic, en e Bt onuxi. WiSisin-xux.' Inxx iuciuxti, 1iitliixt't'. tisoabeathticgoodstti. UNDERWEAR RED UCED! To Move More Rapidly Our Large Stock of FLEECE LINED UNDEARWEAR We have decided to offer for two weeks our entire 500 Stock a%,t 45 Cents We are not waiting utnil the season is over, bitt we will give you the benefit of the reductioni while the market is good. You will find here also a big; hie of the latest Shirts and Ties, Jersey and Sxxeater \xests, Gaunt let Gloves, Etc. At THE CO-wOP The. Store of the Studentsi, imy the Students, for* the Students TENTH ANNUAL BAN9IIET xi'F ihe Young Men's Christian Association DECEMBER 14th ,SEE PROSPECTUS" S. L" A.Announcement NOW OUT W. J. Bryan Samuel W. Gompers Chas. A. Towne Leland T. Powers Robert M. Lafollette Albert B. Cummings F. Hopkinson Smith Oratorical Contest Booker Washington Creatore's Band $2.00 GET TICKETS NOW $2.00 ~JII .IIL I CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST