THE MICHIGAN DAILY IIs of LYL Embossed Statiolery 25c a Box Everybody who sees it says it is good E. E. CALKINS, [DRUfIG1ST 324 South State Street A LARM C LOC K HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE Goti thems ai f 35 cents for each passenger to and Cha an' Jewery from all trains between the hours of Chpm ns ew ly Storc 6 a. m. and to p. in., and from 10 p. m. 286 SOUTH MlAIN ST. I to 6 a. in., 50 cents. For each trunk 2'5- cents, and if taken above the second In Ftse Wats-h Rtepairtng we lead. floor 5o cents. For each couple to and Off icIal Watchi Inspector oft he Ann from parties the price will be $5.50, Ariae Railroad.} after t a. m. $2.oo per coaple. BRANCH STORE AT Roaisoso & Co. A. B. WALKER. 204 South State Street W. H. STARK. Occidental Hotel We Cater to Banquets, Etc. Ilixson Lunch - Ypsilanti D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY Specia Crs tIietrtol st 5a .,adever twhus ti18 p. tn, Special Cars 8s30 a. in., and eery two houassuntil s:30p, ci. iloureloeat servtice tetrait 6t15a. Ini., to 9:15 p. mi., then 11ti15. Two-Your local srvce to Jacksn 7:15 a. is In ut11:15p. III. WArsITaNitOO, cHsRONSiT. WEST OF sAsN. FINE LVNCHE:S Nos careyte largest ine at TURKISg ti)MESTIC & IMIic RilEi Cigarettes antJ Itisesie & Islitfoeteit Cigars. A caruptete lneaof all sciaittng articles. We are a ~~I- tftr TInI & Oot., LIssKMAN & Cii. and3i PPS nia tor5TtVlY'S& SCHAFFPEE'S fisischaoclate BON-BONS. R. Z. JOLLY. State St. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Ts- .issms L..,s.eAsss.%.Arsbor Gaing North 9:05 a. mi. asid 4:35 p. m tGting Southit:20a. m. andl% tp.nm .t. J. KIRBY, W. T. WILLS, isen't Pass. Ageat, Agent, Talseda, Ohia Ann ArbiarMich Sell phase 135-i1r Slams phane silt .AIdRIGAN CENTL "7Tw&Niagara Falls Real. Chicago Buffalo Boston New York Trough Trains East-8.8 a.m., 2.40m. 4.a5p. M. 11.05p. am. Localsskast -a isa. sm., *11.10, *4.05 p. at *sliidp.I. ThrosughTrais sWest-_lls inm~ .58 a. asn. 4. isa. m., 23ip. cm. i10ttitp. cm. Loals West-224 a. I., '8.28 a. mn., *1.4tp. sit 'li p.i (Exceopt Suniday.) toncsetians as Chicagot tar St. Lauis, Kcassas City and thte West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ans Arbor FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0f Ana Arbor, Mtah. E. ).inneu. Pres. flareisan Sante, V S. W. Clarhksn Cashier Capital, $00.00. Sarplas and Praflts,.f50.,00 [AILY EDMUNDS %portino G~oobo 121 Eiastbry Strt J WAI KINGi LOO Chinese Chiop-Suey Restaurant Gierge Yes Bow & Jar Proprietors. CtilittesSassy Dliires, Amtertsicntiuntesofc all loci.Is Eecrytinigitrnt-clasnsitorlatles aid geiistlemeni. Chiine and Japantese Brie-n-brae. ii sic iPhne 21t2. 3i4 S. Stats Sireet. Rowe's LaundIry Thosmas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Pifth sAve. New liaise 457 RelliPhoas 45-L All Students' Supplies. Station- ery, Fountain Pens, U. of M. Pins and Banners. Cigars and Tobacco. Save a Walk and Give Us a Call. Students' Supply Store i i i S.University As-s. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. ("eniema comm55iittee o(funion udinsner still inert ini Michtigasinacoonts todtay at j p . Imtpo~rtanit. Clancy. .11 footblill sertsofi950 enigiet-rs teamii iis--tIat 'iWatermniaigyisiati4 iP. is WXilliamiT . PoItllak, Massager. WillssuglilseIBoaghitoni,'oW, has tess securedta-.sldirectsor if tseXWosiein's Atli asso.ciationss orchlestrai. The- or- chsta ill rehearcse nt ttme iisMos. slay- at ; o'clock, attestit isisopedlthat all lie- girl musiiaits ini college will ap- p r. heproimiters of the orchestra say thlit ston- girls are iseetdedlansit n- siitetysusi-with msi-dal ability Ito try mit fm-rpliltes. Sittinsig.for the clas-s pitutre andslfsor te Nl iclitg.-itisiaii art'It t-be sailat Riotsdtlls stuioi.'Ili-se sittisngs are free to ill mie-smbers sof l t-eclass osi 907. It is impsiltsiethctatt sittiings lie arransged lice it onuce, .-iis IysourIituireshiotilid lie takbs-iIefosre the hliisay vacatioit if it -.iss o lapearini ithe Micheligainenssians. Te 7lieligaiesiiit tanxsof $i.oo is ut itiptyable- at Ransualls at t-e time suof yssur sitting. J. R-arl O~gle, Jr. A- bsasketbtall gtin(i- will bse played each W Aesdsssy eveiisg at the C.oliseanm Rinik. Te first gamie will 1w playesd Wedniesday, IDecembsler ;5, ietweess the yielsigasi iMeteoars tand the Ypsilansti Nosrimtils. Etisme esalls-dI at 8 stclock.; Reguilar rotller skatisigbeifosre ansI afteri the Ad-mXiisissnioiicrists, skait S ct-itis. 56-57 Michsigasn pins, fobs and spooiss. Hal- lers Jewelry Store. Main street:.cod 1.NOTICEi JO .41)!'1 111SllR.S. Chantsges ait printl lVashinigt o'clock to isstue. of ads murst be tg office, 117 1;. tont street, before ott day Prcls/oiu C. Is. WI.\STIL-ID, BfusinessaManager. The Sauvenir Callege Calendar for 1907 is stow on sate at Miss ILovell's, 332 Sosith State street, priee 75c. Natm- tier limiited; bay early. Mail orders prompiitly filled; postage prepaid. 50, 54, 56, fib. 62 SfUDENTS-$2 will buy a firs in- sutraitee policy that may case yost several hundred. Call iticup over either phone sitd we will do the rest. W. H. Smith. Retil Estate Insuratnce Co., Ann Arbor Saviiigs Batik Block, Room 2o. rod NOTICE. Lost, for rent, etc., ads are taken only at the office of the hasiness manager dusrinig hosurs, and are cash in advance. Rates are onr cent per word per inser- tion ; no ad taken for less than twenty- five cents. tf LADIES' TAiLORING. Latest styles fall and winter sitits and cloaks made to order at once at reason- able prices. We have the latest designas its latest goodo. John. J. Schanz, rod 605 E. William St. Established 1858. The college jew- elers. Haller's Jewcelry Store, Malt street. rod e e S S v The Stein-Bloch Famous Clothing ONLY AT Lindenschmitt, Ap tel & CO.'S Our Business Sacks ready for immed- iate service and tailored with the skill of Stein-Bloch's best workmen. We have searched the market high and low, and these are the best that money can buy. High grade Woolen Fabrics, skillfully and h on es tl y wrought, with a fit and style that sometimes makes us wonder how it's done. Always Look for High Grade Goods at Our Store. Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s , i w~%BRIGHTPON' V' dlm are wnennactiou1lly on 4>(00>S0il leg -he mcii ppuslar garters foc r ak mns awear.IThi.patesntedilat8cismlp bring ssmfor-the secret is in icten-bindingtess ire iii i g hold. It's a flat as a shteet of paper and holsathe snck a sisotshissithesis. Mitdelifurn silkeliasic webbing. All imetal parts of teasvy nc h 1p1 iedbass.25 cents a pate, all dealers or isy cmil repasi.sor tiseo lapreeler a cord garter, we offer LOCK-GRI BRIGHTON GARTERS The neatsteatssiet dmst tessfoetil letordgarer mcatde. Tlur rubber tiasslmottdholtdsith ie-like grip tit will ni r eslip.VWill non injure theiehtsstisose. The smallessmoites t l-tsit gripee usd ona-cosedgartterli. Finetdualtywebing.ticMetalipart;ieavy sicke ilated isra s.25c atdI50ciaipairall Ideaeso tie ais p riiep~aid. t.: PIONEER 8UvPEND O .,co7yinMschet St., P~llisdelphla. Makestofd1toee r Suspees i r. v 001GOIN OUT OF BUSINESS $5 Knox Hats - - $3.50 $2.50 and $2 Dents and Fownes Gloves - - $1.60 $7 Opera Hats - - $5.00 $6 Spalding Sweaters - $4.50 $5 Spalding Sweaters - $3.50 Varsity Collars lOc 3 for' - 25c Freshmen Caps - - 35c Suits Made to Order $17.50 and Up Everything New and Up-to-Date. Quantity Limn- ited. First Come, First Served. GOOBSPEED & SON TAILORS HATTERS HIABERDASHERS (1 School For C ranger s Dancing JGround floor, Maynard St. One Block W. of State St. Stores I i bra U Freshmen! Sophomores! Juniors! Seniors! Professors!I. The beet is none too gotid for io.Youa cantafr a/ud to waste your time and patience wtith else old-style fountin tarn. Buy a Self-Filler, anthee/scsinloilnei practical and successful Self-Filling Fountain Pen. Ituis CONKLIU IN'SSelf. rI IuUAILIII Filling rEN "The pen with the Crescent .Filler-the device that made self-filling pens possible, practical and perfect." Don't be deceived. Accept Inothinig bitt the genaine' Conklin. ' All ether nell-fillers are_ in the expeerimental" stags. The Conklin is perfect-bees oss the ciarkets" for years. Used and recommcended by thoesands of students and college professnes. Posseses all the super- f01 advantages of the best fluntain pens supplemene f " by the follawing distinct and desirable features fills and cleans itself. No dropper. No inky fingers. No bother.i No joints to leak. No clogging. Nothing to take apart. A dip in any ink, a- touch of thumb to nickel crescent- filler- and pen is full, ready to write. Why take any chances? Order a CONKLIN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN. Guaran- about thin wonderful -pen. Mattufactered only by The Conklin Pen Co., Toledo, 0. Sold Sn Ann Arbor by GEO WMAIR'S TWO BOOK STORES. r i//f j" L ,. ,..r _ .... _... _ ,.... ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWRTHE TAILJOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING