IIs of LYI Effb ossed Stati 011ery 25c aBox Everybody who sees it says it is g-ood E. E. CALKINS, 1)1.15(1(118 324 South State Street THE MICHIGAN D)AILY ALARM CLOCKS ;HACK AND CARRIAGE HIDE Chapman's Jcwclry Storec:' i r~ir)I 2t, >1 Ir}ll tot III,1 . A >111 4 1. Ii. S ... FiIkANCII 21001.Al 204 South :tate Street UNIVI SITY NOTrIC.s '>1> I1 12 1 11,Sat2 +11 ?rind a t sat alfct) tf 121-"1]]G ; 12 to 2 ]] bliv it frs: in .f hr 12of 11Y lly }r c;( 11 13 11 . 11 I es i , i Occidental Hotel' We Cater to, ianquets, tc.. Hixson Lunch =YSiklati D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY 111 11>1,211>nA11:- I IT111 Itoo,1.1>>> A> A r.l it ,r>m,1of 11f.':, 1I F-I VC tI l ll R EJOLLY States S-. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND SI EAMSHIP LINES. (:o11g Noth 9:0,', 1 1 4:3 .1>2 In.Al , I I- L KIRBY, W.'1'. \V1 I I>, f11>11 1ass. A1 1t, ,1 1tent, 1 I IXLHIrAN (C)NTI. "ThNigara Fa!' P 1l Chicago Bufalo Boton Ne York Thrug Train t a >1121 A i. . -lP. I. .0p.pl I(l~ ) Iheangp.tn nV LiaThu WeTansWet-"., Locals W st 4 ag .. a .ne A 1.Uh 4. . CE, Agent Ann Arbo 121lntsLiertSreet . .arsoChieH f anfd Electric.Suadnfts. Supplie F1C.207tLietWShinton. t ALASAEADIN0 Chn seTYLEpSueRsarn >11 ili ] 5{ It 1 1w i 11e111111 the,)II 11 I 1;1 ( 1'1 1 ( VCI 1 ),' Y 2.4. 1 8 1 1.1 (4 ci 1111117 111 2 1 be1> 11.11111 1 1 I'_11-----211 -----I ...... 11. 11 pos71 iions 112.. II's 1.A 1 11 ., An1il At 11111 t I N 1>1 1 o . trll Nc l 211 11'il ike 11,1dn l 11v h a tf7> l r hops cm. l :n>i2 11 12>1 'It y:1 rd12 A 1 wil Cott 1,1\ all o 3)ll p to 1111 1. I I,! Ot ill tf ; l I The S'tein-Bloch Famous Clothing ONLY AT Lindensclimitt, Aptel & CO.'S Our Business Sacks ready for immed- ate service anld tailored with the skill of Stein-B~loch's best workmen. We have searched the market high and low, and these are the best that mon~ley can buy. High grade Woolen fabrics, skillfully anid h o lie s t 1 y wroulght, w it h a fit and style that stonetinies Ilmakes us1 wonlder how it's done. Alw4ays Look for High (irade (od: at Our Store. Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s [he Anan Arbor IBible Chairs I eteptltntt 137 4It4loutth State Street Special Lecstres for Stxoderts. V ridIv, -Nov.1 a1,10) II . l >1. 1111o ther III I1XXs itlelI S~t~ydl , N v. - 1 Nit z i E 11 1 )It. 11 ttlIs 141ari I ednc S1111 111 , Nov >); t 12HIt )1 1 :), livc i XII j 11(1 11 r. Mt Coler. O 11N1) t~l vN 2t. t :i ( C ,1,NI' 111 .'21 .Cotr rd 1> II . thal 1 1 1,1 t{ ('11, tri pI 12 >2 r 255>; 1trouse1s, 1112 2{1? rep1a1red. Eyes carefully E111111 M1oe's Barber Shop' 0). A. MOEIj 705 No~rth Utniversity Avetnue of, te P(112 ta2 t R f(11 12 tM j11li1bera l 2lc11011 112 inn, to the stAv of Galatia Tis c f< re, be said to be the Carrie "Als the Book of ROnmus llt, will field the study of i'l( pl otitahle as part of a LAW BOOKS 11 w 35hYa n W eunThe Second Semester 3t eri Ann Arbor EryAnnt Arbor Callag'han (aDCompamyJ ANN ARBOR BRANCH. SteAe aSt.. Opp,. Law Satldtzxg AN" ("11 >2111 IAV 1F I GH'\\ I' CLOPECO SHRUNK Freshmen! Sophomores ! Juniors! Seniors! Proie sors ! I'ie1 stisn nc to( 1 ~lfor Y 11 'Y 1)u can'taffordl to COfFilNKLFutii ~ItFilin "T e enNit2te .n >s 2 n 1) r- thedei> 111 atII made el-l n n pcens sits e opropialaper et. _ '1 No' inkyecfiner.A Noptother.u hegiiiieP1 ojintsAl t e sfflea. N lesaeiioging. 1>11ti Nogethg Contkeinapart nolteI~ie Ao dipeinty. ink, ar tuch 1ofthubdtofit stdntcelcrcndfiller n pt s isl ul, by 1t ake flv i1 di iltandI 10111eI' ON LI tees d cea nslr.11 f. r No1>dropper.111 The nk inen o.,othero 0 NojitstGe.NAloingS NtitOok STORES. NOTICE===FRATERNlITI E5 Inter-Fraternity Bowling League now being organized. All wishing to enter please call on S. IROTTENSTEIN for full information. 707 N. University Ave. 1~~ {. ~ A MILWARD, THE TAB -OR TTlE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING