THE M1C~lIIGAN DAILY -1 l~a~dT D ROP in at soine high lpricedi merchant tailor ;shop w here you knotw the swaggerest dressers in towni are in the hait of goiot-, and look at the patterns and the styles. Ask what hie isans to tailor a soil to tmeasture out of the cloth yon fancy. Then cine hack Ilet c and see if we've not precisely the sante sortIs of fabic ts and intias extreme styles in COt[[6[ DRAND C[LOfl[S Made in New York City THE CLOTHES THATr KEEP MEN YOUNG The only difference would he that otiltte one litaidttllwnt s- only ahout half of what he asks, and otn the other hand, we'll sat-c s on all the hothier of repeated try-otts, the delay of waitintg and tot know- ing how the fintished suit will look. College Brand Clothes are thte only clothes inth le world, cre- ated jusat for chaps in thteir big teents anid little twenties, antitfor tutu wsho are young entottgh in spirit to wanttovotig itteits tcots. Theys re swagger, snmart and sitappy--tlhey're IT. STAEBELER ( LWUERTH 11 1 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ University School of Music Maynard Street. Professor A. A. Stanley IDirectotr. ALBER~T LOCKWOOD) Bleatiof ttianto Departmtenut. WILLIAM HOWLAND I leatd of Vocal ID-hartmnit. HEiNRI ERN ItewI ot Violiti Deptatttmentt. of tap/tic. ir t llisielc to' sil -I. tiltent-. C ~~It5flrrcI )th Sc ('~lrit ffltf CHAS. A.SINK, Secretary Rcntschlcr, Photographer Moe's Barber Shop 0. A. MOE 705 North University Avenue lt \t"11' I . \ttl,\'\'SI\-INMICIGAN;b\ AIt- It) ISSS 1O1 1 II hf l-Y t IT II (l) I I ;I) )tit E a ]'('. 1 t R t11. ;s III' i his III tit cI 11' V Cl 1 r; i)1 )00 0 r, (Ia t l Icy it lit" :till (MI i tlIc. )(W Walk-Over Shoe Co., III S. Main FINE REiI'AlI-INO FINIES LIOiIIIIRUBBEIIRS Walk=Over Shoes $3.50-$4.00 FOR MEN AND WOMVEN $3.50-$4.00 In accordance w it his plt ofi itt l -irar~ ii Koh Kti erygneoul lieriti-ti t t he ii lilrary of ite I'tilt - An i . ASfull-tnda-w1indowuixf-us iiltltib iiy ti t- -hreutet. 'fils s b - it - -itt-i ititltltirilthetetlidsiiiliittepi-etilt slines oftil a-it i tt-lif lif No . (i Two i n arow -titdowfsl. -iamil fhe te rep ied m si ie Not 3.i ()ntitiii. l the ust tii e ri-diedti w -- ti-ir lisii- lg a aii ng vest-iteit iito be plift- A it'h tttlofti It-it-i nett hari ngth M chga n t itt -i -a t ir-i-ti it it) t I 1tlt ;MI t arn i Iwith Ow --atti -(f lip i iii ilt. it rf lifts "Itight ti liltc- it I t(i l c i-itt liil-itm t ilcl l"c't 'iii i ii M iSli lit. I liii i-dI titil lidlt, Iil11 it-ttr ; a c " wlt l l I it i 1f tr-II 1 tk atllItic t-i t lit it i - (i 11-h fatilt itg. The largest s t f itet hoelilt- iii i t riut i l College Shoes for College Men and Women tiOtt ilitothe adtaxi-etttpiic in h t1ii pic gooitis a lirt.e andtip:-Idotlt atin wxhuch is spiecially titail- titr -ittli-et.swiar. If yutare tiaril toifit tor hatdito lekase, givstta i 4 0it 1.1\1"A"I' It)SN\i I \(- 1 );l iw i t l ; om pr it ici i Iicall I i I i-d ctilt 51 i i it l til t\ I - - t I t~~~ltl \ t l r ,ii ltt tc i ,s ,i rcii l I t i i Ilic c i1 : t i l it ti. Sl tlt~ - iic, ;tilt( ,?t' ii - t - - 1 l It i c -}. 'I l ir,{l t} '1111L, I t I s -(i - -t< a a DERMAL CREAM SOAP 10 (Cnts, I lo, 5 cent~ li i-fgt -it s a II i Drugs and Sundries Slitii S-iwarl Cli h-rli ()I liI t ld; i liii 1 it t ic (f litliutati. f ti, tutu-~r ithll ,t S~ci cu £ cal iII ittltr L v a it1i i "i I IV VC - i <1 II'I1 ill Al I ill -~ 1' n c d I II i t- t t"-i - tIc lit i- f Ith piltlli- d It tit" ii-- l i -i t 1))I t II c Ii - ii t-i ~fI lttlI i mat)itctuti 1hrub ttu itarc' int ai' t at c i ii l it-I i 1 1 - ii rl IQuarry's brug Store Gas Study Lamps Ginelil W 'isbach Inc~n de'scant Gas Ligelts Ann Arbor Gas Co. f11 LAW BOOKS LATEST EDITIONS First Year 1 All Nets--tii Volumetts Itart SetontitItan Second Year llINew---i3Voltiwltt- hu1 rt Set-tutu Itln Third Year All Ness---T8tttittit Part Sr-i tuu I titt $32.00 $28.00 $42.50 $34.00 $23.50 $20.50 CALLAUHIAN CO., Chicago. ANN ARBOR BRANCH. Sts~te St., Opp. Lss~s B'sildisss( OUTFITTERS FRUOfT Tailors WAGNE~R & CO. HEAD i-urihs 3033305 South State Street To( Hatters ]FOOT Meisterschaft Shoes B rushes and T tiONAL.UitiCNS Pes $ I' IGIAP(RIE Combs SELF-FILLING PEN frguh Soap "utel Tor iels, tiy ont4;000 ,04)0t ustisti e ilu(,ttuglitt-r ga-ters ft Toohht It shes attil P rhi titeitl c Iletuase 5t sistifhf5tin ui huugt tusututts tutu bs2cretall :it ii a-anda l taliul tinth iit s O t ea lly oFtile i e It self. ndIJ i s - p icl n ttr ritit Fills t 5 rt~r 3 , ie t i Sotehapalid guuels of ii It t Suttttumbtuon t cutuuuss. - ,L O C K - coR II4 4; E. E.relALKINSdraw iuth45 ei adt t , it tlPN I~ath ~b.,s12 andPaste lledred5fst s e. s ystut~Sps t et i slutbat'cheur smtl}rto~cryr~ ilt_~t r r apirld~lr it telu IptS S ta P n. a o ra l~ i. F rtoew upee od,.t-rw fe a d aeor thngis ouieay i llss I ts elf Fula ii il ti t (1 nriulrit: Buy Direct anddt Saveirt r uir TTMasrhe1fl 4) fee cx el I1IIhtoghy lanr}b tesameIII II Suits andnfi Overcote ORL'_'Pl Te et(t tctatsd fnmn oirtal rc ±.6ta ae lr Fof~"LO.Sr GJ VUJI wllney. 1g8aranteedLirty