nh' iiv'INANDAILY HACKt AM) (-AI{1IAGE HIRE HOAG'S Cor. Main and Ashlington FOR 10 CENTS We wsili l v \i Pictures, Pipes Leather Oinamcnts and Stationery 25CtS for As for ";;tz Ji , A. fewi leit and , i an ) v of cost. E. 0 - HO0A G ALARM CL OCIKS Chapman's Jcwclry Storc BRNt lOt l204 outh State Street tiNlViFksITY NOTCElS. vi The Stei'n-Bloch Famous Clothing ONLY vAT Lindenschmitt, Aptel & Co.'s Our B~usiness Sacks ready for immed- iate service and tailored with the skill of Stein-Bloch's best workmen. We have searched the market high and low, and these are the best that money can buy. High grade 'Woolen Fabrics, skillfully and h o nes tl y wrought, with a fit and style that sometinmes makes u!S wonder how it's done. Always Look for Nigh (Orade Gloods at our Store. Liid enschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s ()i Sl'oo. Na a p i c} p f r ea i1)c r tf Occidental Hotel! We Cater to lianqart", lytc. H"'ixson Lunch= Ypsilanti D. Y. A. A. J. RAILEW A Y ta v i, I t~i, ~ FINxE 1LUNrCHES Niv 'arry 0 i r, r I lnv r I ' II LKii( II liviii,>r i' l i 1 ' 1,11w: i A iv ( P f- ,a ( , '\ 'y:,4 ( htAlI I L - R. E.JOLLY. Staet.. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIIP LINES. Tce..2st Ltna.,,Arrrt.Arbor E (;()tg North :05. t.a nd 4i:3i i p . im.iiiSouth 7: .0 a.ill ::)tC .a nd 7:3:vpin .I.1.KIIOIY, W.v111. Wv LLB ito' Pass. Agenta.Agenti It Iphiine Iact-I r hoeII o 9 AtICHI(5AN CENTgAL, "TeNiagara 'alls Routo Chicago Bftfalo 1oston New York FtrouaghTraeinast a iva. - 'Aoin. 4.:)'p. iv .301 p. a. 1.' .In rocle sth .0. t n. I.W .nt,* t . * i ii p Il.a LoasW eW st '4 a t.,t ::a , n .,A 1.0 Tfe New Barber Shop JOHN IROJANOWSKI, Proprietor 717 North University Avenute FIRST NATIONAL BANK or Ann Arbor,Silh. RAILEY &EDMUNDS 21 Eas.t Liberty Street. Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant (eonel e Botwn& Joe t1ropeietiiei i nt'-lv l~i I a ,il . 1(((Il ~'.-vy. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBOINGS and Eilectric Students' Supplieo A SPECIALTY F SCI"ILH, 207 E. Washington St. I)1;1.1ISFR, The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs Telephotne 9,37 44t Soatht State Street i c f I ' , l i ica rcl ii 1 r yi ii i WI il 1c )+} lctu e by Ma .1)i, \cc, ol Iccw ju f teiii ,a 'i th S 'IS «xrc c c I i iic-,, ii 1wr ;3, ill (w ii c I'oc i ,; \S o ll' z- d:1