THE MCIGNDAILY 1 " THE MICHIGAN D)AILY. I{T .3. [all IiailoringJ qlus t tionw i :gt el 11011 j etnaot. to l t o'in0t Ot iot n ok eita i tof Tai1ro 1 It tua ot aItatt a pita tr on o oars, , to to dliket'to frlao ur t!of tmakig or I'all'Si.a a tet of murt' iit to t ant pleat you. There's Nothing Beyond Us in (Garment Making. seletiotn fitm theto loofttI'ttt' n anid lfitt i'tot V't o tmany hIatoto-.'. ottoi 1' (! pattr i'OfIttI t , t - w to i loctaity. t'ot ii''vot' ist '-at 'if-rceti thi ts, ftr you t illltt -rt t' t ti ith (-ra. yHu. ill C 3115S. Sate St. All the NEW BOOKS sh elye.Wc rcVt tn SHEEHAN & CO3' Pillows, Banners and everything in ROOM SUPPLIES at DJARLING & MALLEAUX Football lime is Sweater lime I'u lt sutdo ally t o i, .'It7 Iii tt I-1:t,9it I i u eg e , to 1'7O st ,o'a tot ..' It i' Nliml--rr I tirl V/ti II d :I Nil I cr---. . lur t -icid(l NI ioIaIil I oi' ttit; . .. {;fatncAyit t ,ic~o l~ \ N Daviodi J. Gal gt' Jo"T 3I\iii i 'oand D r ima. I..,. ta l 5 li e N\'l x'on N Ialttt II I I Jt 10 itt laA o ldC mt dIlonr o F chulte. Glenn101 .'Alt, l'nr C itnim w o ch22t r Geortge t l11t - 117 ;r titt. i ilio 1 i , ti Jl hni 6 ttttttt j ido11. Alt nllt It it. l Ptlf' l,'nain titltrir lStt(.-b 2 it 3 P . G unit liee Inii 111 t I oItt 'it'l" I ' tSTAF ittF ' Ad ot t ItKA . U.t'iIott ' tO , V/iu iii Nffc Flous:o1-3to 1 : 3t1 116:0 t 7::it l .ot I a fy l tolls:AR. if .PO ND M -0 1' {;dI Nttol, l5 oll nrioei. ''1 N Wl t' l ",n! p -, Joloroolt' to x I I N;l'It Not N )liy ;11 Oti II ,1 01I - i N' hallit tol N sin Nlia J tt\, ttt< to (loti'Is t~ l, )l, (\111151;ltattlotNOii Nov 20ttoili t~ t' , i tilt C' I . mwtt to to )cctlt N mi ooo 11 ^ t I it S 1i ' 1" tit 00111 iiNlt'' ~ I (o r 1:1,1'; l 2" '(' ''i 2 ) t 1 2C 1 t otit a, ot'0 c c( IItt 1 ''1 t t to It Ill 1< o i I loot Io i 2 i1t t'it1St G~T l1't II 11 'lor Nitot7 1It 2t tl adt 1 to o Spalding Sweaters - $5.00 M"0 Iltos.ilry,'tavy Witt hlo $5.O() uei t ~ till' it"A WAH R'S Just Recceived C. 13. Barthell BLINKER'S CASES NEGiO- TIABLE INSTRUMENTS McMASTER'S IRREOiUL.AR ANI) RE(GULAR COrl. IERCIAL PAPER I) A N I Ei L'S NEGOTIABLE INST[RUMENTS NORTON'S BILLS AND) NOTES C. E. BARTHELL' Tel 761. 326 S. Slate SI 'tl i i l B t' rt 000 4c ,cI lodtoll Olltll, 100 0 OldI h Ill, S1)000 MUISIC ANt) lRAMA! 11tilt 0;11 h '0 fl Ii 'il po rtt'Nxtiol illotootltlo'i 11 01t , ilt .1"' 0 100 101vvrv ' nationali the li',1 0 1 1 10 1111 1 1 0 un1erlotlw iroc t o N 1f T 1 1 ,N t cr he t ld r ccl 111 tt 01 lovv t. I oottoorooo 10lof 1fo tootll ito mt- t at loot I ) ccrittoa 01000 I, Price0 iii entsA. (i. I ttttDNG t'tBO., itN(twlti'tttttttt o 113uf'alt tiy ii I c. Pttslttt''. tliltitttt2li 0000 0 Ii tool It il o lot to t 'il ilmti. Bailtl ooio Iturillllo ht ivst tout) ofthti. t 100000 11h to , tri rikot all to'irti ?o(,to NIl(1tt or ld000 01000 till oil liltet' 10 ('Conntor. "Lest You Forget" Men's Furnishings At The Co=op. We carry a big line of the latest shirts and ties, Jersey and sweater vests, underwear, gauntlet gloves, etc. You wlil alwvays obtain satisfaction At THE CO-OP The Store of tie Students, 111 the Stutdents, flt)) the Stiudenits "SEE PROSPECTUS" S. 1. A. Announcement NOW ouT Welch W. J. Bryan Chas. A. Towne J. Lincoln Steffens Robert M. Lafollette F. Hopkinson Smith Booker Washington Samuel W. Gompers Leland T. Powers Albert B. Cummings Oratorical Contest Creatore's Band $2.00 GET TICKETS NOW $2.00 CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST,