The Michigan Daily \"Nti A RKl'X \ II(') R\ 1 F I)11i" I Ii X NO)\EMBE IR it',f c3 Vol-. XVII. Nv O.46. TEAM MUCH ENCOURAGED 'AI I 'A I XK LTHlfifiAN BY ROUSING SEND-OFF CALENI)hDAR AIh;ARS 1'li I thivrsitiiiiilcn t' iWhich i. u Men are in good spirits -Trip passes;Xiisdiml Ibyhi'Miss favel kist imadfe pleasantly, Team wilt separate i; apparnciii i ihefrihO vi te. It after Saturday's Glame. hasrthis iyear ming trciefaue - ._ ntc a them'new scenes O ftit- am pas t t fTiiraienn t ra to iii ain l i--the inni tir r t he'ottiI tiltil-] aret gr-tlycnrriiriieiti f f Sonthih arcR NOV t. h(- eallyfir tuitiv nlt'' ffi X iffA1 iii til] aii fitniir tii" n 1111 fill1' r uIn l mlsiff fir a'ill sr ti afi otf rl ilttifhe team a iti A n rb r rt ffp ti frl fifft. ti'ti'uui feo hi;te dIf it) theftheii lii viiituitfii ri til i 'i le ii iti g tto iltithe e '1tit 1a7(fV II 1Ch IGiii cas i end fc l udrthir cumsif ances.ii if liii t i fr tN i be iuiiffiiiiii til ,Ii Ilt hit et r i e i rs o ef f iis ar he rll ne f i heary h' i lq i o fethfe crowd t . li ft her tac t aetni a i ii ft e xpesin "IO sif I wtitlevinttg hiomie again. 1h ebenin Alm A "fit nli a fe Owe has iben noleny itotr Idi iii fu citis. 1 i l a d I I illff alitait> i nwi i ii tat ,tir F iiihei X fi l Il bi.i but I ittit wh vv f did." ii ioi :1 itpcif liioith ige iia f'ett t ari Yae.Prncto a d I tnfl i 1a a r R itt i ll ti so tiri' i il iti glai s cc~a a s cv ttt i i~nwf .) i s t hleItici nterests. iii> in (I ie p aftr "fin irif ii ni~t ( iii trip I) i siti ler eay steif rntt li fae rf iii n ( a tni lii ii irlf and f1pti n it a .('atita iti f un oir, t lii' al ititi~s l fir Ka a ti ill a y iiti. huI it~tc I t ac i'i cifit c'i, ei iirif iii i iie flNhe arcuffmall liiiott ruari i of lilc vililias. afit- tl l d of AN i til> aThere i llh ,ctc tcet ~ tccNofviousfiins il ifnh- ifti radthm ioithe coi trl o farhe if 'ato rirry vi iafciuitr igi rut 1"f ''at ' hilr tou tryfNit tt aneins wod i tt 'iiiio'iuri higi Th(-c anceswere eivedfitrea [521ff ii~tVht \ithrnh ICe.T () fa - I r(' I gIcanta kii iii fair uirs . draI I %tVCHI t hi tautiteiiiMa ltes. "itipiie( fiiet u f tu hii 1 tl)'itig'' Pi tain tn pifwi llin taiR hi i'arp,'in Sarahif C aswelv. l ituet, i n~ thiti- ecetsfr ciildrii'ni't PENN CIRCULATES "WOLF" STORIES Wolverines envoi torg journey im- mensely P'ractice or Arrival in a drivinug Snow Storm. R at. i \\ 'i\, i' i' thu vi'tt> cI.N hi ri Ch'cistcr, 111.Nicv. t.-.. fiTh \1'0l 4 titi ml ill iii i li t W-tir Hester , S1Ith. lt 1'1 4 1 11 4' i carIi ttl +iti i it lace.i .\ i n tl tl 4) n till fipr' \'iu'r iuipo 'd ift t ltrtit (it thft cast fir the ('i 11 tlt ,111W iftiti l> 'uhf it x1' it Suon \'iii> 'iii14,,E smai he 1 ')ciuci1 i ii hue tai t. i in g ittil'rhd en hut 'a t irc Ipunsi t il iftlal placr, lll hir ogi ad thyia Shiltuhv ield.I't'ffiuig' hole nith fence had t its c i> c~iii liii i 1 111 . fit f iii hioi Fttnn vu'gnm'g'il'tf Of reltl r iif Liii X riii ie in fNilii Ii nvey the a i iiii ai I icks. lit i galctiiivi' pla c~r' ace a i it, i l ctat'i' i ' 'tifu-Aiflpeii if liii liii liibe heari t y 'la l ft~c tlr t cv oafii i n i ii ilt lii mnt i Vit ii> lctre, ti ght to ti t h m i ite \ O d "i n l ii ti tii Ji r si y 1144 arie ii i s n i t t t iii'ri ha agivig(at a me tili iiin lijetgi tw n cagioi pitun> fi' XIt i'evetlopediialsoilithlt P'reien t Aiv vIandfcting PresiideI Hest. Sacy, t itfiii. l dai, ffl '11f lrryv lla .'i t 111'eiii bfe'ntt ni ame'diii ashi prlfob- AL Parry, (Aii liil{:areha illad cg as o'ats cii efin' i utu hi' lii It wouii ilibe fit ri ihetoi liii' the thanks ail l fusfl toward every llitli Ifbsi beri i lt aided in tii n(lt 11111 treuudlovuno t iiileve iiuffpwagt~vrini vite i ibtt 'ca it iang wfir evr ali'. distsi whfih ieveal theiloyalMuhfiganXi futiffuhi ,uiiiiuiiThe iuvDa it y'I taivithe irionSutfal tfaloneisilet' eel i the vsc nu>bs w illwere t ticeiI X Acit;Xn.Nf f('1Cff 'WILL PROPOSE CHANGE XiiXlNI l t Xi rf IN THREE-YEAR RULE Athletic Board will bring new f'leas ures before Conference --lane andi Rates will represent fhirbhigan. I~eaheic hu'uf i cl r'itt'u hftfld ml cl t otu'iiiig' hiii'vuf ittlefmtori vital que tinri ch al'uf ru giu' l' lim th td ln i nd.iv Iiit i stil'xpec~'tifd tht h filh ~ lelItir cvtu' nt i the tre 11111 s rett a~l f lii'Xlt'litt 1f1 , i ii iiit itirtceiithe liii iii i Xiii tiniithree-ii I I I it''eiiw turn W ieIieh v t oniu plying hen lt i i aply i vtlui i i t fitlychug mliilif't iii iili ii. fift tlt Ii lt' it'n l l, iii lii v wi intr ti iii toi dohu all ini thi I i ll v "i c rc t is; tilt tin th nc, 'ii iiwilt tititit schlIt rt tl ;Is (,Hl ey, aii ('ii in itrack iml ir ii Jiuge t' 1.s1 pr fiiiifi t o I l 'i tut ileui '10 it In f ii~fiiri li°itutuwats valo ft u ,e . I r ii it i fltth ice thei'b ti- rnug iof fr fuuuuuuI tI lltut uhf Ie', liand fle tadn in tn ii , I lit far t itt a frtanu at uin hi, ,-iiConnitiv liii;lidi fiate a fromi "iii ii f u iiti I ti ii' fcieii eXviientca that1),iti ut prcfesi"I a t'ch avii'ctt )en " indd ro C l ft . ldciii'. lre foot rareit fitt a ,I1th ii ii fiii iT hisi''t i ,1mol iii u i he flite ill ,;,d tie dii t" in fthe qurii iiitim nu.'fu or, lue i' tlt lii' lit' lo~lH il n or : fti e i t ticnde tlthi liii ii rIuii ti I iii u'iI''i asii't'' III 11~ rollef i to thth rlitheofvitif If I ut ut I,, tluwht aiifiti iiti iii holtf te a (I i lt lt i lii iifc fiii bTte ii th-'.tii hula ufulif iii it.f t iliti' '.1c it if iilung ilily itwil eIt lhtif 'e l;ie III ih~t vietutu lytuittof t ihe b a~ reIii c ht thervei. f i Mu h tfill v ri .111 u ut vii I fli the lull ti l 1 and I cuthait' lIii hu Uimvi . ( fii, lh isi'ti l i''i fo h- I funfe ' I r l ith tciily fI'. i'teeeuvectuutuit t iimti terdHti mil l;,e a~a., 'iii.u , fur . Xlvi Sttadcli fur tinst viii 'mitt v hit.''i a rd'vuu. 'iT'h ilt i (I i t uhf faire ii't'tlf or ' t' hfat fly yiici5i'v astsvured. thin uakers w u'ii ftit oningif ar tsianti h'I,'itfor ti'Ii'he baiett isutowt'seI te hutiuuuuut ciuidulurnif ''ug'e"i'we1re vtal'thtit a hart'uftnucnluikely tut finth f ir huhifgviuuliuutut at. t i t11 ' v'Ill 'cmplictions waill arise', ___- - wicht Ilii'ghft marictt'e harony'uu ofp ttthu XFI~hlC.S ItiS1 fT 0 11ff)D lhft'If INi>eenn. hrcm itteiii chringe hutthin gun- Tl'daly 'theumicsirvwiilflderhevi ldrI l ni r tug'i' nt tihirben buscily ii telclbuiulingft'e 'i v rvi nyu c ass'sre ,. fiunrerntuuuauuucuharnitutfthu halh. citmgfor i hile terliii par li i ts flheIii hit y n i ihav n vaveui ry' ritc- fir fuThe utnirmeiclfstruen h iii imetuod if grupinfuugitetablesi.Then will recite ini phiamacology todlayi I n iin l r lurruireuponfiiithin chant thin tt' ast lIcfuryenitoimulifItilt ilehilullhrcttifd t ntuinubriedf sitfait achi guevt u g. iT heyceitr iy iflar>e, wiiciIth tint i'vrlNiN" v'ii v vi acite toDc.ii ge Xlitian r.iimi r. t i l oe'd n itstis ucwaytittltminat wiuttrotee tuhfhe deital 'tmph ithete irl ll iiof thenusipeonrwhichfev lioutfurontly t hs hnsteotn detrctsufromfthelvii na fIthirschi eluuinc'est haaft he uhf l e iafn]n'even'fs: .uunvdewi pmtheei th. en classes duiftstiii fhe inter. Neuuulafuch- Thie interestin fily approauching event beairdsuhyacy'bhint pull in, andh a tempor-isn miitanifestly grncvig botthi amng thec arychminh aluufutunc builtftin tiie'cfuriit sutdeintus andl alumnuif. Ther cliillibe adjintuing lihe amtphithntren. XNfore justuinie ttmunlnuhplates. linesent innil- chtanges twillbfunecitessary whniiuuthent' etion,,r show nthatieer)'seal in the honutse dntal huiliding is commenced. ciilhaeiflletd. aiimt iii 11-f1c 1 ti fu rs(n,; oifl (15tXhe(IIbh~f utaunit;vI etuuuf itai, "Nut> iv4funetime (l*1S(fHVItLFS CtAXI[S 4itt i chut il i l.Id fpreparaitioinu."- . Xiirntgtooisayi,',I huh Iii nntile tum- T]Iu f'i~ it' tiChvve'hltand IituChecker ber muf ifarii niltudentsi cii'uuwtintfrtlhas acceptedmu'ulthu invi'itatfion iof lii XiCIl ,mvii ani iSati ur. Niew'Yorkundciii liii t Chutss vuiuf C'Iic'kbryclubf ht Bosol w11 vtniil Itrgi' tdlegains f it lay uua sevr i tofgti'aln -, i c ifi''uuuf orti Mihiiugai 'runrtrs,'is it'll as othernc'st Jauaryu tt DeIiiitoit. lii phrpartin for ' rum tl i mi cii he th> fiu t u ueen ecided'm toihiorf " i lium mutlt ht efu ciI iitll Ile iI Itis h)7is lt ilhI 1 CTI'hf , itternoon. u f niv funfor etuuurnitmuuu' iO 1O1ff f1 \ INRNVIf f iNfl t trill closn Nouvnullfer a. Allnwinteru nvtt'latint'Utrgedufoihaveutui'hueirltimn- notiaiirtiietues fic Iuldahotut he i 'utentred it uoncet. Trf luf meti ti campu yatrndayi calling tttin to i a seue of min t urcmini bliiI mumiy iuufnd n'tulitug toib Iiialit' a iby LiburtrinivEmeitus' Riv I. laiii- ly it ' lc mill be 'giveniear1h Xlna atmuf'i30i t ~u~ i p to C(frl itmast, miti Ifti ii r oonum of uT'appaniiu Mfll. Not. ti-ntroiuinmufmry. lC-e. 3 -Iiipe(fIhictS. Theseiilecuresact til ed'ltolnna'ttct mchclipopular intenest. aftennil atuuhi io l, inithn Y. l,C. .X. tu rftry. IHOEDf XlEETIfNG TOl~NITinf fluhe inmiing vifety ciii funad mfnnvvs"itnitght my Pnut. Johnu I.sAllnt oiin tsubijeet o f"Biinnlerautineoiou." Thefnlecutune ciiwin e well ihuivutnatedfly lanutensvlidelnd tlall engnininnae ini- {vitnif. Ii 'illioccun at 8if c , in IRaoom 13o, maw enginttring building.