The Michigan Daily ,\ N \ RBOR, \flCHIiiGV\ liiRSDAYX NO\VE- Ii ,i iT i VOLc. XVII. ENTHUSIASTIC CROWD C S \ (,AMP'Nic sCil iLllV GIVES 'TEAM SEND-OFF CHA.rii~ NGE'[) AAIiN Tilinn rmeis an ri sh rlig iii itwenty!Men taken on Varsity Squad! vei ly thiremi nit tgam' Satr- -Another Change in the tine-. la is tead of tis aft rnoonii up announced. . ilnnulilineT heii." wl WNiththt cheirsof thousands of loyl n, sti liv p litwi tiedts .hlopathl Mincligan "tndents raised in ongranetdit-r,,10011 ,LN cnt, fal""of NI.." the fooball squad of1 wenty nen, Mr. and itMs. 'lost Mr. CI it i iMAROOI N IWISHE1S. Bairadr izarclf at\l"l;A 1ght for the great athletic ins con ofat he cast. Long before train tittletnv ITii teis ofitheilthicag NMaron, depot tn the platormn.and the yards ing lm in 1si halftotistiidtnt Insdy, around thie station were crowde~d with ti erdayi ist CoachiYost te ollw sni es dd even a train of freigh vcars ii inght, es s o It wilttinar! oil the siiing saslrouiigltinto commis- iSliihign ,ini for tleaclhers. "Chicagio.Ill,N'. ~i. 1up5. vttni aster Harry L. Cve isas cled-i! 'ut1 ildi'' 1 ot upon to leadin athe cheering and ci mbii In te ilet ofil l- iiitnirriof yolr ill o1n top of a car, lie respondti in a.;elf an the licig a iifooltall t ilm for one that made every rootii hoarse rieostt h iDa il llion, i eal' Theeonimotive anid 11e U. o01\. yvls it teit ( It s tet illsnduthi etdito rs !,oreefrequent repititioli. h fvf oit t !±c I Itit Vtanin 111i ii roil withi the crowid seimdt e ~~ h vedtnoilli i II ni heitrll N Alo caiin', zecant t itlirst hlitutfaisusicess hagisit Micigaincat, caln. nslyn Tee tireChi il Itsat Pennilsyilvaiia! silt 0 iiis it ilm ''in ithis oi- Nine 'ratis foiiCuris wer iven an ictadoil 'stlFitzpitrick LairdtSchuliz. 111rtis , r itiy sigrttrit itri.,andiIwe saline cfts' ssentllage 1. Chigo iristslihoweei.tiat ttie hss Whcm the train puldin, tothi.e cdof theiiicalitai i itnoit iii'so 1 5ioilil as1 iiaiifestevd thiegieates nttnsiasnt ad o p 0 liiie AV and luet iifrntiiinug - at it slowly soppediithe rooters sred i 11"home111a s11ic y liii 'cnisylvniiai. aLmrd e cas ad iliheengine-ininer elytyours, :e ,rrllo .~or o f "the train ta I .~tviii A.s -V Nrxnii, ik the tva .iit c''MVaniaging 1?itor. .01t hitfire lIaiiig Coacii lst aln i. ton'VI c Mscs onescutasnezi'singe intie liieip News I' ililse oldi!puition a t rightiend anditNietnilAtheticitor -,sill llayctelii' IgitItuckle tilsiin The foloiinig inn slie tkiii I eli lubedtor0ofTteii ly also rosiisii iii. tiatittoititlemeitch iiihiilNst w-paIlttseri fromii the.iiVlistout iiioucintig; Seckte, -Scteiik K -ilgs c iiti Chiiiag isisiiiere iii tie wiihii Wrightasuitvas .iformtiiiiriiiftitnidsip nwitt ciotgni tillplayirs altseieutdi tilet est itt anditI lhiitic11111!eed 0assiri'ithat 111e Optis aiiilJohiii Cs eliiith 1115111whotn ear future ii611i tring aout thte esired YoV thtas eaniedi"thelmanllwhoitdoes iets tut sitfri ii liv rivalryiwitioutle thiinit,"iten t so far s to sir:'Thbisiittriiss tiat is eistei to a sillme- ttinsiasrni re is surlr) reat'' This isiiht lirledseit etthetrtofoie.1 euililiiele Iionc sspei fo tir thiinii 1r ltw ollipessalt doisigeati ael sikVnoisifiilhacVk 1thildirceive cliii'ditl-towariifosteitigthis sentimet. siiic-itin Very truly yuris, VisVlst snieiid 1itallIup wheniishei- t. KEv M : svcrlws, adl lust tefire tie traiti plledi sat: N'w Editr." "\\eiaiae giig tiecceast t in iia bi aman solillthis vthusiasusthere tIn-eply the euitor f 'TheiDaity wroih tisiightli t b e a icumustanceu toiwit to the aroon ilte shown :sellrt ie cooneibaohksWili-yDarMte, ille footbisili tsednitext Satueay." iisniistiideits sappireate mitl heartilthliv 1o1ris it tier econtainid V N Io NI PhicS i the stereofithett-Maout editors is DElFT?'LED) PiiVIII Coach Postiricivd by himjuist be Ifnr hi ieainstritevI for teiesct011hee it a hard fought gmie eserdautey illIatt itllle te ieiiality o thu afteritotut, the 'o8timetisdefete'tiitthe weis il intt1 iii iiThe symptathy siiin taarliicsi G tol o. Sctiatibe, Plmeintis Chiago toe CapiltinilCuritis mail. an a rsh stl~arredl for thii'ledicis, whitli I" xci Nhtiganti i t ga Pac'k and ite~rceemadi-got gails "Y ieritciris p011o itt iiiew tr throuigh thye iidtlc'tirTescoseewias ofii icll t1rutltios bteeniCiciag miadhe initine itiddilef tin secoiiiiaitind.11tMtii tgIllihas leei legti iRes wuhnerrrae n hIftohel.nvtgthi of thitsassridthai 0te lDaiy will joinihadus !fel fr atochil 1150 1Tlieforsaril with ttii Varotnithetseffort tl foste pasiws ateniptedh oncvimisucssfuls' a siliitttf freniineiiss tbetwen the teei b'y tile fhariis iii lniup: uniiesitis fratefully yusic, 'on8 Medics. Pharimics. 'hi litcRC. 1101001. Schaiie.....1 RayMtaiig Edito." Netge.., ..L 1 ......... Fox fiikarl.. .. Award 'itieatthiorities f ithecmiticalil Ic Goron,..... C.......,Vi-ackay patinenlllt say tiereis1notiiniig i itti Easltmat..._ P .......Nl.,eir erumorle litaiin'wattem'tlltot secre tie V' lstrtid 11501111. eeiiiiisBnno cmoaliii a pirtotifhitideparimii' iLontmlnm,.....I.I+.... s..Huck toiDtroit. lTe most iracical prpoalv Once........ Q ii..... i.D keis ttat oftpcviing fir foiurth-year net Lrng.........1 I P..... ierce ,in vtes earsf cliiiical instruction it tlummere......II. ..... lilPek te iDetriitihositas. Howeve, ther Bon ........F.B. . ... a.. keels is ,it lre-elln i o t srong tilovemletit iferoe, Eldridgi;-iiopirr, Stmnisoltti is endiIatd it is iot at alt likely tiai head linevsmanmWakins; to ihialvsCsanytiiiig f this kindiil ali te deiie. IS 111111to minutesit"' BOARD OF REGENTS HOLDS aVNt)PiAR It I NOVEMBER MEETING 10. IS .AS Nll'I'INC, Sieverai Appripiatit-ns made -Pro- polseid U' lersit}Iice Plant under dismsu sion. i r r '' 7 7 Y ) ( 1{ { 't li i. i tuml ii iii itu . illstilli Ill,' Illit 1ld till liii a tt i ~ teat1ixlii ol ill t Is li~ t 5 in ;is 1 I ta a,- si li.t oti la t 51 1 ills um [five r hiilili -111a1dt A-ct-i were is- iul. :'re t is I liii Vinay bell Edna lrlnt ')) 1liiitl, on h tr iid 'sithu il \t ~, l) ii tu f~hy nd Cal Nicy reci iiBachlor ()Ill v rp lis ts lt W ibghut "asilli irs ii stoIig'enerlig sista tiit iius hIrit ivtiii lls lncc iutlasitahi t, ITrs uh ttfImtlit liiliV":1 1appinI tdIoi I ti is ll t tu ito ' t Iltiltiltl l n tilt, it'llo n t.() scrtctil eii stillcv W the chairs. abuth11 11 ii- i t h to11 take the lut'lii i.11 1 Ill 1111 Wichl aitith i/cd'iii Iasitcer1tail te ont ioftilt Ii liiiI i i onsumed byI theliUiv sesity. .ii imlemen lltlt for ri-ilituilgtheirs ,ohs made iofi Vito tutu this puirpotse.Viinothiir ii. N$0O Os i ielfrte ipurpses if pruiiding n5pump fo te lthiopital. commitrteesi asmm attpcllstetocons.1ieri rmyntliilln 111Palmei' aniitc i Atfthe' hius- pit~l. Rmegent lKiappc11151asittetiectedtop1r'- senilltheiiportralit 'if PresidetuslAnigell a thlei Niiga S ai in i'nlutt. De- icl~r S. us full ofiteirust -to itht luni an iiutergraduaistes. Itirc-ails to tilt'ol gratis t'e swet'est lltlimries sotlift'. and1.1atlthe-5saiute- ilmyinstruts theu yo11111e- iet'llinitheltraiionsuof ti hi- gaul. "'hle mastilstsitothumine-r thehea itt "A S ytpt im11oniithe Valuev' it Huiitaiistic Studie's,'' is iiiterestiiigsuit ill 11sterday I' le"rititi :1110ii t is tll-t- thir ii r~gil -t ulitin by ' ~oli t i the fa 1\ ctils A. V Virii ht i aiimu i sit an111 - 1. Stgt11 1 11 I .11 I I1.tuutIt but O.-V ltiul VI F. IP. it l liams',h 1, 1 .It.VVWright. I ii (JN'StI it S t(WENS S.iiI.. A. ;' 11111 111til li e )ilgdutingimenitof t-ill- ti .lit' k ter t1hn ll it 11reaingtuhs i r o i il te 111- Sic of te i heats, 11111roit' e)liii i l !)t' rc'arltl,, 1id ill 1111 t '- in sie lt si ' i. f, :1tillmeiiusit eslirlSut a, if thu .c uuuuu- st uintt itt.-f mh'ist, a iu u sceif C1fis c4s.111 i Hack.tu avili-unr ll ''ass-tuii llis' gnu it dl tuunuiuiu . a lth tsit th essniu- ti lt dsti'iued f l us teri 1of1Cti-n ago,11 i ll Iicilugltoua insturisef iuiiu'uu"sa nrl hut given1 incr55-ilersintytialt'. t ihta ''Ve i f irs fths- S.y 1 sIly AeWitusu.'' )r lGr ;mls iure 'i d lquently angesithu tuhdsspontsevieraly.odet-tioatition,.ic inerrupteicimhuesinydtaua ikby .ihigrsut pM lee oucresayi tic itlcdeslit tmitc.h Dr. 11' 111th til is. it trugi' hett grlitsual tile tall-u taristiracyughatvwalki-snilhman a-isiiitay sthatldc Viiisi-Btinit'suitrst' hlacuuhu lere th e i atiiisporacyofsinttse' laebc1tr~ thus u:,.Thti eiarist.c feel11hat I havel aisiufficienit guaranitee forthe obl'uu itmeritiontuofitthis iuigst-i r is tocrsacyiof csh. SUBSCRIPTIONS PAID ARE NOT SUFFICIENT flanager Baird's Office openl this Morning for Delinquens Scrubs (Go Tonight. bimhuighmsilsrge iiuumbtieof subsrip -tios weare iskeutniyesterdasy thin 511-' -deit body failedl to rneecmpi~lieely its pldge to tie reserves. At 6 o'clock lastunighti teewis a conisierable 5111 it monuiey- onimnd ht not vilt ghi to cover the estimtatedlxpenses of te trip. 'Tsse'ity--four mn asre exipecdl in ilsive for P'hildephia tonigt. Tihey muay bhue to tmgta rsite mi t $msmonse wa-y-pe 11c vr lvnifigitrig for hsre traveiiig e ses, takiigillsoeconsid cratitomn only lie fsres andt price of enuhs, tie antmlmt areasdmy subscribedi hllstbelow ithat reuiired. IR. NMurray VWendehllswhotihmmmichasrget sin tie receiinmg mit contribtilons, sal bast mnightttithat the 1.1men tutuo 15hacent psidItItIp)will he geenm a chance to mdo sit hutwen t8iiid i12 si sitVhis uticn- mg at.lDireictr Bhird'uls uffice. "te- hapijs,'VWeindiehi sidi"some of tl iei-' liuqiltutsiuaitt 111itentmmitnofhoorig their pledg s;limtit is humfhum oped ithat tiere sre nomisn in theii nii. versiy who wosuldt begulty ..t stiltconucuuht. Ve liet ohea t m ll of 111ttnitirtmsi- du'(uuumcrninug amutt1\ lide peasedmito ie- e-icc. subipt 111tils from anliy wose naeIaeni-,11oamtilllilsts Ihluiry tutu, who lmlumostdite su- lilttimi1g, I tll Issi tii l tas tigtly graitifuid satt hum loyilispolse- matthu tnktrlte Sut: " ih an iisli . 1 i t i e cll,, i i, 'is ivirtainly aIcrevitil humthin Uivesisty-as wei s t u tIem ndttius eu liiturg mnliil ittst uthomihvue tent labortinmg flue titprtionill ofiiu Mbichi iganspiristunt It is slit lilily tierigil thimg t d1fmm tlv ccrte. hely tbeu the uinil otill lhlmfinc m I 111 '5 th1e11 them,1 lhtmlone111 iiit tihep fcei-hi rsateriunitgnauunttwaunitheii' 1111 s't' didnotbtin'ullwith thir 'lcon11trilmi hutn,..i1a1caseliethits nliiiImis stirr h lilgu 5his support r Ill s Iimlissmto fgtmunglu-ct, oruJe liiil ii) gnorei'hishplege. lst mtts tihiseu mmmnsue em'ti-i uquumu-, f don't knmuss, 1b111 i they- iis-u-eItoil'.'with ftr, thousught, it i4 plismithasut hir-ubtimndithf \Iimtuiguuu spitrit is nomlI ui sut. mii Iithope i-st-y Still' tifhemni aill lbe I'l sian t ti i- oftfi-uwitmhis suhs'riiui rm-)'smiythm eitthigtoImorurco mute t NAVNIKhS OF SCRgUBSGOIiNG'CCO h'PIIII~I II.-V V NNOtUNICtih Assit CoaVcsmhi itischitm mitIt scubulst ight .IiuuitieiiiI I it it' oftth menhul who1 se ablei t gut toh ilsu i m-ehia tuii iu ghu iii 'i-sle yomi P Is igstudommmnuts. 'Te. mu-mu suet- - use-s . I '1cm(-sum. C' iutmutsuc-c , Iflarri".. Situpu- . t I-tsi Vuth, ilsC tuquiuumi Ols 1111 KelyDvymlii Ichl iWim-. Cauy hibulttiins Caiiiiii mu i j iehe htri tikium gtiu CoemanlispSd TwIe mruumu ac tileepmyt aut iihg ill 1.- tclcmrailroad t 9:0 his eivening,111155151 lu ig li iin P idliaiiFIria t no, r iTheci s still matchance flue uy'.mi S ushimmg msii i-e e guuuu- t gm-I reu -ht d rate. Thos- iasinumg suhhoultamil i at Ni umgme a liems 'Ilium va5ely I. u it lya s ible. 'T'icytsuam1 tp i I" hee 'llt sgriutulturaleSistuiie-ut ,s if Vjise evit) uwillpublhishiss'college papuetr uf tic. i U e k Il :S a t Is r It 1l 11 In CE' i0 at i sheumeis I 'I'lu(tieas sre expressedl his Nioh iiGeluauve theiaris tutucruacy ef atm sio huhIienst-utuosus-csauthortieiii family,11 groinug111 tl t lhit at isrsii intl 51 lost oinllills auet-reosectedithen'>f 1cas1hi'eslush ofithe ic uh 1man's de simile emoser. hm discusosioninmmuhums olitkmpliismoney miniymuhtehumus eof issv mis usesmimustom I m mmstees of thefsc- hums lprgeny, n himCiiiago, fume mmtlvtmuc. tnly mf itlitusho itt of lmedicinie. Thle thus varciety oftamsieracey is lust ibugiun hknowlecdg,'oflCreni-ndummiLatin, espe-111ing mmosappear. Sometitfithe iimenrhube tiaily ithe, omer, eis spothenm ofias ilan inig tsolustve tfamly tle s, sei almotsi 11501sarmy .acquireeu-1111tutu' a suit-turatnches 5areisum close'toithit-grund as esstul physiscian.mtmu I mu ostii ike he iimilarope cumuich 1mm anotuheu~r dilemrtmenuut, thu reci-t thut-ungraniufths i some5111'way Iscaped,1 gfty thu t 'nimvi-sity- sue'umeurated. am tnd y whicshutiny seth1 at tunicr cel Tihue bmginninumgs ofi amdeparutmtaimiml libreary hull s- humputl um-anouttheur lull inutou lih itt g~dmtgyhvhueetnlmmdsir bythue gift slid.' _ ofmit- pri 1 atsil litbraricyfmt het'luatePetit. sAlthouugmhum-hi-neturedi' s scsihdule-ul lyre ml C.Ituu vuii my Nirs.Ruissiell.IThuv e ior ueio'hlc, sandh suthughit 0-ms tie 'ivmust y hums asomiehunsenrichedmmmtiy ilved mmil ii :,;hoat thatit imelihi Ba- this prusenaion11 of1aittargsei l paitin~g wsi onsuly twou-tiridushull.I For fullya miof 11 tinal i i illd I him ITriummph ocut lhos ttur sifter IDr. tbutusmiuius betganm to - 'heseviftuls, together cwith splent. thur osiltaut tresadhofitthehate sevseuralh others mii hmii l sihowsstimesarrivsals wusghmt mconfusvion.u I u-ri- mim 5activeirst t akohIuenm mum VI oigam s wel'-tueer' alltins-mrthinsudhitoiummwholeh tar. my peosiple utmsidetofit heUtimvrsity. rotsmit seautediauduitourswentetforced to Ch t rile o hoa cmtrirsmo hi femyht th hutCoey orululr dean1111fttime isaw epart' -u-uiu'me mutI hnly of themises,hbuit uf mri t ,10 mill wrus n dtmm isit fot inti h e tieptlesuallsuabout theum,mmnmrder tf a hrlsftmetinuig sway' tiemenutfaetsumakue wasy timesoule tartlytone.sAt timur undt mitidets if hums tetentfulcaicier. hue nomise' ittthosse utnterng, eunut Chm"NiewsfcumlCVlasses"suaid thinequaurter of almum r meaftecthue lectureir shotmctautilehrby1Pcmsmutent AVngell, as .3ibeganmtasuinmg.was so great lust large svll as thiiereports o huh l boardmculofe'Iporltionms of his senutencmes in-rc lust, I It gm-Ilsmice sill ite'1115thu lat illiie htme ciueidibriavely tuhrough this mdiscsiurt- interest mit time 'aluumnu. esy, howuever, antI1 sfter tileihamllussi' f illetd, rapily gainuledomlte humid sie his asuiilsce. 'Ike famouuus lhen Creel players arc I tresentinug "Evrrymanu" sanl"'T'hue Mer- iiElmuer Ablwey, 'ti law, was dr 'tel: chaunituof Venire" at thme University atfuproscutinug attornmey of Mantisteeo hVrii hswe.mtmcai iktb 6 Miettti thi wek. eiuitraic tcke ky1*8 ajoity --t- Boueke Cochiranic sill heiser the A to0o,euiuolawss isuiluhimg still bhue riecIe eiuusuuum-iu'eitadduress tim Itei r~us oh for tis University of California. Jtime CL'iersity of Nebraska lurch Jutne.