Pi'fir MICHIGAN DAILY' HIOAG'S Cor. M1am aend Washington FOR 10 CENTS X 'c u Il 'o:I i"Cii 1Pictures, Pipes Leather Ut naments and Stationery for. f " illm -"o 1E. (G.HIOA1i IL FKES PEANUTS ROASTED plaiti (1-,.e tlie PIOS'l i i IHlS"(- 0 rtl{"Money. One Pound Packages, 10 cents. Blanched Salted Peanuts, 15c per lb.; 2 lbs for 25c. DEAN ft. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Max" St. F ITK IC551 Si C IiN' MANS>INN- 1l -") r f th ich fa'11v ai t.- i I i i al ililli~lin ill11c (1 ai1red I e re 1111and 1t A XNN() U N L'LMET k ,lii X\ 1 tIoul ir friendis Cl aoths, ts 1and Toggi aery s Orfi layt l' vo l r n1 1 '11 l 'rt oI) iti 20h-02 ScathMair St Gru C lor, esynarSt OndBlogg .ofSery . tre We havecpte on i lt-a anrexrahocfrce o delivelno su titonsot 1(>n l owe Ou -rce ,IIakv)sH EN RYl ( t~,,, C O9r 70 -7 1 N NI A VE. a t2 IIgI ti I rc .+ IIII Occidental H ote l We Cater to IBtnquets, I A4. llixsoii Lunch =Ypsilanti D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY I ,ii 1 tilai it t'a 1Ki., E IN FLUJNCHELS Xo rt I:-. liii 2r1 lri'11i1 Io. It 11 2(111 , tIClCiIaretljsii 1 B. E-. JOLLuY.State St. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD ANtD STEAMSiII P LINES' Tcv%_I xsIeL-mo veA,rt'm Arbor T, OhIIII io Iiit r~i 1i ' I 111tAN CENTL 1 "AP .Niagara Falls Route' Cdcato Buffalo Boston New York i coghTransotast ] t.. '.10 it it .i :S) -1l . 11A')1t.ill. ,1 1 1111 I t. cala 5W e-,[ 1 I it . Ca. -iii.. *1 I 10P I IUUII , I W. W. Ni:,A oet, AnnArbor 1'he New Barbur Shop J3 t1 Jl0i1\i) ShI. Proprietor 717 North Univ-ersity Avenue FIRST NAI1TIOAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mi1ch, \V.Cs Ii (((Casi 11 I C r s ?IsIA .IV (I 1 an 0r0 1 s. 10 I-IE & EDEMUNDTS iporti ng GoodsI Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant icssrg YeectBon & Joe Proprietos. I Il ls1. 1!1 1. 1litllI_ C o- , :ll k F. J. SCHUH SANITAROY PLUMBING and Electric Students' Supplieo A SPECIALTY F S'_ IUH, 207 E. Washington St. 1 1 1 1 iir f csll , 171 ld11111111 iri 1 11 ,red ,ti l l 1(r-d s r, t i }r , ~ III s rk w,1 I 1w lc I L I ,(r wil I 1 d i II I i the 11 Ir ii 11(1 j III I I l I I I 1I(111t2 1111 tl Ir i 51+ hid2 11 ,1 l A' f t ire iIW i I I I II C l . c r ii 111ii zc aI I r c 11111 ir I )I . tirtic r, ,f t I SN r l c F iI'il. TS Na WiI > a Sl ire ll-111 !"2221e & (,011111, W -'111 I ird i todoli~ 1 NN1 11111111 1o r r o 111 1 1 1. A 1 III n 1 2 w1 l 1 ( 1 sho1 s1th,1 Iii 1trrt III i 1i1n 1 N1 111o-en l I1 I (1 11 ' 11 line of C7 lx,) ; 11 1(1 21111 s i 1 ltit. 'I ii cr~i Irs i. I oi ll ( 1 ! it 11111"Ind r and 'osemo s ul l ipr l" _1 1 1.1d 1clnsitslf. Ii 1( N o NKLINer The Cnk ineno.,othedo0 Nojo nt In la.N Arbnr by NoiG t e.aWaIr'. TWOd) nBOO ik toRES. tumt 'The - - Builders oftheVorid - tneed Brawn 0tnd Bratt, wii lCrte aeBmlta 0k 31 Books or Bilding Business. Nartlre hlls stored the nmaterial --for buildingk hrawn and hrttn- S you only the starch. You c-tn't build tuscle (or Irain] out o~f starch. Ill Shredded"Whole Wheat \you have all tile tody-h~llInlll elenlents of the whole wheaIt prejlrC-d ill digestible form. The Government Uses it toI build :soldiers at West Point and sailors for thle navy It An~iapolis. It is on the "traitning table"' of every college and Iunliversity.- A food for the brain-worker, the outidoor man and the in- door man, for any tmtal,- for anylseisisol int any clilnate-a food to grow on, to think on), to work o11, toi live t01l. Shredded Wheat is made in two forms. BISCUIT and TRISCUIT. The Biscuit is delicious for break- fast with hof or cold milk or cream, or for any meal in combination with fruit or vcgctables. TRISCUIT is the shredded whole wheat cracker. crisp, nourish. ing antd appetizing. Delicious as a. toast with bever- ages or with cheese or preserves. NOTICE===FRATIBRNITI ES Inter-Fraternity Bowling League now being organized. All wishinig to enter please call onl S. ROTTENSTEIN for full information. 707 N. University Ave. T he" Vital Question Cook loo~k us sent free for the asking. THE NATURAL FOOD CO. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. "?C- r re:; "it's all in the Shreds" 11 11t ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAIL-OR THE BE7ST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING