THE MICHIVWAN DAILY Saml Buuchueld's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BUOFED& CO. 106 FAST HURON STREET FURNISHELD [OUSF3==Uor Rent A CHANCE OR A !--~I DNT' TO WORK HIS W AN' "1 lkUt3H A LA RG(,N flAX 111 11 S1. withinl two)blocks of the Cazinpi, he1 r8111111od lo~t 8t 1 Itclnile it li8 I lico Mack WS& Co. THE FARMEIRS AND MECHANICS HANK MAIN ANOIR) iiN 51'idiiT: Capital, $51,Q1, Srplus and Profit,$6,5,000l 3 1pe'r8(1centtrs ttn 8(1 mid ;-111 Snegs Otep )"ltn Safely IDeposit 111111 Ito ro-oL 11 f. maid upwards ..,iel'1. F. 11 11 1 1 an? I A 11 A ol1aW4A~t. 0s . V Martin lU A ((lio,29'18. 411\ v4 ,Ph ne,9S AMBULIAI IONCA I Btrown' Drug )Store 20 E ASI' 1EIIS1iRlY STRfE' CoeadSee Us i r i RAZORS, OF ^ LL KINDS Safety and Regular', MUEHLIG & SCHMID'S HARDWARE 111110 e574 2f5 S,. 3mm nStreept University School of Music Sigjht Singing for Students Colirse c(1151518 CIIt111e81"'ll W8ork, taijIngsii( 5118818to (tit:8 11111, th1 elm 18( I f I11111'(, 51188811 1work III8(13 111111, 111(.1- 0d, atl l> 11 1 +J 11 11 8 g. pl (I 1118 811118ad58 c 18 1 8yIll 1 I t ~estall h!1111t i rn For dei1115 to 1 1 is llnynai d Sireet. Evenng adtiny Clases Rcntschlcr, Photographer Moe's DBarber Sho 0. A. MOE 70(5 North Uni' ersity Avenue Hot Lunchi Ant rttln'.S, 338 S. State WE are Showing this week extra good values in Corduroy Trousers, made up swell, especially for College Men. ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER, MAIN ST. 11 , __ _ I 1>(11 N\Ot ''F I 1 > t' I 1' Ilt S1'I'1' (, 1it81 i(I 1fromI Page Ot1te.) (i i e ta )i t il (((1(1bill1 rat1 ier h11 15 t~l t,. c~11,1 ot h'1 11ecl ! 1 a dee o'n11cp ~ ntrelcc upt iwole tu-l in It-it~m a ain nd 1aain 11 hist;(1 Onc" 1+,ct1t ) ccr frend 1111 (11as1to i i Itr, " nd aftar an 1 e 511in 1th e ,?tti t i ha the a 1nf 111xpe i 11c ~f - (el 1 - 1, t 1(1 k nnaion 1111 uc itl~ " ctii f111(1 11 (1111 1111111 I 11111 h..1ardnt 11pon-torsof Mayr>Chid li e 1hq 11,n11 :il. 11( a l1go c s -d it 1 11 1lc1 c 111,1 11d(1 11 I 1(11after 1 1(11 A IL m y to 1i (((1 t~ ( (',,11 (ar. (11 lcr (1111~1 1cIop 11 car 11t '>1I> c +,t the (111111 (11(11 (('(i ~I ti 1111( -t~ttf ~f ili'11i~a 111i' 1rtll 1(l11 l1 1'l l Il lt 1 111 ;i l 111 1 l I" I1I ' WIN IIt(il ( h 11i11( 1 '>11 altla il f '\tIm Il III~ ar\ h(1> l1( 1, t' II ;N cII '1 11(11111>.>. il tI v r ir I'' 1c n,1 0 1 .11 t i i iir ir tit i' ;{ it : 1 I >t' (it i' ' . ill do the r11(1 1 . 11.111 1(11111 t11( (118111 ('>. Alo Ao alt.lIcw'In- (alld1 131 ;lass r81(131- (81%;'tmc 88111.\(iII 811181t. 11( 1<0(I181 l ' 1888. ' l H>cr. (((l°r1 (88 Vtl- 8(1888 (811JC ;toe 118 Mnai emtII ,. IIl HIURRY- UIl'REPAIRS AreApprecitedIFlyAll EYE-GLASS WEARERS Hess ;Ill ill1111> Any tens Duplicnated WM. ARNIII 1, .1 WEEL 11 R owe' s Laundry Ihomas Rowe, Proprietor All Students' Supplies, Statiiin- ery, [ountain lens, U. of MV. Pins and bannliers. iGuars and Tobacco. Save ia Walk ad (jive Us a Call. Students' Supply Store 111 S i verso'ity Ave Ga sStudy Lamps Genuine Welsbach Incan- descant Gas Lights 1,argn \Var1ety at ,11W P1(1 8 Ann Afbtr Gas Co. ne t ary )f1 Vi- ('lIohY 11g, I II Nb> 1118s1(8s,( S. St.'8 81i. 81,11 .888 Jan i n(1 fo(1181 and11sloths(. 81I11- Mil , r>s1181>81258,; 181111888, 11)8. l (1ler1 8 8111111111. 1tf (111113 111 111>ri 1111111 r t '.'Iono, (iII)F1. XW iIl- I i LAW BOO KS 35th Year in DICTIONARIES 3511h Year in Ann Arbor QUIZ BOOKS Ann Arbor ILEGAL MISCELLANY Callaghan(" Colmpanvy CHICAGO ANN AR13OR BRANCH. Staten Si., Opp.. LawSBaildlmd III I--- Save a Walk Down [owil VS 1 your Wntch~sand11 Jewelry repaired1311at the ight Place lily 81111 U. of fi. Pins n herel they 811111 1a1111 1(88n at thle > L ow e st prices. No it!~ poor stock il our1 st118e. -3 ' N o t 1111i5n chag' 8(81for >4 oo 111118112(at ou (111015o11 ( e 8tVt ~irit ((ieed on repair>', ete. Alarmll Clocks 1100'and tip all at thle rightplee 11111008 Laxs ilii . L. J. SCBL[[DL 340Sot Ste .t. Stceet. MON[Y IOA N D ( ) w t-it , ii11(m I 1 ! r W. J. LOUVRIM 117 dt Ae apoite out f1)UA( BausinssSrictly Confidentiai Cleyer lo Our Fall and Winter Line of Clothing is now ready for inspection. Call and see the Latest in Suits They are built on popular lines which means that every garment conforms to the very latest style ideas. They are tailored in a faultless manner, assuring a perfect fitting garment. They are made of materials that stands for good service as well as good style. Come in and look at the different styles. Always the right thing at the right time. 121-123 S. WADHAMS ft CO., MAIN STr. c; E: V Y1 (3 (l Ft s l r ' f ! 77-4 A I) I1 { I: I: IS A I. I. 611 [lARDS, OOL. BOWLING ALLEYS UP-TO-DATE niST 1O1SITVIIII BULLMTNS ON ALL SPORTS CITY OIAiUF IliMI 1(1WL lEll MOMMIY, TUEiSDAY'and IINtTAIAY FUlliroi'S. PiROGRtiESIVETOUR1NAMENTS ILMRDS11u11ORl P11111MNDAYtii. 51111 81138 AN1 THURI~SIAY EVENINGS STUDE8NTIS' IIOWLINiI.EATII8 NI1w 1181(158/. 1111 CiiAII5'iTOBiACCO'I CANIEiiS 220 ('fUll Seethem Play and Bowl1LI 222 11 B. U. Reynolds Co. J'teeFel, %Hrai".r 4* t'on erz PI Washington [ RANDALL, THIS PHOTOGRAPHER Phone 598