THE? MICHIGAN DAILY ki Theres Nlain lono U ath- 1 -11t', a, a ontoo 101111-Dto- i mt (ttof j, L t i6 1"Ilot -l- i' rrt 1 X ' (Y 4 rf,' -1 - , to t p a-tcn If t o l ot o-a i -yparo at and' pt-a--iod tkeIthe aIe f r ooll ,'oo :01d pleas" ou t Good 11'U 1 11- -1 ' It.tti i, fO I ' ' '1f ~ rW , t+itlit itrictvtwito h 1i tifor tt .'l 111 t wi t h ' an iloits1 an ner anilli=d certings ind aIt S tt t IJARING MALEAU THE MICHIGAN DAILY. t- fte pin l(4a. ome ph one 6 ftoa\trttr C. Pond. P 7'of i."t r -C.f -" . \X'iltoiri 1f': 0 0'w 12 t'1 I l Iott fit ',?,4 f ir~~t, :tlmr l It theiiiir l , if 1 ,t t ak li to l , 1 1 fhe ral trdof the ;md he ral cd ofthe >a 1-0-1r i.ld Itintuim t htere i t, vrip-, itothc ffectr o f thtei - I~c1t ~i. air I th it trlicl lt' ll di1o Mill riidcriti t~itiW e in d it iF r fdtir f l I t 1If r 1 t i p rtlollt oa r. tet rido' fDITRSf llretoi i e t 1 tthI"i y(a tot be fih frc eot 1S. CM ancyr l d cr a) n t i xl eair. lit ftl111 '10 h4t t f Ito,{ilicltiii r I t rr i- c "ooo- or A~ t lon ryJ. Ear ntgomer. t 1 i t 'io ctfort, tilt' tof 111of1 the tr it . .. aul S. ow er ttllktlt wil if oiti ltdo p01 m ayi fril ot I 't r c tfA.;f4 - ;bon J l . BtOle.J.df o~l"rt t a Irc cao: f tmenl who11 Ha tfrodAC.hSithrit 'lbtid i iwtearf dloo Illolhlt ASSOt: m~ rttxos. orm bc"sile t t t , 111ttth pls, lnd Wt ill i f.fA, t Xltt lfliif u~l tlf Illrd dif desh. many00 fia XX Ntli 1ii,- 'il,iiNot - actgi~fo eenlit ifnce I Ius 1o e c (e rg T at ""rea1 l work, bc-i m and111,' Ifo tered b A .lc$th tpn yon I John Wam old t p lot in it tanto lirtll 111114s0t110 F. Furl . a o ol ll t tilt isl p ni ng;t tfo a t l tg 01- ) I tlfto rttJlig lO a f Ii riiftofi 1' ha a ftreatdivifty1111of have 0,1 roli o10il fi- oi mirfIi 111111t ftl tll o 10111 of trli'iIfrt; O 0111100p. lt i 11111 f'iiWf tiltl111 i 1111111 tt r)t oii andffdica lc ltn 1+ w: ,11 fof'i't' l.It I ll weliifl 110110 fr ilteew lft 11 foDfi upt- 1110 If Yom ll000,11adfole ofpatplrohI t 1111111 Ofr ou th ~ifo,' ttiiveotheai lilit ffoitwritfwll andfltiofoltilloflt wit 111hear01with 1110 tfltle.lEver proe (ll ,i t°phae ii"tl wh'ork.f Pl0 lt areII flloili ender1 wtt-fo t hehit , heist tker,1aleadytltlthe u Iertraf Football Time is Sweater lime Spalding Sweaters - $5.00 Yl.hfatlllll.Iiray. tNaiy 1111 01111 White tnaterVt'sl without01 lIttlont $5.00) $6.00 Addlress: C"Ah. E. WINSIL All 1Businss I Mnaoger, 22oiS. 12t1h St. 111one1707 II. 12 M.laily100.nl31 iTi) { Address:: All liii IC. Pill.NI, Managin~g Otlic io 1111112 t . P. Dal)ily, Except Sunida. { 1 I 1fs 1 .10 ts Ne,ENN l .,It : IiRAtEPY.1 l:it IiII IIAY)Ii.+il) (M~ll ( 0, o0i.i~s 1 f~t t oy- -G IofN 1-)1BAD1 Y 11HRS 10YNOVMBE 8,ig oll Nov 12i F1 iioio t111 fiiAct foparf- ato I ;1ol at Scb olof liii Moo, ,4111 f Itill oofdfoort. kn0,\ ],d ;c ti~'a it i w ' sN II#;r st1of 1h )in if I ofothe ,, II 111t'< isr a ivei ' i in1 dw fors hii o -1tho t'I boll iglot foot liii Ill ill o lof l ii P . 1111111.111111 11 cI t ()~il I l IvtIii oilioofoo 10111. 10 11her islrIiti. Io ii 1 111r~c now 0101 I 1 all litig at oa r o ic tht l lt lt 011 f t 1 and ri t ozar1til~lo 111 io tn k ltet tii IliIll itt'fhlaiet fag SFlor al umo r \o oi, itt f astil tor 110 hee w too 1110,e f fole ot' fettnl ar e0 chm1 l 110)f l loni ,b t- fiiIi',i1 sotisg Iiioifi ooflli~ti~s Iihe Jrvcrwdd on (A1s010 01 iii i n a 1 lo~iiited ot,'ktt o iii 1 ditio f te clu hou111110d 1 011111111 fliho M re o t,.10I tn rkd o 1' ,,-i i l I lt i pp a o fn s in e tr thcai ng; of11 1' 1present1111lleg' XX,- rni-aI ro ff111 1111,hltsiggolli oflo11110 10 111111110 itiftito '10 ollk oo o to Ill 100 01111cutstto10011 tloibfeirenewoed10 AT WAHW'S The Blonostore tat'sNeve - Unideisold. j Just Rceived 11Y C. E. Bartheil BUNKER'S CASES NEG()- lIAB3LE INSTRULMENTS McMASTER'S IRREOLIAR AND REGULAR C0tl- MIERCIAL PAPER L) A N I E L'S NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS NORTON'S BILLS AND NOTES Cash or exchanlge for Np11110 seconithand latw and itielicaf booiks. C. E. BARTHIL ttt~itto t k1lol) nt oooitiltiinliintoltttitiltr.l1f-Irsrotlowft I Sttoii'tti I it Telt.61. 326flS.ifoottonSt itti c r lr i tt iti the tt iii 0100V I. X11il tot hIrotftito. lion Te to n tiit' th tt I f ,o~sit asoil e1) 017110llc , th olow n ttt nt ll tt t i t nil Itohi e fillh. alt l oiitito t'i' 'if i ii F hth P ' Ot ~g ioh oto-Spalding's Official tool Thl 110110\ 0111111C1nfro to X',, n \orfio,x. og ii oitioto oditoir;1 (7. P. trt to ltll to- \oiooBall Guide Containing the HiM h- n t'i l cie t i il;,'7 1 .CMV n .S tooet. 37-3()New Rules . fi-ot ttuI ~ ~ ~ ',~ T1lolhse '0 o - itlitPlot i t1i1 olo lord.i ttitnicit hcn its need was tinvcrslly tlit, otol cxfu .tt,.reportters. There nc- otto-I l.-ked 1 le 1011 l otottl 1asli,illith v111010- lcot e- jollife & i- ottriilleor a110offering sI t'- laIloll. Thot- l r;ol h Foto 10100in ne iae e l<} iic tl f ol tot ul 00i 01 ploo fo- li poltiito ii tuooiit tX ioegatliifooo1 M4. iilllid 111011 t ll ite. stdoon ~cY i te t oo- 'e ti(to thei Ben11itofi"->r 1 ither lce o theopatio tlto tialltii lti t-kFuottporlo llit()f-foot i lo tto 111111 oervcmtislti ihi g annek. Al otpewr t oiiting, lo Iol tl. U c Il tottiot- alitto-ntrlto alt 01100 1 - SPALDIINGi &tIROS. New010 loon. ~; of ttpoe ,01:a m f Ito 01111by s orte- t t 10t o ~, eot 'ti t 'iOh l ie tfi, 110- S poooh 2o't titteo 00 ~ it Dls, lyet Crab(1itco1it ti 0 it i l1tloiiio-er 0 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ototifio otifl ift11101 oiiio i lii fot tlt'h''tt bali )5lade- f tttlitl t tir'-aoltiot ' It110101 Join TeCo=-Op. AndGet the Full Benefit of the Next Dividend $2.50 and $3.50 as their share of the divid- ends declared November 1st. Inshi toil t Il Iho lite n ea tedto 1110s i t 10111s. lia ca1,tll oneh inifi lh Ito1 liltytorit i meton a Shares $1.00 Each J OI THE CO=OP. I. .. .. . . Watch This SPacen -SEE PROSPECTUS " S .1.A.Announcement NOW OUT W. J. Bryan Booker Washington Chas. A. Towne Samuel W. Gompers .J. Lincoln Steffens Leland T. Powers Robert M. Lafoilette Albert B. Cummings Frank W. Gunsaulus Oratorical Contest F. H~opkinson Smith Creatore's Band $2.00 GET TICKETS NOW $2.00 CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST