1THEMCI hNDAILY HJOAG'S Cor. Main and Wasthinrton FOR 10 CENTS Pictures, I'ipcs Leatlicr Onamnts and. Stalhroncry ALAR~M CLOCKS 4: CashlPostiey Cs N Jd f1-- 1 TpcileS 0rpentertainment. ChaCpman's Jcwcld ryStiirc wbike~e 1~ !a i 511 1 itt 1 I AN N( UA LMEN Aninoni ~itti liii 2 liii liii iS 1 U i~ flU tic ii gui in ii iii liiiii iii (iii ii iii iii ii iii. iii iii lii i iS ii ~t I ii \ti +r iii ri ii lie- i arnl miueliw poit ofNmiiin, i C i ii t 'olii iii As Walker' ;Livecry Holmes' Livery' & itliOlACo. XV. H. Stark 201 'oultii State Street Clothes, Hlats and Toggery UNIVERSITY NOTICES. ;r j ui duct P , ofilli( 1i'ii ,1 to sc i ti I i cart the i I t 1ii Ilot C ll)I1 ti i5 i ill 25 Ct for. Asf~Y- S>nii ofi cost. liii IReule, Conlin& Fieg;el 200-202 Sonjth Matrx St. I E. (0. H0A 0' ,I School For Ciranger S Dancing Ground door, Mlaynard St. 0tm, W.lot f V. State St. Stores Occidental otel NAe cCater to Il 1"oals' Etc. lliXSOll Lutnch= Ypsil'aiti D. Y. A. A. J. R AI!_,WA:t Y 's l 1111 tlipii FINE. JLY. Sfs+. AND11 i 5 1. OiSJI 111S.i lw, k i,1wiii 1:i I ANN ARBOR RAILROf- jAI Ci ago )Bufa Ptin t'N or hruTrainsso.La~r o~ ,-o .1 Itiiiii ra ins Ne t tP ,l A it, 1t,'ih.lo ) I..taei~s i W.W. CASI', Ageo iAsn Arrtor t The New Barber Shop THEiDEtAtL JOHlN I 10JAN11 tiSKI, troprie'toi 717 North tniversity Ascouce r T f' T I/I'WSHigh Class I FURNISHERS I I ~l Merchandise iHATTERS V1.1IPopular Prices bci Dii-etly North of Law Hoii1dxv litii'4 709-711 NORTH VNIVUKS ITY AVENUE it iiii liii 1.11)i,fi S itd _ I t i t'1. i All Musical upplies I14 NV Lberty St. ANN IARBOR1 drx~och Dieterle Jttitetuer 55J 1Fun111a1l iirector A IbIaIli SiMICali -rrThe B-uilders ofthe~loriAd r teed Brawin ndBrain, Book or Butiding Business. A rehs stored the material Y.57 Ott otniltheitait ilt You can't bid Shredded Whole W"Yheat you have all the bodvy-htidtttg elements tof the whole wheait prep fred M itdgestible form. S The Governmlenzt uses it to bliitd soldiers at West Point antd saiors for tihe Nivy at Attoapolis. It is on the "trainting table" of tvery college attd tttiv ersity. A food for the brain-worker, the outdoor rttan antd tihe int- door man, for atny meatl, for aty seasont in tny clintate--a food to grow on, to) thintk on, to work ont, to live ot1. Shredded Wheat is made in two forms, BISCUIT and TRISCUIT. The Biscuit is delicious for break- last with hot or cold milk or cream, or for any meal tn combination with fruit or vegetables. TRISCUIT is the shredded whole wheat cracker. crisp, nourish. ing ansd appetizing. Delicious as as toast with bever- ages or with cheese or preserves. 'v'i FIRST NATIONAL BAN1K Ot Ann Arbor, Mlcb S IV d,$0000. Siiii :.iii 1 'ti, i t ,( PALLEY & EDMUNDS !Bporti ng(oot! tat1tiast LibertylStreet. WAI KN1.001 11 Chinese Chop-Suey- restaurant iii iluiiiiYee li i i ' i t ii' F. J. SCHU SANITARY PLtUMBINfG and Electric !: udents' Supplies! A SPECIALTY 'Washington SI. U. o M.BARBR ~ Students Noticek Tlrojonosvski State St. 11!tt iiid, iii iso ii S itico i tli IT- tlluilug Sa St iS aii i (I < STATE SAVINGS BANK COOK [lOUSE i :xx rvcs Zhc ULeadlnu House irl the City W i. H iih Ji 1 . I iui s $200 $2.50 $3.0 / iiiilArii fiioA. S. cate ea. Ca. IF '' . ................... . .. . , i I 1 - ' IBowlling Alley v Billiard Parlor ; ' r y S. ROTTENSTEtN *1 The" Vital Questioun Cook Boonk" is sent free for the asking. THE NATURAL FOOD CO. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. --fin "it's all ins the Shreds" IIL- 1l f AI.iAYSHEAD IN:,r 41 AR1D Ti, TAUAR TUE BEST'=F VER (Y THIlNG IN TAILORIN 'r