'v THE MICHIGAN I+AtLC ___________ When Buying Your Fall clothes COLLEGE "WALK ,r . Look Deeper than i1he surface, FOR ME, Make a c ire'ul inspect ionoftii insiiiide" materials siaiil Jiist arri' wor1kmai p, ~iii If iyou wiill comeiiherei ani doi thtiWi th i xlMNediumi the Aituiiianid Winier iiode ls ini suits iaiilovercotsjstrtetl1 you will find that weI ih te ifahiioniabe"French- Stret Black" anid pressediiside xcsems;ilsoi I v niv eWithou Raiii t oats--Prices $15.00 to $25.00 t Big Line of Fall FurnishingsPrc and Spalding Sweaters RATSlaebler & Wuerth l IOVERS" NW AND WOMEN ce i m ii veriy Iii mx Weight Boots juliii a r stylish boot iml yetplen- Vy eiiiiighi tiiviar it rubhers. $3.50 & $4.00 -Over Shop ;MAIN TRIEEI i :, .eJL'%A 115 University School of Music Sight Singing for Students Coiirsecosiiitshof initeival woiik, taininig stiiieniis to takec aiherv-al lriiiiiaiivgixvei iiiii, thic cleiiiects of musiiic, spicil 1woiik iicinht hiiiiiiil- id idb iiialri t sinugig. Slu- cial ationiuuiis givenu lo ihrasim, gand iion~iii. Theluccoursevxis hesignediculi tcachi studncutsa tii vcaidaiiilto undeircitad u shuuic. Fur dctauils axsito hurs, mates, ec, call atlthific le. Mlaynard Street. I i11 a m mb r oft ei iiii ii iiiiC Ichaig tan r a o vn ( \\i1 h i i eIi n M iiai iiifaii )1'i. andi nut. i'iii .11\\)) 111le ve th anl ii ld hi t i tc i hell iii ii i iSh lte cl ii led 11 1"1 rc1 ii r .ici tn ta i 1daferrin d ))f ied 1+) tach tit mel he f iim iher nn ir l'i hcylitai ii it adii 00 1 M:1a urI:iiuhiiuiii f l licli l, Il~t liii i til Ii 1 11 ha :1 c ; i ii ic ii \ l i'ii iii n ii h (11 r I trc r h S1c tl ~ c tl llc cl 1t lir : liol i( llcIti ii il] i I ii i (1 1) ((l t~ii iii i II 1 I lii c fli' i t, iii lcii ti i- I fill ii ii i O w n i( A w -i l i iii \I(ii I t tllc g~ll1c :-11 hal~l iarcI w,1 :1( I i ' I ic i Iia~ i;lt 'l li c' tt- 1' 1! lo ks KS cto orerat,i k" i t r n-il CA Oo71F;.\\illiiu Si. I'iloN iiu- and niii 11.alQ ii i iii al'lic i a- li()I' salli obsiai ii~ ad i brios., ii i i ov r i u-iiiIliii mmiio ciin n niii iiiiin inal rcxiii ii laillicl ,in--o Viii.iira SE l ont.li piicril (liidi Victr- naclines and ates recrds Quarry's Drub;Slore Ow S iafw I)N. (iti i\t Gas Study Lamps P" 7I 'l k I THii si Genuine Welsbach Incan- descant Go s Lights lhctlcv aiiilChieaperci1r1i1iii or(tiiciii ni Larugc Var ityat I in-PIC l-s. Ann Ai b :) Gas Co. I Safety Razor $100 ii nun-gtn-u in- -Inn-n Rcntschlcr, itltl Photographer niwetlill lt~ 11;gil l c~ Moe's Barber Shop! 1 5 CI dliic i, iii lic iid O. A. MOE falt i ii aeal 111"ec lt 705 North Unit ersity Avenue af- %"d n ,aal a alt LAW BOO KS 35th Year in DICTIONARIES 35th Year in AnAbr QUIZ BOOKS Ann Arbor AnAbrLEGAL MISCELLANY Callaghan. ft Com pany CHICAGO ANN ARBOR BRANCH. St'2%,t. St., Opp. Law -n-Bv.iidin- H EAVY SIHAKER ~Jf P~j ) JACKETSW HAND KNIT .I WV v L I VESTS $3.5I Consider carefully the weight and quality. WAGNER & CO. STnATE STlREEiT HOT CHOCOLATE ThEIN TOTONAOIT Press I I 11LAT-C(LAMP GA~fR% R W H P EW C EN111111ni c-u n ne-- iuin- c'~the I -{ ha eu n en-u the tu u k -i 25i centv f tinr. hi tei t 1Iif lcl p Iy SnEihFil -iSr - FI LI- N G P N -a "I) 1rvint;ichafi i ml inIc cigilltecohn ' eilh iii 1 I 1 hi n-I RE Manaln uuui eally& ti Te s Iadself.l Cap treri ; lt ,yurhn. 71nb I, hoaj tresses ~n-n s1 t t l u ith-e-uisI m ta atilniin-avlyniii tile.5eert aF i, l (+ or all th ix hu u hi i un-nRi ii un-'idraw-un-i un- n-u-i-ant-I n-uni-n-in-t nly -e coalfn-iiinuc n-n- iiiR e eaiiy-F i e'ItseluiFel in- dota~~. it i-i wurttn-aitatiii I alu+i n-1i 1 1 nil ul ilil L I),-oda Wgist le t ofIoul Pin-I i in-'n+-n .y -In tar -n- Il- i- 2,n-u irai-=--n-i-i-i'ii n h lastnn--nw1 '1,- S.-n--tT E CONKL i EN cO.. t t/ P G IOE R SUSEND R CO , 1 n- o S ,Phlatuh Suits and Overcoatssuimers clIothingi tompny Mear$4O ('t $28.00 UIkUI~)UVk1i U~~L Buy Direct and Save Money. 118-120 E. Liberty.