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November 02, 1906 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1906-11-02

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Who Ilake'- f '1,)11{
IRather apr'i!ady t
iletien. ti) ', - I ' cIi ! I Ot
j, n utii i irliticr-i Vii
in cour Sul, ri e rii' t 'Ia' oIrn'
It or, I t Wi I d b t eadtit' r, crai
ure 4of eakin- t)i F; alln'
as f es t ol011, ' T 'li .1 andr
lease yiiit.
There's Nothing Beyond tUs
tin Glarment Making.
ant ou nwi - t ),' 1 ie , N;t lic l
MA u tn anl '1iti' n }t~ ci
patteIrn (,()IIin s I In ,- 'iir iii'
local it %
lgyour enuit)a Vi lacy
'3 te t ii r I un i t i (iI;I t;i',,ii tb
uIS, tore e1m)mi ti' iiiein
any dima pf~sit iiiw i.
ate andmi t i tigrinn cic v.in
If men' niaki' in' oic t ce Itis'
Yi'Lat l (I' I iiiii"' at iumna iii'
i~l take c (:m-i'fit li-

i: -das ecnd ciasi n terati he nn
ui4iAege neur, at 1m7 Eust (V1 chas tinr
seet. ttell pione l89i. ((ice i nec 76.
NIa... pu ' lltmi-r Nthu r I IPndf.
A i li e i ' . \i-r I.
N' 4. ..D< I~nit F. Stee'numl
Fx * l_ . l.Ieniy \, Nliirtgitnmry
NI )cItrinmani. , .Paul S. Miowr(i
{; r ni 'N (),l~nlii J. JEarl tOglc. Jr.
W\illim A.NMelti cc1
it 1ci' ' It occ Fr(ergeII. Hbr
N, b . l1It'< i '1cc (Curl PR. IMoore
A.F.litii' Ii 1. JoihniWttil

4tlt( I li~y i t> (ti'i'ri
la' ., i'S Iii ii in I~I;riiiil, tr.teI MUSIC AND) DRAMA
it ~f i the i C , I rirl tl
I «rictt 4(t ^' >'i 'tc i t] ;+"1tllltli
-un- T in \\titliI IIIai .I1e(
. i tit 'a uih n I I r;l ti th r?( ttt (, fie lr i;-3
tf"("t il t 3tli i uttt rt iit i<t 1; 11_ t t~ ttlt O I '1
It, - t,- (it 1'iii
{trn s t hei tt t c fli h tt Sl~ t~a i ~ Ial e ea ite IItl r~
the iI)It r~il ;tlle I I tra it tllitf~ ' Ii h- rl](It 1 )11of ill I ec7l ii iIrii;I
i(t a t tie] i t rs II I Ie 1 t l ii ii 1 i7e ((i lt n - ' IU i ' "i ft

Football lime is
Sweater lime

Spalding Sweaters - $5.00
'ii c si, inmy; \Sn ilt i
511.at~r e~t $6.00

1 ._... ..



-i << i, v xiii il It ch i tt 1 ', ut i iiT HLt ii'i iii
itlc arc c. i"Old -a i iiTL t~ l ~tiih(; ;iin Ni liici
,fr l c alc irllaT' 'cnil~iTc l InZ' iii 1T

IL John 1F. Wurr
' G H. X IL)Co. IRATES: $2$0terpayearoen$2.00 if padin
311 . State St. advancn.
Addiress: CH-AS. I. WINSTIIAI), Busnesst
'lanager, 220 S. 12th St. Phou~n 707 L.
Oftiir 'tnne( 2 tte '0 ad in~tepaO

'i 'i t tru, I r

Wear a
tin rn intlat hoiiiandilstill
lie nicitily m'cla. 'hipt
Autstraliatnoil,. T-e
wit kinslili l t'esiamn
thttYou enI ill all i ald-
ing prmodutsIcthe best,
andtheIic'ei ns are
$4.50 and $6
Sheehalls Bookstore
Money Loaned
On Watche, iamnds or moither
pereonal p ritpicty,
Watches and Jeelry repaired.
Bargains in Watches & D~iamiinul
Office at reidencen 331i 1,.it'iy "St
Anti Ariiin.
flours:.8to e1:3ia. m., 1iou:3ac idiito

t.'. atialy.
Addres:AtOIAtI tc.t'ot'Nt)Mattaging
taditor' tin Moanne
Office tlonrs; 2 ton5 . !'l.itaily,
ttxcept Sundtay.
W 1- lj i ii of New'n' i torut' l::W'in tili if ii
1)6 at '' i ,1il tto t C. 11111 N Pt'
1. P tlIt'A,t )ii' N IiBF 2 )
)<icig i 1ct) 'ugh ic a kr~ig ine;Vil
ia ti . i (( l ti i
plc i iiii i r ) t e atic ' 1iin <+ l
N,\ Voh iiiadebl v.Mc
W ith Iti i rc rc-rw i itan iiwii
{tili i'tt trwsic e'isiirii i tl
iIi d il i k r a tii iii ti iii w
it Ir f s r l i i t wiii tii i Nc:Iin
1)riic~ ii :n+th- cxaiiri tnt lii:rr
i i lcwal cci1w at~ t hi e iii i i in~w a
,)>i (f T c lavin it4 illitt nut li

> t ii t

eet0 i athc i . ittwwa 'iot \ti h gut iIi' ni--
lli ii i ts s m a , giit ii"iii i it, ii u mi. lThe iii
wlii bgn a atyerjI ti -anl~i i ONi liii i (un ti-
rn -s IC~tin tt ni rtt~ i t r><iak lcn ii '-Itii uau'uu t a

cii 'I t I ,t itt'> tint; it

at ft Ic Ii N tun - Ntiuu' ii ( ' tiiic
cii i li - ni r

ei' 'ii'c{i} il 1,
I() f'it ilt - m
i i ii i i i ii ifar
'iic :1i iitt -mil
"Il tl t i it il i
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It ' iii' .. .. ..
tIli . .. ., R
C h l , . . . . . Ft
Is r:n . .. . ...i ,

(Ii i ii iii 11 nn i i
A'ii t 'i mass*ii )
r 115 vci I Cii
ithrt (uA t i hii e
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Iii ii in el'iiti) f t
Imdc liiih'' i

'(i sttr- ii'iili' ri'ii i tl
it, i c , i it i cu it > Nv r"
liii1 tI iiiii 1 I -1 ff~Iii IIC
Iitt iai riclit i t i ii i ii ii

ii I i( i

T11Boikstiretnhat's Nece
721 N. Univ. Ave.
Ill?,\)QtltRTEFS 14).
Kodaks atnd
Pnhoto Supplies
Amateur IDevelopinlg
and Priniting
Scrap Books
Poist Cards
Viii act ilivited ltia g ltttC it
i tdh srct'nnhat his llallimecl
III thle amt----alltildIt CY
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
C'apiial 'torn'k, +50,00iii. "surptlus'- :?0ii,(in0
Rixe iu'ces, in',,20ii000
A GleneurailBanktng tBusinesnansacnted
11in at Viii i 'lax re. .. ( Frileuu i't.cu,C iv ii
rn Spalding's Otiial Fnot
c'N B ailltuide Containing the
pi t nt i: iIi iii 1i miieit
} i 1a, l ( Niti c ~tl~~lel
c11 o t it i tt llo cm

uu Gutin t'itrIni ucict iii iiteiiti- ionls-
to Puetui c uI ni- i lc°-t Ini',, itmiandic ii


,GI ltr1()1,(, t
1) 4c lic't j
Pc O j
I) 1, rl l l

'.. O
l.. ........hra( 1cv
1 1. ..... McClellan
l I . .........
1.. ... ...(-=itlclin s

iu' It'mm isiprnuit IitiworkCthan
diitiiat iiiiii 2'} C
\C'aitul, iii uy nitee -assregt r
"tii Sum'', Ntaimi niretci.
NIic'tigaiiipins, fobc aiinlsporsila
cnn' lJewctry Store, Mn ticreetiiid
Mlarmclckts a! t ,iit'c'n, Male stc'eci

l~cfcrc, ~ l~r,(-c' I ii lci'
'i tHit Eal H i h,',IC e nmmI I~

Garrols --Curtis b--Lell
Send a photlitlocrol of each to your friends, We tave a
eOMtplcte assotirtet of thitet iniidtul mtmrtts of thi n iitire
tuin tclutdintg ICtutu/i I} t,, iji 'tim' Fill-p tm'i'A', m 11 1i mtt,-'I'e
B~hit. T h i 'ls insl-/iitiu N '.s uiit mttt lic dhomeii. Imitpress
it uplotin-ticrfriends, A Nichti mIattBaner, PillouwSottg Book,
or Sotvntic Spoi miwill plcas, there.ti En in te tine lig line of
soutvenirs altteCut-imp. Vou will fidt't'erythting tnew antd tip-
Igo y'out prefer hi secuirepoyourowtnsotuvenir picttures? If eo,
we- wtilllie ;glad tta nare fointyourickod iks, We ido ilevelopintg atti
piinttitg attdlgua~rantet-onmiiabisoluterly firs-cla's wonrk at reasotn-
Thn' Store of the Studetnts, Imytlte Students, Jim,'the Sttudents


S. 1. A. Announcement
W. J. Bryan Booker Washington
Chas. A. Towne Samuel W. Gompers
J. Lincoln Steffens Leland T. Powers
Robert M. Lafollette Albert B. Cummings
Frank W. Gunsaulus Oratorical Contest
F. Hopkinson Smith Creatore's Band
$2n00 GET TICKETS NOW $2+00



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117 South fl.ain

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