THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4 . Samf Burchfield's Finle Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM DURCHFIEID & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET Mack's Tea Roown THE BEST CUISINIE IN THE STATEC So.! ovid it allthours, 10111 S . om. to 5 f) 11 ;glurdst o(n ).i ll. Pi ice's \Moderate Mack t"6%Co. . . Tilt lARLO i~SAN)D WCHlANICS BANK 'RAINs ANt i tit's NSt 1111111 Capital, $50,000, Sitrplans and Profts, $65,000 Dow' iiiiot'ill liii iii, Otit iiii :tiiii l 1iiy i'poill' S 'oi tvly ili,l.( tlois's to rtlil. i10,'.0l0 Alit! il'OO If I' it. tiT'ii I voslioo 1io Pprtt 1'tl 1{rt i t.'tl 1.m A.ii I ili aAM!4 1,1 II DirgStore 12( IX 'l' iitil3 i SX11 F Coiiiet and See U~s Chafing Dishes SNDI 5 O'clock Teas hI altlsizecs, anid at RIGHT P R[CI;S MUEHLIG & SCHMID'S HARDWARE phoe r574 20.5S. Stain Stree WE are Showing this wreek extra good values in Corduroy Trousers, made up swell, especially for College Men. ALLEN, TilE CLOTHIER, MAIN ST. IL IN l :vV 1,( )( )K,,, roll [acuity Concert t'iii~i ~ toot~n k __ St. t, t ItS 015 1 001 5 00 0 to iiia0c . t no ii' i 'iitt atO '0''; 1. ~ i cl t c'i B u' iheh itooit otq)o (\tm S ' 5M5 Lockwood, Howland and Ern. SCHOOL OEFnUSIC, Thursday Evening November 1 Admission - 25c Season 'Tickets $ lto Ic t' I c I k >cI t iltS itul " -j ' Ii L 1 r t";. 1 t 1 t'ilt .'i oZ il Al i t~ to~t 1010 ol dulto If 'III 00.xls~c 1w0 I c(Ii . ItIc II~Ic tii o III I-Ir c II III itco , wItIIco torr ic Iti 51500l, ii ra il Il r'n- Ifll cIII0'110 i \I., T 01"(; '(' Ilty lic Cd ling iit1' ilil ?t>Ytiii'o \lii ii oit tit ,it' ills' i lllIi 0'. I !iv 55 (/Its S i I" 0l 0 10 t Iic c i Otto Ot S ill dii }ir lii, ur' S ill (]Ii itu'c il ? 'Ii t i) 'c iii t -Wt \S'oot, ii '.2 ItIII 0C00 ill", ol Stu'oli ? i i1t4 il c "t :111d tut' t nil -;. lit](M 1 0 itii 4 itll t r 1 w \ t ii<~ lt 'o il , i Ih ii ot 5 d aw Iill :1n ari'iiii ll I n idtili t' liniew ' t lin andi wil0 ac,0"t ii iii of 0the sta0g0.i ol lii G t iii \il 'l'il ina ecln c o te I' ooiiioto-,(i 0r \\N, ircal iioni fe t too loll 0\ cnh ls ,: it n i g in!; it o n ctit to i Ih I, 106 1 il-l '1illicc000 1 c i t 01 il (nv rito' 0005 ioi d;io i no he 0 i :d , hc ag Ith I oi h ) too i al tilt n" 0 cc i ; \ili 1l h "I-()to' "ani \ l in11 the oima c asiin h m i'nh ;oit attic 0o '0g oi- r ill tiiiit iiioiti to if Sticd i rtt AI.t . (ti',l ir , Jo S ii'S ,n I i lit li ii' t tii S c O A Sa is ii oiii' itiloh I i t i'S ittili lIi h tis m nd li a d uiar otnI oil too I r I' ii 4 'iii i 'iitl Sit ldcr 1 S ti{ S - l ite'i~ ndt The triars Vitlcalio' otlltioiiitin Madgaca IntniiO O', WIfL. AR{NOLL), JEWELER ,?20 So lt it MAINt ' Gilst' Glec Ctum Sorosis Senormsociety 110011 hFobis, eci.. lmiotw wih 1.SC SSI 000 itoa ,yllt homIIo 000t 00000 awl~e 1 I 0000toOi, 4 ()t (' it f 001 1e 00 i l~c i )I t tto 00 00 0t 00i Ii 011c 0 ~ 0) lwlW 'ol I rt~ilo oo It rc 00000iil the lii 0 1to I ! 0 ' 0 00 1 r t t oo Rowe's Laundry T hittmats Roiwen, Proprietor 326 N,FifthllAie ; iw on e 00oo 1010,00 ikiitOoi4a.1 . All Stuidelt's' Sutpplie's, Station- ints a1(nd aner's. Cigar's andlot biiito. Save a Walk att ives a sCall. StuCnts' Supply Sorc f il S U ite i}N Aie GsStudy Lamps Genuine Weisbach Incan- descant Gas Lights ()iI b 11 at i its. Rcntschlcr, Photographer 00 00000 il I So no: l 1 ri 0 I0 0} Jids lI I o f 11000000 ittf j lilll1' 'li0 i lot ctt'i In0 Public; floo I Moe's Barber Shopt lv( tti riI< z,>-lci 1 0.A.MOE 3 1 5 mii \woo lSotir Cii oild 70)5 North Un' ersity Avenue I Ytn'sa a%.m *jgt 2% Occidental Hotel Hot Lunch We Cater to Blanquets, Etc. At T'sttle'S. 338 S. S0tae[Hixson Lunch = Ypsilanti LAW BOO KS 35th Year in DICTIONARIES 35th Year inl Ann Arbor QUIZ BOOKS AnAro LEGAL MISCELLANY AnAro Callaghan(ft Comzpanty CHICAGO ANN ARBOR BvRANCH. Stante St., Opp,. Lawn Bnaildtssg l r Save a Walk Down Town (Get your Watches andt Jewelry roipairedt at the Right Place Buayyour U. of 1t. Pins whele they keti) a tull tine at the I L o we slt prices. No 10 P0 poor stock in oilr'stoe. ' ' N ot t itoe charged for 8 lI oiiok 11- at our goods orgSe tt i ng prices on repairs, etc. AtarCloc(ttks $100 and up Catl at the rintit ptace opposite Law Buntidirig. MONEY LOAN[I) sid ll H titigh l s intte W. J. LOURIM 10 4th Av's oppitetiort.arm se Twoedoos 'soiiti onew Y. .CA. tiF~l'sP Ittitss; ,:30 to 11.30, 1 to 0 Busnesps Slailty Conintal 1'r Clever 'teh, loo"av&La~e Our Fall and Winter Line of Clothing is now ready for inspection. Call and see the Ltest in Suits They are built on popular lines which means that every garment conforms to the very latest style ideas. They are tailored in a faultless manner, assuring a perfect fitting garment. They are made of materials that stands for good service as well as good style. Come in and look at the different styles. Always the right thing at the right time. 121-123 5. WADHAMS (Q CO., MAIN ST. t~rg in aS iii ty it 1,mo i's' (-S Ann Arbor Gias Co. DII.LIARI)S, POOL BOWLiNG ALLI&YS BULLETJINS ON ALL SPNORTS 6b laoiior I ithilt, fI yth' n for You 2 1) ~ ('iiti t abl oni I nitmin t222 tilttt B. L. ReynoldsCO. .Pecf-C4 d& Co""er. Washington L Pt Wasingto THI Phone IA9Hi Phone 598