HOAGS Cor. Main andW i go FOR 10CET \,. 1 ls PICturc, P p Lo t ea k .y IiII. 01 25C3 MiICHIGAN DAILY ALARM CO1 ~ oiieyCash f (h p T7 }i Norcder, f,,rparties or entlertainments Chapman's J wclrv Sto rc w tk enr this season unless cash a 2oo SO111111 Al A I N RA I I 5 1k ll)- ret eciv o rsI of r till -tioi1ioiii willI tT Peu le, Con l in &HFegel 200c-202 Swarth Malzv St. 7) UNIVERl-SITY NOTIIC1 S.j' t1. l 0 1 1 . E. (. [O I frAH! RAml iAi ANNY.A.A.OR.RAILOAD Tre0.0 01i , ,, ArII tall ow s7:.oaIn 1. 100 f 10 ' W '}1 [' IlG e-l , .0Va 1 nl, I I Granger'sg }6round f loor, Madynard St. One Block W. of State St. Stores TAILORS TTh/I'High Clash FURNISHE RSII Merchandise HATTERS IU I Popular Prices Dii-efly N, E-th of La w Blddizg 709-711 NORT2- . VNIVEKS ! ITY AVENUE 011 I 110.1, SPEND YOUR VACA"1TION. ON THE C,"E!, ltINKItffS DETROIT & CLLVLLAND NAV. CO. Clcw KatIgo osv:\ (1 or (Ill 3,j fa 111-1;0 111101 II101a- !t . Sot;i c-.l; thougohFrains We1 t---:. , rn 2. t t 1100O l 11010 ' 0It11. 0 W\1, ASE;,Agent, Ann Arbor 25 (0 Ntu\! r. I~t phi.,al The - Builders l t of theWorid need Brawn and Brain, I 1t wlhether they are Bnilding S/ Books or lr~nilding Business. ~' Iii tlhe whole wheat grain t u N ItLire hais stored the nateriali -- - fotr builinug brawn and brain--- S you only the lstarch. You can't build ---n' uslor I 1> r 111ont (If starch, In Shredded NWhole Wheat \yiou have all te bodty-bulildling elements o1 the whole . ilet prepared inl.dig-estible fornm. The (Governlleut ruses it too build soldiers at Wvest Point and sailors foor the NaNvy at Annapolis. It is oni the ''training tabble"(of every college and university. A food for the brain-worker, tile ouitdooor 1m111aiandtile ini- door nian, for any mecal, for anuy seasoin in any climae-ai food to grow o)1, to thiink on, too work on, too live o)1. Shredded Wheat is made in two forms, BISCUIT and TRISCUIT. The Biscuit is delicious for break- fast with hot or cold milk or cream, or for any meal in combination with frtuit or vegetables. TRISCUIT is the shredded whole wheat cracker, crisp, nourish- ing anod appetizing. Deliciou~s as ao toast with bever- ages or with cheese or preserves. T he -Nital (Questiont Cook B1ook' is sent (roe fior'tle aoskin . THE NATURAL FOOD CO. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. "It's all in the Shreds' The Only Soap itt ot ti tstuart or dry on the fic. The onldy soap tha. titikeot Slitvitlt eay W ILLIAMS' S TC I ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYL1ES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING