Fall hailoringj I h.ma e.fit1. . 1"irt C~lt~ra l~ iii I 71' iir.,l -tIcI II i . i h I l i" ii ,- l cil ii i l- i~tr ilflll' "'ult'ul I c l it - ii t, 'it c ,- iii iiiof :l t--i' 38 t)lt im l~ita c-pi'm5 to 1 a lllt-it s i c1 I ii)°"1 J- . f1 it 1 I 1 ,1r - t lc'- dI in ~ it f "wl t n wihi uliki 'm i fary 11 toI ii 1' - c c i- til Ow ( iie in iii cr ofi1the1c'iun- nip i oh"il goti> "inkettody.f e tl ginfui''ic , is t4ittri1II II g I liii\et al ..\ ofet arclhrca:Sgm h fratrlti -, hO w s a i till l i tn fo Iwo }I--ars, Iiatcl he at it .ci tl l - 1 hi Iit -'ll itri THE CO=OP STORE I' ils-i thie' Contrtolofthe Un 'ilt-ctsity tf MichiganCot-tuperative Assouciationi. S. P4. Weaver. 'o7?iLaw, Supt. New and Second=hand Books for all Departments Engineering and Botany 1Instruments, Men's Furnishings, Stationery. Tihis ins(ONE store -wheiricyou can oittain a tfill line Stisdcnt's Supplies. One Price to Aul. Assured Dividends to Meimhers shares $i.00 Each. AL'tAYs ituta THE CO-O0P iTeStoreitte StuidenitsI1)ztteSttidents jit' thne Students The Students Christian Association Reception to New Students .err Newberry Hall, Friday, Sep- tember 28, at 8 O'clock M\eiibeso f the Factilty aiid Stdents of all dlepartmients ant classes areic iited to attenid. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR Students' Lecture Association Announcement CIGARS, TOBACCO, CANDIES THE MECCA BILLIARD PARLORS 334 SOUTH STATE ST