THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tl HOAG'S Cor. Main and Washinglon BRI.ING TI FS - AD) AND) 15 ClN''I S AND) (OET ONE 01F O:).'1 25c SITI.NS LIBIRARfY BlI I INO O N IT II I i t Student Lamps Big Stock $2.25 to $2.90 Our Red Star Oil lhas.noteqa i aquality urethisa naroet, It ;-x iv 5a hite lt..,h! Inoesnt ~ .t - i tttuthe xmne , xdos tn t f il the roo thlt itS .ke,.in ~r or il lInn i ii(r nli b DEAN (e. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. t I iI i f I I UNIVERSITY NOTICES. it 1 o 1. 1 : 1 tltit "n it ., 1 , 2at 1 i i' k 4 . 1 3 1 J1' 1 _l t ! 3t '?' ; t lil t i ' l it' 4 i +} i1 11 1G ~tlr t-. 11gr Ii~~- a.b t .i Mai SL ( }l i it S The Stoin-Bloch Famous ClIothing ONLY AT Lindenschmitt, Aptel & Co.'s Our Business Sacks ready for immed- iate service and tailored with the skill of Stein-B~loch's best workmen. We have searched the market high and low, and these are the best that money can buy. [igh grade Woolen Fabrics, skillfully and h on es tl y wrought, with a fit and style that sometimes makes us wonder how it's done. Always Look for High Grade (foods at Our Store. Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s LL . OAGi R.AH! KAH! KAH!1ihg PooNt I Ii 'nti ;1 t'. i t , Iat i U. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY wi ,la ':l a It t 5( lpata ,it ii I"t i ii ,ttit' .a, ttltt".I< FINE LVNCHI-S !" ito arrti'iy i, t , f'i 'it11;iO[ -lt R. E.JOLLY. Stante St. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMNSIP LINES. { Tr~wlr. aLeave 'nAran.Ar'ba. Ginirg Nortth90a. it) . nd a:35I .Il.. hent i as. Agnt, Aet, alitphone 1351r to Iicnet ALCH16AN CENTRAL "The Niagara Fails Route Chicago Buffalo Blosto New York 1 Through Trains IEast ,1 a. na .0 n 4.55 p. Io,9.30 p. II. i11,ia p. tat Locals IEast-6.a5 a. Il., .II.10a, .,tt 5.I ll Throgh Trainso Westt2.7a. nt., .8 . I., 5.100 a., 1). n.a i.'titp. n Locals West t t aa n, a2 t'l., t t* .4 p Tn., 'ft 10 1i. I1. (titrnat lit I i taont iutlsat ol Ittag taforat. Louat Kannsas Pity atia'lk IV t t W. W. CASEt, Agent, Anns Arboir ;a 't'-,',i:; , ,1 ll?+'t i ; "ti11C t#l <11 t'1'31(r{ill rti 1t'1i7t't" 11 i lit IeI] itiiixttx'tttt'l THEL ANN ARBOR BIBLE, CHAIRS, 1906=1907 icfI )131t '[he Subjects for October wxill be as follows5 rl< r~t c!rt c.3tcc ,oTheories Concerning the Origini of the Bible , October 14 ri I'[:;as:lr .ot1'za Marks (of the D~ivine in the Blible . October 21 1t~ i tr c;pitcl- o a I 1). I, ]at t l ltltlemnents of power in the Biible . . October 28 Hrt<, 'Kt:~t~~t~ SU EN S A ECORDIALLY INVITED it oitt I ut, atittil Other subjects will be announced later. Opportunity for ques.. I it Ia u I trl~liIi7Ul ll tiltl cii c Illb of.11 it atk i r ,l]_sclci m'l crtil, li cwtillof j t11rlri ilt ) ili' I.l :iitt tlt 1' C' 11 I Itt. lit it) cItII Cite. '1'l The New Barber Shop All Musical Supplies JOHN TROJANOWSRIl, 1roprictor SCHAEliIIRI.E & SON 717 North Univers ity Avetnue 114 wx.Liserty St. ANN AR1OOI FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mich. 'UO. of M. BARBER S1101 S. W. Clatokw aa. eita Trojonowski State St. I. lttapit,,00. ;'upltalidPto titsI 0110 STATE SAVINGS BANIK BILEY & EDMUNDS DIRECTOR11: B A o r ti gbitt W , iAnold D r.V . C tV a gha j- -i Jas. 11.o W A ade iE. F. Xl i all N..1. yer JetintHaarer 121 Fsit Liberty Streti.t, at itch Irof. i.t x (arit t xxAl KINO 1.1)1) Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurant .. George Yee Bow(Aitt.'1l'r torsll F SCti, yhiri2f i .r fshintoa St.t E rvoch Dietetice Embalmer and Funeral Director x210 S.i1 AtRsdnesi R I~'n0.11n.rbr Students Notice i All thelo iltlingunetixptired tick- ets to Sctti's' Aatltity 1tti' catat' pleit tneirtitours bycoinitg the first ternti. Assembilly S at it r di a y ex eiitlg ,; S.Stat. Stret. COOK HOUSE 1 Zhe ILuadlrnLg Hox,'.on the City 1111111' il'ttt'tt $2.00 $2.50 $3.001 We Cater lto d foraIt Cillege People r t Sutay i ntnit.t 50tl .t it 11111 tafl' atlil 1 1 A. S. G0..1n (MCan. Bowlilln le 9illo t Billiard. Parlor I o\- et 1,11111U111-totei S. ROTTFENSTEIN PALAIS ROYAL, 209 E. Liberty St. ALWAYS ONE PRICE Ann a ititiall coiait ll lnitidnto1ie 1 tttt itt- lectionoil itat t iilan alsicitlt l isl it1iat tit thisaistore. Thet te x i I. of'iN1. hBanneirs ScraitBakitts Rate Atiqueis Ittdiatn Rugs antilIiigiign Jtaaniese tParasotls and Lateirnts All Kitids of Fancy D~ecorations. (a, 1 1 11.'ll' kF, i\.\ I III' FOWNIES Hookillg Valley Ry. COIN 'lNtF 'i'iS it's tEt.l.EN'I' TRIAIN SERVICE Yiou will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains tion Depots in Toledo and Co lutnbus S E. CLARK, 32{ Campus Martlus etroif, Mlcb. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAIL1RING