THR MICHIGAN DAILY HOAG'S oar. Main and WashingIon BRINO I11'S AD" ANDIs15CENTS AND) (jET ONE O01 01ff 25c STEINS XX ITtI LIBRlAR~Y HI 'LfIN(i O N IT f Student Lamps Big Stock- $2.25 to $2.90 Our Red Star Oil l I :ina in 111ualityin th is wtarket. It ,ivxQs a wvhitei lidht, loe's ot smoto'he cii tilev, does slot fill thex toom xv ith sickeniiigodot. bollin AnniiAhut l_ lyby DE AN ft. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. UNIVERSITY NOTrICES. jl t'Mi i The, Stoin-Bloch Famous Cothing ONLY AT Lindenschmitt, Aplel & Co.'s Our Business Sacks ready for imnmed- iate service and tailored with the skill of Stein-Bloch's best workmen. We have searched the market high and low, and these are the best that money can buy. High grade Woolen Fabrics, skillfully and h o n es t l y wrought, with a fit and style that sometimes makes Lus wonder how it's done. Ailways Look for High tirade loods at Our Store. Lindensrchmitt, Apfel & Co.'s THE ANN ARBOR BIBLE CHAIRS, 1906=1907 iIC' 1 tt ; l ( t t +' Sr _ " , li E.C0. IAOA(i 1l.AH! KAH! K..AH! 1. S.I.INIQI 1S-, 14, 01 rl it~~ D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY ll'1'laIi (':I, , I ), t-i I L.a o. I d v eryii tA0 lo r- I l I I 1' 111115 i ' . ; ' . :0 a t. i v r 10th'illy t ill " t'I' ll I i ln it 1);lo t.ill.,t yIl ol) ,tli~t I lit 'il 11 1.10:1. l to E J:LLY It.tt1S. ANE;S UVM CP 1INIS InlSllg1l 'll 'Ii11'11,11111I1 .,1 1111 l in of l~ l ' 11 iti A it A httitii PlIe P 1A,111111 till ' Il l I A 'i' i i1-,i t ANN ARBORNRAILROAD Chicago Bufflo Boe sn New ork Thng rh 9:0a. tit indt4:3:5 1).int UonL o uth 7 14 0 a h.iili.lli I 3:1a ),1.anti 111m J. J. Ii We14 lii 1 N. Z'. N11,Iii 'au o W. W. CAast. Agent, A Arbo 1 ttii i- t' I\ t t icIiz i iii iii' t itr I ii 'i t Ii . i IC i t it 'iix 1.1 t Wt Ii . iii t t Il iic~ z licd al ik t giodli r Jitj " ti. V 4 ti , '707 N. 11 n Vii ity av11( ii it) tfOfod-IN~ -{Oxod ITRODUCTION to the STUDY OF THE BIBLE it .itiii The tall li ;t 1" o t xd ,it ts cii jit 1)1Y t~wil l lccrc V lit, ii 0i1it ' IL i GRAND OPENING COLISUM RINK Admissioni 10 Cents. Skates 15 Cents lDoors Open at 7:3o p.iim. By G. P. COLER. This course wxiil he given at 12 o'clockinoonl each Sunday at the Bihle Chair Bfuilding, 444 South State Street, 'The Subjects for October wNill be as follos Theories Concerning the Origin of the Bible October 14 Marks of the lDivine in the Bible October 21 Elenments o~f pow~~er in the Bible October 28 STUDENTS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Other subjects will be announced later. Opportunity for ques- tions and conference will be given. FOWN ES THAT'S ALL YOUJ CLUlPECOSHRUNK NEED TO KNOW QUARTER SIZE COLLAR ABOU'T A GLOVE IPALAIS ROYAL i Hockillg Valley Ry. 209 E. Liberty St. ALWAYS ONE PRICE OI 'l.Nt'l N'l..'lrS Elitul~lt tl The New Barber Shop All Musical Supplies JOHN TROJANOWSK5I. Prolprie'tor SCH1lA EBERI L & SON 717 North ftniversity Av enue Ill4SN. Liberty St. ANN A1RB11R FIRST NATIONAL BANK 01 Ann Arbor, Mich. U. of M, BARBER SHOP s, . C.'larksonil, Cashier 'rrojonowski State St. STATE SAVINGS BANK BAILEY & EDMUNDS 1111EC111R11 +iN 1. o11 J nVShea N)a s. I ad E.F.tlIl1l V iZ att ~r tee. 1 N I.l ltyerI Joiin I' litretxl i 111 WNAl KIN( 11111 Chinese Chiop-Suey Restaurant' r~eegI N a n illses Pi' [dinelelll , T-±, F. J. SCH UH SANITARY PLUMBINOi and Electric Students' Supplies A SPE'CIALTY F SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St.w Erioch Dieterle Embalmer and Funeral [Director Ambuliance on Call j':iii 1,11 h Alt'. 'Il'Ilty i i'l' 11s111' Students Notice All those htolditng unexlpir'ed tick- xis to.)Scott'' Ax aoiih'ty Inily (1111 111,,e thexir course x'by x'ilttitg. the first tertin. A'sx'embly S a t uorit a y xl Itti-. -,1,6.S,.SStatxStrxet. COOK HOUSE She Leadlrtig Hose n. sothe City $2.00 $2.50 $3.001 We Call' to and for all College 11Peolple " a itil3 iii ilt . liiue1111 orutall A. S. CxOnle8. Con. 1' PICKW ICK Bow lingAlley AN\I) Billiard Parlor No t, t a t lit t -dte ti S. ROTTENSTEIN Visors111and1111strangtrsilt offM. aut fu an Scraip laske'ts' Rtare Anitiuies Chtoixce 1ttip Shadles IniantRugs attilHatiginigs Japatnesei'.Parasols an a nil telrtns All Kittds of Fancxy D~ecorations. TIIAIN SEI rWA'~E You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains U'nion Deipots in Toledo anodCo- lumbus S E. CLARK, 32. Campus Martlus Dletroit, Michi. THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILOR[NG mmmmol I I: I r ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR