be i Mir D f " o o VOiL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICII., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1900. No. 22 Anone et UNIVERSITY IS PROSPERING tomen inl all of the -so-catled co-ehic-- 'Varsity Takes a Brace. Pres. Angell's Annual Report to the stiil iis. tadIiiilie a0d011nadtae i'- hiie-te bsnc c-fhe -od soc-i 00hitic-llte iid ttiiiiiil sit iit loiiln ie Side lhues hadt aiiyilink to (to Our special line Regents -- Increased Attendance otic- colleesr e-rabhiliect cxclusit-cly -illil tic tii(e yesterdlay is a dues- -F o oein a d -Co-Education Succesftl- fur Awoniilike Wellesley-, Vassar tioii but it is c--i-titii c-liar thlit -ti- ..Canmpus Should Be En- iii iaiiIi iMarssi-tii - itl i u.)i itas ftir and a-ic-ay aheadl do es i f b ic 'rtttiitty- as to, tiesti tiee aliac-ty o ii ,f al t in " e-that his hiiii Seedi oni 1- do e tc f b islarged.iistitiiiiiois t ic-rei-cfur tiem.Ii.s no - i iliuft-ti - sii ict- For the Fall and Winoter of 1900 has tlot,-er-tie c-tie, as in 'at ar-c- de-rie tcr u o io h-la ia arrived sod is arc-anged for inspec- a lyci..( iii i iii- l i.,-- -t c- ii111ic-the 10i111it 11earsit c-A - ha ''rI r t- iiii -cIeie a--lf nlgne cicdy i igan- c.e . c 111vertc i-m i ii -ili-t- ic--iiict o c t e l iay. and tie iiali lion. The atuic-careful attention 1'elt,1iiiacil f - e 01i-i p ar;-c-or the iii-t -ttteuuselvtec frltei-t or siii;i40111ieiu n uiio oncas i is given to the styles soil finish of iott;: ofi siit-i ii tiiuuuu- o t - -c- tc-iiit to fi-etiol f thecm ar e t1ti-tmli o uu ti-cilr i i a every suit, whether to he used for Scitli-andtiiit iicaiit~nilei- . Theiincc-ink u riii--it fur Mlle ake of cuiltiure aftr ii s c-i-liisc- iii'the sile tines. busilness purposes or for full dress t-stl ht -o ( ae oeo ie. '181(1e nypa o e!hi Occasionos. dc-reid printedil 5 ii ('list Ic-ht~ti l a oi g l" phere of otic-ivity, iti seeiis5 noc- ici - ti.lone. ec i-t-in ugfhat ie rrustin. The u -c- I ttu il- i iio-ec . erI . on~ ti.- tnumb ot f itiieliii etilld' i- tnilliiis ih- utenatt11) i lt - i' ' f Theii 1 1 .1 lll< li it 1. , i c-ron t c-toha . c.wo ld si e at in i", c iti iiiii it hti;tmainltyhit-running;' ALL Si it t 11(l itutiut SuiBtitthtrll: I .5. , fuutuisli ti siuhi-teti etially dc-t- eti -t eoti.. i i i ici t iii olt trtinuouth s itle PRICES k. lt. I ti - it Sin -tu . ii-ititi. ilf tc-tt f tttha tiull irei i bedS'f ortt-i pi-h yis rirhit- e ' uhuu-is-u uct ic-Tis hut n-ht-of FA H O tWWiWt tuEuuiic-SticBrmllehyt-uttuc-t).Giwp, t;-l:s asla~ aadbt slenidertt-isuppt. 1'11(th1t tti tie i. -lu- hu-ortits tuue flhIl ' '( Itt t u t .I. u nnels tiri-it h st hi iti aiuut tuf uchuiuiby uthe odrt- let tutu-it. ol-hlI~i' o henlnasI y fl II.B. uia11 enon I rUflc te THEr GYMdito lot Ade- lhit Iio sc titushiinalyi t llesturd14 ATM nih n r w FI otl [Il, i(^ant ittdttuttt cit i ituii ietttelii t 1it0-i l - ed ut1 >ic- it e to t hi fc-tetuet P I E1I(r e re y Butc-wi-- - cit iths iV -utuith ututito ttuch it tsutti et.-i t oi itiaibituti ti-u e it s vtirc thtu euutttsstiotf it tcthe ''Ile lifuit t hutitt-of h'-hutotrttiyea, ti-ht* Ii th1t -tti tc tEth ttt tti c-s(1 c-i( . lalre't 1111 the lt-ie k, I vi e sc-it itlsi--tuu-i 'ei YOUiRi nn i-tuu--tj ht-Iihuuh ltttttt--1xtitt1t(ttutlrthttlt-it StuItii Iittoumak loii-t fhut u-uslhs. aOOOR5. THut St. ~ tutu tt . It.,t-u-t- ut-ii-outiht-is '.: ((, t i- otfIt. It ti-ssticc he uicfcc. 1i1(} -ic- hi -. usubeeuh-u Iou frot 5'i-n - _________________________________ t St tit fies ticks u -ti c tiuit Itut htt-uuht li)htdiitositin u l ttutr1; in t it cthititit c tit EV R T IG,\rotuuhd iutso - ic futitoluc -__________1at i1"a'id1'hChts ooluual (ol~il fth ite 1)1 ii Istepo osto AR ati O f11]w ol t Fortui th hu1w lts Itis e t t t t t No tt wil u (I dificult to lay t i I110Be genwtti 1('11i etttk t NEW BACCha mcO-even ther teIloe nheflld. store1(su( 11 n(kor;biir oi~s itsel is ow W Suav c-eoilec-d te grtili- uhuuti -c-uc- tu-ftu-r-. fl~ttuuhtluliut Gnot W thiFtrd1 WiIBe.Spt leithStyit unao inTenni Donits oday i W6aneant iStallnt renSt s to ca l ctio -tt three ( -ul c-htu-is hut tor, Il giIt- I''11,1. I p ois r. lie ~ I(,V l " he t n r L N H S t t t-i hu -uuhu uu i 111 ift il tlies( I i-r e I tilt Stc-sle - 1Itt i hu tilt itliti11 Spseifd 11 11 1uo f. illijtt11i1tt {t( ttitut i()i1"irhti i2.1ftt11 leg1)1(1 o o ffe PISOL GY aSd CItGARSuuu ctanhdut.TtllI icittstif ut-il tDriltlslituut1ttI1t111uu- BAE RIOLCOYe.ven- tthe sitore-tl-. lht~t C ameIut Wt h utI tr tcit itt tu tu-c tl-ihtt uu uu i I ht t tE ti - itt i itittuutm ( (1c-tff t11ut3( t h ii 1 ititi W IttiB etncutiliitis cci ii hltct a dispecIwhat we h ave . Y u cn' lr)ii uof ttc tllei ltli cti tfucl a11. Itir-Si-chtasiti -il 5 il uucs tuti tusil hu ltit bea ourLU&Y aNHES. it c to c- ui tl ethigs.trilt .in fs onu tuitc - ,i-' l I iist lic h 'ftih e p tuiiut iuc - UMM1 A~L UUUUS .. can atll beheaud of host iluai- ity an~d at lowest pu-lees ....- QUARRYtS COR. STATE ST. and N. UIVIERSITY ;AVE. O scharm is greatly en- +hanced by the suse nf gooddependable elubt and Spauldisug's art good The irons are Susns hanmmered-thue shalt: are made from thuor oughly seasoned wood, hand-shaved. We sri * quoting Oulgers. Bras as Drivers, Brassif BulgersStraight-faei Bulgers, Niblicks Lot hern. Brassies ass Drivers at IWAHR'S sonsand an. iter to i il inc~c ashl tc-futntc-h. t ( lumittil.;I utccern it. but -i iln rr wth oln tleftco\l tuuhues. I tititc- i tu s uttitgiit d its ttrep- -- - gl t tii- tt httuo Owfilia roun . c-stilt-ti uN ill b lit- ltliut rel ih t t- it frt om 25;Siltitti lu-tou354} the t-t l t-ti.x ! tt i ''t- N\1(11tii toi 1 't:);. i-ic-York from 8it to i7; lutuc-tiut S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ccie Hett -- l il uustitltui-iit uu.1t itttia i-c-tItI tt utu-0 hu-tit iiff'' LenB's Blue Laws. lt ititt-t. tsior is on t'.p luuti-ti iuiitti lu c-u'ttu y if 1heuh u iltitlt f 1itc oe-tiiiLea liriom encdtto t-t iiie ti uu-nutuutrutulueiu-torbe-.oteu-oufuauu-tu "ttck-c c-ri hette t itbuilt catiui~ttttu - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l' hue tt-uotct.Ntheltstuluu-uut -tius li ii -.t he psiuuteth ooN1 't0011"t'1-vlue 'ofitsis fact:suitf lgt or c-i I exfc-rtill tdbenIltl o takethittuht 4thet I-Ai uuu uciugiih o- oh liii sutu-i tit tut' usbe ittIttoitil gtutitc- 1 st'delt i Mll huo °1tl~e<>; ~itthe siohi hisfirtuas fo tu ituet huc ll;ie il.t i uuri-t 11''{OS"tIl tr linds c- l' 111 le C01erle . L d n ti c-uc-r tuts- -, Siciut o he gic-eul Once only. i-it-i isill-tue itt-li tkell u-tiriu"f. mlii -- c- o f ittru-ti i- lroiut-tuusu tuhl t tiui- -- i ut atund\itoiiuutynbod usshig It goc-s-offc-he fheld. tutu-bessc- aStir it thvevrbel inill tip ecrr c-ac-hidowt 'be i tu-tctie ili i lltcuue luctusiure thuc capleiult-'- erce a R h'l~ - i-lit Slifet'o Whuic-l-hhe is hio he ussicrceul. it-iHordc~uu-,iute fuist. Anytonlellioafingitco tutu at-seruu'uu niuu;te lit' veru-sity w-i tultuce g~oh tfithe tielhI. uss folhowvs: Dr. Strauss before the Philologifal 4.ERe-e tinnuimust.he ililcc-cry play. SLttc-uutlhhi( Sceee anduilths-Arts,,.. t34Society Tonight. Shoise c--io don't get I tulheclps omu A Me-du'icnehant Ssuu-gers... . -I49 gretoff 'huie fiel Si° {1, r'. k .@ it O 'C7 a r+ l le it In le 18