VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEC 1 , 1900. No. 21 FIGHT FOR THE PENNANT ot-c huled tat fr a half houro scrim- Candidates For Class Foot Bll Teams A nnouncenient mg tl, ok ftetetice team____ Ai otdstiteug b eacl Pretty Bace on in the Middle "est i-cl nIiilvtolt it-t- it The followinitg b t of (.hite football Our special line I-Wisconsain, Minnesota and Chi- smnt too tiit Indi au . Fatunt- cathas bo-iIenitndltoitilitl, DaItily offrinad cogo Appear Strong-Iowxa, tcoutet ith ie sinalts fumblilnog.by flnItite r Kiiimlyd}Pttitr. Acord- of oregn nd 1"yng (,o piekme al ti) isted o g to tIhi' falvs of le Athletic atiooo-ia- ir ometicfabicsand Mchgan fling n -illttfact ill the fault, ilittttutyjoitiohonu-flo- domestic fabrics Are Laying Low Bt I otitlitll i-iachlosteliics tincco f tn nypostrrh asflo Frthte Fall and Witer of 1900t has Wiii Be in at the lt tn-nuilIot roo'0--c~Il 01li iuottStit~i ob Siiie f 'h l sc-t15 m tttjt s ofittpia ttt ~ ht I-o td ttyo f"041ti1I his liatictloin. arrived and is arranged for inopec- Finish. coctllcil ,torettibthou iltyliin elotit' I 0ittis r t'il tuttai tlys, shaltl co- Lion. The failte careful atention 1tot Satluy'so testi itti th aotertltc itoiytll f ctt'o liit-wh-icheis l rleg0 isitioti'i le ic 5'ticco is given 10 the styles and finish of tel i dd ilell',iies t-recid i ututo ott-ti' iit i tll p ly-f lii tit'ttie ,tu,, xiutoi-i vt'iiorss ltllbelin ital Iitll c case : every suit, whether to be used for ;liat -it titlity ori ttb'tttall frllhs ~ oiuu-t et ttii.tt o li tilSl business purposes or for full tdresssect-iontist i p0tipro tt-tiia iiiiing m i eryi 1l t tio lu itltat. Ihtinitir, 'Lft Ltrsont, Yotk, Sire, occasions. Toepros wo hv hsn t niey ld;tti h Vast'v-ttI;~tern isr tge rof~d 0.S E a Hing Lon St. Cil9 lion t '' i i lreht ilt a - iitt. it hi ble fti t, l iii' ic i-h ittklit oSlt . titfitt Wotlttitt S tevn, ilecooi. tidtther lo oln ill ta t oct svealan- -lit tc e d tthepce flootithino tt uti ct'. oliutioctc. And'eronet, 'ma atuvct.- otli pof tuus isui-th yo t ittl bittid h iti t ute 'balltv l 'tlthtot(. a t ti, Wi a - ' "' . t i I. llitulleu io so rce ro tsit ir iiut t,1 u(Itli' iimii iiiteiseheuhdtoi lay imoreo.lessitt I 1rso, atalin; .Lncahiret a- uti EV RY HIG ~~sPcag'e hm o ii nd -u- itn~taut .let t o lu i tutu ti-I ikt ii t i t illturdayandi~tt is iltl tii N itii tiiihi' ttio. Sint RS Wt O li is o e'tituthitet its t in riitii oittl.t-u'-11r t lh iti lt s hm ointo. oftu bronkttuitng t utu iiPoIter.Iolu'Ol t , t. i-li . Itr tei-h BBACCO --e E Le o v r h oestooeeoil Itil c .i i' roe uh I iii I Itt-i' it oii 'r i i lt l tutu l' ls t tutu-- I ]itb. It oli i rI la h u paeadi -ioall o"frerseomll IIly iing ti t vhuttiigeoe 'llhiciht nea 'ittit'iriyards'iback:h ofi t he l itt etswhen l ICU 1-ll, tle lt yCu nr PnRICpet oua EShve- Yo Nas oiir ' t h i'ter, looth tt it taiii'illsilt o 1 tpa itifort i s placeitu ik. On lut h e iii lii . I t ;it i ul. liii . Ktuii. i i beaORr UN HE .e i e o t t h i sii-tI year, fo t- nl-su it- i tu-it lt' the iweinessI ft he T ar- ' CooktIlu ' S th. 'iTer -y, ink'tonletyh. YI O LLYR 308M 8,R SaE S liii ladii f r yt wivn. liltIfuuiii t-t It to t l idii1t1'itil 1itit'' 'I' ill " ti llt tuit IDa''ws ':l. Nittit. 001 V- R i1'.G M tuhu i ibntit lueufttt-o ut ale-it' o r u iicy ittith. uthut-itill ioiil(dill- Iltilttu 'll t- ttS itu.--tuntout Sitott * ti-iPh rm cy to iat jthtutt10'itth u-tta~ vi it vii -ititf'i'tut u I ht' ' tutu olitt I lhot'lII[ lainti i ut-el lt. Ou'Muehuuu.(lu'mes-. HISTOLOGY ad utititlay ing loitia[it-ti thuft- titci uuus-.tu u lookedftrit ib ii tti ' tut tilt hut l I til it uutus . e 5 Oie . II tachioi 3I6 . pte I'lte iii lt. ,fu-' t-nte-t-ill t tt iiit'lh' ii I tu ut-ld th are uutloo)utu hit ultutu t' 1thhiII ttitO 'Atwt'c'ill. -thul. stuht SUPPLIES, util sol o ituuu oui tttlstiutIIut hem otertu he i B' iht inut tof hthits' the etu of n tthu ait eSh ll lio n x llC ,Rorn iii Ituttilr spendid linetf wea eritems t-ut-liis i'asit Il uls tt l ti i i ic a'bIly hu' efic- itit hien. I o . illicill uu. Ihlutiu h t.s,'ilson. DENTAL E, GOOD S adTO hle e Ut' ithi onto w i till eblt tt i t hr hps ie 1ti h 1thrt l'ui-uttb hit- u mphi-itisi Mc ttuthton,'uuikuu. IPeek, caef s n tillWe hlvst reofe dtl u t oituutiti uttihtthetsef itisu-tutu-he u t m' -ttui util itt1I it tutu ihi t e t t ti etls t ;-Ilt- . paclndi viealturfie dtttalttt-i. Itittullitth-Gp er hanc n , e(.olel wn ose 91- Lt a isetatu att lwestve t at n't it t it hut' g totdlit H ito t cug ltiolt' tl th ;.O- is, el-a. h tpass ohuh' n lt. utht lututolut. nOi beatourLUNCHES.uti t tcas fo it 'hit- o'i thhaftbelu l l rilo' New eBleac hers yeBea d ay Iv Pirtotu e , NurIig1htiT.uu.keruutier lu-t. rkuto, R.E J L Yi88SSae t ,bre torI muttrs.ty'ithuirt-vt i s ro- tilt'rw sstindtuteeruct Itneo O ltie it . u mNu sit Si tuiow-ot' C h' 't0- m oa uttmhub l tut it, it i ituh ettat it lf laiwhc w loli kee-l i lu tutu- mule n l. Swee y. '1 Ivtn uiy. S1u tInt's(11 'om, tilt, huh oSluetuofIuu ii itha tilt oSut h tdtll Ganuf111,,e.Ie ' lutttui tii tur. Stitit ctuuln . Gardnet, CHRI STATEOSn and No VESIhhA E. 1 uttl to au ti stouctut mulgi' i limiti tt'- hd n ttmadeti-Ill ' it' l yituit t i'lit S tt'ttl lttt:I ttl u i. D tt yIltttOineh l S U P I S illumi'li lul it s d ,i ugm mth t I li'gIt ' I nsit aoft-t utut it' Ih' mi-ihuI ituotlc utas 11t 0 lutist o_ )ar infr rctc illlilrnigI -' - rc e dklo O tIna I i i' ut-Itti ttul'sn i-y Ilt ui - la hu et', I S C I G IN TS , vimc~si n b],it shpittulutIb. "'po tue ftu'-miiitu u' mit umi lt ul -llo il, eb~.C tii DEN AL GO DSth lae m t mt itug op i m I t i - a-i cul Pr n ad tutuer al-'ur i t vu'-tu.Ira lithium h iv ennr is l lsu ulltutigocutuo w lloh , omut-u tut l l etif'l ttu utc ti-t rlI oil.hIm'euml Itut e Cotli toi l S uit hl I. Shutout Stil t cI'.lu as ~ hage b Sin ue f itt 11mm' 1(.11i' of Ottiit l ttg thitutucy n-ut the t uir t iuut o f tt lIls r iii etillcui)tu ul mii l tur s, utmih, 'ialu Itu o lafn- iya d a ndow sprti t s . ate t a's'tatty.fi att iii, lookingt 'ertcttuul hti iufs-l u'mmtiu I ohitScrtli e lmi n Silestut hi Lob ndtrs.mIC a rn-v goodtout lles gsha bsitmhaluat' ttueh eatiim'reulm'sIttll-t ut t e il ht - e ttt.Suh, r l eahihiti d(as-. its tat mulctIois salu e tets o ll huigg t hetsN ew Buu'ult f ratu Really silm aole Pmotrd u l ltichtltt 01tt a li tt , ut a-ice, sL'4P lultttuu li'dci cme utfm atiu suua stI a suhul lm' oum' It'01 lug. itty Ir thhty-h tl bu (Wobd, lhM-T R vC T Z, - ttot . S lubei'-it assmuch otclttof tutu' mu im, ru thu 'ff, -' lsu t tttic gMct- sh The iros ate tas ul Ar l a s Aluu ltt'o ml tttihas 'eftl 5tttti liit sof'the nto Itt'ahesi it 102 Lwts- ham erd-he 10i.t eastuitern.S'ite basiltitt le.Sitttttotr s-lltttil tl iou uO'Brutmstlhtl i , I taiti liltobattdr l t isherc ossgtlyseaone wods I l-ui~utu 'lii'Irytti otii lt'mi'too ~ antiglt in i ts otubwitlluesot(' dm ht; ut'Oit)'sit i"'l i o Stu.ulison, th1'IostiOuuteh-, j hadt sve. Iarle- tto utig thy lci' fur mm u'xbnt t t 11m'he raty it' S wtltt bett httitgcmus tiletl. hlturandt' S lt'itu e tug01 quon g d btulg ers oras tult h h -) attop o ,ree i ismayst ate r fairgas'setly nof tourutt hch. 1tttlied tu tuit u Be- o ittiSanslm'WitcttF A oh t-ittut-laleclbs it iiaueasonl Indiuttattplatd Iltit s i e t -the preet .. mi grandhlttt li'stand mout l S ltutity I Sulert'o tu h'otsuhh FoohellNc- adS pldt eingsB rsie fIMlh rtisIug S andi tu gh u-i tllittt edr o y'mof ttuS cvbe ritetut OItliuu tisT N be I~u11S l ht'uhuhcu Toug, C o yerse hgod St-ag makaed tutuitgoodta Oltsltllio'l.te s oetvitesuitttheit er Tmiof tm ftill dm itt-ibt uth Biss tusoi ns, tu it F Ii Pot- l wet IhlerNioiksLf- ttttit i N'autte c re.Aet'ui rhtui h e l in e W ill i lvi htm l i s oit si b tslettat105agekt'll Iueyem Stitu.bm es Snw Pl her, irsses st d gertu,'h s. ittg 'uAuuuutuhlartoi -viigs' acrowduslo oluti'i'd fauritatamth ug. oit; Whud .ilca- iaiag Thriros a]at nd uA(iutres-u il er(stadutum ~i'~ utul fumat; ama ui t histiuwteelk 1m''lii th fateio gte 1903mLas-mBmii 'ess ltt Ol uilit heliit-' uuty b(>sutell ut thuitng sto ut'Rutulimt ' ' Aut tll hisa a~utao. itt, Ietff, IMillhis, hltmttui Tf.oarhld, $1.50 mlttmilittmt altlphiig talitutlthtAhtin t- Kei'tmuuo' tike, lisa oo-kssaoed, lSr- vualvedul c'ett beforetheIlto'a'iol'a eooe. Stephenu'tA. Itilil, 'it, tittolNilti*tn'S. l tin, Orte, Newberry, Patois, Paide, After divaotling ti naiierhilo f ittue yes- 'tloutupaomt100, left yser~day for Sera- Sasser.Stret, FlmerUiderwood, We-> t tify ffrnpirt t-pa hPti'ig tme stew csua, N. Y,ho alletud thle aullnual Dells bet Wobber YatttungtonuKatzenher- lalat guiven out ltiny(111'for'01e, and to hJlrillut n iSiuthys 15dehegairs oif She gee. W A IIR i'S a 0n it eties Ilse Saraify and scrubs Mielilguits ehmnolier. IContinuedi from Second Caee.l