TIME UNIVLRtSITY UI MICHIGAN DAILY 4 THE UNIYERtITY Ok MICHIGAN DAILY A FULL LINE GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Shneehan, & Co.4 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S .338 Sooth State St. GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCINGI rClassies noopniwnoriethe ret-eption of pauils ()nieeat Gse 'r s Aademy. Circulars at Musk. e s mite led. iBell teeone s3146 ( W cvCiBIG Burchfieldts Fine Tailoring Trade.. . i I Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigan, ExcEPTING NONE. ARTISTICALLT A. I1 ECHMICALLY We will be glad to prove it to you, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD,, 106 E. Huron I CALKINS' When we fill a prescription it con- tains exactly what the -Doctor orders, weighed and mneasnred with precision. To bring your prescription to ius is to be sure that it will he right. ' entzcbter, the Pjhotographer. tin-s. ISinstons, '00l L, li-tiler osf the Aiiuceeiiiiis tre out for the 12th v'ictor ions '99ly .'hiragt-Micliigtin tie- anual iessio ef the Chgroral Union. Itylooingove th prgra itwill be basin tlenni. tis oeeitsicieubtie itt,'; cdThat hlistAis stronger thacn Natisnal tLi'jnildi'a aii'o no il~e Nae.,intl natinost snccessful seaso'n stllnq eitraskst, tots te Osoiteilfor. 'Tefollowring lirtttlttti its fttr e'ser.. ilk isiital -Novt t2.-iiitrhiOreliesitrai Vie- titit Articr151 sit' tCo., 2015-7 1E.ViWash- ' i-ft . tontdiet'or. ii 1 Ak i-i ~ I I .-Fritz iKreisler. the entittenyt -_ "l~~~~iii. it }tls .' t111 C ass:i A lsts- si at tUtu eta ios- 'i-leu i-. tMtttamniSch-itsiittnIileink hats VON HOLST NOW is your chance to own a complete set of the Standard Constitutional and POLITICAL HISTORY of the UNITED STATES Join the Von 1-olat Club now forming aud obtain a aet at the SPECIAL PRICE of $ 10 for the 8 volumes. (A1[A6BAN & (0. OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE to, Moin aHuon Streetse. tapit, 50,00(x. Surplus,$n5,000. Transoct- gseeal tbanking bSusiness. Ri. K ,Prets. C. E.GREENE, Vie-Pr-r FRED.eH MEBEs, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Orga izd16 Capitol,$100.(}0. 5Srplusand Profis, EIttO0t excaeugoht and cold, Frseehlolettueso credit. E. D. KiNN., Pres. HARRIOtN BottLE, Vice-Fees S. W. CLARKSONI'ashiler The Ronll fror Savings Bank Capital Slosh. 550,000. Surplus, 51t0,000. Reources. 61,500,000. Orie undr tittehoeenralBankieg Low- at this State. lReceivs deposits, buoys aedselit oehnge son theprincipalicitisofthe United Stat-s. iDrafts roeliedusin properidsntificatioe, Safty sdepsosit tones to root. tto'rEusChristianMotto, Prest.;W. 0. Flnse mean, Vice-Pese.;thas. E. iHiscock. CoshiserF. J, Peit, Assistant Cosier- '55 5 PRsse iES. W. Asiussas, !-t Vies-irsle TP1Th J.V.SEEA. V4WA n Vteoss . t Cie~s I isuNe C.L0T sr. Assrnehics S fIVIG BINK Transacts a general INankinge Buiness. BARGAINS $50 orient $34 5411 sterlitng 29 $335 Folee 24 Antd manity Others.Call'nietd eli'ties. M. STAIBLER'S CYCLE [uMPORIUM,j 119 w. WASiIINUTON ST. C. E. BARTIIELL, Agent, 326 S, State St. Ann Arbor, filch. WHY DOHN'T YOUI It-yst I 11otw ssts;s'iiss'heitItO~rtl Xadhtlliis, iytiti5;&Resole, sole' tgets. ".,i'til Iit'S.l iii' sits' cit sitof Ili i- nl leitei'1 listi s 1.11-11-s itsli- Iia 111.icslit byl ile lit- rs Ellti is's-is byiss sir iilillit ittititle a tls'lits sii'sIInt ' 101n , St ll itu i t11 ret asiot lHirt. 5 hI si(okls 1tlrti satore. Tere so-ill its'sitsAll i'ttitsi Ilanicls-iu ? li' - e1r bee stl 'sil . 'le1 iii'ltst'ss'so ins 'istiti I - sudtcide i tti'- s-it ils-t ltt't lit's' roeit's's' vt..hetssitst' f.tt vasotlll.otfi I ii lts ii's' t tiltin itil oti l t tlii's i s itt I~,tsn ts- as-i- its-st i'ittttiasit. It wsill itw'Mslit- Nststlt; bin it Fi.tis S i aisl i st-it' I 11c"sit i' ti ft t' oslls !o liti'tl'oy tt . Iltins hallsss'sisi'ss Iis lithe "fu i"itsl siilsi t i l tolit1ti' 15' 0- ti 1 ri i t Ina s'ilss "ts l en it tlis i m - - it' 1 1(i o-' c hft'uo'thesrfi tnltlt'rtt- st if ilt' s \01110tls'sssslt'seil of tu 1st-i'll is11(sglss rte(tll' mslution os silli' iai t'eIrassist t itte. liipie'of sissititickets osill ic'- nis s're'tof os's'.$3; one-thiousnd ri-sirs 'ii as'tsNvoill lie solid at $2, te 1(i's'indilerl's'It $1. Alt sa'tasewilbt Tiii1 ul i I % 'Ilitis'is nos hum it -ss iis'nitilt ia lt' Gret Your Meals atnd Luntchies at fisist l t tsts its iout'of ft-litri fielid IFCP Lq4/D 4PE hIll. ;sit tisltinish evsery tItan. OPEN ALL NJItIT. lii,' St-slestttty lptayer sits-sitiof HURON ST., Two doors wssfCotCok Houase. ki"I.I-. . rill lie lostbillt' . Wllis. Stlsis it."Vi disif'is Pel'ittt'ltof ia O1 M. MARTIN...' et+l FUNERAL DIRECTOR AEHE Emubalminug a specialty. No, 209) S. 4 .-a_.. - :Ave A.mhulanee night and say. tes ,nee102 FiftAe S .?I. osit atlt' itthe sa ts imfue, !ihits iAloessink; the ehloe To, be nside at theirt ftersre etsee CLUJETT CO" LLALs Tr .. ANORTH SIDE ff LAUNDRY V *. .. *V4 THS.00W ,Prp.l a radway. t 7tell Poe a-o0 Makers atof COLLEGIATE CAPS GOWNSaond 1OO00.05.JkQfT THIETI ~Q FOR TAIt tCAOEC LG. F CLEE HAECOLLEE N tI I ;IZES "Haberdashers Q LECT"UREJ SCH LEEDE' TEMPORARY BINDER, Opens like a book. Beats the old atring cover Lecture paper S1b. fur 50c The Sent fountain pens $1 340 South State SP AU LDING'S FOOTBALL SUPPL I ES Aee universally used wsherever the garnet ptayed, the crone maek being the guarantee, The Spaulding Official Inter-collegiate Fool Bali. Is used Sy all the leading colleges and athletic clubs of thu country. Price, $4.00. Send for Ciatalogue of all Athletic Spurts. Spalding's Offieial Post Ball Guide, with the. new Rules foe islet and records, reviews and intruios, including pictures of 1600 players. Priee, 10 cens. S ANISOW'S SPRING-GRIP DtUMB5-BELLS Ie-reneed by Sandow. Have no equal msan exerciser and deseloper. Every muscle hens-- tited. A, G. SPAUtLDING & BEOS. (tneorporated) NEW YORK CHItCAGO DENVER. Q n THE FINET LINE OF SCOTCH AND