THE UNIVERS[TY OF MICHlIGAN DUA.ILY. PublishedDaily (Mondays excepted)din~gthe College year, at THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAN OFFICE BRANCHOFFICE Argus Bidg, Main St. 336 S. State Straet. Both 'Phones 13. New State 'Phone 182. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. HANS, '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, F. ENGELHARD, '01 L EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - G. D. HUDVtTr, '01 E. A. H. McDoUALaLt, '01 E. W. A. KNIGaHT, '01 L. Mss L, K.SABINE '03 CHas. DvoAKaa'01 H. H. WOaaaaW,'04 W. P. CHNRYs,'01 L The subsription price at the DoALY is$2.50 far tha cottage yeara,aith a reguaraadelivery before nooneach dayt. Notices, cmuia tians, adathawramatter intended for publica- tioanamust be andea~d in at the DALY offcee before 8 p. am., oramailed t tihaeditar betore 3 p. a. of theo day previaas to that day a:: whiach they aeatxpected ta appea.a Subscriptionas may belet at :tba DALY affic, Meye's, ar 5totfflt't:nawstandt, orwit Basineststantager. Subscaibearstwiltlaonfera favtr by repttatin:gpromtly~ at this atticeanaty failure ot carriers a to eivertpaper. At: cantges it:n:advetisintg mtatteramat:bait: the office by3tp. am. oathebaday ptevios::tth~tat at awhiahtheya ,:aetoatptpea.a Sororities Will Runi S. C. A. 'ocials. Mattibera'of holl S. C A. sociali com- inicte aattve deaidedi upon a pian far teia Friday evening entartainmntst wahichi itrabies ofabfata brilliat stuc- cs.The cha:tit:an of thea social:t ll lalitfac, Miss Piollock, h~a aoled eachaof the stororitiaes to it::ka charge of -ote Gammoit~a Phi Befit: hadtch arge of the social last Friday :tigit. Thle girls wanlt afoot::=to Naictot cy Hltliin la boay an~d mantaged 0:: a way thtat wia it ctedit to the:'it. Rotrytittly 'had +a joiiy good timea, n o:ne iing left to sa:nd taround untnotiaed. Over 100 peaolestoareIpresent. tfrtolhments watt sarved at isotgoodi hour. Dr. Burton at Newberry Hall. Dv. ]dtttons of Ch~ic'ago University spalta lofocea itlarge audienca Suntlay ott "Tae S~tud:yof te Bilte ittiDa- veiopmeant of Cha:raater." Th-a hal :vas neariy filiad, tutanyI mtemboers of the fatuity tosvweil as atu- denta and fciends of the S. C. A. biug prasoalt. On flit platfocru wore Prof.j Weniey, Dr. Headman, Dr. Meinoel and Prof. DOoge. The address swas fine :nd tihorougliy interesbtin~g. GOLF DUES. S ENB O K CO HN Aul tolase members of thbe Ann Arbor SN L C( L~ N Golf "club wvho'have not paid 'their duos ,are reqneseafd 10 give the mailer a _Crearly ailenfion. Nalice has ai- OTHINQ NOBBIEK 2K NEATER. ready been given tlihal the names jof aii persons who have nobtpaid their dues '~Ti ik fcohn scn before Oct. 15 siii be posted. The fined tois in f lhsthing ndis en treasuret Hof the Galf cluh, Jas. Pren- .fndtusiths owadste uis., can -be (fonnd in the office of thte sel alr'cetosfrFl Alumni as&ociation everyday from 9sels tios ratosfrFl 'to 10 in t Otle morning, and from 2 coo 3 wear. in the afternoon, iand the assisilani trvasnrer, Stay Amenoen, can be foatud ISUitSC$n5.oo tO 25.00. at any hour of i _e day at Sheeh~an ev Cot boktr.'uvercoatsF $16 to !30. START RIGHT BY USING Royal Tigers, 1.0c; Tigereftes, 5c. L IN D ENSC 1I i TT PICTURES OF "DOC" NAGELE. !& C'r L Some vary fine pictures iof "Dot' Nagele have been printed from a half- 100 an heavy hadhoard land are aon Kid Mannish TH E PLACE sttle at Shteehan & Co.'s bookotore at ando 15a tacit.'Te picture is a spiendil Calf. : Street Boot -- FOR likaeness of the fatmouo old character, SEE 011:1 probably sno medical student or * THAT THI PICTU REs, praofessor will be s::tisfied ith~out one. ' NOTIE, 'RE~i1I1\ OOTALL OOTALLPICTURE FRAMING MEM 5t' 3 and'AN D All cetndidoa'tes for ct'e freoshmatn litt.AE MARK ISNPC U E tuto: rep~otdaily far lpt Octicet :14 lp. IIONREVERY to. it fron:t if liii gy3'tHOE.IS .10102ti IATLING. ev oe Tempnlorarty .Manatgtr. HaY Wele. DE FBIES' ART STORE, NOTICE. GEORGE H. MIILLERO, 2i2 S. 11A1iSTr. 217 S 4th AVE., ANN ARBOR. All. freshmtetn of te Literary attdtlEtn- - ___________________-__________________ gIttering clttsses shtonld register att once at the gymnalsium office for clata wsorka. KEREN E FITZPAT RICK. *'Ilte ilaies of t' Citiversity, Highl: Saclotol and:1.Schoo::l of Msltic are iavitedl bty Mlr. athris. Rloss Granger to visit: th a:: o ernoislttolaies' class in daitcing next wctalaSatutrday, O0i1. 27, LantIpar. tilite ltt ttpt'otriat of dancing, 4 ft o o'clock. I Rest $3 hat mtade is the Howard.+ Wadhamen, Ryan & Heule, sole agents. Up-to-date Stationery at Schailer's Rookstore, Sit6 So. Main at. T1:: st'ati-intals in tettlib awere playesd yt'ster:Ity a:f l r:otn. Rutssel defeated Guthlre 2-i6,6-2, G-3.; lDanfortho defeated Whio-ry ti-0, ti4.'CTe finals in singles vill lhe lloyd t 3:0:today and he firsouitntd ittdouble's at 4:11. Stmocke Bookesd Havana Filled Night' Hbawk Cigara. Thteyre Owvl iglft. + The Toledo Laundry Co. is represent- od in Ann Arbor by Carl S. Wagner. Office at Wa ner & Co.'s, Main st. hA#' .5,5 --.' O.V+/ VOV' VOV/.VVVVOVO VV6'O DVV: T]HE ~bTHEATRE, eo )IA A _1. EA It 0L T, Lessee an ( N t. Fl'DY OCT. 19 n Ilik Seism'sSicress. Alfred IE. Aarons presents the GORIGEOUS GAIETY MAMSELLE 'AWKINS M Iarry Kelly, Ltiinie Girardot, Edward S. Aboles, Martin O O'Neill. Sritta Edwards, Lawrence Wheat, William Bur- "rest, Olive Wallace, Carolyii Heutis, Georgia Car. hart, Esthier Mantell, Eltltl Moore, Effie Fay, Marie Allen, Anne IDale, Ruth Mantell, 'Ethtel Ilog and CnORUtS of SIXTY. S4 Months i New York, 3 Months in Boston a0n1 3 Months in Philadelphia, PRICES: Gallery 50 and 75c, Lower Floor 75 and $ 1.00, First 8 Rows $1I50 Special Deserved Seat stale at Hsngslerfer's, Slate Street. 00 >AOACOAAOAOAOAOAO'AOAO X'iOAAAOAO OAOAOAOAOAOACAASAOA "Mtm'sellt 'Awk~ills," th~e tost recent _I success in thte linea of groatt inusicadl7 extravagant:: like thtoso of Henderson 'OES and Rica in the oid days, a~ndl i:otiv res ctased ao "Wetrieidian," swill be gat printed lectires (or all depart- THE O)LD) IELIABILE STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS day, Ou~esTetefroeng'tI z 1L 1A z3.D t. 19. menus of the University. Type-E_ dOThte programn will baeIlie saime in the writing and Mimeographing. moat minute de'tail atswva given thea EDWARDS BROS. REMOD0IELED, IREFITTED), EVERYTHING NEW. ple:a during its lon:g runs at the Vic- (Over Slheean's) Slate stretI BRUNSWICK B3ALKE COLLEINDER TABLES. torls T1heatre, New York, and the Col- __________________WITH umbi:: Tithetre, Moston. There is na THE ONLY ( D ION'T R1E equiv ocoohion in this prolnise of coom- V .Rr, GENUINE 14O N A R C USHIO5410N.SDECEIVED pleteness on the pat't of the manage-. em n,'em nK r o HIGH G A E== ment. A bpecial train is needed to BANKERS, GAE== carry the immense amount of special 41 Wail Street, New York i q , o 4*0 scenery and accessories. The com-Cq4 's, T a co , CQ IET 8 Tpanry is (the (argest 'thalt travels. It Trasac::t a geenera:l bankohag-itusinsess. i Recedeposits suhiatt to deatt. Dividends DIL~lY BULLETINS OF ALL SPORTING EVENTS comprises len comedians and tas many and inltteetoetead ano remitlted. Act as: prncla ais n h eto h 0Fiscal Agentsfane gatiate 1St tssue of A i SUCCESSORS O T pnclaiaesanthretotle(0railiroads, straetIrailwaysgas tampaties, eta. LID A~N Li Iflf members are beautifui girls lof the euritietstboughtlantdtold asnacommis isn. TO i I TATESchrsTecoussraly oth MmrsNwYkExan. Y O R ET thrs3h'hrsi eiywrh MmesSe aSEc'ne E LDS NHAE 3 12 S special mention, lt is by no {means Ithe iregtiiation aggregaltion ,of traveling IIHR D NEALMINTSCnIS.I "AN AR "merry merries," but is composed of HIH-RAEINESMNTSEUITESI SA IT R PLUMBING, young women whoDse beauty of face List of uentatfserings tetesn appieationss , SClHl~UH ELECTRIC CONSRUCTION AND SUPPLuES, PHILADELPHIA CORRESPONDENTS.9 STEAM AND HiOT WATER HEATING, and figure hasitiouglit them mietro- GRAHAM, KERR & CO. 207 E. Washington Street. ARTissic GAS ASNDI ELECTRIC FRxTrUE&s politan attention.Each gets a salary HI1011GRADEB MANTELS AND ORATES. that, on account -of olbhe inducemenat that must be made to get her to go on YYUM1 our Oil Lamps Far "Ann We are headquaetera fer Everthing in the line of furnishings for tour, Is equal 'o1 that paid the prinei- ro"Ot~n ttaanstudents' rooms, pals of smdinaiy companies. GASOLINE LAMPS LAMPS, OIL CANS, PHOTO RACKS, SHADES, The fseat sale will open Wedneday Briag in your old oaes and let as makt you WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUSPIDORS. morning at 0 ''clock. A special salnofe r. The Superior M'f'g. Co., Our Prices You Will Always Find the Lowest. 'Will be -placed at H^ angsterfer's State a29s5. IMaia 51., narseWilliiams. adMA/' R KH AM' S BAZAAR, ot. store. Headquarters far Shade, Mantlesan Chimneys, 215 SOUTH MAIN STREET,_ NEW STATE 'PHONE 462, SWEETS TO THE SWEET. IF YOU WANT TO IBE SWEET- SEE BROGAN. 1I0 S1 MAIN: