1h o o N ab o VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1900. No. 19.. r Announcement Our special line I of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Wi nter ei-Ir900 has arrived and is arri ~gel for inspec- tion. The sain---scarefusl attention is given to the styles anal finish of every suit, whether to he used for husilness purposes or for fall dress 'VARSITY MUST BRACE 1P, tooks her cue froos his, The signials i ir- lttiteas slowly. Osly ftwire. hlow- Case Staores'Again st Us Again-Stat e e 'rill Ctase ssstka isr he r da ld 1( 24 ta 0-Michigan Men Play llo, 'ri' Itetie tios' tess 11l -~ta'herby' madettI his longintesls. Eve-ry otlier tfsme a Slsw Gamue. ti-i 0011'ere l eito;) pull1. - A reislter \Vftsoss w a lIosssatit We iak,'hi-s jia-istiv otl s E}, otanla tie llllrtrlbrlh, 1111 atof the' siossiot ss of- {'ioa(iith1.e saidto to l uts- .. ihie'play canibes to'trfious-ilto tsiln. itpre fter the 'snettle:' 1-ea risNvaere ioate alroiigli him, isit has-vii-nlyti sl its' -s-t i tsoi ii-- lleil-ised at just (Tie isronu sime. 'tie 1tays-ti tlu:;eiii tol ow.iis a iiilall playeud avsr-vordinary sort[ t'hey ivrs-io 'iis iss-s nin is-i vs sosl. 'isly sire-"stise11ss eitssul aint aslows il'-lihe" o'ii' .i i iitheilltoterteril le, so slsow that the(y 'thens, lis.tere \\-d t a it ulls,as 'ssitliiiavesr syvish isisat- slolA ol l o ll1 .. I ((01tI er-. :1It 1"ile Whsitse otayid it s I tiains (Mlt t list-if ItIti.l )1 t a uoitoro- sii' ii ils v4 iss G I D C le. 0 55 ttitllhissille lisn t tiits a iiine adliii tiyo excrelle-t work 1a11Iic 6.H" W D Oil;; ansswithi Wale fortieingu" lufealstse. Mllortosdsnotsulfilx1Uee- so8 E. Washington St. ]]is - is to in-iiii (stilhlestall wus a sitas a-.- s 5 5 5 i' 'I I' i' 'i . cioltaillsn11515a10sti -a s it 0 is beenli ill 5Th -i a -s ca11111 111 i iiii'li W'ili.11 i' etesisi'lilsid T~~IAIP .. l ila ii' ossi'. hii'itilt'ii sthanss li ATi talii nd it Las ii l Dsiitiisiiit1s 0 iin ha 115eitiiiV titr Wtieitic tassed ALL Iplaye5.1 ai itd 'O(liii liii tIlie Isi litfor 2s yard'st. I ''oiillit1 PRICES 1 ot I li vry inch t f 01 1liii uil ilies tilg hiititais. tist gittbhy 11111 FOR ,t so~nld 555 5\\-(ire cr sed . 1 i' I i i' 'ii s-iebl'-tytilla YOUR ROO M UOR!THE flYM Iiiinl ersiwelltpeised'i'ilt i li' sl ad asl'lit'rattyer i'i t t ;t laok t ii' aoipiinetl ralitfe-ol uiii,,- Wilder's Pharmacy dowe t iil. 1111is. iiiitiis'iit ed ell' l 3:. .Stale 5t. 1 50'S l cellitlo Si-'t iil foi th i rd s'llli'll loi 115. _______________________________________ miar illsu esi'i ioii in it liii liihe Iayis- 'il ii 111111 ' li i s "..0111111;s ' ill l the Ea V R T IG~ splendid line of llooiil alill s'1111 'ii'tii'i 1i inatuie iiiiltiiit aivilialO, 1 tSlihii'siash- essrunn si s-its lie tuith ahs so lvouia're- 151 h hecG'f+Oll ihilhf. 0tetlsih('by flimt I 't shit'subIi'e'lis t i e hs'o~lt h~ht50 1 ai. il)haor'tlimo lati e sandsit.I s-bee sl'c - s mi-I s-s as fiislsi It t 'li A LI WE ASKIIS A TRIAL amisi iivliiivF was suie isil 1- tha iia- fa ii i llhst elh Students will find either of our the-rse slas In iss, hushsilstizdsuposseveistr ger'oidefshieistfluasloeseia's, ilier 'stores, Headquarters for Law 0ssPTtiiietsail shisys isitl"1timi ee 1150 tue sseeeeaheit wuoodsrah. Sseehey and NMedical Books, and all Uhi-iii ofit. Thisi hsey dtois'she' Iiigsss hkickedl'lt o-hassd hssBuc eha=lfnt vs Text Books. fosundit shse islic ouit seof ldaniier sot niotsee'sile in tse shu'fu'se hsto0 rersTexy Bok.fm-aims wsit1iissise 5-yardein iue. 'he isckale'-'autt-xt it ilso nisteulsto'hiscol We offer some second - Ihand hhubloedh !tnsuthasea'sisissaslstsop"theispteh il0 esoiss isest hooks at Low Prices.balssthellhs ifbielty. This h tfis' llfaing;soaissit. hta'vle, is-Io followiiedhiisu A FEW' PRICES. Shawss'for thus'scondsatmhums'deisushi' tshs s a10 ht sliowsin gettin~g ott'his t'ss Wl.hite mWrting Paper 15 and 20c per lb is-hit-msCist loineshacsisal tir husit is-a-si idsnsm' ickhts'haeseeltiton 551stilr Linen Writing Paper 20 and 250 f he: - -ekike, 1 n0te.-h .entdne *i'buke--ar ad 115el IReam (250) -.............25c ~hm 11 i ~-l ' sti-osig udifesivse gone. Box of Envelopes (20)..... 25( lihe lsae'teft si t111 i- iss(thi' ha lf Ma'Giissie is isate a 110 Cards engraving and plate - - $1.25 itrsaedtiulI-thla-ly four Is hunt.se. oi lie asi stilsill t:ss 25-yalneh'his Best Student's Note Book..20c iilll';o thhllsenWilsonssoauldtat vil ve ilgh kiss goa soh 5 tsy 3Weer5ttsihes Firstsclass Fountain P n.....$100 lhhht afIlt l 00 1m. b <>rig-u s e i lIC'i. 'isttt saessts su We sell drafting instruments ad antdst lehy, kill-'s Muot'ke-i, h'stietraisMihto lsheeikroftshbft supplies at Special-prices. fslivoii.Pt-ka1551~ lthstous'1h tis'rs n t11+siE-o Isaresealfue ifield. Sweaters and Athletic Goods. faihhs on ,it.s hieteh C Ohlld uiIt ta-h o m Wts heusslreiot cied fohrsa tsui Before Buying Your Needs Try LUs. AnhInS 'heldt lilhnkik d W- isi okging s i f thjlsc ar 7h oCaise -it's101 no itIhess a ofk physialvanissue, s1gilt ;ootbaltliilk -ase RnnsBo ksInre s o4)dtion, and oftenfinsa 5i05 talush o- -xehes s.of isuolls cdv lntageh Up Town Down Town aut fo lard-up phayers. 'hss ten lelcY bing i tt Mti hi an, hro nghtt sthes th STATE ST.' OPP. COUR T HOUSE - a o heay the ganin, aMchtgan scores: 'ESTERDAY'S FOOTBALL SCRES. y Special Telegranms to the U. f M. Daily. +.1....... ............ *1'++ Chicago 6 Minnesot 6 ++ Iowa 47 Simpson 0 Nore Dame 63 South Bed 110 + "Purdue 28 e Pauw 5+ Norhwesern 12 Indiana 0 + Alion 12 Oliet 0 +1 -Pri colon 5 Annapolis 0 +z Cornell 16 Wash & Jeff. 5 +: Harard 24 Colmia. 0 + Carlisle 16 Viriia 2:1 U.of Pa. 12 Brown 0:1: 'tr Presidential Candidates -'01 Laws. Yeisleriy smorningithe liii' aCto sshs wuumulhssr~oof leeisg clalss othessos ue11hm' mi-us sstltissss hldt s3 s- elm. Co, liii' uiioiiatioiss sly sies's niade t lhis timei'n510realt eiihtusisiu ess mruems-l. Tse office of tpvesiaet eouaii aitus e umsost msen,tesre eing '-our iiriui ~tt sumsmahi- fos' hilt - ice'. I 5 tattmi'ig tpesnsssse 11 mliii'foI tie ils-icebus-s iisgsa: h'e-ieist-uAt.It. I. Carmody.J.1.Ct hier . I-. Smisi. hD. L. ttoss'u. h-rot xshe'lmsuu- . h.arkle'thy, ils's WI tssssI oust It. 3. t'uu'tmht. Sei'i-sssl'=-'. 1. (Chssncm. Trasre-. hi.Millter. I'cuuiat-:si e t. Vi'. \ilsibi' i. 's '02 Laws Nominate Officers. 'hiss'JuniorL ril-is-uetyies'ahsiy mrigat 55t mi 'i-i. Th'icipaiiiio 1 jecfist' lltsinthuelii'mee-tigiwsl'tol no inate ieNiona15il chelss oicerli'. ssni' bosd til. mine' ori Itwu iltim-' ii(tate c'smissi' l fr -omllos's'sstiolusu. C eoshu- lull mash irss i t osing eacht' u mut suu- it 111 i'.ls-uat tle tiihii'abtilvaa (-)Ilii tmutfiuar'IIiv l 1)'es tmsoiutiois S'seury '}---. h. Ilss. 'h'a-sssure-. Wi. Lahats, .: tFriid. Miembiuie Os'loealiBhosar-B. Ale- assite.(G. Otsisge. Atheticba'snlgr-J. C. Kniught, WI. A. teisustssw. (Case. ihiga. Ps-herksu .... te.. .hedds, rook- fcalBrwn Ctssrhesvsi'setu A....hf .... WVhit Fisslur ... .. g...... Blrlasusilu Blis Ladile ........... c.......... Wil1svn Wisiderltvh ......r.f....-Marhs, Begg 33'stsshiy . i-c - . .5i55.8n ltrqsloat Cnthosiny .........c'. .Ma'Oilsus.Slane Weeks Sely, ea in......hi. .W3eher. teddutee Osborisne .. s-li-h.....Woodhard, Iitsuoiusa-h.Ein-ig ..-f... . -iSseley ege ttUliire ands refoeee---J. C. Kighu, Prineaetin;C. Wrest etetian; Lisnes- muan-Lskstc(e) lse.ffee (i). Tisusi- %tronig (e;.:Fitzgeratld (in). Touch-. di nws-Weber Marhs,'Bogge,. Peterk, Begts. -olo ifronm thoneidown-Wber (2,Snowv, 'sharne. Hsrrnsten. Time OfY hthies-0 ntes. :i ,l e e s 1. u Y s Y 4f , s a !'I it c1 .Il c