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October 13, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-13

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teEErEtEEE EEEEEEEEE a rE 4 6 rEE4 E EE!6 EEE~rEEcEE r E£: -EE'.EEE~' E 4EEf": E £ .
'S Is what you are after
There is only one place
law G4OSP E "1
M4ICHIGAN CENTRAL The Most Renowned Ladies Shoes Alarm Clocks $1.
The Niagara Fails Rote."-
CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic U. of 1''. Pins f5s0c to $1.00. Fine
Taking effect Septemb~er io, 190 Th Mibatreietr Watch Repairing a Specialty.
StreetT ,Te eia ad Jenness Mler .. CAPMANt, JEWELER,
Detrit Night Express.... 555A.M.
Atlantic Express .........A....". All z, Mina Sasth.
Grand appide Express... ..... 111 " All styles, jjfl aDress Alstyles ~ J ____________
M[ailand xprera..........347P.M. P e Wear prc, /jj
N. Y. oeton Secial..... ie" .. 56 Onenice V Wea11r1One "rice *qJ*,
Fats Eastern.............. .. I
11ail adExpre s.. . .... 40.A..M.... 8 40A{IAt.i
Basion, .Y. and Chicago .......43 " All widthsi n Dongola Kids, Enamel Calf, Box Calf and Valour Calf. _ A s 13. Cia:D P~ with verey
.Rand J WEatrsreas. . 2501P5 MSole aeasfor Ann Arbo. -.."> tE.2 Set Thomas Alam Clock
Caiaga NghtExpra.......013
Patis Exress . . .)MVx [A-I-s N Y WMI ,Arnol, Jeweler
Steamship Tickets, all Classas, to and fromsa
>saopean ponta at lowest rates. Fll lnfor __________________
maClon on appllcato. ___________________________________
. P. & TAg't. Chicsgo. Ag's Ann Abor. Today's Football Games. Dr. Mayo Before Medical Society. [
1 17s ilsgi ,i55.Cast' S('lilliis. h' his lta tisei 1 thell'. r est,31.led-S TU E T
I .'ikllinos v s nt.alsrivty itoouispsi's' Tlitii'sslly evenl- SUXN
i sim oras. Siipsooni ('slls'gs'. ing lbeore'it large' andsi 'oilossi ius- AN ilOiOFO is.
Miiine'Seulat vs. (lag. ' si is's. Thel' l'eir'was giv'eilty' Di' A D"' i_<L N SA =U
Xanis asrs. (lrtawva. - isn. ..MsvsJ 5 3 s We are better prepared than ever
rsx' srxa sx I 1M; ors' Dues '. Sossil IBsiid. Milli., oii-iiseasoftsi' us' Seondcl to give the bet of carriage service,
TIME TABLE Wss'isiii s. Beslsi,. listi'Suiic;1]ie lriuy."1r. 3tloflsthaig dedtorbrtrd
Taking Effec, Snday, May 21, 1899 aigaddtorbe ie
Trains leave Ann Aror y Central Stand- 1 Ilti'slaeatte v.1vSsov iaitudof sdiseses'osf thesto155111 in cahotooeook
ard ine Nsrelivs'ts'ruvs. Inliasoa. gs'il'lan1 heta to osk u ill 11 der ts IS ii
SOUTH NORTR lrvari's .Coliumbiia. coo1' eelIlesoiticisl. lWelo thstoils-isii Holnies L[ 0vrv
No. .- 7:25 A. 5. No. 1.-8550A M Sartisol Isvs. Yale. iiHosillslses f ii'.7soseisist'.us'a
N.,2-11:30 . a. * N. 5.-12:30 P A. Aillspllsisvs. Pn'tssisn. iornsticol' isos'sle . 'PHONE 06 51YSE. LIERTY ST.
No. 4.- 8:35 P. Ai. No. .- 4:6 P. sM. 1ltnSiisylvn111i.1 vs. B i . A)N.10.80 .vn.o 01-:5A M ta res a'1 t5 Hg :11 of isisI'lse1' 55 so ___________________________
No.iRSe l et. I~. 01-:0 A . (x11"le vs. 'ii'giii, desvotes oS' es (-s'riing andiss i s' isnig
'Esa hewee Ann ctArbor andSn T. o nl sy. 's's: Isiii vs. 'T'i'itsiy. lih e s rislis uiss'tliissls o l s'iussvss
All trains .daily steepS Sondil 13d effrslt
KSnar ny uittta ui .t ienss o h . T. 'stILLS. Aget.scIiii'l v:i slisl Islsis 5f
W . BENNETT. G. . Aol thvilr rosirtn fTe~
THE lB11>1'3i (N If' ('A N RBUY slill itesttc f )o l'' er.tt:lgrtt',J. T s ei hills's. ol at ia'
HuwuriG VALEY fl. sll'sess'r 1x1.yctas ,r i -r
Msaunhatan ondl Wilson Bros. shirts T'lsX1:''he eiueig f ti'e ~sis's)'il
The Railroad that takes the for sale at Wuithans, Ryan & Retile. Nik' ilace's'Nov. S next. 'I' siaddres
Bussinesa In and Out _cwils iysD. L.. P'arksrsf Destrsoit. e1 u
ofMcia.At ittsfrSuet ,01" tSOLID VESTIBULE TRANS Slilieis Bookstoi'e 1101 S. A3Csiito. NNs'ernisiesi sr Laeuglini Fontiin iie
4 AL BETWEEN 4rh fucl VsOlst ~l --a n
T DAILYPItsl is 1 eache, S'i~~v'' i~l
ss'es'ss'sssiisisseel ii ~s'I teifls'. lse $2 Ise t hl iete istie lbs's:t)
adATHEINS. svll aeslstrsshIl'e tidistsins su rlis Is 'sislisns.iRyanii& lRetile,.sole sgens, ?1_
W. I. Fisher, i ..KLfandmas, iii tire vllsry Iis svs'iig n:55.30 51 - ' 1 110151 ~E SCOR
. 1. A. 0. Ta. AgE. ss's'issk. Hes is bes'rs oostsr c shivaes rssw':duanso Ryan & Rele re sole 1stril' e e rslei ss~
Columbuos, Ohio. Detrot. ids. u;cetro ~k~~nissila
of te-I 'liis''sity IRs'subtlis'an vluts endt agents for Ypsilanti underwear. IHasik's f isfor tishocolatfe iaissfrest
Detroit, 'Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- iseoess'ofoil' 1110sfblslwa1ssksrs. essis suetdsoyster,srvse'dliii any
hor' Railway. ,\termiiClokssittStaler's 7l evry. syl"et e'he strv
Cars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti Alsrmn Clocks at Haler's Je'welry. -211 E. ,4 nshiigls.:o 11:Mi.S. Sats.
veyhalf on, eginning at 7:10a. en. 'The Toledo Lauiindry Co is rprest-i
"vytiI 7:45 p. e.; After that to Detroit Resst $3 hat mnade is the H-owarsd. eel iAAri or by Crl S'. ' ciuer
t845p.m., 9:45p.rn. and 11:150p. m. esetiains, IRyan & Itcul, sole agenits. Oncie at l'Xagier & Co.'s, Main St. Pickwick Billiard Parlors,
rnrAnadMi [ut; Detroit. 111 Griswvold t. Atrins Clocks at aler's Jewelry. 'i to dtes'Sttionery et tusthler's lts'gssatious 8:-or Tablsr
MOEBLAEo-leokstore,1'8 ilo. Ma:in St. 'MoachsrtCushions
en Watches, IimnsdaWeelsaad otbem' es'. .51 s':ssilisktss fsr 1902 fs tilalt :sii- vryhngNw
saal Property. Offce at reiodenc,3CII N.re'po'lttaily'fr at' 151is'ssrfs11.picnethegu, ssussks'(x)toedstIlavcsoe Itt i Ngigt Strict ly U to-Date.
Lierty siree. All busines cnfidetia.--p
Houesa.8to.11:30 a. m. and Itot3ad 1o9 lt 4 1. i, tf~II, 'sap.tiHawkrktigui. 'htss'e'sl'e ri 1tli. 77N.nieslAv. nnrh
p. m. JOSEPH C. WATTS. 77N nvriyAe n ~0


11 IS outh Mvain Street
U. of M.B arber- Faee R asa e a CEmbalmer a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __t -h i blockStree
Seclalty. lers N C TRE Funeral Director U ie i nydst one.hal blosh west
C ass a nd of . -, .lawbhilidine.. All kinds _ . .... ___._
Sho andr.Bauth Gatisfastiewsuilds21 .1cdait
ad B t okaifc ion adiU 666repairinge shlly dens. Potos
Rooms, 32NTTE. J.R. Trolanaseski 25 outlveBt'hne'h e h p E. Lambert.,

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