be Alk %dgvf VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MAICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBEus 13, 1900. No. is Annoncem nt EAN H UTOI-INS' PLAN Dean Mosher and Dr. Wenley Give no Practice Yesterday-Line-Up for To- Anone etConsolation to the Co-Eds. days Game. A Plan Otlinod to Refornm Systens of- ( Someiii' Im1ilict h1s00 l'ii ooit-cil Ycoicliv (i ocii leo deotedic I onoid- Our special line , Stodent Electono. OsCince ]'IsCt \Cclnesd(5 0byVte appea- (e1 SlIc Clii t~ocoiclino- CCIeIC ii2f 1(11oi. II f foreign and hulie il lie1 Doiyi iii ilir I l V oib liai\Ci.ig 'tir ipc llielill~s ) ililio ll pt't~H ]' llt'hC~d f f 1111;111',i 1. e~iiiiilix th t'0111o0a'Ciiloft iiiis Clic1 ieaioli. Tlioiiih. ililildoll, 11g"1i1 d omestic fabrics C O010 li li to iiii- I l Ci. ocilo .Itis t 1Cehi Siijietl '\\ii fkiliC~0lie o og. C 0 CC-iliiii1lto-c \ cl~~lss mill iiiiiiiii I -de iittlel 'e~ iiin o litrisd o 't fiieolialy i ve 0 he inlr 11~~ ilitih aladW nerofoohs1 s_)>~li eyp>1pt 1; liS'lt t 11its a lio~ri1;,llgo iiSCc i Fonhlalad itroa0 as C iiii ii irict 01111Ci it1 iii-or lii \-1'1 vi ,Ii li llr lu-ltic l'o'-"l.p iiil 'Coy tlloi ficriiooi i 11e la lI 1 1 10 iii r1111101'y ' tt sl s. .Ao(\ i y lviv 1 11Cc iiiio-i ceiiooli hll fr oiltifacu-ilty bCioke ll il 11ri ito ii ii arrived and is arranednofr inspec- Ie'I'iiiiily-C o-cc llbTileiii iii liii I lion. . The raoi.,-,ri list lattention o; i'"onil1 collsi eoid i CeCOS liciiic-o liliiii li io cio i lii 2 i 000i cil ooril1 iiiliC nii P oe1 de)ltllllseliiliiii l ii helil-irf;ll? t oyles a l ( 1l 'e c r i'y of 1Si ;' 1ii11 wots -till ho1- is given to li t tyles and finish of classe O-O i Coo-(itte 1Cli li Ciii I ON-ii llltr ioi c iol oi tlicnI li i nt r:H iooit I C-n c iiyo mi llii every suit, w~ile rto be coed frIcibr ( i i ilii h ii i- li. l Ci.ilieii ia it n o y -ioteda byic v-ilItCialightiC 11n111 01ceniec. holy .- 11 business purposes or fr full dress iii ICC luluce ifehe , ocason. i 10aOilil 0- Cii0111 t ho pgi filicr nmcdnmiul :1 lsht 1001 lus al o f -vilel olip cear 111 u 10 busIne pu pose or for fl d es Io .li 1 110"(1 f lthe lii l' i Candii 'Clii wo~t;;ofi to- ile o lei t L i "I l i Co li lil "itihtte If i-- lne ' . lO~o t 0-i-sts rit \ 111ile lr'lty t11yto\\iulfl CI. ii 1sC1111 W il liic l 1 11 ic i sh io8e rapshngo n gtie vidIi Scf-cein tit( itliii f eIi li, 11ts oo il i 1 il . 111111101111 t lt it hos l i ic o fe aliienico peto biti .,(11r1"httfcot e1 t111('111 li0IiCii i. Wit-olylitlii ii llCs--ircC Cliii cr11.-h hiii Cshowed Cll)fii1 ile vorig ot- - Ii Ci en C l ii 111r 1111111 .nub lo ll e o l i o he - iio llico ClC l nSp i~t oi ,1 i n for 2.-)i ardsii C i t - B oinTO EiLs 1 1il and dissat;;lsfahervi(1icCoIm. C\-,Icllhe C11l1(ii lC loCI-Co - - - iC ;00i1 00 iiitciI ce tc tic o1i-il 1110- oillt te cv- (IllyCu-t 111111iV l iile t el ttkle.1111li FO CV 111 iil 11 C 1 u T lilhoTiri hot,011ti gili111e0Y011110, .,'tCiiid ' io 11011 lte Cpert 1'all iiiliciiis Sm lC Cf1;1 b t l i ii ii Cub liiecli ii lllll 0 o i 1111( i 1ns'0111111 111 lx-othieri.-In is ~-uo~ cc-ieiii 50C oC iilli 1111 Ci C i iii ii l 1 lt o k o "r e c tle 118 Ml -k 11 1o v r 1)'( itr e o BA H T W LS \lsii llil 0 oil-i-isll 10 l-l 111 1i1iiii l-1 iii il 111 Ol liiU li fl 0210.1'01ie 01lil t'he' ill l oti;0 u--C- luCmi s-- itye f le0111t.1',,'t e rei "- -(s, a ir 11 butIC C l Th111 - 00el (" AL .r t -lso l llurbe 1lil eol1eh adte \ol ess tert A NEW ENTER OReIisCHunknownIrlch uPR ICtEeSf -C - oiI 11 CCB 111111 000 ;1 the ii ol i )l. l o - ~ -- CII 111 l u i - uo li PIcCG R td T- lis l Cii- lie hm ii l) ii 0 oe t l an'hIm I C ii il"--il Ciii - - eln ' as.(;sem ntle 4:t io.f'~ \\,lde ti NEWHe BACCO-even the stor-rlse111Y ore 1111at10 riiiiIt\01 ber full iroer" slid' inspect what\we1Xhave.-ils can'tt 11 heat nor LUNCHES. GYM uilt. (kiC. alla iiolli -i Cidu ii0 Ic ft owuills o,11eio-d to CC il h(ir i uiiC n l). ii ii y(1'i l - .011 s e t-'a nseith2. it ll, itilt 111 iill iii Coll IS iCi 'i10 lilloiiOlu nuui-VI 1O s;1id 1v t em. eT ihei-ilo otl iCliTili,;C-i-c li1el ;si1iit-ti " Cn'11111;1111111l I\o puIllshCliin torli--" HISeLGlan,, We reIli[,,luri ICi lii Cli n Iiii i-Cii11 1A1uipoha11111 ii I ip C il Col- SUPPLIESs0 C 1 7115 Clii liii C Ciiirliiiiil Cii -l ili-i Iihe1ill- 326rT L~' II TO '(ii -C JS.-StateiliSt.iilo Cii illI1110C o 11111 he li i ii lft ei DENTAL GOOFS ..., r can a1l1 he lip d of best qla- ity and at ti we it prices - ... QUARRY'SI COR. STATE Se. and N. UNIVERSITY AVE. BOOKS and BOOK i1I6LS ALL WE ASKIIS A TRIAL Students will find either of our stores, Headquarters for Law and Medical Books, and all Uni- versity Text Books. We offer some second - hand hooks at Low Prices. A FEW PRICES. White Writing Paper 15 and 20c per lb Linen Writing Paper 20 and 25c" + Ream 12501...............25c Box of Envelopes 12001. ....5c 100 Cards engraving and plate...$125 Best Student's Note Book...20c First-clats Fountain Pen...$1.00 We sell drafting instruments and supplies at Special prices. Sweaters and Athletic Goods. Before Buying Your Needs Try Us. r- WaF8Bookstores, Up Town DownTown STATE ST. OPP. COURT HOUSE 'lo 11110m.I poi-.l o Ilisihoirlli C i t10l3Iiiiii'alloII. Ii 11 11 d . i oCi tii wui - CiiO 1; rsetI'lle Cii.1a-CM ill-oIl'l i-ticlIe11-'iihirof Si tii-iliii. hill -iro. SC.1. liii l(iiue-iCl cullas ficiiio :,11111 llihlicId il'11i l--iCc l ..-mu vil a0 1 ililtiO iiilliwieaikii11110- iihi i-sil 01 e lio."iaieoadopted. So.2. Th1 eiuoo 11110DayIOffieiio tal ill Ilieitedill wheCliiinanni-i-luii-hlolci- l)Iii'illdiIoil thei iiiiuiil Soiiiirloo- ill ,luiiich, excpi lte C(bssoo 01111111 5(11 IIIah 1ot0- liilllcriliidillt ililllgheCselct- oslido.tti acoti t ' sAilil ltoiuiiiri iii- ug(el S&Iicei- C - dnner of NeletinIlg OGi.- faf NonsinlIons of ciiiiliCati5 fior tiii N.floslloffi~es slil'aliibeiiitoli'o t i miii nhig ioif lse class WhicS-l hal ill consenoled for thiait purseiPO~lc 1nriaur Solt- iii'tiiOylsrl'ilig the Saiiiday fixeid -liireiniis15 I~oebby- for clee-Ing offiers: proviided 11111 iti ohihngini't.1io" iiisiaiii olshl he 'eulcemito fordCiilluiboi'il sbe- ciiiiiaiiignC-i(iihitiie CornyIss-otiri iy a lireseiatlt i foflis niamiel/Co ,Cleiee- 1collli Cisi-isbyCasnetOs-i' mi-mis-cs iftini li niiui iilrsoan io membrsoC iii Thlii "Viilili e hli is 110 hi flildO iichreiii Si-I- ?.Mlliner of eli-cIng oflirs. (a) Thie- ha01,1111 l tio-i lor"iC',01enhseibysolilal 1 4110 This bright Little Gridiron Star is a Nephew of Louis Elbe], Author of the "VictorsBMirchl FirCI Day of Tennis Teurney. P'lay- i Cill iiifh tnis ouriiino nt<,- iiii-iii-iiiyeiterdaiy Iftiirilu ol iland - erl gusoll iliiacilOw"sei-i plli-iloff. ifswhliily hiciicciltlle 05as Tie wvon ic-f lS Ch Wluiin0hulldCGuthirie iiin thir galulilc liei imei wseiiecvery isw-lly 111'at-hled, aindlas Isoth liiecxieeiii-ly i-Icier swih:' ito-acqluct t he sls-olulilis se'v ciutrcaelied ho ,iii ilires t'i strulggle, sotliliti l prove so protractid toh eluinic- iicss found Cue osstcoic iuu! lilleinceriainl lihe ii-ti o-ill tie finhediiI Chis fire- inooii avt 110 olocic lvitlithis exielluloisthliiiieiiile- 11ljiiniry groiniiilin'siinglis ~suas iiio- tile-livil Phiy i liothi singles aisi lllilo so-ill i beisne-d Cuhinouiiig. hll lontiilliill4:111 p. ill. Tieireslts ucif liii- 1111 fcllow:t IOflil-idel-Coi-il lRan-lou-4-liIl, liI lhiiioi"ssuuiolticolul VCri'i-ryt-ieifoilalt Cu Cciiioioi l efe-atiil SC-iuirf6i3t'G-2. Wheury difiuutl d lltr li-- 1 - steuitrlus Noeu Cioiii f'ouiii-ll lo Ihde- Bicycle tnsyig Cards aisd Polie Chips at Sdhaller's Bookstore, main st. bII o. ild-i heiii livcitCuisill Cii Cli Cull liiidii hip lioli-Ci1i obliapi Ciii ht .11ec iitei011 il omeuu ,111x1io 3il ho 1 11 101 gu\i lrate ill.1111to t'tlblrlt to 'ciuonyutoi- 1 .1 0hoviu llg Cutliuli1tiiiiibiig 1the-CciCCk. snilitruioi ugh Ci ltitliii Co Plulili- oii basest?.ill ou11t-lri--tCliiiuili i i lIle0w1y lii i~lnhiio topi 11 illCaini-iu N\. JI Co (-oufer whi'n"Aike"cetni i egai-urd _ 1g 1'i1cumiiiiin- 1111 c C coliclu It seems ilaC CJi - lu.-ili hoatull 1anlioius C0 reluru to nin Altnur 11 the otudelt and playhuers hSin aren'ho .lie lli hi 'Alouuoagci1haid wsoll eiidt-ai-or Co occiur his Cirvili's thowd-I-v Suit, lathing, wiii ito hifs his illoliriiig ilsack lilyOneiitof sereral other lricitosi iiiaelns flIOC Leut lio meconini-mnlieho) hin. lIn ileiillariel', of basieball tile 'onl"y Cluhing thuat iii be s-old noow is Chat four gacn-o isill phiibly bell i tresigei wiflu -Cornul, -tus.Cbheil pllad ii C~liili a, oine -at hlndihiliN.Y iiioeat IDetroit um 111neofrAilAior.n\o iiicointrai-t hasCiemi osign-i5yetIniuh Ce 'c r- such''aeuacu-110 10e111t1 _lo Cube110 Clii stoai lt oi-illO- oepoiint o ifliisugloe sil oilI liuietyuo i helcu'o siihe ciiv- Ic~y~ll:e idl thi it l le:;u oio fn CholCigolluro- Flue IssslrtovilolIi- Cosnulla ffalir lundS ffodulil hcllo Oplres- cut an'eeciciuC lchiuice iif Si-coming Setter alllliilliced.