THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 4 TH UNVERSTY ]~ ICHIAN AIL A FULL LINE GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sheehan &Co. 320 S: STATE STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCH AT TUTTLE'S 318 South State St. GRANGER'S SCHOOL (WE DANCING, 0ffi 't Grangers Academy. Circuaat,t, Mtutt( stotne r at m Bl t tel ephone 24t Excursion Rates INTO 'GOOD CLOTHES WYE CAN SHOW YOU more than 1000 ot the east tttviting stytes for Fall andO Wiater Salitgs tat wtere eer hrottght together. TO ALL WHO BELEIVE that strictly made-to-measure garmendts ought to he taught helow thu prices. ordtnartly charged ae franhly nay, " HERE YOU ARE." GOODRICH & DUKE, Agenttftr ttte Beat Tars an Earth. Front ream acer Ftrst National Hank Whent we fill a prescriptiont it con- tains exactly whtat the Doctor orders, CALKINS weighed and measured with precision. To bring your prescriptiott to us is to be sure that it will he rigltt. 1Reutshlcr, the "Ihotographer. VON HO0LST NOW is yoar chance to own a complete set of the Standard Constitutional and POLITICAL HISTORY of the UNITED STATES Join the Von Hoist Club now forming and obtain a set at the SPECIAL PRICE of $ 10 for the 8 volumes. {A1LA6IIAN &(08 OPPOSITE LAW 'BUILDING, 340 S. STATE Uae. Sq ine and Haron Streets. Capital, 00attee. Surplus, $5,0am. Teansacts geerailtbanhine hastness. R, KEXrF, Free. C.SE. Onenne, Vice-Prer Fatteu.HRELSRannCanhier. FIRST NTIIONAL oBANK Oranied58&1 Capitat, $t00,00t0. Suaplur and Feafits, 13,50 Transactr a geerni bnaking businens. Foreign excaneebhutghtaned sald. Farnith leenso credit. E.0D. KINNE, Preer. HARRISON SOULS, Vice-Prep S. W. CLARKSON Cn..tiir Theo fnn flrbor Sayings Bank t-apilal Slack. 8IStSI. Surpluse,$150,0n0. Hereitruer. 81.50ata0. IlcYtiited tndeerthe Gtneral Banking Laws oft thilstate. Rececives deposits, buys and reils 011 anzeonthe pinciplciti ter an the iUnited Stalces.'Drafteenash ed Iupon proper identification. Safety deposithaue to rent. OtrricEns: Christian Mack. Pres.; W. D. Harrd. n ,Vice-Pres.; C(s. S. Hiacuck. ICashier; 0M. 3. r'itz,Assistant Caera W. ,J BOaTH, Ruu-. W. AtteOtL,ltice-pcr Si iTh J. V. N VA x, s~ltes ;f I 'Transuacts a general IlankitigIBusitness. S'rOPt ROWLSNOl, AN\D SMOKE Rioytil Tigers, l~c; 'ligerelico, C)r. Sttdetitis tliti wish It erntIilteyat ltisuret'11tttr1 titress 'X,'' cart)ttily. ir ote. Dhtto talo,, friis(Ifo 13 IC"{ L i Slrni clocks at01aHllers lewelry. C3 G t1 1 S 1'n-sI rt'tt-elitlit ta it t~hilit'. ,our- BARGAINS t 1 i l ;wtothes wsfolo s: rei $9)Orient $34 try'. (Clilt: trt'octtt'tr. Keller; $40 Sterling 29 teco o itt~tlti ctrltic. ttoli, 3:5F otelr 24 _______ M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMIPORIUM, ?oc'rltt.I. in ttroottt I , Tl'tiiersity i19 W. WASINGSTON ST. thallti of tt cni.aUtinotwht citiitig AMittan and Wit.san Hros. shirts cot sile at Wadltotna, Ryan & Rents. Art IPit 1l11 s for Sttrlt'ttt s' R li t i Atltarm Clocks at Hallcrs Jewelry. Attt'rttitttor TLattghtlitn outnl polt", $ t eachl, ill Schalter's Bosokstore. bet *:$8 t il.tiomat'is te Howard. Wmlints, Ryatu & Hectlc, sate agenta. Atltlelie .hssoeliotttickietls catttbe ptrcurtd at Itller's ewtelry store, Mttin St. I'Ile'1Tledto Laoutdry Co. ts reltreselit- ed in Annto Arboar by Cart S. Wagner. Otfice ait Wog-ner & Co.'s, Matint si. the f Pr otillT'e best llhit fttttt C. E. BARTItIELL, Agent, Sl ltrslotsar' liSt tiii. tti ilto pet ir ~tst 10ltt it cIt; 3z6 5. Slate St. Ann Arbor, Rich orted itiltttt 'ttrttlit't; t'urnatcte heat WilY UHON TaYOU i 1 t ii 11121,., t'alt. ______ _ Get Yttttt' Moolo sand Lttrclies at 'lSNCl 'Itti ot ttirlfttr <$ .tua it wucr. Mlen (m ,1ll 11 10.111't eritsg;mttttic bytrting ot'c'etra.tttThe 'Royal ____igers,____10c;_______________ it! OPEN ALL NIGH~T.-_____ HURON ST., Two door es '~loraokHlouser. PaBicPloyig ('ontotititiPotker It)45'N etir I'rttliittiltill trttitt'Otu Clit o ttSclitiltr'a IBookstore', Tititaat tcultytrei io tt Ittly's sgutlul jattela AIlarm11Cloctks at Hll~er's TtJelry. Hattttisit.t'tt1(1't'teirc rela trtl. DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4t1 Ave. Ambulance night and day. Res etenee 32 Fifth Are NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY ^^THEO&.'I WE, Prapr. 1 003 Broadway.'-,,;4t l ellPhone makers of COLLEGIATE CAPS, GOWTNS and PHOODS, Rertlog a) CAPS aryd GOWNS, fI'SPECItILTY. CLASS CflONES. COLLECE FLAGS, COLLEGE PINS, CLASS end COLLEOE HATS and CAPS,. W, KERN & CO, 411 B. FVMY-Satan th St. CHICAGO, ILL. I' ColdeI~r weather is Coming R And wtth it comon thoughts of Winter Garments SWAGNER & COn, Importing Tailors, 5 Can please you in the many little things that go to make tup good tailoring. - 5 ~121 and 123' , Main Street at ' ta~er~rr~t- c~rre r.3~rce ©aa~ra err S PA U LD I NG' S JUSr.T THIEN TIIIQ FOK TAKI~4Q LEZTURIEJ FOOTBALL SUPPLI1ES Are unieersalty used stherever the gamef CHLEE playTed the trade miaklbring the guarantee.t SC LE U ~ SpauldinggOfficialtIter-callegiate Po In coed bty alt the leading colleges and Est.ETEMPORARY athletic cltihs af the country. Price,54.00. I U~5 IH EIEESeed foaaloatnruge of alt Athletie Sports. U IIII H EIIIESpaldtnrg'n rO1900.and5"otall Guide. tith the zI.. . I D ntctones, iacluding pietures of t60playera. Opens like a book. SAN>O 'S SPRING-GRIP DUMBt-HELLS BIND ER nenlet furSacno. av eo eveta, rsrd Beat'. th eolditring covee exer lscr' ad developer. Ruery muscle here Leture paper S3It Iaor 'W fited. The hest fountainpens $1 AG. SPAU OtEOG&HBROS. " (ttnear ratedl F. SCHLEEDE, - ". - - - 340 South State NEW TOE CoAGO DENVER WII IAIAfl JIHE FINESTILINEOF SCOTCH AND