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October 12, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-10-12

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u. f 1'03 Indepedants Win Ot. Shoes goincg
Z teienients scoredit iiiiititee
u trn l h lmiclcPublishii Dl aity(Steed a asa. tar)aria gibe iv II 5i~Yiiteana h Sacrific
Cree} rattilo oet li ofittie 103 liiitaiit e- 'acr--
THE tIESIYeOF.CHIGAnu l h.Ithe atlc ers hose n for the ITIhe eway oiishoes 'aie going will
Ma.O i' ii iie0 v aimuwn re titticet i iiiiiiTheiisrpuise1yo, and the pices that
A IN OFtIdErtain Set t r t. w re1kc tino iaio:a e makiiin, temtgo williisir rise
raiPia~ 3 . INen sii. a iie oe12, it'. S V.I'iiey 5C -S.Ystyo stil moie. t will be profit
- inlii~tn, lts Ehe (Goifrey; 5 alle for you to be srpisei. Drop
MANAGING EDITOR, - -u ~ tllwii 1.l. iC., nd i
o.IT ... Xi01 -iitt l I ier tit l (ats. Stuart Kijn.; ini today ad tryit
BUSINESS MANAGER, idaii htoiiliiga i-r. . 0. tner. wIf.GLASSS SHOE STORE
F. (c.H,mi0e i L iimntiri... P. L ~vhiastutck mn-l 9S. Main Street.
age, Fdw. -Marstaial, I,.IV. Snmitt;EIOS aealm1laeAT h~bwli; Open evenings until ANNARO MIH
EDITOSI iuueetatl maagerM. T.Chanierlalt, -8 P. M.ARRMCf
AT1Efites, -G. iD. Hcivsil, ^1 nH .BlonMs-d aCFH. Wilson. ____________________________________
- Th tueofcers elected were Presidenit,
MissH., K. SAII .i'SL.Ci.AisIi ,'iiaia Si tiniiisrce twcsdeit, Mss Godfrey; tsLLxns' ew.DOcuxo ~awOBin raue Cts
B. H. oi)eaea. 10 tfoiihllimiange,Ilutiiiirt; iaeiall T RU TH .".eu-t-isn
- m tt iiiiihcau~ e maiii; crack mana er. -
M ni iiall - And snohinug but the1Itht. our f ,
Thf secaa i pricle af h i H ms,15250 ieai oi nson ii lisiii "tM -lich lt' business is inerly to brintg on a
befor i t siali a a Noetiicaes,-aeln~ arl-liii to tlrla aiti iili'ilS to oiis' ste and see oii)' '
lon~ i. iisaijMirtlin ..iNen-aaidiaiiiiguiiri
tis: ndini atiii i ii. ii, w.Tese (iltIlli 11.gi l iltr it. oirin. FALL S UITS AND OVERCOATS
th. a," liji-te oaperib rbiso e i srouis aiii a aus.tiiilii ii i-iai ii iistactire The 1rin icetoni Beverly, 5Slnte
S a '.1iito iii I fta llr. ,ice iite lit i s c iniar -,' r ho rai a le n1
¢iter 1, 4t-ii itia cwiii ih, 1lgl i it it. 'Thle liaglai, w il-
tiiuluira t ii a~. Siu .i thas'a ii I faiiiiaa Ii ll en-e LCC/ .
&-)r bSir.p l'teii o e l a tisfi ceani~ iy .5tie'r 'alfe l a k rulii li l(, ilcil c.t tontand I l iihi assel Overcoats froiti $L I).O 0 .
A) l afuu in (iaiitiii* an lit ciaas l_ i , o l , ulls for11)i el llli t oot ali 2
the alce ly a- p. i n thIra.reinat atiiglloe inw oiicers' ni ce fuauign--Costs Nothing to See Them
on Wich il a iitoapeaiii'S alit Ili(, i r111i djammit aiiiisin
ar'iigit ii ___STAEBLER ATTERS
ii'iteh m augt telIly btrmiitliiNTI7 V U R H AND 211 South
o'lck ____t____eDalotce O1C;.& WUE T FURNISHERS Main Sti.
- ~Alt()Ii -iiiis of tlass heams, togeter
1'liii- t srovlu e nonsii'fii epbiucuiani withi ai list f thii' iieuiof ieaiiteian, -.yy
I ist is 1 a te rv'i'an ee tne csler- hmst tehliaiiito11miii before b p.i. f., ~' J C l A u-
ay icainiitl le tvii ie,)tll' s-niiaeineit. Saturday,(ct. 1il. Ljj. POTTEIJR ,~ I £
hi-i-cauu i mi-wheusna-oil ;jio1lulln.ssst. Football 'Maniager. -DEAN ]A. SEABOLT Lessee avorl hf/.
ii oiider lint, though thisIn- iay bet~c --i-'---
nrdliii' e hefl <1r a D~lCi5t~I~ AK eth iedalu. There I ilsew~luily 1o alt dn Itits dtsii-i to go tiomni'to.
1111.101 ymaty hww er irsl woe arc ie qiiste d to regisr lt oile'A KB R S
icaeoi r iiiilcl', ii' n-liat Sticehmns ookstore.
tow,11 r i er er el wetetalDRAMAICIIj and VAUDEVILLE Co.
ace aterngben newwherea e tll ll . tfrshmniiof the tLitlrlry iid IE-
(I tc or- t iiiiiii nly111had tiiiiitill' ieril 1i cl s hou iil rugster lat eg'ii -
iiie lt liha yuiiuasiiuul oltce for 1,c-lus If Ul f
ties httsaly: tin e presti e o uri c i i iif --y
ttil ilail tg uiua -luidtilllefr li-th i-to-(laue Statisery at .Setaters Producing this latet Dramas and Comedies. The latest
tgtlalistcet witittu-'Iiill tilpl- luies giftlBokstor, lilt So. Main s. Singing and Dancing Specialties. The Great Cineuteto-
u-lsutor lireliaplet ;t leanit, i iig gaph. This Latest Moving Pictures.
ie'te. ItBwil ili telci iheimay15i P PU AR PRICES: 10te41ngtpcnll l akfr, 30C
hae I'hat fthe tuei25ts-i'J B y o rSeats on sale t Haler'sJevelry Store.i
for iturbinig hiuia iu li-ii1g. 1his old Butiou
iliril' to l lt iluit deiru e thiii illkeI
icilyelw'iclin'l t l iiy er ,i'itiir ind ti 11111fo lil iii it l S LL/A, Tckts LINCOLN J. CARTER'S BIG PRODUCTION
Prof. Lar'Kwood's Rcital Last Nght. -___ - -
Ilifnii' uuti'iu-iaii gi-u- clu-ct \[. _____________________________
I ckwele irtip mcIIl LctReO S]uY
(lugwv acrtainr huly It illI1. rii iloto L pc uIPsQTL1)1.1) DtEtiIttaMTh tENTS IESD(,_huIAtStTl5
hits fa t utti e.tIsealIll, r i It nd lull LIA R PA R LO
;ell haik iht-t a iipepluceruerielft standusi Printed lecturen for sit depart- P R O
ments of theUnvriyTpe
Air. .ulIT ui uuuuut s riuu(iiref Ilririuli writing and l'ieri. Tye- REMODELEDIUEFITTED, EVEIYTHING NEW.
Sin-au' inriuliu 111 lly ct tuior huruuuthuseiingahn.BRUNSWICK BALKEE OLLENDEtI TAIBLES
nlulu-c-lciuue auti -uu-nco.K i onluire i' EDWARDS BROS.WTI -
his asiouiuutrufuut~le c audiui th uof f-it- (oiaer' Stehatusi Stute Sreet TWlE TNil't'
115e OfIriiusgi eecutionc11>iiiIiidlu1t1litRedmond, Kerr & (Go IHGENEMP AccU$1oN -i -'
bouo ardain l, arc u O ,Atsc- th y a liit-Sams lstustrlululI liti'BANKERS,
muusicaul iiti'pu'ht'atilsentsiatie 41 Wall Street, New York C9 4y T o c~_ .+9,IT E
touchtict a helt as gal ittluior hitusuui'i
tiaii'al Isue utitauuiiiut Ttansct ageeral bankinusbin.ss, I DAI XLYi3U.Ft IN (151ALL sSPO TING EIVSENTS
It uild bIll' tto asingh'u tutthus'tund lterset ctlcted and remtted. Act asIs ' I AND StCESSORtS OUTH
faivoril'te ie 's fuutut tutst tighut's pro Fisetal Aents for and negotite the essue of __ /
Members Neuw YorktI Echane. E
uttl ues-ituisei'chtietcaltl i'ser b II1atodsretr-wy.'5 ttot',et O~ 3 1 TT
hucair lo tint.atulthe niti -tirliiutDEAL IN i fliU SANITARY PLUMIiBING,
Iliyglt' .sen < au O pl ' i tet ises hituri- IG H-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. F 1 I t : i O'asaauut:TONAsND SUt'u'trg,
rhurutut ii tsdeicir attl ti -List of current oferngs sent on atpictatonI so. SMl AND HOT WATER HEAThalt
tu rua 1eilil'its leu' uituttlr. tisNIs' ou- PItLADELPHItACORRESPOND1ENTS. 27F ahntnSie irct.GSAT t tl 'autB
turi uu'o- GRAHAM, KERR & CO. IllH GRtAD E MANTELS Alit)RAES.'

Sli t- t tlle rauuituusty 'ua i 1 mlcd tog
Latnigiut's ueitltfully on I I r'-. ~
woosd as auzsti otisIifexcetstiota iuusliy D oug l ~as JA~7's THlE JlOEMA5N
ututl gaueul fot' hi attuetigAntut Athot L218, S. MAIN ST. 1
(1auieet-tgssmrsthe tiuule thltus)liie ut-

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