THE UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN' DAILY' ..H UIERI..~MCHGN AL A FULL :LINE GYMNASIUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store S e h n & C.30 S T T T E T Burchffield's Fine Tailoring Trade... Our sartorial skill is equal to the best ini the state Of Michigan, EX0EPi iN( NONE. ARTI5TKCALLT l N ECMANICALLX We will be glad to prove it to yrou, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron CALK INS, When we fill a prescription it con- 'talus exactly what the Doctor orders, weighed and measured with precision. To bring your prescriptiosi to us is to he sure that it will be right. I i i t VO-N HOLST NOW is yomr chance to own a complete set of the Standard Constitutional and POLITICAL HISTORY of the UNITED STATES Join the Vion Holst Club now forming and obtain a set at the SPECIAL PRICE of $ 10 for the 8 volumes. (A1[A6llAN &(0. OPPOITE LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE an-r n A I You can q et a HT LUNCH' ETUTTLE'S t3- SuStsae5 . ' .o'zs C'" /'YSiYSf ... _ -.rr,... bar. aor, r-a mr .: Y'1 r i r r4 .*1Rentscb~er, th beihotographer. A __ _. _ _. _..' ..-1 . JSi:rS: ._ .. ' .% ./ :i sa :+C^,.Jm fC:Ia..15 FAIR'A .a/b'FLa:h \f+"+ Ott' Fur lbs Races. Fences' Club is Nsw Quarters. 1'110 Fe C... Maintanatd turnstreets. Capital, $50,(0. Surplat, $35a000. ransacs general baakiag basisess. R, KaxPErest. C.E. aaEEtrE, Vice-Pee FRta.H BSER. Cashier. nc er ' (.1111) occupied i1> new GRAINGfER'S SOIGOJI.. ( )F till s--t 1>lo'eldiiil lIiVlid1os'itt liday., um"" N ilN Gi"olliol, is o Iro. IlklS i'di lli i DANOI\ICle1(1elaIlls, hiwas _si IruIllAig' mli Lt rangr'sAcadetap. iracu ta tit firaitii I hlt lay, icti ilug.%11Ai nis Music stoles or n-itled, ttsl teiephoastidli at 9:25 11111 'I ining'i i . Il. I II' fain N i5cc I nS for theiii' i'itrip. lTtee sill he a ne iucl 'i d~hay, at BICYCLE 'Tt luock p. iilroom 5., Un'm'iih ilo~l i teii. \ll minc iiohucan 1play 'Sl ofsett $34 ___- $4 Sterlinag 29- $55 Ftoler 24 Ift-yiiNvishlio vithas' vei sis tr li( - ly firt-classi ha ir ofipera.Maltsse's. i-tll ~sttil mnty othlers. (Call asid see them. sa tillic's Icutry SItor1, direct iiiiport- 'I. SIA[BLER'S CYCLE EMtPORIUM, s'ns of IheL ls sair glasses. 519, . WASIINOTN ST. 'Manhatiats and Wilsoou Bros. shirts foutsile i atitlcttanu Ryau & Reutle. Ailrt I hirs fs l iilentsi 5' luiiuat Scilliii s Iiiiihsliii', liii soi. Alaiti St. 5 il Ittiiand furnishedi; fuitiace lest C. E. BARTHIBILL, Agent, autO is)a Iii. lOSO .,s. 'rTayer st., otis Plush 3065. Staie 5t. Aon Arbor, tlich. iu ocaps WHlY 1011YOU (111iii board tiol5.5,a e..Mn isicn iiesti encoot, exira fisieca- (st 'Your Meals aid Ltttclits aiteNinhi5 iiisis Isy strinig orclesurt.'tse foq11 No C4pE I I itipus,427Thmsn OPEN ALL NIGIIT. iII I \s svenintsla lidyii ,Sld ti Wa~csl- tftIRON ST., Two dosrs w-stlof Cask Hose,ue is a iiiin.Idint' calltttd 343 iilil i 13. M. MARTiN0. --is illa a4i. tl irie e is's . Is' fisIt tielast iiilil, ai inll'e11151'FIRST NATIONAL BANK raizd16 iIi iWerei asisiliid is to .lllts'ndlil. Capital, 810,0. iiSrplus aad Profits, 121,000 [Itecs';"iilsitlrsiti1isill eis'ill a 'ransacs a gerarlisbaking bsiness. Feres exchasge height and sold. PFurnish lettesat svet'k Ot' Ill. Noi rcplics litil's -etllcedit. '11511 Seci vl iilfrm1is' collegsst .o ).DEINEPeer. HAREISON SOTILE, Vice-Pree Whii-iicScrsl icy Williamsile as s-'ritteni, 5. .CLARSOSC artier 11a11 it is plale thill5 at ii ifw- ltiys it I1he fn frbor savings BanK swill Ill Stns'wi su'l 'i ' 1115ilOter g'llit 1 CptlSok55 e~rle 1000 liiis w ill Il' t-situes ofh'11is yeasc' ' Ruel50..siocs,.$Surpl0, 00, 5 inLto sin th1111tis's. al'lanugei'illiSts'r e Ogaaized susdir the Geral Bankiag Law, of lah St.'ocies depsitso, bays aad sells 1111'low i lils'ii Ills' mae sor'th li'ilii labxcange oa the priacipsal cities at the 'blated l'tai isax moii. 'hic shtioll feni i- icrStates. Drafscas'hed uon, peeper idenificatisoi. Safety deposit hoses to root. Ills'the lb s 141Joe iliills'rlil'lsie t O rcEats:Christian 'Mach. Pros. ;w. .Earr- Porl Jtio na .Vice-Pres.; Chat. E. ioscock,Cshiser;M," till's. v'site, Assistant Cashier 155151' liii' I-for ihesfrshmntiili-t- trllg'tll's'erl' l" fotall tem he'lld W.J.Asoae, iRS '.isres ills' t;ill teohis - rsiso omtsity ester- J. V. SHENtta, 2d Vie prs' YI1 a tci-ittti tis S-i'sIt'l Mll' ~ JaOHN.C.55'ALTZAsst.Caesaier~ lIN 25 tutuleft thline tssas c'tllilts Transacts a general Ills'he tstilittbut il th«hut slts'numstibtr Banking Bussiness. Itere sts t lla siltlis satidauctill'r - __---- ____ _____--__ dilit sllbyll't'5 t'tsll's' Aittis' eii l'i-lt- sislfty anI asitat linp' \ltirmi (locsialt lIsriliro Jeiwelry. P T A 0 Blicy-cle I:'ltinlg('l~rs Ind Pokerhit Cils tlilli'r'o sokslors', 'ottitz i si Diret'st'lilluories oftheILls :.ti'r opera55'i 1tassI's. Hllelr' ssewelry Store. AltintClocks a1tiBallesoJcwe~lr'y. CLUETTIIN BTE --- COJLUA - FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S.'4 Ave. Ambulance night end day. It, eusce 302 Fifth A&ve. I Try 66 W '.IN 17,yNORTH SIDE /.3.y LAUNDRY / * .1 74 IE rTHOS.'BOWS Poops. 103 Broadway. 5S ell P'hssneea h - f r '. _______: " " WAGNER & CO, Ijohordoshers -' COLE~lATSCAPS, GOOWNansd IOD, JUT "MEtHIKQ IrOR TARI?fQ LECT UREJ CAPS arjd GOWNSaGo SCHLEEDE' ! (ISPECifILTY TMORR CLASS CfIIIES. EPRR COLLtCa f LAGS, COLLEGE PIN15 CLASS-.1111i BINDER cat"hIATS and Opens likea book. CAPSKERN G0 Beats the old satring cover WEIVC MP~flLecture paper 31b. foart50c 41IL B. Fifty-Seventh St. h etfuti es$ OSICAGO, SLL. F. SCHIOEEDL, - - . - ' - 340 South State SPAULDI NG'S FOOTBALL SUPPL I ES Are universally uned whores-sr the gamei played, the trade mash being the guarantee. BThe Spaulding offcial tnter-collegiate Snot to used by all the leading colleges and athletic clubs af the couuntry. Priee, $4.00.- Send for Cataoague up all Athletic Sports. Spalding's Official Fans Ball Guide. with the new Roles for 11115, and records, reviews and intruetions, including pieturenaof 1600Splayers. Price, IS cents. SANDOW'S SPiTINGs-GRIP DUMB-BELLS Invented by Sandow. Have no equal asasi exerciser and developer. Evesry muscle liesne feted. A. G. SPAULDING & BROS. tInoeorated)i NEKW YORK CHItCAGO DENVER HAVEYOU EEN HE FNES LIN OF COTC AN HAVE YOU SEES Alm. n TILE fIN ST LINE OF SCOTCH ADD