TEE.UNIVERSITY ,Ol MICHIGAN DAILY 4 HIGH ART U° -. CORRECT ijerseysTAILORING Pit or Prince TAILORING We have thermo all kintds of AT PRICES within the ieach ot ordinary inortals them to order for class teams in ou S tt Your fe sr any colors seted, with numer-Anatapiehtwllaeyofrt als, letters or monogram at club Ada rc htwl aeyufo rates. $5.00 tO $I5.oo from the price charged by the ordinary merchant tailor. Caps Wilt you investigate? We will do the rest. We also make eclasa cats to order GOOD PIG H " D IJ 1112 with any monogr am design sub- mnitted. The InternationaltTiliemof Cicaso Ed.V.Pre &-Coo Ciaeso B. tern & on (Chicago SPRTONG LtNES, NOW PEZ6Y Sov er st National Bank f 1100 students wantled to canva during vacation for the &,A. A. Improved" gasol ine lamps. Solls on Sight. SUPERIOR MlFG. CO tIPAN'Y 329 S. Main St. W AI BuA S H PAN=ANIERICAN EXPSTO ________________________________________________________ Buffalo, N. Y., Slhy -Na),i, j9 ~ ~~he Vtabasa, the "N aace lsti a rt- UNIVERSITY 1BOOKSEI L$-R, I fl fl Newsequipmenttandtetdtitienei'tatu see 3 2 +o u h S t a t e S t r e e t W E 1 7 S E L L T H E l iw i l lh e b e p ie d i t h eo a ba i t t t h eT - etats iepo arsopoe a a~a~ i' 0M11tuber th } ),t ga er# TicketOfi ice, 97 AdamsSteeP.A.Palmer, Otyo ur t 1i titer Chips attdlPlaytng! 'i ' luti~irc t of 011 ltrdt- -' 33 thtt atttt St .. Cars is at tSCltAt.LI-t1{S Booistore, tgce tttttt\i+lcsa o O ct wile e Cor.Natn and sitronStrett trt__tthis,___vonittttt titto 5ttttt8to'clottttt Capital,$50,No0 teel taking Otto tanatt stat Caahier. For R eit. Fot- Stile. cc etltittt ttt tttt,rs ottttl<<- ct 00 t-ttte t it ~tt e t . tgid Ott. HooStu telF D.oHt SLO etttt Thesis Work Carefully D1)-coo. ttttI1-ttitit tt itOTuttc t day ____________---________ IRSTNATIONAL BAN KofOranemAzed BoiSt typewriting. Miitteoarhpitt',ig. tttl lt'tttC tIt X Olj OULD BE HAPPY FIS ED A D R S 'I t tittt Otttttt I Itltttttlttttt apitat, c ato tiN,O. Sttrptuseand Petits,it, t EDVt RD hhsDa tttttte , os iger1 Cc Ttarete I. 'tasactsa generat baattng bsataest. Foretg., ve Sh hnsi Sa St re ta '.t )It 1)l\ o a ies 1C ie'te a. ecag outght at a tti.ol F'turtish tetteet at1 RANGER'S..KINNE, Peet. HARRISOON SOt. ijAGE' CADEMY ;V Crepe Tisstte aer for decor-ative A tt tttttl tt Or '-itt r atou ttr ttwti vice-Ftee litr poses tttlS.Wt.itia ig ii et t ri- VCLARKSON Catbtt 41i ~ ~ ~~'~~'''~UreCoa t S. hERE.S lowna town. t tt 1itttheIitt owotfCattatiek.ll Arborti, tN SENIOR PROMONADE AtetOt , nY oe- tOstO..-t ilt-i2 tii s. hIla~fn Jarbor Savings MEn Oat a. aty sato to tcot t htllt ainys & Beiale. oi' 1 il i. y Vt t)IiLt lii t del tcl- Oeaized under the Geneaa nk cing Lame totl. o'clotkt Cads 50cA___U._fLl__ stofthit State. stectevet deyee tt, tinye ad =ei tat¢I itiitiao otltittlttt extingan the piieipatecitie the Uattet DC)__________________ u i5Lt tlttolst.Y(_ i t ll. IState. Draftsteashed upotp rie. ti tttor i ,.it ttti BOUGHT FOR GASH Leek sip your oltd coitectitit ia turn it itito ready montey. Prtitt Casti andtGood.trces. ltl THE MICHIGAN STAMP COMPANYtied Roeomatl4iTiVoodw-it-itAve erot Ftrst-c-lassoMtlti Lad ies'~ 1"te idcrbc tie t tttlic cietit Repairing; rocfptly Done M. STAELE S CYCLE ETIiORI U ~l SItO) V. ,'_s) lltt,to. ;St ret -- - - Ph on -,S )pn-a ,el~l + ry IThe +THOS. ROWS, Prop +-, + tO etrait 51. 47 Bell Phoe .MAT , FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalmtng a specialty. No. 200 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance sight ad day. Ren- +1+ dence 3012 Fifth .Ave- Magers of L COLLEGIATE CAPS.; ' GOWNS and 1-fOODS. 4 *COLLEGE PINS, + LA1StS oan s t. " I" HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NOBBY BROWNS" 1-olt, le set- itit stiell. o elitiri 4itop si i oli I rt Ott ilt It. ilto y y t i l ve-ti- 111 Si &- R1','C 011 il1It m ( 7oit I lto it . aI~ hlY or A LI ST 11, toter \ -]tll -focus K ttrtila it 1ti. 11-0I I NS. 00000 ,t vY 000 OttdioII0Ntl>0110N1 e 11.5 Ol-Ol1S ? 11-0l-01.1 It 110 JENVEL0 .~ ~ 0to 0 0 I0D OrriERas:thtittiona te, Pre.:W.0.rsct 005TE 111--1-x triet-iol sit\it reeflrmaa, Vice-PeOB.t OChaf.:. Riliccea, ionseie , sot. Is l eett