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May 31, 1901 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1901-05-31

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1,l. I111111 "4total. RAIlN OR SHINE
- T iurn. Icllr, noA: scric~ehit, i The ''o '' $3.O00 Shoe is the shoe
Ii u iokto M ih insiris( hiul ri t51i11{l4 \115t ( )td45, p vies to wear when the weather is uncer-
P o 110 i li i 0 0'ill~i 'an11Kti l out. I undgroein 1 by - luy tan, A littie rain doesn't hurt it '
the 1heart 1 11 of 111every1110 y~eia Ip l 't Iv ,l~t n als y I ind-'ou (iby while it affo s plenty of con-fos t on .
ihet as ould dito tl th p111 1t s 1,t hllt iId tlsow liltat710--the warmest of days.
111 P1111 liiiiil~ll 7700. But of course we have light .hoes
t :ei 1 1 l~ ol ruity ii- Lat Programs fr ts Year for bright days and heay shos for
uo , I i n t r .oppn1n rainy days if yos prefer.
sun 01 11 111itii 11t-uooii GLASS'S SHOE STOREt^
to of 1 0 c i lst 0 iv 10till ,-illthenLI TI o t iI'111s of thetiii 1
an ly. 1 ii I t 11\tli It 1c1 l Mos11111 toft 11111 011itlltlsoO9So. Main Street.
tot 1 1tan itftie l ltain 'ot the11111111i ti then ofither11 for tit e 111 01114Open evenings until ANN AR-BOR MICH
";lo or ie 0111r 111t 11t i t d e-0 (0 tilt. i'h ote II l11 fo11110mj 8 P. M.
1.111 i ll l lin li l aim 1 1 ,. t ot 111111 1,1. 10.It 5041
v -1I (iilill ionlip. fii 110ki 111111c1- 111kn 1t: i Abroad- Nl /,J L I TI
(Ifo~ -- I 1,110 11 111 t1,:;11 0010 iCasill.111111 11bor.'. Ill efor the oiler fellow gets it all
c1i1111i0 teIII ll inis stl~ illlts. T ttr Il In t ll Iilil( c 5 11111i t l it III 111111ii
tIoti~ilo ow10 ro till-111-hes t tl- isofl till- l-ltll t ...OUR FLANNEL..
WON IN THE ELEVENdTH 11111-~~lt tl li iti~5. IIULI;sUI
Lo__ ll blMAV t ie t t SHIRS and SHIRWAISTS i
11111 ran 11100II ackh lit tiell- 11. M11Nair. iSq I 771 ad b tei n i
it ~t 1111 II illt ~t 01111 ililil i f 111111 t I 141110 -(I111111-0111 '.1 7'. I
il itlt111 tl il tltledl 11 1 , li y1 outs at oluce. The N ew Tiings
11tite h II I o tt i;il liltihell- 1;1tool1I i it o ar te alwiys founid at tin. Newt '-r --
.jumped kilt Iwi th t i t an \itt -i (;te1er la l ili llt il(0 11 Itcslel h t o e
t lilIf fthtiln111h. oflitt ttt 111 bod i~lies" KiolOsl. o- \ B '" i Up=to=date Clothiers
0110 welt stlgiollctttt, i.1111A11 & Xt theVtiU E RT:. [I and21110Haberdashers
('ah I ll l fI llinois and111111 0 - ll lof 1 11101ou't t lt-eSeiors" E. C.I . I l%-
1he 111 illut il-(Illit i flt 'l'o ll i I I
hil lnd ii(1to ri 1011il.illio """Ill"" "" "1 """ "" """ "" "i """ "" ""
111111"1" """""""""""""""""""t"""""""""""""""""""i
ot 111lit I lttt ~ i ~ Iloea l 111 I I. 111L~l1. I' o.*OO "
itls i-Ill a1 11 1l iiiod ,(iOi-it ATHENSlllI li11(4lTHEALDYHYN TT
lp ~i t io stu 111 n liiitl I it11 ift illh"""...litl.."""11
tviilii111111 111 u llliiil oo ltitoIl \\". a-I il. """t. .. P P .L R R S 0 1 n ~ ..."
catch 11111with 0111-111 h111it t-imslit th (wt"1.1'11.1t00 tittit l"l""-
.illhefcid'oeuvreot w:11t on A""". .".-
pa i t11e ua ;(lsttitll lit 11l1 Wa il- uton'g ita, and"C..amper
grl( ito Ie l o fsl I l wt111- 1111 ill Nho iiti.l I '-res.11 irttrl""""tt""""r
The i 11, 1 1hal t 'll Ii el1ete -Ii 1h-illcnot oeiil __il I \ii ci"(i il tii I "" .. .
tohile11 tlilhilhuml id. lit""l"..ilio.ii.i""i
sa Ilie11) it andltolololl s;tricoI ad-ii ll . T'f." ". ""
ilt. 1,11 'li rot i i til ll igh ;111(1 010 s .fa c
t -o liii a ht (olri 1111 ll i i llon BANKERS"""
11111 4ltiht tsoreethNewYork111tllll 0111111)I""".^tlINI itt
haetole fayd hit the ii11111 odhtIii d 1cgte otcot~lt~ """ ""
first 1,tiis wildh:endhMOli1n1iss c5 hliloIli h-si- ihr N teaItt co41se"lAIllit IIi4111"1"..4111 s
w it- ti n -itiil 0111l.lilliO tiitiitlu 110insiti-.Sitoilld ei a lihl.0( 1 11 Ot t:... POPUL A I PR IC I,15a nd 25C "".l' 1 1
le os n "rl lf oie l hscIf A eislii Osltalltu s I- i """.. i's'...11""i;
haI'nilly 1t(e, t p i'of*io....ie..i.sl...... *iI..t.s.::i lilt 1 1 h""
Micl";t( tod:, et \% i di t- fea"tuer"iii"Nc"""is"" """"t". "". ."." .".ge
o til Walto1 2 i oe -ni Siio, adC hamp00014 1ir1015 lE N itsouo ~ - - U
error1,tiii tt tilt,]. I' 2 12 ' cy tH A IiiIt'IeiENT 0 : II u % I T
11 1010oil, iiki, ie 1(l \\, ( - I t I 2 (,tnI 'ri a G d1 1 nItIe1- rs x
2 ~yll w ht i ' o ) is lo si iln 1 s acoh ele t of. l S A N T AYdP U M IN
II.. ~~~ 0 -- - B'iCYCEta CST tF.SCUHtot, 11'11
In 111;[( s i asBRsV '.SDRGhTOE1071.1asinnoa tee.n11-1.si015 11004111 11
wsn ttIs , till 1(e Ae (. BILLIRR____________________

t iti liO 4. I . ... F- 1 1 1 I) t 's l
Condn, - -1)........ I 0 5 he LATEST.*.
il '.......01 2 2- u1 T
l sf o - - - ........11 1 1 S 2y TH QE A
1111 ti- - - 2~ SHINES FREE $3.50 - 218 S. MAIN ST,

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