/ 4 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY FULL LINE GYMNASIUM,~ FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sheehanl & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCHI Excursion Rates INTO (MOOD CLOTHES WE CAN SHOW YOU more than 1000 of the most inviting styles for Fall aod Winter Suitings Chat wore ever brought together. TO ALL WHO BEiLEIVE tha t strictly made-to-measoro 'garments ought to be bought below the prices ordinarily chare we frankly say, "HERE TYlU ARE." GOODRICH & DUKE, Agent for the BestTailors on Earth. Frost rooam seer First National Book ~ £ TT~kf' When we fill a prescriptiont it con- ~ A IIIIIIV ' tains exactlywltat thse Doctor orders, weighed and measured with precision. jll~il.LllTo bringE your prescription to us is tbesure that it will be righst. VON HOST NOW is your chance to own a complete set of the Standard Constitutional and POLITICAL HISTORY of the JJNITED STATES Join the Von Hoist Club now forming and obtain a ott at the SPECIAL PRICE of $ 10 for the 8 volumes. (A1LA6IIAN & (0. OPPOSITE LAW BUILDING, 340 S. STATE 1entucbler, the llb'otooapber. _ , 1, ti fi rc rs AW M Fronsik ;. lWsgtts'r. wlisleft in .fir- University Schtool of Music. WVF , siE ' br for Itiris litlt'e close oft college, _____Cor. Main sod Huoustrcets.. thas s11 'liii'the positin 5as. iVateNCapital, 450,00. Surplus, $35,000. Transacts 1338 Sooth State as. secretiry to lcit1's lelorisick. of Il j i TeSelitt oif Muisil ids sotted most general bashing business. tdos, silts is itI'tlesetftrisveliog iiisiiiosb'. I litiouristto te;l' In R, KExr, re, cs. C OEaaREN, Vice-Pres GRAINGER'S SCHOOLOF Eulrsope. Nfr. IWagner -till isot return ft'ereguart'det~ititliochire fiteit' si ci Ato* rihis college stork until thelicionid b co tscrswrtyo itltlrFIRST NATIONAL DA/ n o sArbor DnN~ ~ (. _________________lotce.The ourse in p tischlolptal,0100.100.,Ottrplus adranit,15,W 111ellos i ofg~ltV~lue o tachelsTrasacs agoeral bushing bustness. Forelgs laesnwopen tar thesreceptionsof cpupils T'11115 Ef(xl''l I S(NI)Et IS ftcritheeis till ever illereliSing Cetitintexchange botight suitsold. Fitrsish letters of O0i0cc at Granger's Academy. Cirscuasa toccit Magic tolsoor mailed, Boll telcphone 0046 Stoytal't'igers, O10c; 'ilgerettes, Vic. fcretdir sii reC05C1't it,.B OEPe, AIItNSiiE _____________ orr n liii' ork i lltnecions withiVice-Prep 10 te r g'llardutes f th scooloS. W. CLARESfIN Cashie agnsfrYslnt adrer to soiy nothinlgof tls'e psiorluniis fsr innc j R nI ;g;t u ~siotiaodrei. siIterr'isisi, The esitrocsein 1tue ,schol 1110 11 O fl!rtJ iSay Z~ B(tii'tVlClLtis.intendeditoitil ti11slit lentdidtl ralin-s ICailtal Stach. 0006,000. sucplus, $150,000, C I~n Tri:;1ts i li'reltes, tun tl ic eces., 500,000. itt fori'this iimp~ortianrt rlllii'tof, 11111- Organieddestrt the fGtneral Banking Lawt A A id yii4i sOtr ilcolEtL' frltii .Afotr ttfltsli lii futsicelit thus tate. BR'ceivtIe it o uys rand sells BAR AIN__sic_______________th fies E'llsu ectieon 1the Itptrincil cities of the tonited tts ir ll -Miitititolt, hats bett ltei d o il til hle States. Orafts 'ashed uon properci10ntificatio, Best. ft, ht mdt s$34 Hoard.Safty f inistructors.Tfl it'ilrector of ety deposi oseoa cscnt. $5Vret$4 I'ais Ryan & elleuisosle ogents. iO 0 trsiEsotChristianMuch. Press.; W. 0. Barrn. $40 +tertlu g 29 the1scioo lsiis d soi f formiing Ia sa .Vice-Pres.; Chas. E. Itiscoch, Cashier; 0X. $3.5Etiwler 24 iltissfor .1tt. tittulit .It d 111 ossij li e r'ritz, ArsistaatCashier Ansi torllryootiers. Cailland 000 them. i1r.iti rsW. trr' ii ltli ttiicici ttttlsit'itRuts' tti' iii 11111 tll )ill iifirdi( 8,1rdlir Ofd 11t'.einrolt1' iih o'eEstl # w . ' te; c p es Mt. SIA[BL[R'S CYCLFE EMPORIUM, t oslt«t ]I-.corg- e iundr nuder M. 'tril~ ire-t ioill T-a. . SosEosaN2we-r t19 W. WA.SHINGTON ST. - tlitsi'drtheyIit ii 'tti l it'iti' 0011-souel it'eiin theI ii' .diot1fiture.. OtisiC. 55ALTst.e/cs1 a 5fsjtjVIe44 Altrst Clik otIttlletiJeseir'. Dir. OWilard 1i.Ctliemeinit, ofontim e ii'BII llrr loksa Iii~r' Jt lo . ist ructor in Lottilitin thle ' t'it'ulsiut' ''rans~actsa ageciecal W'oadlis, Lyon & Rfeuse ore sole lt'.Io ot i irlictt 't- ts~it ssns agnsfor Ypiulaonti underwear. rsil Y, l soIlt.tl., 'us tutlilg pofesrfLti.Pf.B-bicl[ Biyce sO yi4 CrdSad o frIttireisiiidet l . Clt tesltgtt C. E. BARTHIELL, Agent, Ciat Scithalller's Btookstore', thin st. his clo"s0ases its tuiais his execlitisi' a S. State St. Ann 4Ashor, fick uisto hi.Thsi r liil'~it oRltFrtf'~r;nwydc ~odcl 5tttisIo i-is lor iwyeet et t tio ii Ntllistlrn, lie hlets'. 111 DONilYOUiortediandfurntished'; Itittitci' heat lug 1 kiti Pf. fiowbrigli's Elussi's fur Y T A Get Youridi~eals anid Lunches at itll itIIlS ltyrs. ietltoiici iii t us it southflDofPE iiis m Maruks Lirts. 111.11 1 ia'th' IibIS151' n TI4VClifits itil for' $1.0n totswex . -O -Imtt 'it the i'Ailths Ilthte o OPEN ALL N1OJIT. it 'itet 5 1 D'rieh cook, extitiline0atii.(-tIt. TheIi' erfiordn(:11's ,sill b1 coll HURONST.,Two doors w- stlof Cask Housar.ltrit;i usc ystritig oreciestrat. The 'iitios .ol l the coii1\i 1i)I imuptis, 427 Thsompson. ti sl 'otit 11one.D E T S --~ M --_ MARiN... 11ettks ,it ktttlliw'o st'clry'. ,Ilorsi Clocks ofttttller'a Jessetry. 8 i FUNERAL DIRECTOR Emobatming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Rear Anne 302 Fifth Ave. LAUNDRY I 2003 Broadway. .6?'i Phone Makers at COL.LEGIATE CAPS, GOWNS and HiOOS, Reroting of CAPS ard GOWNS, ftSPECi{4LTY. CLASS CANES,. COLLECES FLAGS, COLLEGE PINS, CLASS .nd COLLVOB HIATS and CAPS.,. W Ct KEEN & CO, 4'1it. trifty-Seventh St. stCStCAG O, ILL. R Colder weatber is Coming And wfth it comes thought of Q Winter Garmnst pR WAGNER & "CO,~ Importing Tailors, Can please yotu in the many little thingosthot go to make up good tailoring. 121 and 123:5, Main Street .JUJT TIME tTIH.fQ FtOR TAINIt LECZTUREJ SCH LEEDE' U.SSII~TEMPORARY Lll BINDER 1111 Opens like a book. Boats the oldi string cover ik Leture paper !b. for w j " The best fountain pesa$3 F. SCHLEEDE, - - - - 340 South State SPAULDI NG'S FOOTBALL SUPPL I ES Are universally tised suherever the gains i played, the trade umark being the guarantee. Tue Spauldinig offcial toter-collegiate Foot Ball., In used byy sll the leading coileges sod athletic clubs of the country. Price, 04.00. Send for Catalogue of all Athletfc Sports. Spalding's Offical Foot BalilGuido. with the new Roles for 1000, and records, retviews and inntrucotions, insluding picturs of 1600 players. Price. 101 cents. S.1NDOOW'S SPRING-GRIP 010MB-BELLS Invented by Sandow. Have no equal asano exerciser and dteveloper. Every muscle bone Sited, A. 0. SPAULDING & BROS. (Inlcorporated) NEW TOOK' CHICAnO DENVER THE FINESTINE OF SCOTCH AND OU SEEN